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Spain passes law of return for Sephardic Jews that were expelled in 1492! LOL!

And I thought they were technologically advanced .... :(

Conquer? You dont conquer squat by crying and making a drama, a diary popular! You def dont by inflating the number of and then stomping on those very souls who took em in!
So we have to wait for 500 yrs instead of learning something from history? :pop:

Yes British gave them a piece...they expanded it buying land from Egyptians who had nothing to do with that land! It was all bad business starting from the typical British....

Sure the British started it but the ungrateful greed (Zionists) didnt really show humble behaviour either!

Are you anti Semitic?? What humble behavior ??

Aap log ne unka jeena haram kar deya.
Are you anti Semitic?? What humble behavior ??
Yea pointing out their misbehavior will term me anti Semitic what about killing children on a beach, what terms do you have for that?

Aap log ne unka jeena haram kar deya.

What did I do? Its their doings:

Ban on Palestinians riding same buses as Jewish settlers suspended after backlash

Ban on Palestinians riding same buses as Jewish settlers suspended after backlash - Telegraph

It was suspended after being equated to apartheid by international noise makers but the very fact that it was allowed shows the mentality of certain politicians and the level some have stooped!

There is absolutely no mistake as to where Israel is heading and it is no victim!

This here shows their mentality in detail of how much sympathy they deserve:

Israel’s new justice minister considers all Palestinians to be ‘the enemy’

Israel’s new justice minister considers all Palestinians to be ‘the enemy’ - The Washington Post

When those that make the laws have such thinking, what sort of propaganda and brainwashing would occur? Thousands liking it just shows you where their mind stands:

Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes

Israeli lawmaker's call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes | The Electronic Intifada

Kindly explain this as well:

Not a Single House Has Been Rebuilt One Year After Israeli War on Gaza
Not a Single House Has Been Rebuilt One Year After Israeli War on Gaza

So much justice in the hands of the snake herself- god forbid Palestine is restored or gets ANY form of help:

Israel’s Justice Minister Shaked cracks down on NGOs focusing on Palestinian struggle

Israel’s Justice Minister Shaked cracks down on NGOs focusing on Palestinian struggle - Daily Sabah
Muslim President's calling for genocide!

Turkey’s Erdogan Calls for Islamic ‘Liberation’ of Jerusalem | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

Israel should be wiped off map, says Iran's president | World news | The Guardian

When those who actually run countries and are elected by millions of Muslims call for such things what sort of brainwashing and propaganda would occur!

The millions voting for such people shows what their mindset is!

This is not even including the hundreds of millions who hear "death to the jews" in religious sermons every friday!
Selective listening and seeing is what you are all about.
Really? indian unable to respond to their behaviour telling me that...interesting
You still didnt manage to bury your head in the ground or even answer what I posted of what they are doing?

BTW, do they pay you to be their spokes man ...you know endorsing stupid laws, calling mothers of a nation something nasty....

When Ergodan, a Muslim PRESIDENT talks about conquering Jerusalem, it doesn't bother Islamists like you.
When Ahmadinejad, a Muslim PRESIDENT talks about nuking Israel, it doesn't bother Islamists like you.
Do you know why? Because they only talk, they havent killed anyone yet! Let alone THOUSANDS TO PROB MILLIONS since israel got land!

small time minister
So those who make laws in your country are small time ministers? Nice one!

Islamists like you try to paint the jews as a murderous bunch, when the most number of jews in fact just want peace.
The thread is about Israel I never talked bad about Jews in another country....so keep your selective senses to yourself!

If they wanted to do a genocide, they have the power to conduct one, the fact that they don't, tells us and the world that they want to live in peace.
You mean all the genocides were not done overnight? :o:

NO they were done systematically, over a period of years, starting by hate speeches, ministers endorsing separating those they wanna clean and then killing them with backup stories....

Grow up kid learn a bit of history and you will see the striking similarity in one unrolling itself in front of you and you actually approving it and trying to ignore/ protect the perpetrators....

It is exactly how Nazi thought they were saving their country irrespective of what they were doing to save it!

On the other hand, we see Islamists, who don't have the power to go a genocide on the jews ask for genocide and conquering Israel, we see what they would do if they in fact had the power to do so.
boo hoo no power but managed to hide all their killings, in FACT stop UN from even giving aid when they go on their bombing hysteria! No power yet receive donations to build on land of Palestine - which is breaching 1 too many international treaties!

No power yet managed to kill and still gain sympathy from likes of you...THAT is done through POWER!

And I am not even talking about the millions of Islamic scholars and religious leaders who call for genocide on Jews every friday.
Name me 1 million from the past 7 weeks (that should sum to 7 million) as per what you state!

As I said, you might think we don't see, but we do see who is the barbarian bunch here.
They managed to kill and still gain sympathy from likes of you...well, it is called blindness after all...Keep to it.....

Dont quote me I dont talk to inhumane people who turn a blind eye on a genocide happening!
The fact that all your sources are either Wikipedia or Israeli propaganda sites indicates clearly where the BS is coming from.
SO you admit the State of Israel followed its founding purpose to the letter and let any Jew immigrate freely with equal rights and without discrimination? :D Wow, what a progress you have made in these two days regarding Israel :D
I haven't admitted anything that I didn't admit before. Your attempts at making it look like I'm losing ground in my arguments are pathetic. Israel's purpose was to form a Jewish country. Yes, it followed that purpose. But it also forcefully snatched land from the natives to fulfill that purpose. Was tormenting the Palestinians part of Israel's ''divine purpose'' too?
Yes, Jews were given more land for future Jewish immigration. Remember the purpose of the Mandate was to build Jewish HOMELAND in Palestine. This would have ultimately required more living space which they got during partition but Arabs refused to share these lands, hence the war and total defeat of the Arabs
The Palestinians were under no obligation to share their land with the Jews.

Since you like comparing Israel's creation with that of Pakistan, you should also know that millions had to migrate to Pakistan but the land they got was still proportionate to the Muslim population in the subcontinent.

This immigration excuse won't cut it.
What? So Jews had no right to Jordan, they had no right to Palestine, so where did they have a right to belong and exercise self-determination? To Pakistan? :D :D :D
Someplace where they didn't have to forcefully evict an entire population. Or a proportionate amount of land in Palestine. That would have worked too, if it wasn't for the avarice and injustice surrounding the affair.

Jews were always living there since ancient times
They shouldn't have left. Ancient times don't matter. What matters is that as of 1948, Palestinians were living there.
So it is in their interest to educate them, provide them jobs, allow them to vote, have equal civil rights as Israeli Jews?
Yes. They are productive members of society and are politically assimilated with Israel. The majority is still Israeli Jews, so a few others having voting rights doesn't change anything.
Unjust ideology to whom?
Unjust to the Palestinians. Stop behaving as if you're that ignorant - or maybe you are, actually, that ignorant.
Muslim supporters of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ooh look a Wikipedia link!
Anti-Zionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why I am an anti-Zionist Jew | openDemocracy

No, total lies!
You yourself said that about the Blockade of Gaza. So now you're saying you were totally lying. U-turn. But it's never a U-turn when you're defending Israel, now is it?

Of course. You were the one that started it with calling me a self-hater
No, I asked you to stop with the self hatred. There's a difference.
Just because I am a Muslim and Support Israel's right to exist doesn't make me a self-hater
Being a Muslim and saying things like ''you barbaric Islamists'' and ''Muslims have no brains'' makes you sound like a self-hater.
It didn't exclude Transjordan at the time it was handed over to the British post WW1:

British were responsible for dividing it in two in the first place. Shame on them :D
Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Try actually reading Wikipedia instead of cherry-picking what suits you.
Truths and lies behind Israel's attacks on Gaza and its whining about rockets | The Electronic Intifada
Now don't complain that the source is unreliable.

Why Hamas fired rockets? Anger, frustration, irrationality. That happens when entire generations see nothing but oppression and violence.

so much for the Jewish "lust" of the land
Already answered - they don't want 'land', they want usable land. Making Gaza suitable for Israeli settlements is difficult. Why even bother when the West Bank is available.
So you mean 5 Arab armies attacking a newly established Jewish State was not about perpetrating any massacre? :D Funny you that you don't even know that these massacres didn't start in 1948 but long before it when Jews were attacking nobody but were massacred by the peace-loving Arabs anyway:
List of killings and massacres in Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From your own link:
5,000 Arabs, 415 Jews, several hundred Britons were killed
According to that same link, 59 of the massacres were perpetrated by Jewish Militants. Compared to the 34 by Arab Militants.
So much for peace-loving Jews. Funny that you don't even read the articles you post.
Instead what Gazans did to them is worth laughing at your total lack of knowledge on the issue
So you know of one issue that shows Palestinians did something wrong? Pat yourself on the back. But wait. Let me first laugh at your total lack of knowledge on the issue.
Israeli Settlers Demolish Greenhouses and Gaza Jobs - The New York Times

Animals remain animals no matter how much you love them
Calling the Palestinians animals now.
Bigots remain bigots no matter how much they sugarcoat it.
There was actually a much FAIR partition plan in 1937 that gave Jews even less land than they got in 1947. But your peaceloving Arab brethren refused it outright:


Peel Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So now you get who the real trouble-maker is? :D :D :D Hahaha! :D No matter if you give one inch of land for Jews to rule, your peaceful Arabs would still reject it as being too greedy for the Jews :D :D :D
I would've supported the Peel Commission partition plan if it was an option nowadays.
But did you read the article at all

[The Arabs] demanded that the UK keep its old promise

The British played a double game, promising the Arabs sovereignty and promising the Jews a homeland on the whole ''historic Palestine'' (including TransJordan) at the same time.

Also from your Wikipedia article:
On 20 August 1937, the Twentieth Zionist Congress expressed that at the time of the Balfour Declaration it was understood, that the Jewish National Home was to be established in the whole of historic Palestine, including Trans-Jordan....

While some factions at the Congress supported the Peel Report, arguing that later the borders could be adjusted, others opposed the proposal because the Jewish State would be too small. The Congress decided to reject the specific borders recommended by the Peel Commission, but empowered its executive to negotiate a more favorable plan for a Jewish State in Palestine.

At the same Zionist Congress, David Ben-Gurion, then chairman of the executive committee of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, told those in attendance that, though "there could be no question...of giving up any part of the Land of Israel,... it was arguable that the ultimate goal would be achieved most quickly by accepting the Peel proposals."[26] University of Arizona professor Charles D. Smith suggests that, "Weizmann and Ben-Gurion did not feel they had to be bound by the borders proposed [by the Peel Commission]. These could be considered temporary boundaries to be expanded in the future."[26]
Do you realize that the minority of Zionists that supported the Peel Commission plan was only because they had planned on ''adjusting'' and ''expanding'' the borders in the future? The majority rejected it anyway.

It wouldn't have worked even if the Arabs accepted it, because the Zionists would just push more and expand their borders. For the Arabs, accepting it meant losing political ground and giving the Zionists room to maneuver further.

Though rejecting it was a mistake on part of the Arabs - the ball would've been in the Zionist court had the Arabs accepted it. That would have had more chances of success and a better outcome. Or maybe not. Maybe the Zionists would've just expanded over the whole of Palestine anyways, since they clearly expressed intent.

It was one of those times in politics where you lose, whatever you do.
So now you get who the real trouble-maker is?
Yeah, the Zionists that made it clear they would expand their borders regardless of what the Peel Commission said.

Iran has no nukes yet. Thank goodness :D
The Wests' argument was that Iran had a nuclear program. They are hell-bent on stopping it. The Israelis obviously have nukes. The West didn't care when they were developing them. Now tell me how much Israel is restricted by the US.
Really? So why don't they just give up entire West Bank to gain support for the Western public?
Striking a balance between interests is simply good politics.
Why is Pakistan building Economic Corridor in Azad Kashmir and India building Dams in Jammu & Kashmir when the land actually belongs to Kashmiris? LOL :D

Hint: Its disputed :D
Idiotic comparison.
There is a clear line of control, and Pakistan or India are not expanding beyond that. Israel is expanding far beyond what the border was supposed to be.
You are jihadi dimwit. I gave you tons of evidence to read from various sources yesterday, and today you are back at square one whining about those evil Jews, Zionists, unfair partition and so on
I refuted all your ''evidence''. Most of the times using your own sources. You are so obsequious towards Jews that you don't even bother reading your own sources.

And you are so shameless that you repeat your personal attacks while peddling lies, no matter how many times they're refuted.
I am not dissociating from reality. Israel is and remains a historic reality. Your "wishes" for the region regarding what's fair or not doesn't change anything
I never said what is fair changes anything. You're the one who brought up history.

If you want to be a realist, the issue will remain unsolved for at least the next few decades, and will end with Palestine being absorbed by Israel, and the Palestinians being pushed out of the area and into neighboring countries.
I am not anti-Islamic or liberal. I am more of a centrist
You can call yourself whatever you want. Your statements indicate otherwise.

I am not against your opposition to Zionism but your consistent demand that Muslims, Arabs are all perfect and made no mistakes in the past regarding Jews, Israel
There never was any such ''demand'' from me. Your argument is a strawman.

True. Arab peace initiative of 2002 was rejected by Israel. It should have been accepted:
Arab Peace Initiative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you see I never said Jews were always right :D
Yes, Palestinians were wrong in many cases. But so are the Jews.
So you see I never said Arabs or Palestinians were all perfect. Am I still a ''Jihadi dimwit'':D?
No, the two-state suicide is being shelled by Hamas terrorism and its reluctance to recognize Israel as a Jewish and Democratic State :D From the Hamas Charter:
Hamas Covenant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What's this Jihadi anti-Jewish nonsense that you support?
I don't support Hamas. I support the Gazan civilians. Hamas is merely a byproduct of decades of oppression and wars.

