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Spain passes law of return for Sephardic Jews that were expelled in 1492! LOL!

Are you really a Pakistani? Muslim?
Of course

No offense but 99.9999% of the Pakistani Muslims I have seen on this forum have a massive anti-jew attitude. The educated ones couch it in more politically acceptable terms like we are anti-zionist not anti-jews
Anti-Zionist = Anti-Jew

or that we want Israel to be demolished for 'humanitarian reasons'.
LOL :D I have heard that one before many times over :D

And yet all the while everyone of them supports terrorist groups like hamas who won't give a second thought to killing every jewish child in the world they come across.
Hamas don't even give a shit about their own people, or they would have signed peace treaty with Israel like Jordan and Egypt :D

And yet, somehow none of these Pakistani Muslims gave a crap 'humanitarian concern' for the Tibetans or the Yazidis or the likes!
Hahaha :D Hypocrites :D

All try to be more arab and involved in arab affairs than the arabs!
Al-Bakistanis... Nuff said :D

They all think they are fooling the world by hiding behind such statements, but we all(non Pakistanis) see through them as clear as day.
I am a Pakistani and I can see it right through them. :D

Painting Israel along with other middle eastern states shows your biased mindset. There is no point in saying anything more apart from the fact that Israel is like an oasis of tolerance and minority rights in the middle east compared to everything around it.
Israel is the only Jewish and democratic state in the world. And these Arabs and Muslims want this state gone for terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah to take over :D

In my opinion this is complete nonsense.
What is? Your Putin regime? :D
Do you know some of them also moved to India - Goa to be specific...
but they were killed during the 250yr long Portuguese Inquisition.
They call Jordan Arab Palestine. See the maps above :D
So by them calling it is just fine...Forget that it isnt Palestine and that USA has been incubating there since forever...

So just because Jews were kicked around in Europe before WW2 or even before, it was automatically their fault?
No no no...it is the fault of the millions of Europeans poor Jews were just minding their own business how barbaric of Europe :o:

What did those innocent Muslims do in Spain for 700 years that lead those new Christian rulers to show no mercy but to expel them from their own lands in 1492 along with Jews? :D
Why cant you talk about a time frame? When Europe hated them, where did they go? Where did they find honour? Even holocaust Jews admit that their ancestors were better off during Muslim rule....So you denying how ungrateful zionists are is really biased!

BS. Zionist Movement came into existence long before even WW1:
First Zionist Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sure tragic events of the Holocaust had its toll, but in reality Israel was going to be established anyway, Holocaust or not!!!
So basically what you are telling me is Hitler was right to despise them coz they had a devilish plan? :o:

And I am sure Wiki quoting Jewish Virtual library is legit :tup:

Problem is that these ethnic people of the Middle East have lost their ancestral roots and have been ARABIZED after living under Arab domination for centuries:
Arabization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
:rofl: and the Islamophobia kicks in full time :rofl:

A Syrian should not be speaking Arabic but Assyrian. Copts should not be speaking Arabic but languages that were inherited from much older Egyptian Kingdoms. Same goes for people of Iraq and other Middle Eastern people. Its impressive how Iranians still get to keep their language heritage, although they lost their own special writing system in the process!
Why didn't Arabic become the dominant language of Iran? - Historum - History Forums
BTW, why are you speaking English? Shouldnt you be speaking Hebrew? :unsure:
By that logic, (South and North) Americans should be speaking Aztec, Incan and Mayan, British people should be speaking Celtic and Saxon, and so on.

How they looked racially is of no importance :D
But the very fact that they were Arab Jews, and it couldnt have been them traveling far and wide to impose their language :whistle: Were that true you wouldnt have a problem see the biased nature of your thinking?

I pity them because they have lost their civilisation roots and replaced with Arabs :(
I pity the American Indians, the Natives of every country where the whites came and got rid of their civilization...You include... :(

Of course I do. Rule of the thumb is: If you do not want to get killed by advanced Israeli weaponry, don't shoot indiscriminate home-made rockets at its people!!!
Rule no. 1 when people come barging in your home you attack and take back control....Believe me you would do that too so quit the shit :pop:

So you say Hamas, Hezbollah, PLO never killed Jewish babies? This young fellow (Daniel Tragerman) was killed by Hamas indiscriminate rocket fire in Israel last year:
and how many did Israeli kill? Care to count?

Surely he is a big ugly evil Zionist in your view, right? :(
And those on the beach...yea we saw they were posing EXTREME threat on Israel

I am being biased? You only care about Palestinians, what about innocent Israeli citizens killed by Hamas terrorists?
Each one gets avenged 10x the fold ....which is unfair.....Each Palestinian child gets an untold story...Each yateem made by Israel is an instant recruit into Hamas...So basically, it is Israel who is doing more damage....

Kindly explain this first: A Jewish family along with children were murdered in cold blood by Palestinian terrorists in their own home:

Care to list how many Palestinians went through the same from Israeli STATE FUNDED Army?

There are always two sides of the story so stop blaming evil Zionists for everything!
:rofl: and the truth came out! Ask them to stop doing shit, simple!

Ask them to move out of the land that wasnt theirs - talking about the "invited" settlers ....

Of course. Human migrations happen all the time :D
Yes, but that doesnt make them the promised people

So? You don't need to be semitic for migrating to Israel. All you need is to be a Jew or have Jewish heritage. See who is a Jew for more info:
Judaism 101: Who Is a Jew?
You sure? Jews always tell me unless your mom is a Jew you cant be one :enjoy:

Either 1 is taking the world for a ride!

2ndly, Whats with you gentile being all mushy with Jews?

Sure. They all had some Jewish ancestory. That's exactly why they migrated to Israel and congregated (or reborn per se).
Neither of these occupying space had ANY Jewish ancestry nor were the ones whom god gave the land to:

Bukharan Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Khazar theory of Ashkenazi ancestry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Majority are Askenazi = converted jews them claiming god gave the land to their ancestor is a pure lie coz their ancestor never was the one who god gave the land too...So they dont have any such say...However, these are the ones who are crying the loudest :unsure:

And there is a whole number of them more....Jew for hire :enjoy:

Jews have only one independent nation called Israel. And even this has 20 % strong non-Jewish Arab minority. So, who is more hungry for land? :D :D :D Your trollish attitude is backfiring :D :D :D
They have 1 country which they claimed to be god given to them while they have influence and back soo many other campaigns ...Power hungry is not the same as land hungry...However, eating other people's land is land hungry even if it is 1 ha!

