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Spain passes law of return for Sephardic Jews that were expelled in 1492! LOL!

The latter isn't gone yet. Palestine still hasn't been given its right to statehood and Israel is not reverting back to pre-1967 borders. Settlements are widespread and extend beyond areas A and C of the West Bank. The Partition plan was unfair to begin with, but is still acceptable due to today's ground realities. However, until those borders are restored, the occupation hasn't ended.
Arab Palestine was given the right to statehood a number of times in history, so there have been plenty of missed opportunities for both sides to achieve viable peace, also long before your cherished 1967-lines:
CAMERA: Palestinians Rejected Statehood Three Times, Claim Frustration -- with Israel
20 years of missed opportunity has undermined progress on Israel-Palestine peace and left millions trapped in poverty | Oxfam International
Twenty Five missed opportunities of the Palestinians- Zionism-Israel Web Log

By self-hate, I did not mean your political disagreements with the policies of some Muslim countries. I meant things like ''Islamists'', ''Muslim sheep'', ''Muslims have no brains'' and so on.
Islamist is not even a bad word. Only when its used in conjunction with a suicide bomber or a radical fundamentalist.
Muslim sheep = Muslims as large who follow blindly of their traditions or what elders tell them regarding Israel and thus refuse to study the facts independently
Muslims have no brains = Yes, comparing with a few million Jews, billions of Muslims worldwide actually have got no brains. Or they would have won a lot more Nobel prizes in various fields rather than Jews :D
At least 194 Jews and people of half- or three-quarters-Jewish ancestry have been awarded the Nobel Prize,1 accounting for 23% of all individual recipients worldwide between 1901 and 2014, and constituting 36% of all US recipients2during the same period.3 In the scientific research fields of Chemistry, Economics, Physics, and Physiology/Medicine, the corresponding world and US percentages are 27% and 39%, respectively. Among women laureates in the four research fields, the Jewish percentages (world and US) are 35% and 50%, respectively. Of organizations awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, 23% were founded principally by Jews or by people of half-Jewish descent. Since the turn of the century (i.e., since the year 2000), Jews have been awarded 27% of all Nobel Prizes and 29% of those in the scientific research fields. (Jews currently make up approximately 0.2% of the world's population and 2% of the US population.)
Jewish Nobel Prize Winners

Unless we beat them educationally and by the power of knowledge, they remain invincible, no matter if we alone get as much as 6 billion Muslims worldwide or more :D

I know of the history. Palestine today and Palestine a hundred years ago are different things. Calling today's Jordan ''Palestine'' is incorrect.
Its currently incorrect, but historically correct. Most West Bank's Arab Palestinians still got Jordanian ID-cards from the occupation-era and Jordan still exercise sovereignty over Muslim holy places in Jerusalem (Al-Quds).

Jews fought for their independence? From whom? That's not the most accurate way to put it. The Jews fought to take over a land from natives because it was supposedly their ancient ancestors' land. The natives resisted and were defeated.
BS. Don't you know 5 Arab armies invaded the newly founded State of Israel the very next day it was announced independent? LOL :D

Arab Armies Invade (May 1948) | Jewish Virtual Library

So much for "peace-loving" neighbors :D Had the Jews lost that war against 5 Arab armies, there would have been Holocaust 2.0. Thank Goodness they survived. :)

The five Arab armies were hardly armed at all. Poorly armed, poorly trained soldiers from damaged and unstable countries. What the Jews achieved is remarkable, but taking over a land from natives is not a very nice thing to do no matter how you slice it.
Really? Did you actually said that? :D If those 5 Arab armies were in such a catastrophic situation, why even dare to advance on such a misadventure? Even if one have a pea-size brain, you are smart enough to not occupy a newly declared sovereign nation, fails to achieve your objectives, and then whine about it that you lost because your opponent was way better than you in defending its territory while expelling you out far beyond the state's original borders :D :D :D :D :D :D :D. Arabs lost in 1948, 1967, 1973 etc etc, get over it already. Arabs lost! Israeli is a historic reality!!! :D

Extremely flawed arguments. By that logic, (South and North) Americans should be speaking Aztec, Incan and Mayan, British people should be speaking Celtic and Saxon, and so on.
Yeah, Middle Eastern people are not the only ones that faced injustices on unimaginable scales. But since we are talking about the Middle East so lets concern our efforts here :D

