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Split Discussion: Muhajir Identity

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Inshallah whole Kashmir will become Pakistan accordingly with the UN resolution but still Azad Kashmir is in Pakistan. Punjabi from Jalandur still has Punjab province.

Also please look at my post again why i reply that.

Azad Kashmir - Topii dramaa haiii ! :rofl:

As my Grandpa used to say - Asliii Kashmiri sirf Valley ka hotaa haiii the rest are just masquerading as such ! :blink:

Dude the point is - We've lost a lot of loved ones too & the Punjabis lost the most loved ones during the Partition ! When was the last time we played politics on the basis of that ?
When was the last time we played politics on the basis of that ?

nobody is playing the ethnic politics the way you are implying


read my posts and you will get everything, the background and all
It is 7 am here... personally I don't like racists and most MQM supporters have this mentality of being "victims", self-gratification and blaming others. I really dislike it when others are blamed and as a result mistreated because in Karachi I have seen family members and relatives doing this for years... then I get the itch to post something derisive "like someone has stolen your pyjama which is why you are making all this noise. :lol: )... It is 7 am here in Karachi and I will continue discussion on this thread after I have slept. I hope you guys don't turn it into a troll thread by then.

Keep it civil.
And somebody watch darkinsky the MQM troll. Always posts something abusive about other races. You can represent so-called Muhajirs much better if you make half as much posts on improving your reputation and learning something from @American Pakistani rather than abusing everyone else out there.
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if you had read my post all your questins are already answered

lahore only has one big party from the beginning PMLN, karachi politics is different and involves all big players, like jamaat islam, PPP, MQM, ANP

ANP doesnt win from lahore but it wins from karachi

illegal afghanis with smuggled weapons(klashnikovs even rocket launchers) didnt came to lahore, they came to karachi

in lahore, the very same punjabis support jamaat islami where as in karachi pathans hold the foundation of jamaat here and they are armed to teeth

You tell us why is that so ?

We've got enough Afghans here too - the Tajiks, the Uzbeks & the Pashtuns ! We've got Pakistai Pashtuns in the hundred of thousands here. We've got Sereikis here ! We've got Urdu Speakers ! We've got Punjabis who immigrated from Indian Punjab here !

Why do you still not see any single ethnic party having even a single seat in Punjab ?

Why didn't the Sereikis form their own Sereiki National Party ? Surely that would have sweeped South Punjab ?

Why didn't the Pashtuns at least elect one ANP or Pukhoonkhwa Mili Awami Party member here - Mianwali is full of them & so is Lahore ?

There are more than enough Baloch in South Punjab & Central Punjab (Sargodha), why didn't the elect a Baloch Nationalist Party ?

The Gowal Mandi & the rest of Lahore is full of Kashmiris from Kashmir & Amritsar, why no Kashmiri Party ?

Because we don't play the ethnicity card ! Because our politics are 'governance' oriented; whereby we recognize that South is less developed than the North & it would be good if they get a separate Province of their own to concentrate all of their resources there !

How many Punjabi Nationalist burnt Government infrastructure or killed Serikis on the proposition of a Partition of Punjab ? How many Serikis killed the Punjabis living in their areas on the sense of deprivation in their lands ?

Keep it civil.
And somebody watch darkinsky the MQM troll. Always posts something abusive about other races. You can represent so-called Muhajirs much better if you make half as much posts on improving your reputation and learning something from @American Pakistani rather than abusing everyone else out there.

if i mention pathans(the fact of history), im racist, while you openly abuse mohajirs in this forum and you are being rational :lol:
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@Armstrong the last time the ethnic card was played Bangladesh was formed... and the potential I believe is right here:

Watch it and think who we elect and what ethnicity based voting leads to.

I will choose the good responses here and reply to them tomorrow. Please don't get the thread deleted with abuse by that time. Thank you.

if i mention pathans(the fact of history), im racist, while you openly abuse mohajirs in this forum and you are being rational :lol:

When a person is by Birth a 200% Muhajir... every person he interacts with in his family in Pakistan 200% Muhajir and strongly identifying with it... then he has a right to criticize that race. You criticizing Pashtuns and calling them things like terrorists means you are a bigot. There was a reason I didn't invite you here.

I can only pray this thread remains safe till I wake up.
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You tell us why is that so ?

We've got enough Afghans here too - the Tajiks, the Uzbeks & the Pashtuns ! We've got Pakistai Pashtuns in the hundred of thousands here. We've got Sereikis here ! We've got Urdu Speakers ! We've got Punjabis who immigrated from Indian Punjab here !

Why do you still not see any single ethnic party having even a single seat in Punjab ?

Why didn't the Sereikis form their own Sereiki National Party ? Surely that would have sweeped South Punjab ?

Why didn't the Pashtuns at least elect one ANP or Pukhoonkhwa Mili Awami Party member here - Mianwali is full of them & so is Lahore ?