Your attempts to reply anything is nonsense all wiki...Only god knows you may have edited it yourself :enjoy:

If Arabs had any brains, they should have accepted Israel's existence already in 1947 and not as late as 2002 :D
Arab Peace Initiative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Did it stop Israel from spreading? nop!

And what has this to do with the discussion on hand? There were still millions of Jews living in Europe before the tragic events of the Holocaust:

Jewish Population of Europe Before the Holocaust Map
What it has to do? Heck when they were slapped left and right it was the Muslims who gave them protection and honour and this is how they return it by behaving exactly how they were treated by OTHERS to the ONLY ones who treated them "nicely" - this is called shameless ungratefulness!

Self-hate? Its not even close. I love Israel as well as Jordan and Palestine equally. If it is self-hate, be my guest :D
Yet you cast a blind eye on the death toll ....

Lovely lies!
Really? So how come rest of the Arab states expelled virtually all of their so-called "native" Jews post Israel's independence?
They left on their own. The only ones expelled was as a result of the Suez Crisis, which was initiated by Israel and co.
Jewish victims were actually absorbed by the new State of Israel
The State of Israel was formed for this purpose. They don't get any brownie points for that.
Oh, says who? You? Same can be said about Pakistan but this nation was formed anyway, despite what other Indians thought or wanted. :D Of course Jews had the right, reason and a will to run their own country in historical Palestine.
What a load of Bullshit. In 1948, Jews were 32% of Palestine's population. They were given over 60% of the land. Your comparison with Pakistan is completely wrong. The division of the subcontinent was proportionate, the division of Palestine was not.

Forget ''historical Palestine''. You were talking about the Kingdom of Jordan. The Jews had absolutely no right there.
Again, says who? The land never comes with a name-tag. Who gets to decide this parcel of land belonged to Jews or non-Jews?
The land belongs to the people living there before the Jews showed up.
And funny thing is you are admitting that majority of Israelis are actually being nice to 20 % of their people, despite they having complete sovereignty to expel them just like rest of the Palestinians, right? So you are admitting Israeli Jews are actually being NICE to their Arab populations.
It is in their interest to allow the 20% to assimilate with their state politically. It has nothing to do with them being nice people.

This is a 180 degree turn to that All Zionists are evil and all Palestinians are good narrative we heard before
Zionism is an inherently unjust ideology. That doesn't make all Zionists evil. Just the majority. No turn here, your argument is a strawman.
No, its not. There should be no tyranny of the majority in a real democratic state. Surely you have no idea, since you yourself never witnessed true democracy like we have here in Norway :D. In any democratic state, there must be such unalienable human basic rights to ALL citizens that even a majority could not revoke them. Such matters are usually decided by Supreme Court that review all laws passed by any parliament in a democratic nation :D
Tyranny of the majority - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Your argument is invalid because I'm not talking about ''Democracy''. I'm talking about nation-states. Learn the difference. All Democracies are nation-states but not all nation-states are democracies. The concept of nations, which has now evolved into the concept of nation-states, existed long before modern Democracy.

And there's a difference between ''Tyranny of the majority'' and rule of the majority. I spoke of the latter, not the former.
What too much land?
The Jews were 32% of the population. They got over 60% of the land.

Are you really stupid or just pretend to be?
So you're now degenerating to personal attacks, in addition to the overall immature and insulting tone of your posts.
I already showed you with maps that Arabs ALREADY got a half of British Palestine Mandate in Transjordan
Mandatory Palestine as of 1920-1948 excluded Transjordan. It is therefore irrelevant.
Why would you need a coordinated attack by 5 Arab armies to "intervene" in a genocide by Jews that actually never happened?
Because the natives resisted against the Jews and were being massacred. It was legitimate intervention.
Surely there were minor skirmishes and massacres of BOTH Arabs and Jews in the conflict, but you don't need 5 regular armies unless you are bent on extermination of other people
They knew they were under equipped and not capable enough. They needed the numerical strength.

And while you're making painfully facile arguments, why would you need fifty armies to intervene to stop a WMD program that never actually happened? Was it to exterminate the Iraqis?
What occupation? Silly are you not? Gaza was UNOCCUPIED in 2004-2005 as a goodwill gesture.
Gaza was unoccupied because it was not beneficial for Israel. They still control the borders and coastline. Not unoccupied, and definitely no ''goodwill gesture''. You take too much Israeli propaganda for face value.
Israelis were FORCED to block entire strip
Yeah, sure :laughcry:

they didn't want to occupy the whole bloody strip again.
Exactly. It never gave them anything. They just want dominance, not the responsibility of policing the area to make it suitable for Jewish settlements.

Only, Israel never used its nukes,
Neither did Iran. Apply the same standards. Western hypocrisy knows no bounds.
never used carpet bombing of Gaza even when it could
Yeah, the evil Muslims must've attacked peaceful Israeli missiles and JDAMs by throwing buildings and UN schools at them.
So why do they stop at present boundaries when they can easily take Cairo and Damascus?
It won't be sustainable and will result in a backlash, and will stretch Israel's forces thin. They won't be able to control the area. It will also greatly reduce support for Israel from the Western public.

Israel was never interested in LAND.
Then why are Israelis constantly building settlements on Palestinian land?

Jews invaded Palestine? When? Where?
1948. Palestine.
Where did Jews originally come from?
Wherever they came from a thousand years ago doesn't give them the right to the whole of Palestine. The Arabs and natives would have accepted the Partition plan if it was fair and proportionate. I would've supported it too. But It wasn't.
You are just another jihadi dimwit
Showing your true colours with personal attacks, are we?. Behind all those smileys is a ton of frustration. Or immaturity. Most likely both. You never think before typing, do you? Typical Zionist tactics - anyone who opposes Zionism or Israeli brutality must be a ''Jihadi dimwit''.
who got upgraded as a PDF Think Tank Analyst
If you have a problem with that, complain to the moderators or @Slav Defence . If you don't have any legitimate complaint except my opposition to Zionism, no one is forcing you to be on PDF.