This ''return to your roots'' is a nonsensical approach and the very opposite of pragmatism.
Jews worldwide have been yearning for the return to Jerusalem since the exile by Romans 2000 years ago. So, yeah it has nothing to do with recently invented pragmatism of yours:
Next Year in Jerusalem - My Jewish Learning
Pragmatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And enough with the euphemisms, it's blatantly obvious that by ''Arabization'' you mean the spread of Islam. Might as well start using the word.
Not really. There are plenty of non-Muslim Arabs in the Middle East already such as Egyptian Copts, Lebanese Maronites, Assyrian Christians etc etc. I never said they were converted to Islam. They only lost their cultural, historical, linguistic heritage to the invading Arab forces over centuries :D
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times][/FONT]
"open, diverse and tolerant Spain,” Telam Mundo reported Catala as saying."

Big words given that you accidentally completly ignored the other much larger community that was burnt at the stake, forced to eat pig or pushed out into the sea by your ancestors Mr Catala. But I guess tolerant Spain can pick and choose which people are tolerated within it. Just like your ancestors did back in 1492.
"open, diverse and tolerant Spain,” Telam Mundo reported Catala as saying."

Big words given that you accidentally completly ignored the other much larger community that was burnt at the stake, forced to eat pig or pushed out into the sea by your ancestors Mr Catala. But I guess tolerant Spain can pick and choose which people are tolerated within it. Just like your ancestors did back in 1492.

I dunno what you are complaining about.At their worst day, the Spaniards are better than your middle easterners.
The opportunities were always unfair. Only nowadays they're willing to accept that unfair-ness since there's no other option left.

Islamist is not even a bad word. Only when its used in conjunction with a suicide bomber or a radical fundamentalist.
Muslim sheep = Muslims as large who follow blindly of their traditions or what elders tell them regarding Israel and thus refuse to study the facts independently
Muslims have no brains = Yes, comparing with a few million Jews, billions of Muslims worldwide actually have got no brains. Or they would have won a lot more Nobel prizes in various fields rather than Jews :D
Jewish Nobel Prize Winners

Unless we beat them educationally and by the power of knowledge, they remain invincible, no matter if we alone get as much as 6 billion Muslims worldwide or more
Your immaturity or self-hate won't help us beat them intellectually. And neither will an inferiority complex, or believing everything they say.
BS. Don't you know 5 Arab armies invaded the newly founded State of Israel the very next day it was announced independent? LOL :D
That is false. Five Arab armies intervened in Palestine when a Zionist militia invaded it. The natives didn't accept the newly founded 'State of Israel'.

And yeah, ''LOL''. Because it's hilarious, isn't it?
So much for "peace-loving" neighbors :D Had the Jews lost that war against 5 Arab armies, there would have been Holocaust 2.0. Thank Goodness they survived. :)
The Arabs were as peace loving as the Israelis were.

Really? Did you actually said that? :D If those 5 Arab armies were in such a catastrophic situation, why even dare to advance on such a misadventure? Even if one have a pea-size brain, you are smart enough to not occupy a newly declared sovereign nation, fails to achieve your objectives, and then whine about it that you lost because your opponent was way better than you in defending its territory while expelling you out far beyond the state's original borders :D :D :D :D :D :D :D. Arabs lost in 1948, 1967, 1973 etc etc, get over it already. Arabs lost! Israeli is a historic reality!!! :D
Yes, I actually said that because it's true. Not everything has to come out of an Israeli propaganda orifice to be true.
Israel is a reality. Just like Palestine is. Just like ISIS is. Just like Honduras is. No one is disputing that.
Jews worldwide have been yearning for the return to Jerusalem since the exile by Romans 2000 years ago. So, yeah it has nothing to do with recently invented pragmatism of yours:
Next Year in Jerusalem - My Jewish Learning
Pragmatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Until you can find a way to resurrect the Romans and punish them for their crimes against Jews, blaming them is pointless. I find it upsetting that you insult and ridicule Muslims for 'blaming' colonialism and the British for their problems, yet are blaming the Romans for the Jews' problems in the same way.