Don't forget that Hamas came into existence half a century after the Zionists took over Palestine.

First thing: There is no occupation in any sense as Indian occupation of Kashmir, Chinese occupation of Tibet and so on.
Yeah, it's a lot worse.
Yes, there are some areas where IDF patrol daily like Hebron but its for the security of Jewish minority living there.
''Some'' areas?

Jews were wrong when they declined Arab Peace initiative in 2002 since they now are holding all the cards. TOoO late. Sorry Palestinians, Jews are not dumb enough to abide by your dictates this time. They have had enough of your terrorism
The Zionists always intended to expand. As I have proven from their reactions to the Peel Commission proposal, the Jews were wrong in a lot more than just denying the 2002 peace initiative. They never abided to anyone's 'dictates'.

As for terrorism, the first militant groups formed in Palestine were Zionist. Haganah, Irgun, Lehi, the King David Hotel bombing ring any bells? How are they any different from Hamas? Except that they practiced terrorism to further Zionist interests as opposed to Palestinian interests, of course.

The Israelis converted a terrorist group into their national military. Should be a good enough indication of whose terrorism caused the Palestine issue. The Palestinians' biggest mistake was not being able to prevent it. Victims of both Jewish extremist terrorists and the incompetence of their own leaders.
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Ban on Palestinians riding same buses as Jewish settlers suspended after backlash
Did you say "suspended"? So they actually suspended that controversial 'apartheid' law after just one day into action? LOL :D
The controversial plan launched by Moshe Yaalon, the defence minister, has been suspended by Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, after accusations of apartheid
Name one controversial law in the Muslim regimes that gets suspended that fast? :D :D :D

It was suspended after being equated to apartheid by international noise makers but the very fact that it was allowed shows the mentality of certain politicians and the level some have stooped!
Hahaha. You fool, stop reading selective material as another poster pointed out:
A highly controversial scheme to force Palestinian workers onto separate buses from Israeli settlers in the West Bank was suspended after just one day on Wednesday following angry criticism that it smacked of racism and "apartheid".

Politicians across the political spectrum warned that the separate buses - which were meant to run on a three-month trial basis - could cast an indelible stain on Israel's international reputation.
What does across the political spectrum even mean? :D That both right- and left-wing parties protested that apartheid law. How many parties in Pakistan protested when anti-Christian, anti-Qadiani, anti-Hindu apartheid laws were passed in Pakistan? NONE :D

Not a Single House Has Been Rebuilt One Year After Israeli War on Gaza
Yepp! Aid and construction material was instead used on tunnels to "invade" Israel :D
Hamas focuses on rebuilding tunnels as Gazans suffer

So much justice in the hands of the snake herself- god forbid Palestine is restored or gets ANY form of help:
Palestine is already restored in that Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan that has long ago recognized Israel :D

Did u earn your yahudi agent badge yet? :partay:
Not yet, but soon when you see 'Banned' in my profile :D
Did you say "suspended"? So they actually suspended that controversial 'apartheid' law after just one day into action? LOL :D
I didnt change it...But I did say that the very fact that it was allowed to begin with was sickening

It was ONLY suspended COZ of international cry babies
Anti-Zionist = Anti-Jew

Nope. Judaism is a religion like Christianity or Islam. Zionism is a political ideology that envisaged a homeland for Jewish people in the state of Palestine. A political ideology however is not a religion. So being against a political ideology doesnt make you anti the religion that the supporters of this political ideology supposedly follow.

There is a long and notable list of Jews (ethnically and in terms of religious devotion) who oppose Zionism for the same reason that they would have opposed say the European colonization of the Americas and the ethnic cleansings of the Native Americans that this colonization entailed. To just give you a few examples.

Ilan Pappé - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Norman Finkelstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aki Orr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shimon Tzabar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yakov M. Rabkin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ronnie Kasrils - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The fact that all your sources are either Wikipedia or Israeli propaganda sites indicates clearly where the BS is coming from.
Not really. This source is the most accurate pro-Palestine source to this date:


Israel's purpose was to form a Jewish country. Yes, it followed that purpose. But it also forcefully snatched land from the natives to fulfill that purpose. Was tormenting the Palestinians part of Israel's ''divine purpose'' too?
Of course. You cannot make a state on a land unless you take it from someone else. Jews did buy land from previous owners until the war erupted:

Jewish land purchase in Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the great evil Jewish idea was to "steal" all that land from the natives, why buy it in the first place unlike what that happened with American Indians? LOL! :D :D :D

The Palestinians were under no obligation to share their land with the Jews.
Yepp, that's why they sold it to Jews before the war for the settlements? :D :D :D
Myths & Facts: The British Mandate Period (Chapter 2) | Jewish Virtual Library

Since you like comparing Israel's creation with that of Pakistan, you should also know that millions had to migrate to Pakistan but the land they got was still proportionate to the Muslim population in the subcontinent.
But every Indian Muslim couldn't migrate to Pakistan, even to this date, so the land was never proportionate after all! :D :D :D Pakistan stopped talking further migrants over the years. But Israel is STILL taking any Jewish migrant :D :D :D Big difference!

This immigration excuse won't cut it.
Won't cut what? :D

Someplace where they didn't have to forcefully evict an entire population. Or a proportionate amount of land in Palestine. That would have worked too, if it wasn't for the avarice and injustice surrounding the affair.
Proportionate land was given to them in 1937, but your friendly Arab friends rejected the whole idea of Jews living in their midst :D

They shouldn't have left. Ancient times don't matter. What matters is that as of 1948, Palestinians were living there.
Oh, ancient times don't matter? :D :D :D Wonderful. Now, all Israelis need to do is to keep the status quo. After a few 1000 years, these eternal refugees aka. Palestinians won't matter :D :D :D

Also, Jews didn't leave on their own. They were EXPELLED by the Romans :D :D :D
Jewish diaspora - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes. They are productive members of society and are politically assimilated with Israel. The majority is still Israeli Jews, so a few others having voting rights doesn't change anything.
Few others? Are you really that stupid? Non-Jews make up at least 20 % of Israeli population, and its growing unlike your loving Muslim majority countries where minorities are actually shrinking :D
Israel's minorities, including over one million citizens who are Arabs, always have full civil rights. Israel's government will never tolerate discrimination against women. Israel's Christian population will always be free to practice their faith. This is the only place in the Middle East where Christians are fully free to practice their faith. They don't have to fear; they don't have to flee. In a time where Christians are under siege in so many places, in so many lands in the Middle East, I'm proud that in Israel Christians are free to practice their faith and that there's a thriving Christian community in Israel.
Minority Communities in Israel | Jewish Virtual Library

Unjust to the Palestinians.
Oh, so Zionism is Unjust to the Palestinians, while Islamism is unjust to all non-Muslims? I have never heard you complaining about that :D :D :D

Btw, Zionism is not even remotely unjust to Israel's minorities, unlike Islamism in Muslim majority countries :D :D :D

Ooh look a Wikipedia link!
Ooh, Hamas leader's son is a Zionist as well:
Mosab Hassan Yousef (Arabic: مصعب حسن يوسف‎; born 1978)[3] is a Palestinian who worked undercover for Israel's internal security service Shin Bet from 1997 to 2007.

Shin Bet considered him its most valuable source within the Hamas leadership: the information Yousef supplied prevented dozens of suicide attacks and assassinations of Israelis, exposed numerous Hamas cells,[1] and assisted Israel in hunting down many militants, including the incarceration of his own father, a Hamas leader Sheikh Hassan Yousef.[4] In March 2010, he published his autobiography titled Son of Hamas.[5]
Mosab Hassan Yousef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ooh my God what did those evil Jews do to him that he became their informant against peaceful and humanity loving Hamas??? LOL! :D :D :D

Wasn't wikipedia a Jewish conspiracy as well :D :D :D

You yourself said that about the Blockade of Gaza. So now you're saying you were totally lying. U-turn. But it's never a U-turn when you're defending Israel, now is it?
Gaza was completely disengaged in 2004-2005:
Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can't you even read? The blockade was put in place after Hamas violent grab of power in the strip and their start of rocket attacks against Israel shortly after:
The Battle of Gaza, also referred to asHamas' takeover of Gaza was a short military conflict between Fatah and Hamas, that took place in the Gaza Strip between 10 and 15 June 2007. It was a climax in theFatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006. Hamas fighters took control of the Gaza Strip[3] and removed Fatah officials. The battle resulted in the dissolution of the unity governmentand the de facto division of the Palestinian territories into two entities, the West Bankgoverned by the Palestinian National Authority, and Gaza governed by Hamas.

The ICRC estimated that at least 118 people were killed and more than 550 wounded during the fighting in the week up to June 15.[4]
Battle of Gaza (2007) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Two peaceful Palestinian factions fighting over a small territory that was just unoccupied by Israel. So much for a peace-loving bunch of morons :D :D :D

No, I asked you to stop with the self hatred. There's a difference.
No, its not. I don't hate all Muslims, so why did you say stop with the self-hatred? Yes, I hate PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS and other bunch of Muslim terrorist freaks :D :D :D. And I say it loudly, I hate them!!! :D

Being a Muslim and saying things like ''you barbaric Islamists'' and ''Muslims have no brains'' makes you sound like a self-hater.
Yes, because its not even a lie. All Islamists are barbaric. I have yet to find a single Islamist that is peaceful towards other humans. And yes, Muslims have no brains compared to a much smaller population of Jews. If we had brains, or knew how to use it progressively, we would have won lots of Nobel Prizes, and we would be leading the world in science, technology, economy like Jews do today :D :D :D

Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Try actually reading Wikipedia instead of cherry-picking what suits you.
Its not cherry picking. The original map of the British Mandate for Palestine is this:

History & Overview of the British Palestine Mandate | Jewish Virtual Library

Mandate's mission was to establish Jewish home, instead British carved more than half of it and gave to to Hashemites from Mecca, while the rest was carved up again in two which was rejected by your brethren :D :D :D

I wonder why your brethren didn't cry the river when the original Mandate was divided in two to form Arab majority Transjordan and Jews were barred from settling there (Apartheid)??? Hypocrites? :D :D :D

The source is reliable, but shooting homemade rockets against a much stronger opponent is not. Terrorists that brought down two buildings on 9/11 2001 gave similar "reasons" for their actions. What they didn't know was that they just messed up with a nation that had the ability to take down two nations post 9/11 in retaliation: Iraq and Afghanistan! LOL :D :D :D

Rule of the thumb for the Muslim terrorists: Don't act unless your pea size brain can figure out the consequences of your peaceful actions! :D :D :D!

Already answered - they don't want 'land', they want usable land. Making Gaza suitable for Israeli settlements is difficult. Why even bother when the West Bank is available.
Most of the West Bank's topography is hilltops, steep mountains and barren lands, so it's much difficult and expensive to establish settlements there than at much more flatter beachside, green Gaza. Seriously, if you are so uneducated regarding Israel, why even keep replying? :D :D :D

According to that same link, 59 of the massacres were perpetrated by Jewish Militants. Compared to the 34 by Arab Militants.
So much for peace-loving Jews.
It happened during a ehm, WAR!!! Have you ever heard of a peaceful WAR with no blooshed in entire human history??? :D :D :D
If you did, let me know :D :D :D I will be amused :D :D :D

So you know of one issue that shows Palestinians did something wrong? Pat yourself on the back. But wait. Let me first laugh at your total lack of knowledge on the issue.
Israeli Settlers Demolish Greenhouses and Gaza Jobs - The New York Times
From the same link:
Israel sought international funding for the cleanup, which will cost at least $30 million, provide employment for Palestinians and take a couple of months, but other countries have not been willing to absorb such a cost.
Yes, some 50 % of Greenhouses were destroyed because they only got half of the amount needed:
American Jewish donors had bought more than 3,000 greenhouses from Israeli settlers in Gaza for $14 million last month and transferred them to the Palestinian Authority. Former World Bank President James Wolfensohn, who brokered the deal, put up $500,000 of his own cash.
Looters strip Gaza greenhouses - World news - Mideast/N. Africa | NBC News

So again we see, it was NOT your lovely Muslim donors that bought those remaining greenhouses from destruction for the Palestinians but oh, my God, it was again evil Jewish American donors! Hahaha :D :D :D Shame! Shame!

