Spirituality is about seeking a meaningful connection with something bigger than yourself,
which can result in positive emotions, such as peace, awe, contentment, gratitude, and acceptance.
Thus, emotions and spirituality are distinct but linked, deeply integrated with one another.
The study of spirituality goes deeply into the heart of every matter and extends far beyond the physical world of matter. Spirituality connects you with the profoundly powerful and divine force that’s present in this universe. Whether you’re looking for worldly success, inner peace, or supreme enlightenment, no knowledge can propel you to achieve your goals and provide as effective a plan for living as does spiritual knowledge.
Knowing how spirituality differs from religion
Although religion and spirituality are sometimes used interchangeably, they really indicate two different aspects of the human experience. You might say that spirituality is the mystical face of religion.
- Spirituality is the wellspring of divinity that pulsates, dances, and flows as the source and essence of every soul. Spirituality relates more to your personal search, to finding greater meaning and purpose in your existence. Some elements of spirituality include the following:
• Looking beyond outer appearances to the deeper significance and soul of everything
• Love and respect for God
• Love and respect for yourself
• Love and respect for everybody
- Religion is most often used to describe an organized group or culture that has generally been sparked by the fire of a spiritual or divine soul. Religions usually act with a mission and intention of presenting specific teachings and doctrines while nurturing and propagating a particular way of life.
Religion and spirituality can blend beautifully
Different religions can look quite unlike one another. Some participants bow to colorful statues of deities, others listen to inspired sermons while dressed in their Sunday finery, and yet others set out their prayer rugs five times a day to bow their heads to the ground. Regardless of these different outer manifestations of worship, the kernel of religion is spirituality, and the essence of spirituality is God or the Supreme Being.
Spirituality is:
- Beyond all religions yet containing all religions
- Beyond all science yet containing all science
- Beyond all philosophy yet containing all philosophy
As one becomes more spiritual, animalistic aggressions of fighting and trying to control the beliefs of other people can be cast off like an old set of clothes that no longer fits. In fact, many seekers begin to feel that every image of divinity is just one more face of their own, eternally ever-present God.