Pragmatism being 'recently invented' has nothing to do with the fact that it is pointless and impractical to launch an international campaign ''return to our roots'', just because you dislike Arabs.
Not really. There are plenty of non-Muslim Arabs in the Middle East already such as Egyptian Copts, Lebanese Maronites, Assyrian Christians etc etc. I never said they were converted to Islam. They only lost their cultural, historical, linguistic heritage to the invading Arab forces over centuries
So you essentially subscribe to the ''Islam was spread by the sword'' propagandist beliefs but think that it was Arab culture, and not Islam, that was spread.

We really should tag some Arab PDF members, otherwise this discussion will be worthless.
I dunno what you are complaining about.At their worst day, the Spaniards are better than your middle easterners.

I am not complaining about anything. Just noting the hypocrisy in the words of a certain Mr Catala who speaks about tolerance but reserves this tolerance to communities of his choice much like the Reyes Catolicos did back in 1492. Are the descendants of the Mudejars and the Moriscos any less Iberian than these Jews whose ancestors coincidentally escaped to Muslim Empires once they were kicked out by the Catholics in Iberia (Thesaloniki in the Ottoman Empire had a Jewish majority in the post 1492 era). Why have the Jewish descendants specifically been given a "right to return" but not their Mudejar and Morisco counterparts? Thats the question I am asking.

As for the Middle East today, yes it fares very badly as far as minority rights are concerned including in Israel where the Jews have systematically reduced Christians and Muslims to second class citizens*. The topic however is about Spain so I would suggest we stick to the topic.

* How Israel Targets Its Palestinian Christian Citizens | Nadim Nashif Christian center set on fire, vandalized in Jerusalem hate crime attack - Diplomacy and Defense - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News Israeli nationalists torch seminary in Jerusalem | Al Jazeera America
Are they? Jews estimate the number based on number of jews beforee and after the war...Which is ridiculous as soo many prob converted to Christianity, died of diseases, migrated and lived in hiding without telling their kids their origin ....so yes inflated![/QUOTE]
I hope u realize that the genocide was based on race not religion. Jews who had converted to christianity a generation back were also killed
Its a good gesture but I dont think any jew is going to migrate to spain in a hurry. The economy is still in bad shape, and high level of joblessness.
Wealthy jews from cold countries might want to buy property and retire.
The opportunities were always unfair. Only nowadays they're willing to accept that unfair-ness since there's no other option left.
Unfair to whom? When British were handed over Mandate for Palestine after WW1 by the League of Nations (Don't ask why Ottomans lost to the British), they got a mandate as envisioned by Balfour Declaration of 1917. If that's unfair, tell me why British CHOSE to divide that mandate into Transjordan (that later become Kingdom of Jordan) and didn't allow any Jews to settle there at all? Isn't it somewhat "unfair"? Also, isn't it unfair that after the establishment of Israel, 20 % of Israeli population still remains non-Jewish and actually growing, very much unlikely any other peaceful Muslim majority nation in the region where minorities are crushed by the majority? :D Isn't it unfair for the Israeli Jews that despite being the only sovereign Jewish majority nation in the world, they are forced to bear insults daily in their parliament by their Arab countrymen since their party was democratically elected this year and came third by non-rigged results? :D Isn't it unfair for the Israelis that they face threats of terror daily by Hezbollah in the north and Hamas in the south and PLO in the east, but are forced to exercise "restraint" because their hands are tied by EURO, US, and other pro-Palestine pressure cookers? :D So they are forced to use their ingenuity instead to defend against such terrorist attacks by indigenously building defensive systems like Iron Dome that prevent indiscriminate Hamas, Hezbollah, PLO rocket fire from reaching Israeli homes :D
Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Joint List - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iron Dome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hahaha, you just got owned :D

Your immaturity or self-hate won't help us beat them intellectually. And neither will an inferiority complex, or believing everything they say.
LOL :D I never said I felt myself immature or had any inferiority complex regarding Jews. I love Jews as much I love Muslims and other humans :D

That is false. Five Arab armies intervened in Palestine when a Zionist militia invaded it. The natives didn't accept the newly founded 'State of Israel'.
BS. Zionist militia didn't invade until Arab Irregular Armies were already terrorizing Jewish communities when central British command was collapsing by the end of this mandate:
Lashing Back – Israel’s 1947-1948 Civil War