Calling the Palestinians animals now.
No, the looters, including Palestinian police who joined in the looting instead of preventing it :D :D :D
In some instances, there was no security and in others, police even joined the looters, witnesses said.
Looters strip Gaza greenhouses - World news - Mideast/N. Africa | NBC News

Only Animals would start looting the expensive greenhouses that was actually bought and paid by the Jewish donors from Israeli destruction! :D :D:D

I would've supported the Peel Commission partition plan if it was an option nowadays.
Wouldn't we all? :D :D :D But its too late now, eh, after decades of rejectionism? :D

The British played a double game, promising the Arabs sovereignty and promising the Jews a homeland on the whole ''historic Palestine'' (including TransJordan) at the same time.
YEPP! NOW FINALLY YOU GOT THE PICTURE! :D :D :D This little double-crossing agreement between UK and France is the root cause of all current mess:
Sykes–Picot Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you realize that the minority of Zionists that supported the Peel Commission plan was only because they had planned on ''adjusting'' and ''expanding'' the borders in the future? The majority rejected it anyway.
Yeah, I know that. But at least their elected leadership ACCEPTED it as the first step at attaining sovereignty. Had it been implemented practically, 6 million European Jews could be saved from destruction during the Holocaust. And had the Jews then started attacking sovereign Palestinian State, they would have to bear all the blame, instead of now: 5 Arab States that attacked newly founded Jewish State day after its formation! :D :D:D

It wouldn't have worked even if the Arabs accepted it, because the Zionists would just push more and expand their borders.
Yepp, and if they had actually carried out that plan of expanding borders, Arabs would have been on the right side of history and their claims of peaceful intentions would have been validated. Arabs didn't accept that fair plan, and thus lost everything what was eventually gonna become their land anyway by denying Jews right to exist:
The Arabs opposed the partition "in principle" and condemned it unanimously, as they "objected to the whole principle of awarding territory to the Jews"
Peel Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again we see, no compassion from your friendly Arabs, just greed for more land and no coexistence with a much smaller Jewish state :D :D :D

Though rejecting it was a mistake on part of the Arabs - the ball would've been in the Zionist court had the Arabs accepted it. That would have had more chances of success and a better outcome. Or maybe not. Maybe the Zionists would've just expanded over the whole of Palestine anyways, since they clearly expressed intent.
But then, they would have been RIGHT all along. Their old claims of non-aggression and peaceful intentions toward their Jewish neighbors would have been validated if Jews, and not Arabs had started that war :D :D :D. What happened was exactly the opposite. Jews claimed independence at the end of British Mandate, and Arab neighboring states rejected this WHOLE IDEA just like they said in 1937 before the Peel Commission. They all started a war of Jewish extermination at all possible fronts, and ironically LOST IT completely along with the expulsion of most of their Palestinian brethren which they came to protect from EVIL JEWS! LOL! :D :D :D

It was one of those times in politics where you lose, whatever you do.
Nope. Jews would have lost the moral legitimacy, had they started a war of aggression against a peaceful Palestinian Arab state in the South!!! :D :D :D

Yeah, the Zionists that made it clear they would expand their borders regardless of what the Peel Commission said.
Yeah, they would have if they felt the NEED for it. Had 5 neighboring Arab States not first ATTACKED it or threatened with invasion, there would have been practically NO NEED to expand its borders :D :D :D Funny thing was the attack by Lebanon. Heck, they were not even majority Muslim back then, but majority Christian Arab :D :D :D So it was not just a war of survival between Muslims and Jews, but a war between Jews and Arabs :D :D :D.

The Wests' argument was that Iran had a nuclear program. They are hell-bent on stopping it. The Israelis obviously have nukes. The West didn't care when they were developing them. Now tell me how much Israel is restricted by the US.
Because unlike Iran, Israel DOES NOT publicly and discreetly wishes to annihilate Iranian Regime :D :D :D
Iran militia chief: Destroying Israel is ‘nonnegotiable’
Iran militia chief: Destroying Israel is 'nonnegotiable' | The Times of Israel

Striking a balance between interests is simply good politics.
So now you admit Israeli leaders are smart. Good :D :D :D

There is a clear line of control, and Pakistan or India are not expanding beyond that. Israel is expanding far beyond what the border was supposed to be.
And exactly WHO gets to decide the final borders? Certainly not you. Israel will expand or contract its borders as its security needs. It doesn't supposedly needs "permission" from 57 Muslim countries as its a sovereign nation!!! :D :D :D

You are so obsequious towards Jews that you don't even bother reading your own sources.
I am not entirely obsequious towards Jews. I just started a thread yesterday against Israeli right-wing government's policies. Have a look if you wish :D :D :D
Creating ‘Islam in Europe’ as a threat is part of Israel’s new strategy!

If you want to be a realist, the issue will remain unsolved for at least the next few decades, and will end with Palestine being absorbed by Israel, and the Palestinians being pushed out of the area and into neighboring countries.
Actually, it was the Arab leaders that wanted to push all Jews into the sea. Instead Israel left Gaza unoccupied in 2005 only to get thousands of rocket attacks from Hamas in return. :D :D :D Israel never wanted to "absorb" Palestine. If it did, all it had to do was to annex all this territory it conquered post 6-day war including Egyptian Sinai :D :D :D

So much for Jewish "greed" that you and your friends claim they have :D :D :D

You can call yourself whatever you want. Your statements indicate otherwise.
My statements indicate what? That I am an objective person? :D :D :D

There never was any such ''demand'' from me. Your argument is a strawman.
Sure it was. Earlier somewhere you actually said you will defend Islam and Muslims to your death. What a dimwit! :D :D :D

So you see I never said Arabs or Palestinians were all perfect. Am I still a ''Jihadi dimwit'':D?
Nope :) :) :)

I don't support Hamas. I support the Gazan civilians. Hamas is merely a byproduct of decades of oppression and wars.
Thank goodness, you are back on track now :)

Don't forget that Hamas came into existence half a century after the Zionists took over Palestine.
Also, Israel had a major role propping up Hamas against much secular Fatah in the past:
Israel's military-led administration in Gaza looked favorably on the paraplegic cleric, who set up a wide network of schools, clinics, a library and kindergartens. Sheikh Yassin formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya, which was officially recognized by Israel as a charity and then, in 1979, as an association. Israel also endorsed the establishment of the Islamic University of Gaza, which it now regards as a hotbed of militancy.
How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas - WSJ
How Israel helped create Hamas - The Washington Post

So you see, Jews are not all perfect. Their leaders made bad choices in the past. And they are now paying the price for it in form of no peace and violent jihad against their people!

Yeah, it's a lot worse.
Yeah, like mass rapes, mass graves kind of "a lot worse"?

''Some'' areas?
Area C was handed over to Israel per Oslo Accords as agreed by world renowned Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat:
West Bank Areas in the Oslo II Accord - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course it was done using a loophole of a "security threat" posed by Palestinian jihadis and their militancy against Israel:
Bill Clinton: Netanyahu killed the peace process | Foreign Policy
Netanyahu admits on video he deceived US to destroy Oslo accord
Netanyahu admits on video he deceived US to destroy Oslo accord | The National

So its not like I am all pro-Zionist, pro-Jewish bootlicker. I KNOW all the facts in the conflict I naturally blame both sides, and not just the much stronger Israeli side :D :D :D

The Zionists always intended to expand. As I have proven from their reactions to the Peel Commission proposal, the Jews were wrong in a lot more than just denying the 2002 peace initiative. They never abided to anyone's 'dictates'.
EXPAND to where? Are you still acting DUMB? Look at the map below, it will show you how much land Israel had conquered post 6-day war and how much land it GAVE AWAY for peace with its stupidly dumb but peace-loving neighbors since then: :D :D :D

As for terrorism, the first militant groups formed in Palestine were Zionist. Haganah, Irgun, Lehi, the King David Hotel bombing ring any bells? How are they any different from Hamas?
They are different from Hamas, PLO, Hezbollah as they formed a National Army called Israeli Defense Forces. Unless Palestinian terrorist factions also form something similar, their so-called "armed struggle" aka. JIHAD against the infidel Jews will take them nowhere but to the gates of hell! :D :D :D

The Israelis converted a terrorist group into their national military. Should be a good enough indication of whose terrorism caused the Palestine issue. The Palestinians' biggest mistake was not being able to prevent it. Victims of both Jewish extremist terrorists and the incompetence of their own leaders.
Not just that. They made leader of a terrorist group their national leader in 1977. That terrorist went further and struck an historic peace-deal with Egypt. So much for his TERRORIST evil past :D :D :D. Here, Egyptian leader Anwar Saadat is meeting Israeli "Terrorist" Begin at Camp David to sign first ever peace deal with an Arab nation in 1978:

I didnt change it...But I did say that the very fact that it was allowed to begin with was sickening
So what? Many nations passed sickening laws in the past and never reverted to this date. Like laws passed against Qadianis, Non-Muslims, Women in Pakistan for example :D
Ordinance XX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blasphemy law in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hudood Ordinances - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was ONLY suspended COZ of international cry babies
Hahaha. :D So now you claim your evil Jews actually listen to international community unlike Pakistan which don't give a shit about Hudood laws, Blasphemy law and Qadiani laws :D LOL :D
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Nope. Judaism is a religion like Christianity or Islam. Zionism is a political ideology that envisaged a homeland for Jewish people in the state of Palestine.
There was never such a thing such as 'State of Palestine' in all eternity of History, so I just don't give a shit reading rest of your BS! I KNOW Zionism is a political ideology, but it has religious elements as well. See for example these Religious Zionists celebrating Jerusalem Day:

Religious Zionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, NO, Zionism is not just a secular ideology :D :D :D
Not really. This source is the most accurate pro-Palestine source to this date:

I didn't say your sources about the Peel Commission were unreliable. Those for almost everything else were.
f course. You cannot make a state on a land unless you take it from someone else. Jews did buy land from previous owners until the war erupted:

Jewish land purchase in Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Purchased land was no more than a little fraction of what is now called Israel. The rest was taken forcefully.
Yepp, that's why they sold it to Jews before the war for the settlements?
I said they were under no obligation to share it. Some of them selling some land to Jews does not mean they were obliged to.
But every Indian Muslim couldn't migrate to Pakistan, even to this date, so the land was never proportionate after all!
What kind of logic is that? The land given to the Muslims of the subcontinent to form Pakistan was proportionate to the amount of Muslims living there. The fact that a few Muslims remained in India does not change this. Look up the meaning of 'proportionate', might clear up your confusion.

Big difference!
Exactly. Big difference, in many ways. So stop comparing the two.
Proportionate land was given to them in 1937, but your friendly Arab friends rejected the whole idea of Jews living in their midst
The Zionists made it clear they would expand their borders regardless of what the Peel Commission said.. The Arabs made a political choice to try and prevent that.

Jews in Palestine were allowed to purchase land and live there before the creation of Israel - therefore your statement that the Arabs rejected the ''whole idea'' of Jews living in their midst is a lie.
Oh, ancient times don't matter? :D :D :D Wonderful. Now, all Israelis need to do is to keep the status quo. After a few 1000 years, these eternal refugees aka. Palestinians won't matter :D :D :D
They won't matter after a few thousand years. Unless they return and forcefully take over Israel in the same way the Zionists did, using the same rationalization.
Few others? Are you really that stupid? Non-Jews make up at least 20 % of Israeli population
20% is a few others. You're calling me names on the basis of semantics. You keep showing your level of maturity and composure. Behind all those smileys of yours is a ton of frustration.
Oh, so Zionism is Unjust to the Palestinians
Yes, it is. Deal with it.
while Islamism is unjust to all non-Muslims? I have never heard you complaining about that
''Islamism'' is a useless term, since there's no such thing as ''Islamism''. As per its 'official' definition, Islamism means the belief that Islam should guide all spheres of life. You, ostensibly being a Muslim, should know that that belief is a part of Islam itself and therefore doesn't require any separate term. Therefore, we're left with two things: Islam and ''Islamic'' extremism.

I've complained a lot about the latter. If you don't hear me, it's because you're deaf, in the figurative sense. I could go ahead and compile a list of posts on this forum where I've criticised, dissected, condemned and complained about Mullahs and Islamic extremism. But you can find them yourself if you really care about anything other than taking jabs in an attempt at my character assassination.
Hamas leader's son is a Zionist as well
I hate PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS and other bunch of Muslim terrorist freaks
You lumping the PLO with Hamas, Hezbollah and ISIS shows your ignorance.

the PLO recognized Israel's right to exist in peace, accepted UN Security Council resolutions242 and 338, and rejected "violence and terrorism"; in response, Israel officially recognized the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people
Palestine Liberation Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And I say it loudly, I hate them!!!
So? I've been saying I hate ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas, TTP and Boko Haram loudly for the past decade. So have millions of others. Doesn't make you special.

If you want to show off what a 'free thinker' you are, target specific people and specific narratives and dissect them logically instead of saying stupid things like ''Muslims have no brains''.
Yes, because its not even a lie. All Islamists are barbaric. I have yet to find a single Islamist that is peaceful towards other humans.
What even is an ''Islamist''? Like I've said before, ''Islamist'' is a needless and extremely ambiguous term that is generally used to describe every Muslim with a beard. If you mean extremists along the lines of TTP or Lal Masjid's Abdul Aziz, I'm with you - they're barbaric. But if, by ''Islamist'', you mean 'practicing Muslim', you're completely and utterly wrong
If we had brains, or knew how to use it progressively, we would have won lots of Nobel Prizes, and we would be leading the world in science, technology, economy like Jews do today :D :D :D
So you make it absolutely clear that you have an inferiority complex.

Muslims are a much larger population than Jews. What this means is that there is more division, more strife, more poverty and consequently more wasted potential and violence. It's not an inherent flaw in Muslims.
Its not cherry picking. The original map of the British Mandate for Palestine is this:

History & Overview of the British Palestine Mandate | Jewish Virtual Library
You make no effort to understand anything other than Israeli propaganda, now do you? Mandatory Palestine as of 1920 was limited to the area now known as Israel, including the West Bank and Gaza.

Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The source is reliable, but shooting homemade rockets against a much stronger opponent is not. Terrorists that brought down two buildings on 9/11 2001 gave similar "reasons" for their actions. What they didn't know was that they just messed up with a nation that had the ability to take down two nations post 9/11 in retaliation: Iraq and Afghanistan! LOL :D :D :D

Rule of the thumb for the Muslim terrorists: Don't act unless your pea size brain can figure out the consequences of your peaceful actions! :D :D :D!
If the source is reliable, it refutes your arguments and therefore I don't need to bother with them. You just need to read the source you have declared to be reliable.
The Terrorists that perpetrated 9/11 didn't give any 'similar reasons'. They weren't occupied and they weren't oppressed for the past seven decades. Their example is irrelevant. And so is Iraq - Iraq wasn't invaded because of 9/11. It was invaded under the official excuse of ''WMDs'', which never existed. The actual reasoning behind it is much more complex, I won't go off topic discussing it.

Most of the West Bank's topography is hilltops, steep mountains and barren lands, so it's much difficult and expensive to establish settlements there than at much more flatter beachside, green Gaza
I meant from a security perspective. Gaza is densely populated and Hamas operates from there. Keeping settlements there is not sustainable without a great commitment and it is a lot easier for the Israelis .

It happened during a ehm, WAR!!! Have you ever heard of a peaceful WAR with no blooshed in entire human history??? :D :D :D
If you did, let me know :D :D :D I will be amused :D :D :D
What a level of hypocrisy.
I quoted the exact same source you used to prove the Palestinians were violent. It was about violence before 1948. Now tell me which war was declared in 1920, in Palestine? There was no war. It was Jewish terrorism.
Funny you that you don't even know that these massacres didn't start in 1948 but long before it when Jews were attacking nobody but were massacred by the peace-loving Arabs anyway:
List of killings and massacres in Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Now if you go through that list, you'll see that 59 of the massacres were actually perpetrated by Jewish terrorists.
So again we see, it was NOT your lovely Muslim donors that bought those remaining greenhouses from destruction for the Palestinians
It was their greenhouses in the first place. The Muslims would've bought them if they could afford them. But they couldn't. So you can celebrate about that, go ahead, dance and laugh at the poverty of your fellow Muslims.
YEPP! NOW FINALLY YOU GOT THE PICTURE! :D :D :D This little double-crossing agreement between UK and France is the root cause of all current mess:
Sykes–Picot Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I always knew of the Sykes-Picot agreement. You don't get any credit for telling me what I already know. :D
Yeah, they would have if they felt the NEED for it. Had 5 neighboring Arab States not first ATTACKED it or threatened with invasion, there would have been practically NO NEED to expand its borders
They had clearly said that it was because they thought the Jewish state was ''too small''. Not because of any of the bull you just made up. The Peel Commission was long before any attack from the Arabs.

Nope. Jews would have lost the moral legitimacy, had they started a war of aggression against a peaceful Palestinian Arab state in the South
They had already started a war of aggression through their multiple group.
Yepp, and if they had actually carried out that plan of expanding borders, Arabs would have been on the right side of history and their claims of peaceful intentions would have been validated.
Maybe. Or maybe the Israelis would've been supported by the US and the West, and they'd easily discredit any form of Arab political ground through propaganda and revisionist history. Like they've already done.
Actually, it was the Arab leaders that wanted to push all Jews into the sea.
I wasn't talking about what was. I was talking about what probably will be. If you have any alternate predictions, feel free to share them.

Israel never wanted to "absorb" Palestine. If it did, all it had to do was to annex all this territory it conquered post 6-day war
It has already absorbed Palestine.
My statements indicate what? That I am an objective person?
No, that you're not a 'centrist'.
Sure it was. Earlier somewhere you actually said you will defend Islam and Muslims to your death. What a dimwit!
Islam, and Muslims as a whole. That doesn't mean I won't criticise Muslims when they're wrong. It means I won't attack the whole religion when a couple are wrong. I already clarified that. You're still milking that old strawman, what a dimwit.:enjoy:
Also, Israel had a major role propping up Hamas against much secular Fatah in the past:
How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas - WSJ
How Israel helped create Hamas - The Washington Post

So you see, Jews are not all perfect. Their leaders made bad choices in the past. And they are now paying the price for it in form of no peace and violent jihad against their people!
So its not like I am all pro-Zionist, pro-Jewish bootlicker. I KNOW all the facts in the conflict I naturally blame both sides, and not just the much stronger Israeli side
If you want to be neutral, there is a much more neutral way of arguing, in case you didn't know. It involves not calling one side ''animals'' and similar things while constantly praising the other side.
EXPAND to where?
it will show you how much land Israel had conquered post 6-day war and how much land it GAVE AWAY for peace
The Sinai stretched Israeli forces thin, the Egyptian attempts to take it back in 1973 were moderately successful. Peace with the Egyptians was in Israel's best interest. Their political maneuvering is very efficient, I'll give them that.
They are different from Hamas, PLO, Hezbollah as they formed a National Army called Israeli Defense Forces.
So, would you accept Hamas as legitimate if it joined up with the PLO and Fatah to form a Palestinian Defence Force?
Unless Palestinian terrorist factions also form something similar, their so-called "armed struggle" aka. JIHAD against the infidel Jews will take them nowhere but to the gates of hell!
The word for armed struggle is Qital. Jihad is only struggle. :D
Qital, Jihad And Terrorism - Javed Ahmad Ghamidi
Not just that. They made leader of a terrorist group their national leader in 1977. That terrorist went further and struck an historic peace-deal with Egypt. So much for his TERRORIST evil past
People change. Good for him. Israel was already on track to relations with Egypt. Like I said, their political strategy is efficient. The ex-terrorist just had to go along with the plan. On the plus side, Modi now has a role-model to look upto. :lol:
I didn't say your sources about the Peel Commission were unreliable. Those for almost everything else were.
So If a one-sided anti-Israeli online source with no multiple confirmation apparatus such as electronic intifada can be deemed "reliable" by you, then anything less than Wikipedia should become reliable as well, since this free internet encyclopedia is a well known pro-Israel Jewish conspiracy! :D :D :D

Purchased land was no more than a little fraction of what is now called Israel. The rest was taken forcefully.
Hahaha! What a pathetic bogus argument I just heard! :D :D :D Name one country in the history of this world where all land under its administration was actually PAID for some time in history??? :D :D :D Europeans just colonized Native American lands and forced them into reservations without paying a thing. At least Jewish settlers PAID Palestinians for the land before building settlements on them. :D :D :D

The fact that a few Muslims remained in India does not change this.
"Few Muslims" remained? What kind of a BS information is that? Are 180 million strong minority of Muslims in India "few" to you? It is nearly as much as Pakistan's ENTIRE current population, joker!!! :D :D :D
Islam is the second-largest religion in India, making up 14.88% of the country's population with about 180 million adherents (2011 census).
Islam in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You would need another land mass as big as current Pakistan to host that many people if they ever decide to immigrate here after facing hypothetical Hindu terrorism! :D :D :D

Exactly. Big difference, in many ways. So stop comparing the two.
Big difference? How? Weren't all Indian Muslims supposed to be Pakistanis upon migration? :D :D :D The so-called Two-Nation theory says so :D :D :D

The Zionists made it clear they would expand their borders regardless of what the Peel Commission said.. The Arabs made a political choice to try and prevent that.
Hahaha :D. Your pathetic little arguments will get you nowhere. You don't need to prevent formation of state by invading it on all corners. You only do this unless you wish for a total annihilation of entire people! Here is some more info regarding Arabs "peaceful" intentions towards a newly forming Jewish State:
Shortly after Azzam assumed his position as secretary general of the Arab League, anti-Jewish riots broke out in Egypt; these riots were condemned by Azzam. It may have been this act that led David Ben-Gurion to say about him on September 18, 1947, that Azzam Pasha is "the most honest and humane among Arab leaders ... one of the few Arabs in the world who has a humane outlook and ideals."

The Zionist movement knew him well. A few weeks before the interview with Akhbar el-Yom, Azzam met with two representatives of the Zionist lobby in London, Abba Eban, who would become foreign minister, and David Horowitz, who would become the governor of the Bank of Israel.

The meeting took place at the Savoy Hotel. Horowitz recalled Azzam as a slight man with dark and penetrating eyes. He received the two, along with the journalist John Kimche, with great courtesy, but explained to them that there was no option but war.

Horowitz quoted Azzam's gloomy assessment of the situation: "We shall try to defeat you. I am not sure we'll succeed, but we'll try. We were able to drive out the Crusaders, but on the other hand we lost Spain and Persia. It may be that we shall lose Palestine. But it's too late to talk of peaceful solutions."

Ben-Gurion, who was informed of the meeting, summed up Azzam's words thus, in a meeting with members of his party: "As we fought against the Crusaders, we will fight against you, and we will erase you from the earth."

Since he considered Azzam to be an honest person, Ben-Gurion believed him. He, too, assessed that war was inevitable.

So you see now? Same old threats of annihilation of an entire people as the Iranian Regime and Hamas are giving these days!!!!

Jews in Palestine were allowed to purchase land and live there before the creation of Israel - therefore your statement that the Arabs rejected the ''whole idea'' of Jews living in their midst is a lie.
It was because Arabs were not SOVEREIGN in that land. British governed the region through Mandate and they ALLOWED it, while the Arabs of course hated this whole IDEA as they expressed in front of Peel Commission of 1937 :D :D :D

They won't matter after a few thousand years. Unless they return and forcefully take over Israel in the same way the Zionists did, using the same rationalization.
Return to where? They are already living in the West Bank and Gaza. Where to return to? :D :D :D
Also, you expect Palestinians to fight against ever advancing Israeli weaponry with stones, sticks and homemade crackers? :D :D :D

Behind all those smileys of yours is a ton of frustration.
Nope. Behind these smileys is a megaton of sarcasm :D :D :D

Yes, it is. Deal with it.
So what? Islamism is unjust to everyone else. Every damn ideology in this world is good for someone and bad for someone else. Deal with it :D :D :D We are not living in a "perfectly" just world anyway :D :D :D

''Islamism'' is a useless term, since there's no such thing as ''Islamism''. As per its 'official' definition, Islamism means the belief that Islam should guide all spheres of life. You, ostensibly being a Muslim, should know that that belief is a part of Islam itself and therefore doesn't require any separate term. Therefore, we're left with two things: Islam and ''Islamic'' extremism.
Islam is a religion. Islamism is not. Its a socio-political and economic ideology based on the religion of Islam. YOU can read all about it here if you are confused:
The first Islamist movement actually goes back almost a century. Islamism evolved in five phases. It has not been a straight trajectory. Each phase reflected the scope of change in size, political purpose, priorities, and tactics.

Modern Islamism originally emerged in response to multiple crises in the vacuum created by the Ottoman Empire’s collapse and as an alternative to the dominant ideologies of either East or West. Often in the context of European colonialism, Islamist leaders argued that the outside world was out to exploit, control, or destroy Muslim lands. The only way to defend the faith was to fight back, politically, socially and physically.

Modern Islamism began with a tiny cell in 1928, when a 22-year-old schoolteacher mobilized six disgruntled workers from Egypt’s Suez Canal Company. It was originally a social and religious movement. But Hassan al Banna’s little group grew into the Muslim Brotherhood, the first popular Islamist movement in the Arab world. It eventually spawned more than 80 branches worldwide.

The brotherhood created the startup model that initially focused on fusing Islam with public services, such as schools, clinics, cooperatives, social clubs, welfare providers and religious support groups. The public services evolved into mini-states-within-states, taking on distinct political agendas for changing the rest of society too. Many other Islamist movements later duplicated the formula.

The first phase peaked in the 1970s, as secular ideologies failed to deliver. The turning point was the 1973 war, when Arabs fought for the first time in the name of Islam.