Defending Islam and Muslims until your death
I have criticized individual Muslims when they are wrong, like I did on this thread, and will continue to do so until my death. But I will always oppose making sweeping statements against the entirety of the world's Muslim population.
will get you nowhere
You know what gets you nowhere? Making bullshit blanket statements about the entire Muslim population, and behaving like an ignorant Westerner when you know the issues facing Muslims all so well. Disassociating yourself from Muslims and abandoning and condemning Islam will get you nowhere. It will effectively ensure that no actual ''Jihadi'' will ever take your arguments seriously.

I don't subscribe to either of the extremes - Islamic religious extremism or anti-Islamic pseudo-liberalism. You subscribe to the latter. You can never solve any issue by holding extreme views.

Right doesn't because wrong and wrong doesn't become right with your obvious bias against non-Muslims.
I don't have a bias against anyone, including non-Muslims. I am not the one saying ''all Muslims are stupid and have no brains'', and I am not the one trying to justify an occupation. You are. It is evident from your arguments that you believe the Jews to be superior to Muslims or Palestinians and that's the general rationale you use throughout to conclude that the Jews were right in every case and the Palestinians were wrong.

Yes, Palestinians were wrong in many cases. But so are the Jews.
You are not an objective person I used to believe in.
None of my arguments are subjective, all are objective. Let's see it in points:

- Jews were a minority in Mandatory Palestine (even when excluding Transjordan). They were given the majority of the land, which was forcefully snatched from the locals when they resisted.

- Israel continues to build settlements in the West Bank.

Right now Israel is a reality. That can't be changed, so, even if we are to forget the past and focus on a solution, the two-state solution has been reduced to an unattainable shell of a solution by illegal settlements and the Jerusalem issue.

What brutal occupation.
Palestinian territories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Here are your Hamas friends executing their own people thinking they spied for Israel
No different from the death penalty for treason in the US. They are the government in Gaza. Both Hamas and Israel have done far worse and far more condemn-able actions.
You are fully exposed today as a biased Jihadi! Shame! Shame!
Psuedo-liberals can be as bad as molvis when it comes to labels. Just recently a molvi had labelled me a ''Western traitor''. Now you're labeling me a ''Jihadi''.

Taking flak from both extremes is a surefire way of knowing when you are right.

As for ''exposed'', I never attempted to conceal my opinions. That's pretty much the point of internet forums. There is nothing to expose.

Anti-Zionist = Anti-Jew
Zionism is a political ideology and Judaism is a religion. I know of many Anti-Zionist Jews. Will you call them Anti-Jew too?
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So by them calling it is just fine...Forget that it isnt Palestine and that USA has been incubating there since forever...
Of course it is. Jordan is historical Arab Palestine:

No no no...it is the fault of the millions of Europeans poor Jews were just minding their own business how barbaric of Europe :o:
Ok, then it means those Muslim Spaniards that were kicked out of Spain in 1492 was at their own fault? :D It's hypocrisy at its very best! When Jews are kicked around, its Jews own fault. When Muslims are kicked around, its someone else's fault. LOL! :D :D :D

Why cant you talk about a time frame? When Europe hated them, where did they go? Where did they find honour? Even holocaust Jews admit that their ancestors were better off during Muslim rule....So you denying how ungrateful zionists are is really biased!
Same goes for Arab Israelis. They are far better off in Israel than any other Middle Eastern country excluding oil-rich states of course :D
Israeli Arabs: We Do Not Want to Live in Palestinian State

So basically what you are telling me is Hitler was right to despise them coz they had a devilish plan? :o:
What devilish plan? All they wanted was a national home in Palestine. Jews were already living there for centuries when First Zionist Congress was held in 1897:
Expansion of Jerusalem in the 19th century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And I am sure Wiki quoting Jewish Virtual library is legit :tup:
Sure you can use other sources if it suits your taste :D

:rofl: and the Islamophobia kicks in full time :rofl:
Not Islamophobia but Arabphobia :D

BTW, why are you speaking English? Shouldnt you be speaking Hebrew? :unsure:
Because I can't speak English :D

But the very fact that they were Arab Jews, and it couldnt have been them traveling far and wide to impose their language :whistle: Were that true you wouldnt have a problem see the biased nature of your thinking?
Not all Jews were of Arab origin during the advent of Islam. Jews were found in Babylonia, Yemen, Syria, Persia and Palestine among other places during the time of Arab expansion :D
Jewish tribes of Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I pity the American Indians, the Natives of every country where the whites came and got rid of their civilization...You include... :(
I am not White, lol :D

Rule no. 1 when people come barging in your home you attack and take back control....Believe me you would do that too so quit the shit :pop:
Zionists didn't come BARGING in. In fact they established in Palestine over time together with Arab Palestinians:
Old Yishuv - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

War only erupted after these Jews seeked right of self-determination which the Arabs categorically refused, even to this day :D

and how many did Israeli kill? Care to count?
Far less than all those Syrians killed in two years of civil war alone.

And those on the beach...yea we saw they were posing EXTREME threat on Israel
There are always misfires and friendly fires in any war. Surely you knew about that!

Each one gets avenged 10x the fold ....which is unfair.....Each Palestinian child gets an untold story...Each yateem made by Israel is an instant recruit into Hamas...So basically, it is Israel who is doing more damage....
You cannot expect proportionate response from a much stronger power. Those 19 terrorists who destroyed World Trade Centers might have thought American response would be bombing of few skyscrapers in Dubai and Saudi Arabia? :D LOL :D Instead they flattened two entire countries in response :D Was it fair? :D LOL :D

Care to list how many Palestinians went through the same from Israeli STATE FUNDED Army?
A lot. This is the inevitable consequence of war and not seeking peace. Deal with it :D

:rofl: and the truth came out! Ask them to stop doing shit, simple!