And yeah, ''LOL''. Because it's hilarious, isn't it?
Yes, its hilarious that Jews despite being vastly outnumbered to Arabs and surrounded at all land corners actually survived the war. They would have been wiped out, had they lost this war. Thank goodness :D

The Arabs were as peace loving as the Israelis were.
Sure they were. Invading the newly founded Jewish nation with such a coordinated alliance is an unprecedented example of "peace-loving" Arabs who just wanted to "look over" their Jewish brethren as tourists :D LOL :D :D :D

Yes, I actually said that because it's true. Not everything has to come out of an Israeli propaganda orifice to be true.
Israel is a reality. Just like Palestine is. Just like ISIS is. Just like Honduras is. No one is disputing that.
Really? SO why are you propagating false Palestinian narrative that everything that has happened to them is someone else's fault and not their own? :D

Until you can find a way to resurrect the Romans and punish them for their crimes against Jews, blaming them is pointless. I find it upsetting that you insult and ridicule Muslims for 'blaming' colonialism and the British for their problems, yet are blaming the Romans for the Jews' problems in the same way.
I never blamed Romans for expelling Jews into 2000 year long exile. It was historically a very good thing to do. Jews wandered all over the world and accumulated great knowledge and experience of ALL possible human cultures. Then they returned to Israel and started it all over with what they had learned for the past 2000 years, not repeating same old BS mistakes like Muslims or other people :D. Its not just a miracle that Israel hasn't faced a single humiliating defeat since its rebirth :D

Pragmatism being 'recently invented' has nothing to do with the fact that it is pointless and impractical to launch an international campaign ''return to our roots'', just because you dislike Arabs.
I don't want today's Arabs to "return" anywhere. I am not fan of Indian 'gharwapsi' BS either :D All I want for them is to live in peace with their neighbors, no matter what their color, race or creed is :D

So you essentially subscribe to the ''Islam was spread by the sword'' propagandist beliefs but think that it was Arab culture, and not Islam, that was spread.
True. Arab invasions didn't only bring Islam, but also Arab culture, language and customs. Natives of these lands slowly, sometimes willingly, another time were coerced into following the ways of their invaders. Of course not all converted to Islam as we still see non-Muslim Arabs in the Middle East today, but its very hard to find non-Arabic speaking people over there :D Such was the impact of mass Arabization :D

We really should tag some Arab PDF members, otherwise this discussion will be worthless.
Sure do. Good luck! :D
Unfair to whom?
The Palestinians.
(that later become Kingdom of Jordan) and didn't allow any Jews to settle there at all? Isn't it somewhat "unfair"?
No. The Jews had no right or reason to form a country in that particular location.
Also, isn't it unfair that after the establishment of Israel, 20 % of Israeli population still remains non-Jewish
No, it isn't unfair. The land belonged to non-Jewish people. The Israelis should be grateful. Besides, they know they can do whatever they wanted to if they had a problem with the non-Jews in their country. No one would stop them from kicking all of that 20% out.
any other peaceful Muslim majority nation in the region where minorities are crushed by the majority? :D
The idea of nation-states is that the majority can govern itself the way it likes. If minorities don't like it, no one's forcing them to stay. The same applies to Israel and Israeli minorities.
Unfair to whom? When British were handed over Mandate for Palestine after WW1 by the League of Nations (Don't ask why Ottomans lost to the British), they got a mandate as envisioned by Balfour Declaration of 1917. If that's unfair, tell me why British CHOSE to divide that mandate into Transjordan (that later become Kingdom of Jordan) and didn't allow any Jews to settle there at all? Isn't it somewhat "unfair"? Also, isn't it unfair that after the establishment of Israel, 20 % of Israeli population still remains non-Jewish and actually growing, very much unlikely any other peaceful Muslim majority nation in the region where minorities are crushed by the majority? :D Isn't it unfair for the Israeli Jews that despite being the only sovereign Jewish majority nation in the world, they are forced to bear insults daily in their parliament by their Arab countrymen since their party was democratically elected this year and came third by non-rigged results? :D Isn't it unfair for the Israelis that they face threats of terror daily by Hezbollah in the north and Hamas in the south and PLO in the east, but are forced to exercise "restraint" because their hands are tied by EURO, US, and other pro-Palestine pressure cookers? :D So they are forced to use their ingenuity instead to defend against such terrorist attacks by indigenously building defensive systems like Iron Dome that prevent indiscriminate Hamas, Hezbollah, PLO rocket fire from reaching Israeli homes :D
Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Joint List - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iron Dome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hahaha, you just got owned :D
I'll be blunt. Your entire wall of moronic text does absolutely nothing to refute my point that the original partition plan was completely one-sided and gave the Jews too much land, land populated by Palestinians and owned by Palestinians. No amount of bullshit can justify the forceful invasion of that land. The land belong to the Palestinians. The British can come up with whatever partition plan they want to, as long as the natives don't agree with it, it is invalid. All of this rhetoric about Jews being the victims everywhere is nothing more than propaganda straight from the propagandist orifices of Israel.