So YES, there is such a THING as Islamism. Again, your denial of this term will get you nowhere, dimwit Jihadi :D :D :D

in an attempt at my character assassination.
Your character is perfectly fine. Your denial of commonly accepted terms such as Islamism is NOT :D :D :D

Sure its relevant. Here you have leader of a pro-Palestine terror organisation and his own son betrays him by joining a group of high-ranking oppressive evil infidels, while helping them to avert coming terror attacks :D :D :D

You lumping the PLO with Hamas, Hezbollah and ISIS shows your ignorance.
PLO (FATAH) has a militant terrorist wing as well in the West Bank:
In November 2003, BBC journalists uncovered a payment by Fatah of $50,000 a month to al-Aqsa.[9] This investigation, combined with the documents found by the Israel Defense Forces(IDF), led the government of Israel to draw the conclusion that the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades have always been directly funded by Yasser Arafat. In June 2004, then Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei openly stated this: "We have clearly declared that the Aksa Martyrs' Brigades are part of Fatah. We are committed to them and Fatah bears full responsibility for the group."[10] In July, he further declared "The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, military wing of the Fatah movement will not be dissolved and Fatah will never relinquish its military wing."[11]

On 18 December 2003, Fatah asked the leaders of the al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigades to join the Fatah Council, recognizing it officially as part of the Fatah organization.[12]
Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you want to show off what a 'free thinker' you are, target specific people and specific narratives and dissect them logically instead of saying stupid things like ''Muslims have no brains''.
I never said they have NO Brains in such a sense. I always said they have no brains COMPARED to Jewish ones. In another terms, Muslims have same kind of physical and biological Brains as Jews, only they don't use it as effectively and progressively as Jews do!!! Big difference :D :D :D

I am talking in metaphors, while you are taking it literally as a typical Muslim fundamentalist :D :D :D

What even is an ''Islamist''? Like I've said before, ''Islamist'' is a needless and extremely ambiguous term that is generally used to describe every Muslim with a beard. If you mean extremists along the lines of TTP or Lal Masjid's Abdul Aziz, I'm with you - they're barbaric. But if, by ''Islamist'', you mean 'practicing Muslim', you're completely and utterly wrong
Not true. Islamist is someone who believes Islam encompasses each and every moment of a human life. An Islamist sees Islam not as a religion, as a part of life, but as a totalitarian ideology that encompasses ALL and EVERYTHING in his life. If you cannot understand such basic difference between an observing, practicing Muslim and an Islamist, you are doomed :D :D :D
Growing a beard or wearing hijab doesn't make you an Islamist automatically. But if you INSIST to have it on even when it goes against your local job terms and defies dress code at your national service, then you ARE an Islamist. :D :D :D
Easily put, if you deliberately impose your traditional religious customs and ways in your civil or military life, then you ARE an Islamist. :D :D :D
So this leaves us with this simple definition: An Islamist is a Muslim who cannot separate or distinguish his religion with the rest of his ordinary activities in his life :D :D :D

So you make it absolutely clear that you have an inferiority complex.
Nope! Not really! I am just pointing out an undeniable FACT that Jewish brains are way smarter that Muslim brains in general. It doesn't automatically give me any inferiority complex by stating these facts :D :D :D

If you feel yourself inferior to jews because of this undeniable fact, then be it. I don't care :D :D :D

It's not an inherent flaw in Muslims.
Of course there is a flaw. Jews despite being just 14 million in total worldwide are divided in various ethnic divisions, nationalities, religious sects and other kinds of denominations just like we Muslims do. And yet, despite of it or because of it for some strange reason, their collective brain power is way more than the brain powers of 1,6 billion Muslims combined :D :D :D
Jewish ethnic divisions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jewish population by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jewish religious movements - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You make no effort to understand anything other than Israeli propaganda, now do you? Mandatory Palestine as of 1920 was limited to the area now known as Israel, including the West Bank and Gaza.
Nope. Transjordan was originally part of Mandatory Palestine in 1920. It wasn't until 1922, two years later, that it was excluded from the Palestine Mandate (for the establishment of a Jewish national home) on a memorandum by the double-crossing British:
The Transjordan memorandum was a British memorandum passed by the Council of the League of Nations on 16 September 1922. The memorandum described how the British government planned to implement the article of the Mandate for Palestine which allowed exclusion of Transjordan from the provisions regarding Jewish settlement....
From that point onwards, Britain administered the part west of the Jordan as Palestine, and the part east of the Jordan as Transjordan.[5] Technically they remained one mandate, but most official documents referred to them as if they were two separate mandates. In May 1923 Transjordan was granted internal self-government with Abdullah as ruler and Harry St. John Philby as chief representative.[6]
Transjordan memorandum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So the this memorandum effectively barred Jews and not Arabs from settling in Transjordan, which technically remained one Palestine mandate until independence! Apartheid??? :D :D :D Happy NOW? :D :D :D

If the source is reliable, it refutes your arguments and therefore I don't need to bother with them. You just need to read the source you have declared to be reliable.
I read all my sources before posting. Stop this non-sense already :D :D :D

The Terrorists that perpetrated 9/11 didn't give any 'similar reasons'. They weren't occupied and they weren't oppressed for the past seven decades. Their example is irrelevant. And so is Iraq - Iraq wasn't invaded because of 9/11. It was invaded under the official excuse of ''WMDs'', which never existed. The actual reasoning behind it is much more complex, I won't go off topic discussing it.
But Afghanistan was invaded because of 9/11, indulging Pakistan into the mess as well. But I get maybe you don't believe 9/11 actually happened or it was all just a conspiracy theory? :D :D :D

I meant from a security perspective. Gaza is densely populated and Hamas operates from there. Keeping settlements there is not sustainable without a great commitment and it is a lot easier for the Israelis .
Hamas didn't get to rule in the strip until Israelis DISENGAGED completely from there in 2004-2005. This created power VACUUM giving rising to their illegal militancy, terrorism against their weaker political opponents such as Fatah. During Battle of Gaza, they forcibly expelled Fatah members out, thus ending Palestinian unity government effectively. No elections in Palestine have been held since then and elected officials have long been expired :D :D :D So much for peace-loving Arab "democracy" :D :D :D
Fatah–Hamas conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These various Palestinian political, militant factions can't even work together towards a common goal such as welfare for all Palestinians, and they expect rest of the world to believe its all because of Israels bloody "occupation" :D :D :D

Occupation or not, what's hindering these so-called most oppressed people in the world to unite against a common "enemy" that is Israel? Or maybe its not Israel they need to worry about after all but the intensive lack of internal unity and common goals for their entire nation :D :D :D

What a level of hypocrisy.
I quoted the exact same source you used to prove the Palestinians were violent. It was about violence before 1948. Now tell me which war was declared in 1920, in Palestine? There was no war. It was Jewish terrorism.
Whatever Jewish terrorism there was, it was a clear response to those many Arab massacres committed against previously unarmed Jews. Here is a small list of peaceful Arab riots and massacres of Jews in Palestine before 1936:
1920 Nebi Musa riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jaffa riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1929 Palestine riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1929 Safed riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1933 Palestine riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It wasn't until 1936-1937 after a long series of Arab riots and massacres against Jewish communities that Jews decided to defend themselves militarily against both armed Arabs and British Mandate authorities. This led to the birth of official Jewish paramilitary force Haganah but also many underground Jewish terror organisations such as Lehi, Irgun, Stern etc:
Zionist political violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now if you go through that list, you'll see that 59 of the massacres were actually perpetrated by Jewish terrorists.
Yepp, in response to previous Arab violence against Jews of course. Jews are not angels or supermen. They are just humans like us :D :D :D

It was their greenhouses in the first place. The Muslims would've bought them if they could afford them. But they couldn't. So you can celebrate about that, go ahead, dance and laugh at the poverty of your fellow Muslims.
LOL! :D Another pathetic straw man argument. These greenhouses were initially funded, designed and built by the Jewish settlers, not Palestinians in Gaza. Of course they didn't belong to Palestinians automatically unless they were left behind by the evacuating settlers. Present owners have a right to decide what to do with their property. They could either disassemble these greenhouses and snatch anything of value before leaving, or they could leave them intact and instead receive monetary aid in compensation. Settlers chose the second path naturally, yet somehow it's a "bad" and "evil" move by the Jews in your delusional biased mind :D :D :D

I always knew of the Sykes-Picot agreement. You don't get any credit for telling me what I already know. :D
Oh thank Goodness, at least you know something of historical value :D :D :D

The Peel Commission was long before any attack from the Arabs.
LOL. :D Here is a long list of all Arab attacks before The Peel Commission. The commission itself was setup in response to long series of massacres, riots, revolts and strikes by Arabs who opposed any coexistence with Jews in Palestine:
List of killings and massacres in Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They had already started a war of aggression through their multiple group.
What kind of a war of aggression by Jews do we see until 1936? :D :D :D

Maybe. Or maybe the Israelis would've been supported by the US and the West, and they'd easily discredit any form of Arab political ground through propaganda and revisionist history. Like they've already done.
If Jews had that much control over the Western powers as you claim to have, they would have easily averted the unfortunate deaths of 6 million of their brethren in Europe by the hands of Nazi Germany!!! Jews are in no way superhumans. Grow up from your cheap conspiracy mindset already!
Ben-Gurion (First PM of Israel) wrote 20 years later: "Had partition [referring to the Peel Commission partition plan] been carried out, the history of our people would have been different and six million Jews in Europe would not have been killed—most of them would be in Israel".[32]
Peel Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wasn't talking about what was. I was talking about what probably will be. If you have any alternate predictions, feel free to share them.
There is a common saying among Israelis: If Palestinian Arabs put down their arms, there will be peace. If Israel put down its arms, there will be no Israel :D :D :D

It has already absorbed Palestine.
But still not annexed by Israel. More palestinians delay the negotiations with Israel, the more land they will lose to annexations permanently some time in the future :D :D :D

No, that you're not a 'centrist'.
At least I am not an extreme left- or right-winger :D :D :D

Islam, and Muslims as a whole. That doesn't mean I won't criticise Muslims when they're wrong. It means I won't attack the whole religion when a couple are wrong. I already clarified that. You're still milking that old strawman, what a dimwit.:enjoy:
You may believe from my comments that I am attacking Islam and Muslims in general regarding their attitudes with Israel and Jews. Its entirely not true. Many Muslim nations since Israel's rebirth have recognized Israel's right to exist. Republic of Turkey and Azerbaijan are a few handful of Muslim nations that recognized Israel from day 1. Same was the case with Pahlavi Iran, until the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Iran-Israel relationship was so close that they were jointly-developing advanced missiles right before the eve of revolutionary events:
Project Flower was initiated between the two defense ministers of Israel and Iran. The project went further than Israel simply supplying Iran with ballistic missiles to protect its border region. Instead, Israel proposed the exchange of Iranian investment for Israeli technology. This meant that Israel could invest in their own military research and replace American parts in their current arsenal. This would by-pass the United States purview of the trade. In April 1977, Iran and Israel agreed on six oil-for-arms contracts totaling $1 billion.

A new Israeli Prime Minister in 1978, Menachem Begin, offered to derail Project Flower. But the incumbent would resurrect the project showing Israel’s commitment to peace between the two countries. The benefits for Israel, although now almost entirely dependent on Iranian oil, was to show other Arab states the benefits of acceptance and cooperation with the Jewish state.
Remembering Project Flower |

This historic cooperation proves once and for all that Muslim nations and Israelis can actually work together without bigotry and bias towards common goals if they really want to. :D :D :D

If you want to be neutral, there is a much more neutral way of arguing, in case you didn't know. It involves not calling one side ''animals'' and similar things while constantly praising the other side.
Again, I called Palestinian terrorist factions such as Hamas a bunch of sick "animals". Not all Palestinians are animals of course. Are you dumb? :D :D :D

Where is historical Palestine? Jordan was also Palestine once :D :D :D

The Sinai stretched Israeli forces thin, the Egyptian attempts to take it back in 1973 were moderately successful.

Successful? LOL :D IDF penetrated deep into Egyptian territory and could take Cairo if it wished to quite easily:

By the end of the war, the Israelis had advanced to positions some 101 kilometres from Egypt's capital, Cairo, and occupied 1,600 square kilometres west of the Suez Canal.[218] They had also cut the Cairo-Suez road and encircled the bulk of Egypt's Third Army. The Israelis had also taken many prisoners after Egyptian soldiers, including many officers, began surrendering in masses towards the end of the war.[219] The Egyptians held a narrow strip on the east bank of the canal, occupying some 1,200 square kilometres of the Sinai.[219] One source estimated that the Egyptians had 70,000 men, 720 tanks and 994 artillery pieces on the east bank of the canal.[220] However, between 30,000 to 45,000 of them were now encircled by the Israelis.[221][222]

Egypt wished to end the war when they realized that the I.D.F canal crossing offensive could result in a catastrophe.[224] The Egyptian's besieged third army could not hold on without supply.[20][211] The Israeli Army advanced to a 100 km distance from Cairo, which worried Egypt.[20] The Israeli army had open terain and no opposition to advance further to Cairo; had they done so Sadat's rule might have ended.[225]
Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Yom Kippur War Cease-Fire Lines: October 24, 1973

So, would you accept Hamas as legitimate if it joined up with the PLO and Fatah to form a Palestinian Defence Force?
Of course. Why not. They have some of the greatest and bravest Jihadi fighters in the entire history of Islam. Sure they could become great soldiers if trained like a regular national army without excessive Islamic brainwashing! :D :D : D

The word for armed struggle is Qital. Jihad is only struggle. :D
Qital, Jihad And Terrorism - Javed Ahmad Ghamidi
That is right. But Armed Jihad is actually Qital :D :D :D

People change. Good for him. Israel was already on track to relations with Egypt. Like I said, their political strategy is efficient. The ex-terrorist just had to go along with the plan. On the plus side, Modi now has a role-model to look upto. :lol:
Hahahaha :D Well said :D :D :D
There was never such a thing such as 'State of Palestine' in all eternity of History, so I just don't give a shit reading rest of your BS! I KNOW Zionism is a political ideology, but it has religious elements as well. See for example these Religious Zionists celebrating Jerusalem Day:

Religious Zionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, NO, Zionism is not just a secular ideology :D :D :D

Zionism has just as much to do with Judaism as Hamas has to do with Islam. Just like Zionism the Jihadist ideology of Hamas too has the political and secular goal of attaining the land of Israel/Palestine for their people. Adding doses of religion gives the ideology more legitimacy in the eyes of its adherents but that doesnt change the fact that the ideology at its core is political and simply uses religion for political purposes.

Nevertheless being anti Hamas doesnt mean you are anti Islam just as being anti Zionist doesnt mean you are anti Jewish. Otherwise individuals like Illan Pappe, Norman Finkelstein (whose own parents were in the Holocaust) etc wouldnt exist.

With regards to the name of the land you are right I should have said mandate of Palestine rather than state of Palestine. So let me rephrase a previous section of my post:

"Zionism is a political ideology that envisaged a homeland for Jewish people in the mandate of Palestine. A political ideology however is not a religion."