Ask them to move out of the land that wasnt theirs - talking about the "invited" settlers ....
Its their land. Why should they move out? When they are not expelling all the Palestinians, why they should expel themselves from these lands? Remember both have equal claims :D

Yes, but that doesnt make them the promised people
Who said anything about the promised people? :D

You sure? Jews always tell me unless your mom is a Jew you cant be one :enjoy:

Either 1 is taking the world for a ride!

2ndly, Whats with you gentile being all mushy with Jews?
That's a lie. One can always convert to Judaism:
Conversion to Judaism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Neither of these occupying space had ANY Jewish ancestry nor were the ones whom god gave the land to:

Bukharan Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Khazar theory of Ashkenazi ancestry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Majority are Askenazi = converted jews them claiming god gave the land to their ancestor is a pure lie coz their ancestor never was the one who god gave the land too...So they dont have any such say...However, these are the ones who are crying the loudest :unsure:

And there is a whole number of them more....Jew for hire :enjoy:

Most Israeli Jews are secular and non-religious in nature. So they don't even care about your above stated non-sense :D Israelis have connection to this land because they are born in it. Its not because some G-d gave them this piece of land :D

They have 1 country which they claimed to be god given to them while they have influence and back soo many other campaigns ...Power hungry is not the same as land hungry...However, eating other people's land is land hungry even if it is 1 ha!
Again, BS! Majority of Israeli Jews are not even religious. And those who consider themselves religious, practice it rarely. So please cut this crap regarding God gave them this and that :D
How Religious are Israeli Jews?
Israel 2010: 42% of Jews are secular - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews
Secularism in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your attempts to reply anything is nonsense all wiki...Only god knows you may have edited it yourself :enjoy:
LOL :D Please check my non-Wiki sources if you are unbiased :D

Did it stop Israel from spreading? nop!
Where did Israel spread to after 2002? :D In fact it left Gaza in 2004:
Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What it has to do? Heck when they were slapped left and right it was the Muslims who gave them protection and honour and this is how they return it by behaving exactly how they were treated by OTHERS to the ONLY ones who treated them "nicely" - this is called shameless ungratefulness!
LOL :D. What non-sense drivel! :D Muslims and people of other religions are living just fine in Israel:
Islam in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How to convert to Islam in Israel - a guide
In 2014, 63 Israelis converted from Judaism and 19 from Islam to other religions.
How to convert to Islam in Israel - a guide - Features - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Yet you cast a blind eye on the death toll ....

Lovely lies!

Care to tell us death toll of dead Syrians by other Muslims or dead Iraqis by other Muslims?
They left on their own. The only ones expelled was as a result of the Suez Crisis, which was initiated by Israel and co.
BS. Jews were living in these lands for thousands of years and "suddenly" decide to migrate on mass? Are you nuts or something? Before 1948 almost every Arab majority country had a sizeable Jewish population. I 2015 almost none are left:
Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries | Jewish Virtual Library
Why Jews Fled the Arab Countries :: Middle East Quarterly
Prior to the creation of Israel in 1948, approximately 800,000 Jews were living in lands that now make up the Arab world. Of these, just under two-thirds lived in the French and Italian-controlled North Africa, 15–20% in the Kingdom of Iraq, approximately 10% in the Kingdom of Egypt and approximately 7% in the Kingdom of Yemen. A further 200,000 lived in Pahlavi Iran and the Republic of Turkey. In 2009, only 26,000 Jews lived in Arab countries[4] and 26,000 in Turkey.[5]
Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The State of Israel was formed for this purpose. They don't get any brownie points for that.
SO you admit the State of Israel followed its founding purpose to the letter and let any Jew immigrate freely with equal rights and without discrimination? :D Wow, what a progress you have made in these two days regarding Israel :D

What a load of Bullshit. In 1948, Jews were 32% of Palestine's population. They were given over 60% of the land. Your comparison with Pakistan is completely wrong. The division of the subcontinent was proportionate, the division of Palestine was not.
Yes, Jews were given more land for future Jewish immigration. Remember the purpose of the Mandate was to build Jewish HOMELAND in Palestine. This would have ultimately required more living space which they got during partition but Arabs refused to share these lands, hence the war and total defeat of the Arabs :D

Forget ''historical Palestine''. You were talking about the Kingdom of Jordan. The Jews had absolutely no right there.
What? So Jews had no right to Jordan, they had no right to Palestine, so where did they have a right to belong and exercise self-determination? To Pakistan? :D :D :D

The land belongs to the people living there before the Jews showed up.
Jews were always living there since ancient times before Muslim Arabs SHOWED UP :D
Myths & Facts: Israel's Roots (Chapter 1) | Jewish Virtual Library
Jewish Claim To The Land Of Israel | Jewish Virtual Library
Judaism 101: The Land of Israel
The Truth & Beauty of Israel fused with the Inspiration of Judaism & Jerusalem
Israel and Judah were related Iron Age kingdoms of the ancient Levant. The Kingdom of Israel emerged as an important local power by the 9th century BCE before falling to the Neo-Assyrian Empire in 722 BCE. Israel's southern neighbor, the Kingdom of Judah, emerged in the 8th century BCE[1] and enjoyed a period of prosperity as a client-state of first Assyria and then Babylon before a revolt against the Neo-Babylonian Empire led to its destruction in 586 BCE. Following the fall of Babylon to the Persian king Cyrus the Great in 539 BCE, some Judean exiles returned to Jerusalem, inaugurating the formative period in the development of a distinctive Judahite identity in the Persian province of Yehud.
History of ancient Israel and Judah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is in their interest to allow the 20% to assimilate with their state politically. It has nothing to do with them being nice people.
So it is in their interest to educate them, provide them jobs, allow them to vote, have equal civil rights as Israeli Jews? I get it, its a horrible and evil Jewish policy! :D :D :D They should have instead discriminated them on the basis of their language, religion and even origin as is the case in most Muslim majority states and their minorities. Shame on you evil Jews! :D :D :D