According to said propaganda, the Jews are ''victims'' of an attack by five armies while they were invading Palestine, but somehow they never invaded Palestine and were just defending Israel - which they formed over Palestinian land by pushing the Palestinians out - ''peacefully''.

You can believe in whatever deluded fantasy you want to, the occupation of Palestine by the Zionist Entity of Israel will never be justified.

''Isn't it unfair that Jews are forced to listen to insults..'' What nonsense. They are not forced to do anything. They could publicly execute all non-Jews in Israel if they wanted to, and people like you will continue to bicker pathetic defenses on their behalf.

''Their hands are tied by Pro-Palestine US''.. The level of pure bullshit here is astounding. The US continues to provide them billions of dollars, allows them to have a nuclear program, supports their bombing of UN schools, and supports their occupation of Palestine. That is in no way ''tied hands''.

Your Israelis are ''victims'' of homemade flying tin cans that can barely make a dent anywhere while the Palestinians have entire towns flattened by fighter jets. For every Israeli casualty there are hundreds of Palestinian ones. Their resistance is legitimate and respectable. Israeli ''ingenuity'' is funded by billions of American dollars. There is no way in hell you can make the Israelis look like the victims here, because they are the aggressors. Get over it.

Sure they were. Invading the newly founded Jewish nation with such a coordinated alliance is an unprecedented example of "peace-loving" Arabs who just wanted to "look over" their Jewish brethren as tourists :D LOL :D :D :D
Invading the newly-founded Jewish nation my ***. The Jews invaded Palestine. The Arabs attacked the invading Jews. The Jews are not heroes or poor victims. Get over it.

And stop whining about how horrible Muslims are. It doesn't change anything, it doesn't mean anything, and I don't give half a damn anymore. I will defend Islam and oppose blanket statements against Muslims till I die. Individual Muslims can be wrong in some cases, but that does not mean they are wrong in every case and neither does that mean that they have no brains. You are not convincing me otherwise.
(edited to reduce possibility of intentional misinterpretation that can facilitate strawmen and personal attacks)

''Owned'', yeah right. Bovine Excrement.
Yeah, LOL, let's laugh and smile while defending a century of brutal occupation because it's so funny.

@Rakan.SA @Mosamania @al-Hasani @Saif al-Arab @Falcon29 @Hasbara Buster Your opinions on ''Arabization'' (post quoted below) please.
Problem is that these ethnic people of the Middle East have lost their ancestral roots and have been ARABIZED after living under Arab domination for centuries:
Arabization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Syrian should not be speaking Arabic but Assyrian. Copts should not be speaking Arabic but languages that were inherited from much older Egyptian Kingdoms. Same goes for people of Iraq and other Middle Eastern people. Its impressive how Iranians still get to keep their language heritage, although they lost their own special writing system in the process!
Why didn't Arabic become the dominant language of Iran? - Historum - History Forums
Last edited:
I dunno what you are complaining about.At their worst day, the Spaniards are better than your middle easterners.
They are complaining because they chose Jews above Muslims :D

The Palestinians.
Really? So how come rest of the Arab states expelled virtually all of their so-called "native" Jews post Israel's independence? There weren't just Palestinian injustices and Palestinian refugees. What about the plight of some 800,000 Arab Jews or those who used to live in the Arab world but were forced to leave their native countries as a revenge for their Arab brethrens humiliating defeat by Jews in Palestine? :D
Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries | Jewish Virtual Library
Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And unlike eternal Palestinian victims, Jewish victims were actually absorbed by the new State of Israel. :D And they are still accepting Jews from any country even to this date:
Aliyah | The Jewish Agency for Israel
Aliyah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No. The Jews had no right or reason to form a country in that particular location.
Oh, says who? You? Same can be said about Pakistan but this nation was formed anyway, despite what other Indians thought or wanted. :D Of course Jews had the right, reason and a will to run their own country in historical Palestine. And their democratic leaders have actually demonstrated it quite well unlike shameless Pakistani leaders. Your hatred against them is evident with your increasing number of posts. I didn't really know you could not think unbiasedly and objectively when it comes to Israel!!! :D