This still doesnt change the fact that Zionism is not Judaism as Zionism as a political ideology simply sought to give Jewish people a homeland in Palestine whereas Judaism is a religion whose adherents may or may not support Zionism. I too personally oppose Hamas but that doesnt mean that I am anti Islam.
So If a one-sided anti-Israeli online source with no multiple confirmation apparatus such as electronic intifada can be deemed "reliable" by you,
No. I acknowledged that the Electronic Intifada was one sided. You said it was reliable.
Here's what I said:
Truths and lies behind Israel's attacks on Gaza and its whining about rockets | The Electronic Intifada
Now don't complain that the source is unreliable. [Because you also use one-sided sources]
To which you responded:
The source is reliable, but shooting homemade rockets against a much stronger opponent is not.
Hahaha! What a pathetic bogus argument I just heard! :D :D :DName one country in the history of this world where all land under its administration was actually PAID for some time in history??? :D:D:D
That was your argument. You said that the Jews purchased all the land. Now you're calling that same argument pathetic. You don't even care what you say, as long as you can twist it to make the Israelis look good.
Europeans just colonized Native American lands and forced them into reservations without paying a thing.
You're jumping from one argument to another. First you say the Jews paid for all the land. When I told you they paid for very little and took the rest by force, you're saying the Europeans took over Native American land - so essentially you're admitting the two situations are similar, and are therefore saying that the only way to make the Israelis look good is to compare their actions with mass genocide. Good to know.

"Few Muslims" remained? What kind of a BS information is that? Are 180 million strong minority of Muslims in India "few" to you? It is nearly as much as Pakistan's ENTIRE current population, joker!!! :D :D :D
''Joker'', says the guy who must use multiple smileys after every sentence. You've already admitted you're wrong by attacking me, but I'll go through the pain of explaining how wrong you are just because I enjoy it. And you have no idea what you're talking about. 180 million is India's Muslim population today. And do you realise that you're saying the exact opposite of what you were saying before - before you said Pakistan took a disproportionate amount of land from the Indians, and now you're saying that Pakistan should've taken more land because there still are Muslims left in India.
Big difference? How?
You said it was a big difference and now you're asking how. You should've thought about it before you said so before.
The so-called Two-Nation theory says so
The Two-Nation theory is not ''so-called'', there are two nations therefore it is perfectly appropriately called the two-nation theory. If you think it's ''so-called'', you should get rid of that Pakistani flag under your name. If you want to discuss the two-nation theory, open a new thread. Or read some of @syedali73 's posts about the issue.

Hahaha :D. Your pathetic little arguments will get you nowhere. You don't need to prevent formation of state by invading it on all corners.
You want to know what a pathetic little argument is? That the Arabs attacked with too many armies and therefore wanted to genocide the Jews. That's absolute bull. As I have said before, if the Americans invading Iraq with fifty armies doesn't mean genocide, neither does the Arabs intervening in Palestine with five armies.

It was because Arabs were not SOVEREIGN in that land. British governed the region through Mandate and they ALLOWED it, while the Arabs of course hated this whole IDEA as they expressed in front of Peel Commission of 1937 :D :D :D
It was the Arabs selling them the land. The British allowed it, yes, but it was still being bought from Arab landowners.
Return to where? They are already living in the West Bank and Gaza. Where to return to?
We were talking about a hypothetical scenario of the future in which he Palestinians are expelled from Palestine.

So what? Islamism is unjust to everyone else. Every damn ideology in this world is good for someone and bad for someone else. Deal with it :D :D :D We are not living in a "perfectly" just world anyway
Some are worse than others. If you use this justification to say Zionism is OK, you have no right to complain about ''Islamism'' either - using the same justification of course, since Takfirism is worse than Islamism and Nazism is worse than that - you can always find something worse. Not a good way of justifying something.
Islam is a religion. Islamism is not. Its a socio-political and economic ideology based on the religion of Islam.
Islam includes many socio-political and economic ideas. Where do you draw the line between Islam and Islamism?

So YES, there is such a THING as Islamism. Again, your denial of this term will get you nowhere, dimwit Jihadi
Parroting this term without a proper definition will get you nowhere. And neither will personal attacks.
Your denial of commonly accepted terms such as Islamism is NOT
Commonly accepted? By whom? Western non-Muslims?
PLO (FATAH) has a militant terrorist wing as well in the West Bank:
No different from the IDF then.
I never said they have NO Brains in such a sense. I always said they have no brains COMPARED to Jewish ones.
No means none. A better term to use would've been 'little'. And why do you keep using 'they' to distance yourself from Muslims?
I am talking in metaphors
Ah, the classic ''I didn't really mean it'' defense. At least have the intellectual courage to admit you were wrong.
Not true. Islamist is someone who believes Islam encompasses each and every moment of a human life. An Islamist sees Islam not as a religion, as a part of life, but as a totalitarian ideology that encompasses ALL and EVERYTHING in his life. If you cannot understand such basic difference between an observing, practicing Muslim and an Islamist, you are doomed :D :D :D
Growing a beard or wearing hijab doesn't make you an Islamist automatically. But if you INSIST to have it on even when it goes against your local job terms and defies dress code at your national service, then you ARE an Islamist. :D :D :D
Easily put, if you deliberately impose your traditional religious customs and ways in your civil or military life, then you ARE an Islamist. :D :D :D
So this leaves us with this simple definition: An Islamist is a Muslim who cannot separate or distinguish his religion with the rest of his ordinary activities in his life :D :D :D
That definition doesn't make any sense - does that mean an Islamist thinks everything he does is part of religion or does that mean he thinks he shouldn't do anything that is not part of religion?

If you want to talk about people who deliberately impose peripheral elements of religion (yes, beards and Hijabs are peripheral elements) into every sphere of their life, simply calling them extremists or mullahs would suffice.
Of course there is a flaw. Jews despite being just 14 million in total worldwide are divided in various ethnic divisions, nationalities, religious sects and other kinds of denominations just like we Muslims do. And yet, despite of it or because of it for some strange reason, their collective brain power is way more than the brain powers of 1,6 billion Muslims combined
I've already explained why that is the case. The fact that you didn't even quote that and instead only quoted one sentence where I said there is no inherent flaw in Muslims shows that you can not argue with it.

If you think there is an inherent flaw in Muslims, name it. What is this inherent flaw?

Nope. Transjordan was originally part of Mandatory Palestine in 1920. It wasn't until 1922, two years later, that it was excluded from the Palestine Mandate (for the establishment of a Jewish national home) on a memorandum by the double-crossing British:
Transjordan memorandum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From that point onwards, Britain administered the part west of the Jordan as Palestine, and the part east of the Jordan as Transjordan.[5]Technically they remained one mandate, but most official documents referred to them as if they were two separate mandates. In May 1923 Transjordan was granted internal self-government with Abdullah as ruler and Harry St. John Philby as chief representative.[6]
According to the passages quoted by you, most official documents referred to them as separate mandates. So that makes it clear that the document I had quoted earlier about the population of Mandatory Palestine excluding Trans-Jordan actually did exclude Trans-Jordan - my argument stands unscathed.

Nope. Behind these smileys is a megaton of sarcasm :D :D :D
So you are being sarcastic and not actually defending Zionism. Or you're just flip-flopping to make it look like your arguments make sense or are right, and that your wrong arguments were just sarcasm. Again, have the intellectual courage to admit you were wrong. Or don't bother trying to defend said wrong arguments.
But Afghanistan was invaded because of 9/11, indulging Pakistan into the mess as well. But I get maybe you don't believe 9/11 actually happened or it was all just a conspiracy theory? :D :D :D
Did I say Afghanistan wasn't invaded because of 9/11? No, I didn't. I said Iraq wasn't invaded because of 9/11. Learn the difference between Iraq and Afghanistan, and look up the rationale for the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. Then come and talk.

You don't ''get'' anything. Yet another pathetic attempt at character assassination by saying I believe in 9/11 conspiracy theories even though I never said so.
Hamas didn't get to rule in the strip
I said Hamas operated from the strip. Not that it ruled the strip before 2004. There's a difference. The rest of your paragraph was based on this strawman and therefore it collapses and I don't need to bother with it.
Occupation or not, what's hindering these so-called most oppressed people in the world to unite against a common "enemy" that is Israel? Or maybe its not Israel they need to worry about after all but the intensive lack of internal unity and common goals for their entire nation :D :D :D
They need to work on unity, yes. Disunity is a big problem in the Muslim world. It isn't funny though, it's actually a problem.
Whatever Jewish terrorism there was, it was a clear response to those many Arab massacres committed against previously unarmed Jews. Here is a small list of peaceful Arab riots and massacres of Jews in Palestine before 1936:
Haganah was formed in 1920. Irgun was formed in 1931. Both these dates are before 1936.
Yepp, in response to previous Arab violence against Jews of course.
So it's ok to form multiple terrorists groups and start organized massacres in response to a few isolated incidents of violence. By that logic,African-Americans in the US should have at least four or five of them fighting to form a separate state inside Detroit.
It wasn't until 1936-1937 after a long series of Arab riots and massacres against Jewish communities that Jews decided to defend themselves militarily against both armed Arabs and British Mandate authorities
Haganah was formed in 1920.
LOL! :D Another pathetic straw man argument.
A straw man is when you misrepresent someone else's argument. I didn't do anything like that in mine. You think my argument is wrong doesn't mean it's a straw man. Actually bother looking up the terms you encounter before parroting them where you feel they're appropriate.
yet somehow it's a "bad" and "evil" move by the Jews in your delusional biased mind
I never used the terms ''bad'' or ''evil''. Attributing quotes to me despite me never saying those specific words, now there's a strawman.
If Jews had that much control over the Western powers as you claim to have, they would have easily averted the unfortunate deaths of 6 million of their brethren in Europe by the hands of Nazi Germany!!! Jews are in no way superhumans. Grow up from your cheap conspiracy mindset already!
At this point you're just making up things you think I'd say, misrepresenting my argument, and then blaming me for having a ''cheap conspiracy mindset''. You're making things up and venting your frustration on them. The very definition of strawman.

You have made yourself believe that because I oppose Zionism I am a mullah conspiracy theorist. That is entirely not true.

I never said the Jews had control over the Western powers. I said they had the support of the Western powers. Big difference.
LOL. :D Here is a long list of all Arab attacks before The Peel Commission.
I meant attack by the Arab armies. By the way, your list of ''all Arab attacks'' ''before The Peel Commission'' contains 59 attacks by Jewish militants, and many attacks after the Peel Commission. Again, read through articles before you post them.
But still not annexed by Israel. More palestinians delay the negotiations with Israel, the more land they will lose to annexations permanently some time in the future :D :D :D
So essentially you're happy that the Israelis are bullying and coercing the Palestinians into accepting whatever the Israelis say. That's not how negotiation works.
At least I am not an extreme left- or right-winger :D :D :D
Mussolini probably used to say ''at least I'm not Hitler''. And Hitler probably used to say ''at least I'm not Mao''. There is no extreme right or left winger here. So there's no point saying that.
You may believe from my comments that I am attacking Islam and Muslims in general regarding their attitudes with Israel and Jews. Its entirely not true. Many Muslim nations since Israel's rebirth have recognized Israel's right to exist. Republic of Turkey and Azerbaijan are a few handful of Muslim nations that recognized Israel from day 1. Same was the case with Pahlavi Iran, until the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Iran-Israel relationship was so close that they were jointly-developing advanced missiles right before the eve of revolutionary events:
Good that you acknowledged that Muslims have diverse opinions.
This historic cooperation proves once and for all that Muslim nations and Israelis can actually work together without bigotry and bias towards common goals if they really want to. :D :D :D
They don't need to work together. Muslim nations have no obligation to work with Israel, and them not working with Israel doesn't make them any more wrong than the US not working with North Korea. Yes, they can work together. Doesn't mean they have to.

As long as there is no fighting, there is no reason to impose acceptance of Israel despite its crimes. I would be delighted if there was peace with Israel on part of all Muslim nations. But we don't need to back down on our stance about the Palestinians and Israeli crimes for peace. Israel will need to back down from the West Bank. That's what compromise is.
Again, I called Palestinian terrorist factions such as Hamas a bunch of sick "animals". Not all Palestinians are animals of course.
No. You made a very general and very vague statement about how ''animals remain animals no matter how much you love them''. Nothing about Hamas in there. And I'm sure you wouldn't say the same about the IDF when they commit crimes.

. Are you dumb? :D :D :D
I would ask the same question, had it not been rude to do so and had you not made the answer so blatantly obvious.
Successful? LOL :D IDF penetrated deep into Egyptian territory and could take Cairo if it wished to quite easily:
They wouldn't be able to sustain control without committing a large amount of forces and resources. I never said the Israelis were stupid. They always knew their limits and their strengths.
Of course. Why not. They have some of the greatest and bravest Jihadi fighters in the entire history of Islam. Sure they could become great soldiers if trained like a regular national army without excessive Islamic brainwashing!
Interesting. What constitutes excessive Islamic brainwashing? Is having Islamic slogans like some units of the Pakistan Army ''excessive''? That's the problem with such facile arguments and terms - they're too ambiguous and well, facile.
That is right. But Armed Jihad is actually Qital :D :D :D
Let's keep it simple and just call it Qital then. Wouldn't want to confuse Islamic concepts too much.:astagh::D
On a serious note, that's actually how most extremist terrorists brainwash recruits - they confuse Islamic concepts, and sprinkle said confusion with some lies. This same type of confusion is found in the minds of terrorist sympathizers. It's dangerous.
No. I acknowledged that the Electronic Intifada was one sided. You said it was reliable.
Yes its reliable as it reflects views on the conflict from the Palestinian perspective.