Zionism is an inherently unjust ideology. That doesn't make all Zionists evil. Just the majority. No turn here, your argument is a strawman.
Unjust ideology to whom? It certainly is not unjust to Jews as it succeeded in providing them with a viable national home with a right of self-determination! :D PS: All Zionists are not evil as many Muslims are Zionists too :D
Muslim supporters of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sure you would brand them: Self-hating Muslims :D

The Jews were 32% of the population. They got over 60% of the land.
Already answered why, above! :D

So you're now degenerating to personal attacks, in addition to the overall immature and insulting tone of your posts.
Of course. You were the one that started it with calling me a self-hater :D Just because I am a Muslim and Support Israel's right to exist doesn't make me a self-hater or an infidel! :D

Mandatory Palestine as of 1920-1948 excluded Transjordan. It is therefore irrelevant.
It didn't exclude Transjordan at the time it was handed over to the British post WW1:

British were responsible for dividing it in two in the first place. Shame on them :D

Because the natives resisted against the Jews and were being massacred. It was legitimate intervention.
So you mean 5 Arab armies attacking a newly established Jewish State was not about perpetrating any massacre? :D Funny you that you don't even know that these massacres didn't start in 1948 but long before it when Jews were attacking nobody but were massacred by the peace-loving Arabs anyway:
List of killings and massacres in Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They knew they were under equipped and not capable enough. They needed the numerical strength.
No, they didn't. King of Jordan was personally asked by then leader of Jewish communities to not intervene in the conflict, but he refused. Also Sec.General of the Arab League gave following threats to Jews before invasion thus leaving no doubts about their peaceful intentions :D
Their intentions were declared by Abd Al-Rahman Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League: “It will be a war of annihilation. It will be a momentous massacre in history that will be talked about like the massacres of the Mongols or the Crusades.”
Myths & Facts: The War of 1948 (Chapter 4) | Jewish Virtual Library

And while you're making painfully facile arguments, why would you need fifty armies to intervene to stop a WMD program that never actually happened? Was it to exterminate the Iraqis?
Hahaha. Same argument now applied to much older Gulf War: Why would you need a united US-Arab coalition to stop Iraqi massacres in Kuwait? Answer: More international legitimacy :)

Gaza was unoccupied because it was not beneficial for Israel. They still control the borders and coastline. Not unoccupied, and definitely no ''goodwill gesture''. You take too much Israeli propaganda for face value.
No, total lies! Gaza was completely disengaged in 2004-2005:
Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those Jewish Israelis who refused to leave were actually evicted by force of IDF. So much for the Jewish "lust" of the land :D :D :D

While the blockade was put in place 3 years later after Hamas rocket fires:
Israel's "Blockade" of Gaza | Jewish Virtual Library
Battle of Gaza (2007) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of rocket and mortar attacks on Israelin 2007 by Hamas and other Palestinian militants from the Gaza Strip. 2007 marked the beginning of Palestinian militants' firing of Katyusha rockets at Israeli cities, previously practiced only by Lebanese militant group Hezbollah. A total of 2,807 rockets and mortars were fired at Israel in 2007.[1]
List of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel, 2007 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Care to elaborate why Hamas fired some 2800 rockets at Israel before the BLOCKADE? :D :D :D

Yeah, sure :laughcry:
Lists of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:D :D :D

Exactly. It never gave them anything. They just want dominance, not the responsibility of policing the area to make it suitable for Jewish settlements.
Again total BS. Jews left the strip with working Greenhouses which could be used to develop Gazan economy. Instead what Gazans did to them is worth laughing at your total lack of knowledge on the issue :D
Palestinians looted dozens of greenhouses on Tuesday, walking off with irrigation hoses, water pumps and plastic sheeting in a blow to fledgling efforts to reconstruct the Gaza Strip.

American Jewish donors had bought more than 3,000 greenhouses from Israeli settlers in Gaza for $14 million last month and transferred them to the Palestinian Authority. Former World Bank President James Wolfensohn, who brokered the deal, put up $500,000 of his own cash.

Palestinian police stood by helplessly Tuesday as looters carted off materials from greenhouses in several settlements, and commanders complained they did not have enough manpower to protect the prized assets. In some instances, there was no security and in others, police even joined the looters, witnesses said.

“We need at least another 70 soldiers. This is just a joke,” said Taysir Haddad, one of 22 security guards assigned to Neve Dekalim, formerly the largest Jewish settlement in Gaza. “We’ve tried to stop as many people as we can, but they’re like locusts.”
Looters strip Gaza greenhouses - World news - Mideast/N. Africa | NBC News

Animals remain animals no matter how much you love them :D

Neither did Iran. Apply the same standards. Western hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Iran has no nukes yet. Thank goodness :D

Yeah, the evil Muslims must've attacked peaceful Israeli missiles and JDAMs by throwing buildings and UN schools at them.
Yes, the evil Muslims attacked indiscriminately at Israel with their homemade junk and got a disproportionate response because Israel is being far too superior than these dumb Muslims :D

It won't be sustainable and will result in a backlash, and will stretch Israel's forces thin. They won't be able to control the area. It will also greatly reduce support for Israel from the Western public.
Really? So why don't they just give up entire West Bank to gain support for the Western public? Remember they tried that approach of appeasement in 2005 when they disengaged from Gaza but only got more hatred in return so they said: To the hell with their opinions :D

Then why are Israelis constantly building settlements on Palestinian land?
Because its a DISPUTED land, not a Palestinian or Jewish land :D

Land and Settlement Issues

Why is Pakistan building Economic Corridor in Azad Kashmir and India building Dams in Jammu & Kashmir when the land actually belongs to Kashmiris? LOL :D

Hint: Its disputed :D

1948. Palestine.
No, Jews are themselves natives of this land. See my proofs above :D

Wherever they came from a thousand years ago doesn't give them the right to the whole of Palestine. The Arabs and natives would have accepted the Partition plan if it was fair and proportionate. I would've supported it too. But It wasn't.
There was actually a much FAIR partition plan in 1937 that gave Jews even less land than they got in 1947. But your peaceloving Arab brethren refused it outright:


The Arabs opposed the partition "in principle" and condemned it unanimously, as they "objected to the whole principle of awarding territory to the Jews" and demanded that the UK keep its old promise of an independent Arab state, and that "the very presence of Jews enjoying rights was a betrayal of the British word."[2][3]
Peel Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So now you get who the real trouble-maker is? :D :D :D Hahaha! :D No matter if you give one inch of land for Jews to rule, your peaceful Arabs would still reject it as being too greedy for the Jews :D :D :D

Showing your true colours with personal attacks, are we?. Behind all those smileys is a ton of frustration. Or immaturity. Most likely both. You never think before typing, do you? Typical Zionist tactics - anyone who opposes Zionism or Israeli brutality must be a ''Jihadi dimwit''.
You are jihadi dimwit. I gave you tons of evidence to read from various sources yesterday, and today you are back at square one whining about those evil Jews, Zionists, unfair partition and so on :D :D :D

If you don't have any legitimate complaint except my opposition to Zionism, no one is forcing you to be on PDF.
I am not against your opposition to Zionism but your consistent demand that Muslims, Arabs are all perfect and made no mistakes in the past regarding Jews, Israel :D

But I will always oppose making sweeping statements against the entirety of the world's Muslim population.
So why did you call all Zionists evil, bad, greedy in this thread? :D It doesn't make sense :D There are millions of Zionists worldwide from all faiths and walks of life. :D
What percentage of Jews are Zionists? | True Torah Jews

Yes, there is such a thing as Jewish Zionist, Christian Zionist, Muslim Zionist and so on :D :D :D

You know what gets you nowhere? Making bullshit blanket statements about the entire Muslim population, and behaving like an ignorant Westerner when you know the issues facing Muslims all so well. Disassociating yourself from Muslims and abandoning and condemning Islam will get you nowhere. It will effectively ensure that no actual ''Jihadi'' will ever take your arguments seriously.
I am not dissociating from reality. Israel is and remains a historic reality. Your "wishes" for the region regarding what's fair or not doesn't change anything :D

I don't subscribe to either of the extremes - Islamic religious extremism or anti-Islamic pseudo-liberalism. You subscribe to the latter. You can never solve any issue by holding extreme views.
I am not anti-Islamic or liberal. I am more of a centrist :D

I am not the one trying to justify an occupation. You are. It is evident from your arguments that you believe the Jews to be superior to Muslims or Palestinians and that's the general rationale you use throughout to conclude that the Jews were right in every case and the Palestinians were wrong.
BS. First thing: There is no occupation in any sense as Indian occupation of Kashmir, Chinese occupation of Tibet and so on. Yes, there are some areas where IDF patrol daily like Hebron but its for the security of Jewish minority living there.
Regarding Jewish brains or intelligence being superior, its an undeniable fact. Go hit your head on the wall, if I am wrong :D
Jews were wrong when they declined Arab Peace initiative in 2002 since they now are holding all the cards. TOoO late. Sorry Palestinians, Jews are not dumb enough to abide by your dictates this time. They have had enough of your terrorism :D

Yes, Palestinians were wrong in many cases. But so are the Jews.
True. Arab peace initiative of 2002 was rejected by Israel. It should have been accepted:
Arab Peace Initiative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you see I never said Jews were always right :D

- Jews were a minority in Mandatory Palestine (even when excluding Transjordan). They were given the majority of the land, which was forcefully snatched from the locals when they resisted.
They were given more land to facilitate Jewish immigration from Europe post Holocaust. In 1937 they were given land according to their population. See Peel Commission report :D

- Israel continues to build settlements in the West Bank.
Because its a disputed territory claimed by both Jews and Palestinians. Anyone can build anything on a disputed territory :D

Right now Israel is a reality. That can't be changed, so, even if we are to forget the past and focus on a solution, the two-state solution has been reduced to an unattainable shell of a solution by illegal settlements and the Jerusalem issue.
No, the two-state suicide is being shelled by Hamas terrorism and its reluctance to recognize Israel as a Jewish and Democratic State :D From the Hamas Charter:
'The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.' (Article 7)
Hamas Covenant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What's this Jihadi anti-Jewish nonsense that you support? :D

Psuedo-liberals can be as bad as molvis when it comes to labels. Just recently a molvi had labelled me a ''Western traitor''. Now you're labeling me a ''Jihadi''.
Because you are a Jihadi. You support Palestinian narrative of Jihad against Israel. Only if and when you condemn terrorists like Hamas, PLO, Hezbollah would we believe you are unbiased towards Israel :D

Zionism is a political ideology and Judaism is a religion. I know of many Anti-Zionist Jews. Will you call them Anti-Jew too?
Anti-Zionism when camouflaged with anti-Jewish sentiments become eventually Anti-Jewish :D
@Norwegian kindly explain how this was allowed if the poor zionists are the victims :

Ban on Palestinians riding same buses as Jewish settlers suspended after backlash

Ban on Palestinians riding same buses as Jewish settlers suspended after backlash - Telegraph

It was suspended after being equated to apartheid by international noise makers but the very fact that it was allowed shows the mentality of certain politicians and the level some have stooped!

There is absolutely no mistake as to where Israel is heading and it is no victim!

This here shows their mentality in detail of how much sympathy they deserve:

Israel’s new justice minister considers all Palestinians to be ‘the enemy’

Israel’s new justice minister considers all Palestinians to be ‘the enemy’ - The Washington Post

When those that make the laws have such thinking, what sort of propaganda and brainwashing would occur? Thousands liking it just shows you where their mind stands:

Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes

Israeli lawmaker's call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes | The Electronic Intifada

Kindly explain this as well:

Not a Single House Has Been Rebuilt One Year After Israeli War on Gaza
Not a Single House Has Been Rebuilt One Year After Israeli War on Gaza

So much justice in the hands of the snake herself- god forbid Palestine is restored or gets ANY form of help:

Israel’s Justice Minister Shaked cracks down on NGOs focusing on Palestinian struggle

Israel’s Justice Minister Shaked cracks down on NGOs focusing on Palestinian struggle - Daily Sabah
Of course

Anti-Zionist = Anti-Jew

LOL :D I have heard that one before many times over :D

Hamas don't even give a shit about their own people, or they would have signed peace treaty with Israel like Jordan and Egypt :D

Hahaha :D Hypocrites :D

Al-Bakistanis... Nuff said :D

I am a Pakistani and I can see it right through them. :D

Israel is the only Jewish and democratic state in the world. And these Arabs and Muslims want this state gone for terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah to take over :D

What is? Your Putin regime? :D
Did u earn your yahudi agent badge yet? :partay:
Don't get the big deal. Muslim leaders have consistently asked for destruction and genocide of Jews and got hundreds of thousands of likes.