No, it isn't unfair. The land belonged to non-Jewish people. The Israelis should be grateful. Besides, they know they can do whatever they wanted to if they had a problem with the non-Jews in their country. No one would stop them from kicking all of that 20% out.
Again, says who? The land never comes with a name-tag. Who gets to decide this parcel of land belonged to Jews or non-Jews? Both Palestinian Arabs and Jews had claimed, they fought over it and Jews WON. Not only once but many times over. You LOST!!! Get over it without giving BS justifications :D

And funny thing is you are admitting that majority of Israelis are actually being nice to 20 % of their people, despite they having complete sovereignty to expel them just like rest of the Palestinians, right? So you are admitting Israeli Jews are actually being NICE to their Arab populations. LOL :D This is a 180 degree turn to that All Zionists are evil and all Palestinians are good narrative we heard before :D

The idea of nation-states is that the majority can govern itself the way it likes. If minorities don't like it, no one's forcing them to stay. The same applies to Israel and Israeli minorities.
No, its not. There should be no tyranny of the majority in a real democratic state. Surely you have no idea, since you yourself never witnessed true democracy like we have here in Norway :D. In any democratic state, there must be such unalienable human basic rights to ALL citizens that even a majority could not revoke them. Such matters are usually decided by Supreme Court that review all laws passed by any parliament in a democratic nation :D
Tyranny of the majority - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'll be blunt. Your entire wall of moronic text does absolutely nothing to refute my point that the original partition plan was completely one-sided and gave the Jews too much land, land populated by Palestinians and owned by Palestinians. No amount of bullshit can justify the forceful invasion of that land. The land belong to the Palestinians. The British can come up with whatever partition plan they want to, as long as the natives don't agree with it, it is invalid. All of this rhetoric about Jews being the victims everywhere is nothing more than propaganda straight from the propagandist orifices of Israel.
What too much land? Are you really stupid or just pretend to be? I already showed you with maps that Arabs ALREADY got a half of British Palestine Mandate in Transjordan. The rest was divided again by UN but your Palestinian friends refused to recognize any Jewish State, hence the civil war and real war with Arab states. STOP YOUR BS THANK YOU!

And regarding the natives, Islam is not native to India or Pakistan. We were all converted at some point in history. So your nonsense makes no valid points here. And also just to be clear, Palestinians are not the victims alone. Jews are victims as well. You don't know about it because you are biased in history :D

According to said propaganda, the Jews are ''victims'' of an attack by five armies while they were invading Palestine, but somehow they never invaded Palestine and were just defending Israel - which they formed over Palestinian land by pushing the Palestinians out - ''peacefully''.
Its not a propaganda. Its a fact. Why would you need a coordinated attack by 5 Arab armies to "intervene" in a genocide by Jews that actually never happened? Surely there were minor skirmishes and massacres of BOTH Arabs and Jews in the conflict, but you don't need 5 regular armies unless you are bent on extermination of other people!!!

You can believe in whatever deluded fantasy you want to, the occupation of Palestine by the Zionist Entity of Israel will never be justified.
What occupation? Silly are you not? Gaza was UNOCCUPIED in 2004-2005 as a goodwill gesture. The result: Terrorist Hamas grabbed power undemocratically and starting shooting non-stop rockets at Israel:
Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To counter that, Israelis were FORCED to block entire strip since they didn't want to occupy the whole bloody strip again. Happy now with your friends :D
Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

''Isn't it unfair that Jews are forced to listen to insults..'' What nonsense. They are not forced to do anything. They could publicly execute all non-Jews in Israel if they wanted to, and people like you will continue to bicker pathetic defenses on their behalf.
So why don't they want to execute like ISIS? What's wrong with these ugly evil Jews? Why do they keep their enemies alive? :D

''Their hands are tied by Pro-Palestine US''.. The level of pure bullshit here is astounding. The US continues to provide them billions of dollars, allows them to have a nuclear program, supports their bombing of UN schools, and supports their occupation of Palestine. That is in no way ''tied hands''.
Yeah sure. Only, Israel never used its nukes, never used carpet bombing of Gaza even when it could, never exterminated all its enemies even if it could many times over. Good luck with your stupid delusions!