That was your argument. You said that the Jews purchased all the land. Now you're calling that same argument pathetic. You don't even care what you say, as long as you can twist it to make the Israelis look good.
LOL :D I never said Jews purchased ALL the land. Before the war, they built settlements on purchased land. After the war, they built settlements wherever it suited them as they now had a sovereign country. Big difference :D

You're jumping from one argument to another. First you say the Jews paid for all the land. When I told you they paid for very little and took the rest by force, you're saying the Europeans took over Native American land - so essentially you're admitting the two situations are similar, and are therefore saying that the only way to make the Israelis look good is to compare their actions with mass genocide. Good to know.
Entirely not true. Early Jewish settlements were built on land they purchased from Arabs and others during the Ottoman-era. Here is how Tel Aviv, Israel's most important city to this date was founded:
In the spring of 1909, when Palestine was still under Ottoman rule, sixty-six Jewish families took possession of lots in Karm al-Jabali, on the northern outskirts of the ancient port city of Jaffa near the Mediterranean coast amidst dunes, vineyards, and orchards. There they established a “garden suburb” called Ahuzat Bayit (“Homestead”), which was soon renamed Tel Aviv, or Hill of Spring. This was a scriptural allusion – the prophet Ezekiel [3:15] mentions a place in Babylonia called Tel Aviv – and it also possessed a contemporary political resonance: Tel Aviv was the Hebrew title of the book Altneuland (Old/New Land), in which the Zionist leader Theodor Herzl outlined his utopian vision for the Holy Land. The Ahuzat Bayit Society was founded in Jaffa in 1906, at the initiative of Akiva Aryeh Weiss (1868-1947), a Russian-born jeweler and watchmaker with a strong interest in architecture and urban planning. The Eliasaf Robinson Collection includes several original contracts, in Arabic and Hebrew, documenting the leasing and purchase of lots in the Ahuzat Bayit settlement by members of the "founding families."
Ahuzat Bayit and the Founding of Tel Aviv in 1909 | SUL

All original documents regarding the purchase of land by the Jews in Tel Aviv is given in that above link. So your claim that Jews stole all the land are utterly false. Before the war, they built all the settlements on purchased land. If the original idea was to take the land by force from the natives, there was no need to purchase any of it in the first place with huge sums of money. :D :D :D

180 million is India's Muslim population today. And do you realise that you're saying the exact opposite of what you were saying before - before you said Pakistan took a disproportionate amount of land from the Indians, and now you're saying that Pakistan should've taken more land because there still are Muslims left in India.
Not really. You are the one that started saying original partition of Palestine was "unfair" while the Partition of India was "fair". I rejected your claims that partition of India was fair as there are now almost as many Muslims in India as there are in Pakistan. So tell me how that partition was "fair" in terms of land distribution :D :D :D

Both partition of Palestine and India in 1947 was unfair for the Muslims. For Indian Muslims because of Two-Nation theory and for Palestinians because they rejected earlier much fair partition :D :D :D

The Two-Nation theory is not ''so-called'', there are two nations therefore it is perfectly appropriately called the two-nation theory. If you think it's ''so-called'', you should get rid of that Pakistani flag under your name.
Two-nation theory collapsed East Pakistanis violently rebelled and broke lose in a new nation of Bangladesh. Indian Muslims now have same population as entire population of Pakistan. If Bangladeshi Muslims, Indian Muslims, Kashmiri Muslims, Pakistani Muslims actually form only one-nation per two-nation theory, why the heck are they divided in so many different political entities unlike one Jewish Israel? :D :D :D

Yes, I believe Two-Nation theory was false because it failed to unite all Indian Muslims under its banner the way Zionism did in Palestine. And regarding the flag under my banner, why should I remove it when I was born and raised in Pakistan and can speak, write its national language Urdu fluently? شرم تم کو مگر نہیں آتی! :D :D :D

That the Arabs attacked with too many armies and therefore wanted to genocide the Jews. That's absolute bull. As I have said before, if the Americans invading Iraq with fifty armies doesn't mean genocide, neither does the Arabs intervening in Palestine with five armies.
LOL :D So now you somehow equate Allied-coalition of many countries invading Iraq with Arab-coalition of 5 countries attacking recently formed Jewish State. I didn't know you were that stupid. Tell me, what would have been the ultimate consequences if Jews had lost that war in 1948? :D :D :D
Would they receive same rights as Israeli Arabs do today? Or they should have had same kind of "rights" minorities enjoy in Muslim majority countries today :D :D :D

It was the Arabs selling them the land. The British allowed it, yes, but it was still being bought from Arab landowners.
No, the land purchases began in the Ottoman-era. British only furthered continuation of old practices. They were not allowing anything new if its that you believe :D :D: :D

We were talking about a hypothetical scenario of the future in which he Palestinians are expelled from Palestine.
Cut this BS already! :D :D :D If Jews wanted to expel ALL Palestinian Arabs from the occupied territories, they would have done so quite easily with ethnic cleansing since 6-day war. The very fact that Palestinian Arab population has actually GROWN over the years despite the military presence of Israeli Defense Forces for decades disproves any of your hypothetical scenarios of mass expulsion:

Since 2005, Palestinian Arab population numbers the same as Israeli Jewish population :D :D :D So much for ethnic cleansing and mass expulsion of eternal refugees by evil Jews :D :D :D

Some are worse than others. If you use this justification to say Zionism is OK, you have no right to complain about ''Islamism'' either - using the same justification of course, since Takfirism is worse than Islamism and Nazism is worse than that - you can always find something worse. Not a good way of justifying something.
I am not justifying Zionism in anyway in this thread. No political, religious ideology can be "justified" as it always goes against somebody else. Two-nation theory went against one Indian national identity. Zionism went against one Palestinian identity. So what? If you can somehow justify two-nation theory, because it suits your Muslim identity, then Jews have similar right to justify their identity with Zionism, rather Arab nationalism in Palestine :D :D :D

I am not comparing Zionism with Islamism or Takfirism with Nazism. All ideologies have their pros and cons for some groups of people. No ideology is PERFECTLY justified for ALL PEOPLE. If you know of a such an ideology, be my guest :D :D :D

Islam includes many socio-political and economic ideas. Where do you draw the line between Islam and Islamism?
I do not see Islam as a socio-political religion. Sure Islamic teachings give us some ideas about how politics, economy and social life should be. But still Islam remains a religion just like Judaism, Christianity or other Abrahamic religions. The very fact some Muslims insist they cannot distinguish between Islam's religious teachings with its socio-political teachings is the reason why Islamists are born. :D :D :D

Its quite easy if you wish to draw a thin line between and Islam and Islamism. As long Islam is confined to the 4 corners of your mosque, your home, your religious ceremonies, it remains a religion. At once you take out Islam and start implementing its teachings in your national constitution, in your civil laws, in your social fabric of life, it's no longer a religion. Islam then becomes a socio-political force that defines each and every moment of your life. Its when an Islamic State based on Shariah is born :D :D :D

Parroting this term without a proper definition will get you nowhere. And neither will personal attacks.
I have already given you many many differences between Islam and Islamism. But since your thick head is programmed to not see it, I cannot help you :D :D :D

Commonly accepted? By whom? Western non-Muslims?
By everyone except the Islamists. An Islamist cannot distinguish between the religion of Islam and its political, social, economic aspects. For an Islamist, Islam is everything from cradle to the grave. For him Islam is not a part of his life but his life is Islam :D :D :D If you still cannot understand this basic difference, you clearly are biased person :D :D :D
Political aspects of Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Political Islam - Islam's ideology about unbelievers, Kafirs

No different from the IDF then.
No different from the Pakistani Army or Indian Army then :D :D :D
Are you such a knucklehead that you cannot distinguish between various Islamic militant factions from official defense forces of a sovereign nation such as Israel? :D :D :D
If you believe IDF to be a terrorist organisation on the same level as Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, then you should consult your nearest psychologist immediately! :D :D :D
Here you have some badasss IDF terrorists rescuing people from rubble in Nepal:
IDF rescuers work for hours to free 24-year-old Krishna Kumari; 15-year-old Pemba Tamang evacuated to Israeli field hospital after 120 hours in wreckage of collapsed seven-story building in Kathmandu.

Israelis rescue woman from rubble 5 days after Nepal quake - Israel News, Ynetnews

You are such a biased person who first cannot distinguish between Islam and Islamism, and now cannot distinguish between IDF and Islamic terror organisations :D :D :D

No means none. A better term to use would've been 'little'. And why do you keep using 'they' to distance yourself from Muslims?
I never distanced myself from Muslims. I am trying to be as objective as possible when typing. :D :D :D

Ah, the classic ''I didn't really mean it'' defense. At least have the intellectual courage to admit you were wrong.
Again, I never meant all Muslims had no brains. I always wrote in comparison with someone else :D :D :D

That definition doesn't make any sense - does that mean an Islamist thinks everything he does is part of religion or does that mean he thinks he shouldn't do anything that is not part of religion?
That is right. Islamist thinks everything he does is part of his religion.
We Muslims do not drink alcohol or eat pork. Its against our religious teachings. Westerners respect that and do not force these substances down our throat. They give us freedom of choice.
But Islamists do not think it that way. They believe such prohibitions are for each and every member of their multi-religious society. Ergo, they do not believe in choice. In UK, where you live, Islamists patrol in the streets and prohibit people from consuming alcohol. What the heck? If you still cannot understand this basic difference what can I do? :D :D :D
Hooded 'Muslim Patrol' vigilantes remove alcohol from drinkers and tell women to cover up as they stalk London suburb
Hooded 'Muslim Patrol' vigilantes remove alcohol from drinkers and tell women to cover up | Daily Mail Online

Sharia patrols, also referred to as Muslim patrols or Modesty patrols, involving a group or several groups of young Muslim men, members of an organisation self-named the Shariah Project,[1] have patrolled streets in East London since at least early 2013. Early that year, videos of their activities, filmed by members of the patrol, were uploaded online:[2] these showed hooded members of the patrol confronting passers-by and demanding that they conform to Sharia law.[3] They targeted prostitutes, people drinking alcohol, couples who were holding hands, women whom they considered to be dressed immodestly, and harassed others whom they perceived as being gay.[4][5][6]
Sharia patrols - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you want to talk about people who deliberately impose peripheral elements of religion (yes, beards and Hijabs are peripheral elements) into every sphere of their life, simply calling them extremists or mullahs would suffice.
I wouldn't call them extremists. Because it's not an extreme thing to wear Sikh turban (Dastar) throughout your life as it's part of their religious customs. Such an imposition is clearly not extremism. But when you are starting to impose such even when it's against dress code of your local job or national service, only then it can be classified as religiously extreme and Islamist in nature :D :D :D

If you think there is an inherent flaw in Muslims, name it. What is this inherent flaw?
Of course there is no inherent flaw in Muslims. I never said that. What I meant was that Jews used their brains more effectively and progressively than Muslims. Its not a FLAW, rather a different way of using your brains. I said I didn't know the reason of this. It could be because of their culture of learning, their children's upbringing etc etc.
Jewish Parenting - Judaism and Raising Kids - How to Raise Children / Lawrence Kelemen

Now, its worth mentioning that not all Jews turn out to be wealthy or successful. There are plenty of Jews in Israel and elsewhere who are just poor and ordinary like everybody else. But again, relatively as a people, they are more successful than Muslims which is an undeniable fact. And there is nothing wrong in stating that fact :D :D :D

According to the passages quoted by you, most official documents referred to them as separate mandates. So that makes it clear that the document I had quoted earlier about the population of Mandatory Palestine excluding Trans-Jordan actually did exclude Trans-Jordan - my argument stands unscathed.
I never denied that Trans-Jordan was excluded from the original Palestine Mandate. And I blamed British Mandate authorities for this. Their role as Mandate authorities was to establish Jewish National Home in Palestine, not diving that Mandate in two and barring Jews from settling there. It was against the rules as setup by League of Nations when they gave Britain that responsibility. Sure Britain many wartime promises to both Jews and Arabs and double-crossed both of them by signing another secret treaty with France. It doesn't make Jews alone responsible for the eventual outcome at the end of British Palestine Mandate.
What I meant was a clear hypocrisy by the Arab leaders, that they didn't even care when original Palestine Mandate from 1920 was divided in two in 1922 to form Transjordan, rather they only started crying when Jews were allocated a small territory as recommended by Peel Commission in 1937. So as long Arabs are allocated huge chunks of land by the Mandate authorities, its fine, but as soon Jews are allocated a lot less land, its cry me the crocodile tears all over again :D :D :D

So you are being sarcastic and not actually defending Zionism. Or you're just flip-flopping to make it look like your arguments make sense or are right, and that your wrong arguments were just sarcasm. Again, have the intellectual courage to admit you were wrong. Or don't bother trying to defend said wrong arguments.
Right on. I am not defending Zionism. I never defended any ideology to this date as ALL man-made ideologies are inherently flawed. They are all good for some groups of people and bad for others. That's why I hate all kinds of 'isms'. Capitalism is good only for the capital owners. Socialism is good only for the non-capitalist class. I have yet to find an ideology that has no flaws and can be deemed good for all people without distinction. :D :D :D