If its a comparison of savagery, the Muslims are far far ahead.

@Norwegian kindly explain how this was allowed if the poor zionists are the victims :

Ban on Palestinians riding same buses as Jewish settlers suspended after backlash

Ban on Palestinians riding same buses as Jewish settlers suspended after backlash - Telegraph

It was suspended after being equated to apartheid by international noise makers but the very fact that it was allowed shows the mentality of certain politicians and the level some have stooped!

There is absolutely no mistake as to where Israel is heading and it is no victim!

This here shows their mentality in detail of how much sympathy they deserve:

Israel’s new justice minister considers all Palestinians to be ‘the enemy’

Israel’s new justice minister considers all Palestinians to be ‘the enemy’ - The Washington Post

When those that make the laws have such thinking, what sort of propaganda and brainwashing would occur? Thousands liking it just shows you where their mind stands:

Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes

Israeli lawmaker's call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes | The Electronic Intifada

Kindly explain this as well:

Not a Single House Has Been Rebuilt One Year After Israeli War on Gaza
Not a Single House Has Been Rebuilt One Year After Israeli War on Gaza

So much justice in the hands of the snake herself- god forbid Palestine is restored or gets ANY form of help:

Israel’s Justice Minister Shaked cracks down on NGOs focusing on Palestinian struggle

Israel’s Justice Minister Shaked cracks down on NGOs focusing on Palestinian struggle - Daily Sabah
Muslim leaders have consistently asked for destruction and genocide of Jews and got hundreds of thousands of likes.
So you finding that problematic but this ok is showing your biasedness....MANY MUSLIMS also condemn it ....

If its a comparison of savagery, the Muslims are far far ahead.
Hmmmm....However there are people doing the opposite which you dont see- your selective blindness is not my problem:
Muslim Scholars Release Open Letter To Islamic State Meticulously Blasting Its Ideology
Letter to Baghdadi - Open Letter to BaghdadiOpen Letter to Baghdadi

Muslim Leaders Worldwide Condemn ISIS | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Pakistani clerics declare suicide attacks ‘un-Islamic’ - Khaleej Times
Pakistan court jails hate cleric for five years - BBC News

Muslim clerics denounce ‘savage’ Isis murder of Jordanian pilot | World news | The Guardian

Clerics denounce burning alive of pilot as un-Islamic| Reuters

The Organization Of Islamic Cooperation: The Islamic State Has “Nothing To Do With Islam,” Has Committed Crimes “That Cannot Be Tolerated.” As the Vatican’s internal news source reported, the Secretary General for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which represents 1.4 billion Muslims in 57 countries around the world, condemned the Islamic State’s persecution of of Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq, saying the “forced deportation under the threat of execution” is a “crime that cannot be tolerated.” According to the Vatican:

The Secretary General also distanced Islam from the actions of the militant group known as ISIS, saying they ‘have nothing to do with Islam and its principles that call for justice, kindness, fairness, freedom of faith and coexistence.’ [Vatican Radio, 7/25/14]

Al-Azhar: Islamic State Is Corrupt And “A Danger To Islam.” Lebanese paper The Daily Star reported that Al-Azhar’s Grand Mufti Shawqi Allam, Egypt’s highest religious authority, denounced the Islamic State as a threat to Islam and said that the group both violates Sharia law and humanitarian law: “[They] give an opportunity for those who seek to harm us, to destroy us and interfere in our affairs with the [pretext of a] call to fight terrorism.” [The Daily Star, 8/13/14]

Arab League: “Strongly Denounced” The “Crimes Against Humanity” Carried Out By The Islamic State. On August 11, Nabil al-Arabi, the Arab League Chief, denounced acts committed by the Islamic State in Iraq as “crimes against humanity,” demanding that they be brought to justice. According to Al Arabiya News, he said in a statement that he “strongly denounced the crimes, killings, dispossession carried out by the terrorist (ISIS) against civilians and minorities in Iraq that have affected Christians in Mosul and Yazidis.” [Al Arabiya News, 8/11/14]

Turkey’s Top Cleric: Islamic State’s Threats Are “Hugely Damaging,” “Truly Awful.” Turkey’s highest ranking cleric, Mehmet Gormez, decried the Islamic State’s declaration of a “caliphate” and argued that the statements were damaging to the Muslim community, according to Reuters:

“Such declarations have no legitimacy whatsoever,” Mehmet Gormez, head of the Religious Affairs Directorate, the highest religious authority in Turkey, which, although a majority Muslim country, has been a secular state since the 1920s.

“Since the caliphate was abolished … there have been movements that think they can pull together the Muslim world by re-establishing a caliphate, but they have nothing to do with reality, whether from a political or legal perspective.”

Gormez said death threats against non-Muslims made by the group, formerly known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), were hugely damaging.

“The statement made against Christians is truly awful. Islamic scholars need to focus on this (because) an inability to peacefully sustain other faiths and cultures heralds the collapse of a civilization,” he told Reuters in an interview. [Reuters, 7/22/14]

CAIR Repeatedly Condemned The Islamic State As “Un-Islamic And Morally Repugnant.” In a July 7 statement, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) called the terrorist group “un-Islamic and morally repugnant,” noted that the Islamic State’s “human rights abuses on the ground are well-documented,” and called on other Muslim community leaders to speak out against the violence. CAIR reiterated the condemnation of the Islamic State as “both un-Islamic and morally repugnant” on August 11, and on August 21, CAIR once again condemned the group, calling the killing of American journalist James Foley “gruesome and barbaric”:

We strongly condemn this gruesome and barbaric killing as a violation of Islamic beliefs and of universally-accepted international norms mandating the protection of prisoners and journalists during conflicts.