Your Israelis are ''victims'' of homemade flying tin cans that can barely make a dent anywhere while the Palestinians have entire towns flattened by fighter jets. For every Israeli casualty there are hundreds of Palestinian ones. Their resistance is legitimate and respectable. Israeli ''ingenuity'' is funded by billions of American dollars. There is no way in hell you can make the Israelis look like the victims here, because they are the aggressors. Get over it.
Israelis are the aggressors? So why do they stop at present boundaries when they can easily take Cairo and Damascus? Who are you fooling but your own delusional self? Israel was never interested in LAND. If it was, there was no need to disengage from Gaza strip in 2004 on its own initiative :D

Invading the newly-founded Jewish nation my ***. The Jews invaded Palestine. The Arabs attacked the invading Jews. The Jews are not heroes or poor victims. Get over it.
Jews invaded Palestine? When? Where? Where did Jews originally come from? Did the come from another planet? :D

And stop whining about how horrible Muslims are. It doesn't change anything, it doesn't mean anything, and I don't give half a damn anymore. I will defend Islam and Muslims till I die. You are not convincing me otherwise.
Of course you do. You are just another jihadi dimwit who got upgraded as a PDF Think Tank Analyst. Defending Islam and Muslims until your death even when they are wrong will get you nowhere. Right doesn't because wrong and wrong doesn't become right with your obvious bias against non-Muslims. You are not an objective person I used to believe in. You are fully exposed today as a biased Jihadi! Shame! Shame!

''Owned'', yeah right. Bovine Excrement.
LOL :D Nonsensical comment :D

Yeah, LOL, let's laugh and smile while defending a century of brutal occupation because it's so funny.
What brutal occupation. Here are your Hamas friends executing their own people thinking they spied for Israel :D

Just a bunch of wild animals or ISIS 2.0
They are complaining because they chose Jews above Muslims :D

Really? So how come rest of the Arab states expelled virtually all of their so-called "native" Jews post Israel's independence? There weren't just Palestinian injustices and Palestinian refugees. What about the plight of some 800,000 Arab Jews or those who used to live in the Arab world but were forced to leave their native countries as a revenge for their Arab brethrens humiliating defeat by Jews in Palestine? :D
Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries | Jewish Virtual Library
Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And unlike eternal Palestinian victims, Jewish victims were actually absorbed by the new State of Israel. :D And they are still accepting Jews from any country even to this date:
Aliyah | The Jewish Agency for Israel
Aliyah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, says who? You? Same can be said about Pakistan but this nation was formed anyway, despite what other Indians thought or wanted. :D Of course Jews had the right, reason and a will to run their own country in historical Palestine. And their democratic leaders have actually demonstrated it quite well unlike shameless Pakistani leaders. Your hatred against them is evident with your increasing number of posts. I didn't really know you could not think unbiasedly and objectively when it comes to Israel!!! :D

Again, says who? The land never comes with a name-tag. Who gets to decide this parcel of land belonged to Jews or non-Jews? Both Palestinian Arabs and Jews had claimed, they fought over it and Jews WON. Not only once but many times over. You LOST!!! Get over it without giving BS justifications :D

And funny thing is you are admitting that majority of Israelis are actually being nice to 20 % of their people, despite they having complete sovereignty to expel them just like rest of the Palestinians, right? So you are admitting Israeli Jews are actually being NICE to their Arab populations. LOL :D This is a 180 degree turn to that All Zionists are evil and all Palestinians are good narrative we heard before :D

No, its not. There should be no tyranny of the majority in a real democratic state. Surely you have no idea, since you yourself never witnessed true democracy like we have here in Norway :D. In any democratic state, there must be such unalienable human basic rights to ALL citizens that even a majority could not revoke them. Such matters are usually decided by Supreme Court that review all laws passed by any parliament in a democratic nation :D
Tyranny of the majority - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What too much land? Are you really stupid or just pretend to be? I already showed you with maps that Arabs ALREADY got a half of British Palestine Mandate in Transjordan. The rest was divided again by UN but your Palestinian friends refused to recognize any Jewish State, hence the civil war and real war with Arab states. STOP YOUR BS THANK YOU!