Did I say Afghanistan wasn't invaded because of 9/11? No, I didn't. I said Iraq wasn't invaded because of 9/11.
At least you now you admit that 9/11 was the reason Afghanistan was invaded. 19 jihadi terrorists, all hailing from Arab countries, blowing up two Americans buildings with planes, resulting in allied invasion of third-world Muslim countries. This is all about dealing with the consequences of your actions which these terrorists have no abilities to comprehend :D :D :D

If their leaders knew that disproportionate response to these seemingly "harmless" terrorist actions will result in US flattening two entire countries along with the deaths of hundreds and thousands of innocent people, they probably would not have carried them out in the first place!!! So I stand vindicated again: These Muslim terrorists and their leaders have no brains :D :D :D

You don't ''get'' anything. Yet another pathetic attempt at character assassination by saying I believe in 9/11 conspiracy theories even though I never said so.
Nice to know :D :D :D

They need to work on unity, yes. Disunity is a big problem in the Muslim world. It isn't funny though, it's actually a problem.
Again, there is no such thing as Muslim Ummah as two-nation theory that created Pakistan fell like house of cards when East Pakistan violently broke off into a completely new nation of Bangladesh. A new nation which West Pakistan took lots of time to recognize because of a national theoretical disaster!!! :D :D :D

Haganah was formed in 1920. Irgun was formed in 1931. Both these dates are before 1936.
Yes, in 1920 in response to Arab riots against Jewish communities, and not to STEAL land from the natives as you have claimed over and over again! :D :D :D
After the 1920 Arab riots and 1921 Jaffa riots, the Jewish leadership in Palestine believed that the British, to whom the League of Nations had given a mandate over Palestine in 1920, had no desire to confront local Arab gangs that frequently attacked Palestinian Jews.[2][3] Believing that they could not rely on the British administration for protection from these gangs, the Jewish leadership created the Haganah to protect Jewish farms and kibbutzim. In addition to guarding Jewish communities, the role of the Haganah was to warn the residents of and repel attacks by Palestinian Arabs. In the period between 1920–1929, the Haganah lacked a strong central authority or coordination. Haganah "units" were very localized and poorly armed: they consisted mainly of Jewish farmers who took turns guarding their farms or their kibbutzim.
Haganah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the original idea of Zionist settlement was land theft from the natives, why wait all the way to 1920 to form Haganah and pay lots of money for land purchases for these settlements earlier? :D :D :D

And Irgun was actually formed as a split from original Haganah because its leaders deemed it too restrictive against Arab attacks:
Many Haganah fighters objected to the official policy of havlagah (restraint) that Jewish political leaders (who had become increasingly controlling of the Haganah) had imposed on the militia. Fighters had been instructed to only defend communities and not initiate counterattacks against Arab gangs or their communities. This policy appeared defeatist to many who believed that the best defense is a good offense. In 1931, the more militant elements of the Haganah splintered off and formed the Irgun Tsva'i-Leumi (National Military Organization), better known as "Irgun" (or by its Hebrew acronym, pronounced "Etzel").
Haganah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Havlaga was and remained the official policy of Haganah as it was dominated by left-wing Jews:
Havlagah means, our weapon will be pure. We learn weapon, we carry weapon, we resist those who come to attack us, but we do not want our weapon to be stained with blood of innocents... Havlagah is both a political and a moral system, caused by our history and reality, our behavior and the conditions of our fight. If we were not loyal to ourselves and adopted a different strategy, we would have lost the fight a long time ago.
Not with pouring innocent blood our holies' blood would be forgiven, but with new methods to promote our project and a never ending aiming at new actions for our freedom. For our deep sorrow Jerusalem had seen revenge actions at Arabs, which had stained the honor of the Jewish settlement and put in danger the peace of Jerusalem. The national council gathering...horrified about these crimes, subverting the moral basics of Judaism and Zionism, spreading hatred in this region's nations and can bring a tragedy for the Jewish settlement and the whole land.
Havlagah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

While Irgun, Lehi, Stern were militant terrorist factions consisting of mostly right-wing Jews who opposed above policy of Haganah:
The Arab terrorism and its loyal friend; the Jewish restraint, created a situation in which a Jew must avoid many jobs because death was waiting for him on the roads, while an Arab could go anywhere he wants in freedom and do everything he wishes, even in a pure Jewish environment. That is how the Jews' financial lives suffered while the Arabs continued with their normal lives and normal jobs. Defensive actions only will never bring victory. If the purpose of war is breaking the enemy's spirit, it is impossible without breaking his power, so it is obvious that defensive actions only are not enough...
All these calculations lead to one conclusion: one who does not want to be defeated has no option but attack... he should storm his enemy and break his power and desire. Before the enemy will do his attack, he must neutralize the enemy's ability to attack...
... I have mentioned the word "Havlagah", a rare word, never heard before in modern, every-day-life Hebrew language in the Land of Israel. It seems this word is now the most common and hated word in the Land of Israel... The Jews should not distort the facts and complain. In the Land of Israel there are young political activists from the left and the right who are not afraid to clash with British soldiers, who are forcing them to act like cowards. They do not fear about their own lives, they fear for the destruction of the 1917 Balfour declaration and the violation of the alliance between England and Jewish people...
Havlagah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So it's ok to form multiple terrorists groups and start organized massacres in response to a few isolated incidents of violence.
Total BS and clear lack of historical understanding is indicating from your words. While Haganah, the official mitia of Jews in Palestine was clearly defensive in nature, its opposite Irgun was not. Jews at Haganah did not form Irgun to carry out the said organized massacres of Arabs, but it was formed after a political split because Jews in Irgun were right-wingers who opposed restraint and defensive strategy of Haganah. Here is a poster of Irgun which claimed Transjordan as the future land of Israel:

So you see not ALL Jews were expansionist but a certain group of them. As history tells us, Israel never attacked Transjordan but was rather invaded by it in 1948. West Bank remained under Jordanian occupation until 6-day war.
Jordanian occupation of the West Bank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, the massacres by Arabs against Jews were not isolated events. Many massacres actually spread throughout many Palestinian cities and villages:
1929 Palestine riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I never used the terms ''bad'' or ''evil''. Attributing quotes to me despite me never saying those specific words, now there's a strawman.
Of course you didn't use those words. But all your "arguments" against Zionism indicates that you believe Jews alone were at fault. That they stole that land from the natives and expelled them as a pre-planned policy of Zionist enterprise. When in fact none of this is true.
Violence begets violence. The first Jewish settlers were never violent in nature. They purchased land from the natives for their settlements. They were mostly farmers who grew crops and were not armed mercenaries from a foreign country. It wasn't until Arabs started riots and massacres of Jewish communities from 1920 onwards that any idea of peaceful coexistence with them was thrown out of the window. It was THEN Haganah was formed and not before, which later split into terrorist Irgun, Lehi, Stern and other factions. Now go ahead, blame again the Jews for defending themselves against Arab attackers :D :D :D

You have made yourself believe that because I oppose Zionism I am a mullah conspiracy theorist. That is entirely not true.
You don't just oppose Zionism, you hate it. Big difference. In your view, Zionism is unjust, flawed against the Palestinians. But you never care about the fact that Zionism actually helped Jews achieve their own homeland in just 50 years after more than 2000 years of exile? You never care about the ground reality that Zionist Israel actually give its minorities same civil, religious, political rights as non-Jews. You are one-sided anti-Zionist, and sometimes anti-Jewish who only see the conflict from Palestinian perspective. While I see them from both. :D :D :D

I never said the Jews had control over the Western powers. I said they had the support of the Western powers. Big difference.
Yes. Four Great powers of that time supported Zionism which gave it international legitimacy just like Palestinian Nationalism gets its support in UN these days. As quoted by infamous Balfour of the Balfour Declaration:
For in Palestine we do not propose even to go through the form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country …the Four Great Powers are committed to Zionism. And Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-long traditions, in present needs, in future hopes, of far profounder import than the desires or prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land … I do not think that Zionism will hurt the Arabs … in short, so far as Palestine is concerned, the Powers have made no statement of fact which is not admittedly wrong, and no declaration of policy which, at least in the letter, they have not always intended to violate.’
The Road to Balfour: The History of Christian Zionism by Stephen Sizer | The Balfour Project

So when you say Zionism is unjust, flawed, incorrect ideology, you are not even wrong. Those who supported Zionism back in the old days knew it very well. Also, they knew very well about the Arab prejudices against Jewish settlers. So its not that I say you are wrong regarding your anti-Zionist views. I have similar grudge against the Zionists when I see from Palestinian perspective. But if you see things from Jewish perspective as well, all bricks fall into their place :D :D :D

I meant attack by the Arab armies. By the way, your list of ''all Arab attacks'' ''before The Peel Commission'' contains 59 attacks by Jewish militants, and many attacks after the Peel Commission. Again, read through articles before you post them.
Are you blind? Here is a complete list of violence in Palestine before 1948:
Timeline of intercommunal violence in Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can clearly see it wasn't until 1940, with the formation of Lehi terrorist gang that split from Irgun, that random attacks against Arabs started by Jews.

So essentially you're happy that the Israelis are bullying and coercing the Palestinians into accepting whatever the Israelis say. That's not how negotiation works.
They are neither bullying or coercing them into anything. Actually they are waiting for Palestinian leaders to meet on the negotiating table from which they ran away from years ago :D :D :D
Shortly after the dramatic meeting between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and then-prime minister Ehud Olmert at the latter's Jerusalem residence on Tuesday September 16, 2008, the Palestinian entourage returned to Ramallah. Despite the relatively late hour, Abbas’s advisors and the heads of Fatah arrived at his office; they understood the importance of the moment.

Less than an hour earlier, Olmert presented the details of his offer for a peace deal between the nations, an unprecedented Israeli offer to be tendered to a Palestinian leader.

Olmert essentially agreed to forgo sovereignty of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Judaism’s holiest site, and proposed that in the framework of a peace agreement, the area containing the religious sites in Jerusalem would be managed by a special committee consisting of representatives from five nations: Saudia Arabia, Jordan, Palestine, the United States and Israel. The advisors and Fatah officials heard from Abbas that Olmert laid out for him not only the details of the agreement but also a large map upon which he outlined the borders of the future Palestinian state.
Saeb Erekat, head of the Fatah negotiating team, was present at the meeting in Abbas’s office that night and he was also present at the end of the Jerusalem meeting between Olmert and Abbas. He was joined by Olmert’s diplomatic advisor Shalom Turgeman. Olmert and Abbas asked Erekat and Turgeman to meet the next day with map experts in order to reach a final version of the border between Palestine and Israel.

But the next day, the Israeli side claims, Erekat phoned Turgeman and asked to postpone their meeting by 24 hours. A few hours after this call Erekat called back and said that Abbas had to go to Amman. Erekat explained that Abbas would update the Jordanians and the Egyptians about Olmert’s offer in order to receive their support and the parties would meet again the following week. “From that time, I am still waiting for Abbas’s telephone call” Ehud Olmert told Sof Hashavua.
Revealed: Olmert's 2008 peace offer to Palestinians - Diplomacy & Politics - Jerusalem Post

So, 7 years ago, an Israeli left-wing leader OFFERED as much as 93 percent of the West Bank to Palestinians for peace. They rejected the offer and never came back to the negotiating table ever since. Meanwhile new successor right-wing government established many more settlements in the same territories because Palestinians refused to talk or even reply to previous offers for peace by Israel. Buhuu... These evil Jews are always at fault. Palestinians never did anything wrong. Buuhuu :D :D :D
PA rejects Olmert's offer to withdraw from 93% of West Bank - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Good that you acknowledged that Muslims have diverse opinions.

Israel will need to back down from the West Bank. That's what compromise is.
It already did in 2008. It offered to back down from 93 % of the West Bank. If it wasn't a compromise, I don't who what a comprise is. But your peaceful Arab leaders refused that once great offer and failed to deliver a counter-offer to this date except whining at the UN of course for Israeli "crimes" against humanity. :D :D :D

No. You made a very general and very vague statement about how ''animals remain animals no matter how much you love them''. Nothing about Hamas in there..
I said that in relation with Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS and other terrorist groups. Why would call ordinary Palestinians animals? Are you a retard? :D :D :D

They wouldn't be able to sustain control without committing a large amount of forces and resources. I never said the Israelis were stupid. They always knew their limits and their strengths.
They had historical opportunities to establish Israel from river Nile to the Euphrates in their many wars but failed to act. Why? What happened to their greedy part? :D :D :D

Interesting. What constitutes excessive Islamic brainwashing? Is having Islamic slogans like some units of the Pakistan Army ''excessive''? That's the problem with such facile arguments and terms - they're too ambiguous and well, facile.
Pakistan's army is a national army. It fight it the name of Pakistan and NOT in the name of Islam. Using religious slogans during war is common, even in an army as secular as Israel's. Its obvious from your posts that you know the difference between fighting for Islam and fighting with Islam but you deliberately come with such ad hoc statements for whatever reason :D :D :D

Let's keep it simple and just call it Qital then. Wouldn't want to confuse Islamic concepts too much.:astagh::D
On a serious note, that's actually how most extremist terrorists brainwash recruits - they confuse Islamic concepts, and sprinkle said confusion with some lies. This same type of confusion is found in the minds of terrorist sympathizers. It's dangerous.
There are many kinds of jihad. Lesser Jihad, Greater Jihad, Inner Jihad and so on. I am not against any kind of Jihad unless its armed or enforced. Muslims have a right to practice religious Jihad (struggle) as it fit them, but taking up arms in the name of religious is dangerous. So you are right after all :D :D :D
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