There are more than enough Baloch in South Punjab & Central Punjab (Sargodha), why didn't the elect a Baloch Nationalist Party ?

The Gowal Mandi & the rest of Lahore is full of Kashmiris from Kashmir & Amritsar, why no Kashmiri Party ?

Because we don't play the ethnicity card ! Because our politics are 'governance' oriented; whereby we recognize that South is less developed than the North & it would be good if they get a separate Province of their own to concentrate all of their resources there !

How many Punjabi Nationalist burnt Government infrastructure or killed Serikis on the proposition of a Partition of Punjab ? How many Serikis killed the Punjabis living in their areas on the sense of deprivation in their lands ?

ohh really? who has hold lahore for decades??

nawaz shareef, PMLN had ijaraadari on lahore even before MQM's birth

i dont see ANP winning in lahore, why doesnt ANP win from lahore? if you have so many pathans, jamaat islami doesnt seem winning from lahore

why doesnt MQM win from lahore if there are so many urdu speakers there?

PMLN has won from karachi but MQM hasnt won anything from punjab let alone lahore

@Armstrong the last time the ethnic card was played Bangladesh was formed... and the potential I believe is right here:

Watch it and think who we elect and what ethnicity based voting leads to.

well MQM wasnt present when bengalis decided to ethnically separate themselves and form bangladesh, neither balochis thought about creating separate country

now dont say coming here, bangladeshis were right, urdu speakers and mohajirs are worng

calling a spade a spade is not a crime
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ohh really? who has hold lahore for decades??

nawaz shareef, PMLN had ijaraadari on lahore even before MQM's birth

Yes he has ! Makes one wonder doesn't it how an ethnic Kashmiri can lead the biggest party in Punjab without prejudice or even a single opponent of his every mentioning his 'ethnicity' to score brownie-points ! And why ? Because this BS doesn't sell here !

i dont see ANP winning in lahore, why doesnt ANP win from lahore? if you have so many pathans, jamaat islami doesnt seem winning from lahore

why doesnt MQM win from lahore if there are so many urdu speakers there?

PMLN has won from karachi but MQM hasnt won anything from punjab let alone lahore

Exactly my point ! There are so many of them why do then they not play politics based on ethnic or linguistic divisions ?

Because Pashtuns are not synonymous with ANP, PkMAP nor are Urdu Speakers synonymous with MQM !
Yes he has ! Makes one wonder doesn't it how an ethnic Kashmiri can lead the biggest party in Punjab without prejudice or even a single opponent of his every mentioning his 'ethnicity' to score brownie-points ! And why ? Because this BS doesn't sell here !

Exactly my point ! There are so many of them why do then they not play politics based on ethnic or linguistic divisions ?

Because Pashtuns are not synonymous with ANP, PkMAP nor are Urdu Speakers synonymous with MQM !

PMLN is also an ethnic party, its fan base is in punjab only, in previous elections PMLN won no seat from sindh and secured just one or two seats from KPK

the sariekis dont vote for PMLN, they vote for PPP

do you remember PMLN making slogans based on ethnic lines, i forgot the slogan which they made in 90s

a kashmiri heads the PMLN so are many MNAs from MQM are punjabis, waseem akhter himself is punjabi rajput, another guy tahir mashhadi is from khanewal punjab
You guys don't know Karachi politics. Look at Shahzeb's case. This is how Muhajirs are treated in Karachi. It would be much much worse if there was no MQM in Karachi.

Just come to Karachi & witness the facts. ANP guys(not all are bad) are freely roaming with weapons, same thing with Sindhi feudals who roam in their luxury SUV's with additional SUV's for armed guards, their car's rushing on the roads without following basic traffic rules or caring human/pedestrians lives they have full PPP support.
PMLN is also an ethnic party, its fan base is in punjab only, in previous elections PMLN won no seat from sindh and secured just one or two seats from KPK

the sariekis dont vote for PMLN, they vote for PPP

do you remember PMLN making slogans based on ethnic lines, i forgot the slogan which they made in 90s

How is it an ethnic party when half of its leadership including the top two men are not ethnic Punjabis ! :blink:

And how was it able to get more than 2/3rd seats in the Parliament in the '96 elections ?

Call them corrupt, nepotistic, wasteful & plain idiots but they are not an 'ethnic' party or anything like it.

The Sereikis themselves vote for PML N as well otherwise it wouldn't be able to form Governments there for the past 5 times but yes South Punjab, like other parts of Punjab, has PPP support base as well ! But wasn't PPP a Sindhi Party ? I'm confused now ! :undecided:

But the fact remains - Mianwali is almost entirely Pashtun ! Why don't they vote for Pashtun Nationalist parties ?

South Punjab is predominantly Sereiki - Why don't they form Sereiki Nationalist Parties & then vote for them ?