And regarding the natives, Islam is not native to India or Pakistan. We were all converted at some point in history. So your nonsense makes no valid points here. And also just to be clear, Palestinians are not the victims alone. Jews are victims as well. You don't know about it because you are biased in history :D

Its not a propaganda. Its a fact. Why would you need a coordinated attack by 5 Arab armies to "intervene" in a genocide by Jews that actually never happened? Surely there were minor skirmishes and massacres of BOTH Arabs and Jews in the conflict, but you don't need 5 regular armies unless you are bent on extermination of other people!!!

What occupation? Silly are you not? Gaza was UNOCCUPIED in 2004-2005 as a goodwill gesture. The result: Terrorist Hamas grabbed power undemocratically and starting shooting non-stop rockets at Israel:
Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To counter that, Israelis were FORCED to block entire strip since they didn't want to occupy the whole bloody strip again. Happy now with your friends :D
Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So why don't they want to execute like ISIS? What's wrong with these ugly evil Jews? Why do they keep their enemies alive? :D

Yeah sure. Only, Israel never used its nukes, never used carpet bombing of Gaza even when it could, never exterminated all its enemies even if it could many times over. Good luck with your stupid delusions!

Israelis are the aggressors? So why do they stop at present boundaries when they can easily take Cairo and Damascus? Who are you fooling but your own delusional self? Israel was never interested in LAND. If it was, there was no need to disengage from Gaza strip in 2004 on its own initiative :D

Jews invaded Palestine? When? Where? Where did Jews originally come from? Did the come from another planet? :D

Of course you do. You are just another jihadi dimwit who got upgraded as a PDF Think Tank Analyst. Defending Islam and Muslims until your death even when they are wrong will get you nowhere. Right doesn't because wrong and wrong doesn't become right with your obvious bias against non-Muslims. You are not an objective person I used to believe in. You are fully exposed today as a biased Jihadi! Shame! Shame!

LOL :D Nonsensical comment :D

What brutal occupation. Here are your Hamas friends executing their own people thinking they spied for Israel :D

Just a bunch of wild animals or ISIS 2.0
Are you really a Pakistani? Muslim?

No offense but 99.9999% of the Pakistani Muslims I have seen on this forum have a massive anti-jew attitude. The educated ones couch it in more politically acceptable terms like we are anti-zionist not anti-jews

or that we want Israel to be demolished for 'humanitarian reasons'.

And yet all the while everyone of them supports terrorist groups like hamas who won't give a second thought to killing every jewish child in the world they come across.

And yet, somehow none of these Pakistani Muslims gave a crap 'humanitarian concern' for the Tibetans or the Yazidis or the likes!
All try to be more arab and involved in arab affairs than the arabs!

They all think they are fooling the world by hiding behind such statements, but we all(non Pakistanis) see through them as clear as day.

I am not complaining about anything. Just noting the hypocrisy in the words of a certain Mr Catala who speaks about tolerance but reserves this tolerance to communities of his choice much like the Reyes Catolicos did back in 1492. Are the descendants of the Mudejars and the Moriscos any less Iberian than these Jews whose ancestors coincidentally escaped to Muslim Empires once they were kicked out by the Catholics in Iberia (Thesaloniki in the Ottoman Empire had a Jewish majority in the post 1492 era). Why have the Jewish descendants specifically been given a "right to return" but not their Mudejar and Morisco counterparts? Thats the question I am asking.

As for the Middle East today, yes it fares very badly as far as minority rights are concerned including in Israel where the Jews have systematically reduced Christians and Muslims to second class citizens*. The topic however is about Spain so I would suggest we stick to the topic.

* How Israel Targets Its Palestinian Christian Citizens | Nadim Nashif Christian center set on fire, vandalized in Jerusalem hate crime attack - Diplomacy and Defense - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News Israeli nationalists torch seminary in Jerusalem | Al Jazeera America
Painting Israel along with other middle eastern states shows your biased mindset. There is no point in saying anything more apart from the fact that Israel is like an oasis of tolerance and minority rights in the middle east compared to everything around it.
In my opinion this is complete nonsense.
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