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Splitting India

Exactly right but under Muslim rule. But post British India it was not possible with the rise of Hindu fanatics. So we better off becoming a Japan or Korea and let India become sub saharan Africa. Better for mankind.

As of muslim rule in other countries have won the world now. Invaded, killed and humiliated on daily basis.
They invaded your state in 1947. So its a conquered land. Not everyone share our views.

who are "they" u referrring to ??? its our brothers who freed the land of hyderabad frm the evil clutches of those barbarc nawabs ... if u r sympathetic wth the hyderabadi muslims , they could leave the country anyday.......
Telengana is a Hindu majority state.

Hyderabad is a muslim majority city.

hyderabad isn't a muslim majority city .... hyd consists of 41% of muslim population and 55%of hndu population (2001 estimation and this must have been reduced significantly with the inflow of migrants frm other parts of a.p and india)
no colour obsession but he was saying about sikhs temples ..i want to know only that .....

Sikhs dont have temples but gurudwara and they are such awesome places which are open for all irrespective of religions.

I have been to all big gurudwaras and smaller one in chandigarh and they serve everyone with food. Half of the city beggars gets their meal from there.

You are just looking for some rant materials to use for trolling.
Splliting of India could have been avoided by reinstating the Mughals in Delhi. The process or the movement for this should have been started long before 1947. But, no Muslim or Hindu leaders thought of a Muslim Mughal suzerainty, even a weak one, that could have avoided a splitting of India in the religious line.

So a dynasty rule after british raj slavery. :lol:

You BD people are so funny. And another genius liked the idea.

So what you think - just prevention of split was the whole purpose or putting India on a path of democracy and freedom? If some family had to be reinstated, what was wrong with british? All hail queen!!
Partition was best thing to happen to India.

A normal Muslim who prays 5 times a day is reminded of Islam 5 times day, 35 times a week, and 150 times a Month. So its natural that most of them find it difficult to accept something which they feel is not according to Islam.

I think its very essential that Muslim population remains under 20% in India.

Hinduism - No rules. You see something. You like it. You do it.
Islam - Rules for everything. You see something. You like it. First you check if Islam allows it. Only then you do it.

People thinking that a combined India with 40-45% Muslim population would have lived in harmony are not correct.

The British may have decided to divide India for their own benefits or selfish interest at that time, but I think they inadvertently ended up doing something which they would be regretting now.

A combined India would in all probability have become a country engulfed in civil war and a non developing country.

Can anyone imagine what would have happened if Babri had happened in a combined India? How many deaths? 1 million, 2 million, 10 millions, 20 millions? and how many decades of civil war? 10 years, 20 years, 30 years or 50 years?

So do not think Partition was bad. 50% Muslims and 50% Non Muslims living peacefully. Is there one such country in world?

I always wanted a combined India-Pakistan. but nowadays I have changed my mind. Unless Muslims agree to live in a secular framework I do not see how they can live with Non Muslims in harmony.

Even in India you see Hindus, and Sikhs are ready to accept the Unifrom Civil Code. But Muslims are opposing the Uniform Civil Code. What does it show. That inherently somewhere the Indian Muslims also do not want to have common laws which govern all people equally.

So as I see it, right now Muslims are not inclined to live under common laws, even when they are in Minority in India. So I do not think so they would have liked secular laws in a combined India/Pakistan/Bangladesh.
Dont cherry pick figures especially PPP based per capita. After Indian rupee collapse Pakistan per capita is again higher like it was before 2008 and also GDP growth rate. Basically Pakistan started with 0 unlike India thanks to British Raj not willing to set up any industry in muslim majority areas. They always favored hindu baniyas over muslims. Even despite military coups, wars and in last decade terrorism the poverty is still less in Pakistan then India.

What is partition didn't take place? Then one just have to look at Indian muslim conditions, even worse then dalits. Its funny now Hindus say British created Pakistan because they didnt want India to become super power. But one thing is for sure as long as Pakistan exist India power will only extend to bullying Nepal.

Thats why they always prefer muslims policemen and administrators even in hindu dominated areas. :lol:

The truth was muslims were more loyal to britishers and no wonders why their contribution to indian independance movement was minimal and least spoken.

But one thing is for sure as long as Pakistan exist India power will only extend to bullying Nepal.

Yep you are true--- pakistan is really a cancer to India or to say asia. The sole beacon of terrorism and US base.

India need more partitioning. It should be how it was before British took over. Only after that could India become an independent state. Now, its still a legacy of British colonialism.

Hyderabad should be reverted to a Muslim state. Mysore should also be one as well.

Idiot have you ever been to mysore?

Just a small town with 2-3 markets. :lol:
Ah another thread about partition, they are kind of getting boring, what if this what if that.

Though out known history land that is present day Pakistan was joined with India maybe 2 or 3 times, apart from that its always been separate, but this is quickly forgotten and deliberately ignored by some who feel that subcontinent was united since the beginging of time.

Something that is unnatural normally falls pretty quick and the union under the British was unnatural hence it fell very quickly as their reign ended.

So many ifs, so many dreamers, what if the central Asian didn't invade, what if the persians didnt invade, what if the afghan didnt invade, what if the British didnt invade, what if this what if that.

Reality is different but only few have the courage to face and accept it.

Two people marry each other and get divorced after some time. Wont their children will discuss and lament the fact? Should they think that before marriage duo was always separate only?

And for the question -- Whats done is done, now whats the use of discussion? History is the roadmap to future. When you grill it you come to know how things happen in a particular scenario. Its like huge database or archives of experiences. More you dive in more you learn about human psychology and its development.
So are you saying the price of your religion is a bottle of whiskey?

Why you want such people in your religion who can sell it for whisky?

Each and every religion is good enough to fix your meeting with god in good terms if its practiced with heart and humanity. Those who convert from one to another can never respect any religion. They are confused and greedy. They think just following a particular religion will give them heaven.

Is that a Hindu or a Muslim view of those from Hyderabad?,

Why you think a muslim cant be loyal to its nation, its birthplace?
Indeed but they wont.why?because with the increase of muslim population getting closer to 30% in india.the hindu nationalist will push for a seperate hindu majority country as it is impossible to live among the muslims without accepting there demand when the reach 1/3rd of the population of your country..

It is impossible for a muslim to be a minority and a patriotic aswell except for certain sects of shia and other non muslims claiming to be muslims like ahmadia's,druze etc

While the indians might be going all gaga over that No indian muslims are secular and this and that.but remind me this when the reach a point (atleast 25-30%) of india population.than the other religious community will start getting the heat.

I agree the Indian Shia muslim might be as much patriotic as the hindus indians are.and they may remain so forever.but for sunni muslim i cant say so.Because all i know is that sunni muslims unlike shia never bow to anyone and has the capability to accept anything on force despite being minority

Why discount shia and why would Shias bow to anyone? Shias have never bowed to us Sunnis and we have always lorded over them so why would they bow to pagans? Talk sense.

Just look at this forum how pakistani boast of their skin color and all. How would they have treated hyderabadi south indians generally black and talking telgu?

Dont we know how they suppress not so pakistani looking bangladeshis communicating in bangla?

"india" wasnt even a united country until 1947....so there was nothing to "split" from the get-go

And the world including Jinnah, Azad were idiot who used the terms like partition and split.
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