The bordering districts of South Punjab with Balochistan are almost entirely or predominantly or with enough representation of Baloch ! Why didn't they elect a single Baloch Nationalist from those areas ?

You guys don't know Karachi politics. Look at Shahzeb's case. This is how Muhajirs are treated in Karachi. It would be much much worse if there was no MQM in Karachi.

Just come to Karachi & witness the facts. ANP guys(not all are bad) are freely roaming with weapons, same thing with Sindhi feudals who roam in their luxury SUV's with additional SUV's for armed guards, their car's rushing on the roads without following basic traffic rules or caring human/pedestrians lives they have full PPP support.

Hence my question - Why does this happen there ? Why is politics & even communities divided in Karachi along ethnic or linguistic lines ? Where did we go wrong ?

P.S The whole country took up Shahzeb's case & clamored for justice not just the Muhajir Community !

P.P.S The same allegations that you leveled against Sindhi Feudals & ANP guys is leveled against MQM by them !
How is it an ethnic party when half of its leadership including the top two men are not ethnic Punjabis ! :blink:

And how was it able to get more than 2/3rd seats in the Parliament in the '96 elections ?

Call them corrupt, nepotistic, wasteful & plain idiots but they are not an 'ethnic' party or anything like it.

The Sereikis themselves vote for PML N as well otherwise it wouldn't be able to form Governments there for the past 5 times but yes South Punjab, like other parts of Punjab, has PPP support base as well ! But wasn't PPP a Sindhi Party ? I'm confused now ! :undecided:

But the fact remains - Mianwali is almost entirely Pashtun ! Why don't they vote for Pashtun Nationalist parties ?

South Punjab is predominantly Sereiki - Why don't they form Sereiki Nationalist Parties & then vote for them ?

The bordering districts of South Punjab with Balochistan are almost entirely or predominantly or with enough representation of Baloch ! Why didn't they elect a single Baloch Nationalist from those areas ?

so how can PPP be an ethnic party if it gets support from seraiki belt :lol: and PPP clearly uses sindh card whether it be kala bagh dam, whether it be local bodies system PPP always plays sindhi nationalist agenda when ever it arrises

as i said in 90s PMLN used the very famous slogan which was about punjab, so a party who got votes from all over pakistan should use punjabi slogans? no, PMLN used punjab card in 90s, and thats why it was restricted to northern punjab

as i said the punjab region wont think twice about who to vote its either no vote(in case they failed to deliver) or PMLN vote, they wont think about MQM, PPP, jamaat islami and other parties, because they know PMLN is a punjab based party

in seraiki region PMLN didnt secure majority PPP won there

as i said before MQM also has top brass leader ship punjabis, waseem akhter is a punjabi rajput, MQM senator mashhadi is also punjabi from khanewal, the only MQM's minority MNA is a sindhi, there are many sindhi MPAs in sindh assembly from MQM

shareefs maybe kashmiri, but so was allama iqbal, these guys are naturalised punjabis just like there are naturalised baloch sindhis tribes in sindh like rind, lagharis etc
How is it an ethnic party when half of its leadership including the top two men are not ethnic Punjabis ! :blink:

And how was it able to get more than 2/3rd seats in the Parliament in the '96 elections ?

Call them corrupt, nepotistic, wasteful & plain idiots but they are not an 'ethnic' party or anything like it.

The Sereikis themselves vote for PML N as well otherwise it wouldn't be able to form Governments there for the past 5 times but yes South Punjab, like other parts of Punjab, has PPP support base as well ! But wasn't PPP a Sindhi Party ? I'm confused now ! :undecided:

But the fact remains - Mianwali is almost entirely Pashtun ! Why don't they vote for Pashtun Nationalist parties ?

South Punjab is predominantly Sereiki - Why don't they form Sereiki Nationalist Parties & then vote for them ?

The bordering districts of South Punjab with Balochistan are almost entirely or predominantly or with enough representation of Baloch ! Why didn't they elect a single Baloch Nationalist from those areas ?

Hence my question - Why does this happen there ? Why is politics & even communities divided in Karachi along ethnic or linguistic lines ? Where did we go wrong ?

P.S The whole country took up Shahzeb's case & clamored for justice not just the Muhajir Community !

P.P.S The same allegations that you leveled against Sindhi Feudals & ANP guys is leveled against MQM by them !

I have heard from web that it all started during late 60's when Muhajirs supported Fatima Jinnah & others supported some other leader. Then later nawaz sharif operation in early & mid 90's which Muhajirs rejected furiously. He send Rangers & even Army. Nawaz sharif accused MQM of having plans of creating Jinnahpur which later turned out to be baseless claim & utter nonsense.
Mujahir are Muslims who went from India. We don't call different name for indians who came from Pakistan during partition.
There is potential for another wave of Muslims who may go to Pakistan soon, mojahid will become majority.
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