The Geneva Conventions, the Quran – Islam’s revealed text – and the traditions (hadith) of the Prophet Muhammad all require that prisoners not be harmed in any way. There can be no excuse or justification for such criminal and bloodthirsty actions.

We also call on those holding Steven Sotloff and other prisoners to immediately release them unharmed so they may return to their loved ones. [Council on American-Islamic Relations, 7/7/14; Council on American-Islamic Relations, 8/11/14; Council on American-Islamic Relations, 8/20/14]

The Muslim Council Of Great Britain: “Violence Has No Place In Religion.” The Muslim Council of Great Britain condemned the Islamic State’s actions and expressed that they do not represent Sunni Muslims, according to The Independent. Shuja Shafi, a member of the council also said: “Violence has no place in religion, violence has no religion. It is prohibited for people to present themselves for destruction.” [The Independent, 7/11/14]

The Islamic Society of North America: The Islamic State’s Actions “Are To Be Denounced And Are In No Way Representative Of What Islam Actually Teaches. The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) released a statement denouncing the Islamic State “for its attacks on Iraq’s religious minorities and the destruction of their places of worship.” ISNA President Imam Mohamed Magid said, “ISIS actions against religious minorities in Iraq violate the Quranic teaching, ‘Let there be no compulsion in religion’ (Surat al-Baqara 2:256),” adding, “Their actions are to be denounced and are in no way representative of what Islam actually teaches.” [The Islamic Society of North America, 8/9/14]

100 Sunni And Shiite U.K. Imams: The Islamic State Is An “Illegitimate, Vicious Group.” As the Huffington Post reported, 100 Sunni and Shiite Imams from the U.K. came together to produce a video denouncing the Islamic State, releasing a statement that they wanted to “come together to emphasise the importance of unity in the UK and to decree ISIS as an illegitimate, vicious group who do not represent Islam in any way.” (Please see below)

Saudi Arabia’s Highest Religious Authority: Terrorists Like The Islamic State Is The “Number One Enemy Of Islam.” On August 19, Al Jazeera reported that Saudi Arabia’s grand mufti, Abdulaziz al-Sheikh, the country’s top religious authority, said that terrorism is anti-Islamic and said that groups like the Islamic State which practice violence are the “number one enemy of Islam”:

Extremist and militant ideas and terrorism which spread decay on Earth, destroying human civilisation, are not in any way part of Islam, but are enemy number one of Islam, and Muslims are their first victims. [Al Jazeera, 8/19/14]

Muslim Public Affairs Council: Condemned The Islamic State And Called For “Stand Against Extremism.” On August 20, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) released a statement condemning “the barbaric execution of American Journalist James Foley by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).” MPAC urged “all people of conscience to take a stand against extremism” and offered condolences to Foley’s family. MPAC also noted the importance of countering ISIS and other extremist groups by working “to empower the mainstream and relegate extremists to the irrelevance they deserve.” [Muslim Public Affairs Council, 8/20/14]

Read more: Think Muslims Haven’t Condemned ISIS? Think Again - Common Word, Common Lord

Heck even Al-Qaedah condemned the mrder of the Jordanian pilot...Compare that to JUSTICE MINSTER spewing shit on ALL PALESTINIAN ....wow! Incredibly new low

Do we see ANYTHING similar for the JUSTICE MINISTER of Israel?
Last edited:
One of the primary issue Israel is going faced with is the dominance and VIP status for extremists/ultra-rights. Ever since Yitzhak Rabin was brutally murdered by a Jewish Qadri the country has been in a grip of such extremists. This is my personal opinion.

Apart from all that Israel has a lot to offer...honestly.
So you finding that problematic but this ok is showing your biasedness....MANY MUSLIMS also condemn it ....

Hmmmm....However there are people doing the opposite which you dont see- your selective blindness is not my problem:
Muslim Scholars Release Open Letter To Islamic State Meticulously Blasting Its Ideology
Letter to Baghdadi - Open Letter to BaghdadiOpen Letter to Baghdadi

Muslim Leaders Worldwide Condemn ISIS | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Pakistani clerics declare suicide attacks ‘un-Islamic’ - Khaleej Times
Pakistan court jails hate cleric for five years - BBC News

Muslim clerics denounce ‘savage’ Isis murder of Jordanian pilot | World news | The Guardian

Clerics denounce burning alive of pilot as un-Islamic| Reuters

The Organization Of Islamic Cooperation: The Islamic State Has “Nothing To Do With Islam,” Has Committed Crimes “That Cannot Be Tolerated.” As the Vatican’s internal news source reported, the Secretary General for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which represents 1.4 billion Muslims in 57 countries around the world, condemned the Islamic State’s persecution of of Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq, saying the “forced deportation under the threat of execution” is a “crime that cannot be tolerated.” According to the Vatican:

The Secretary General also distanced Islam from the actions of the militant group known as ISIS, saying they ‘have nothing to do with Islam and its principles that call for justice, kindness, fairness, freedom of faith and coexistence.’ [Vatican Radio, 7/25/14]

Al-Azhar: Islamic State Is Corrupt And “A Danger To Islam.” Lebanese paper The Daily Star reported that Al-Azhar’s Grand Mufti Shawqi Allam, Egypt’s highest religious authority, denounced the Islamic State as a threat to Islam and said that the group both violates Sharia law and humanitarian law: “[They] give an opportunity for those who seek to harm us, to destroy us and interfere in our affairs with the [pretext of a] call to fight terrorism.” [The Daily Star, 8/13/14]

Arab League: “Strongly Denounced” The “Crimes Against Humanity” Carried Out By The Islamic State. On August 11, Nabil al-Arabi, the Arab League Chief, denounced acts committed by the Islamic State in Iraq as “crimes against humanity,” demanding that they be brought to justice. According to Al Arabiya News, he said in a statement that he “strongly denounced the crimes, killings, dispossession carried out by the terrorist (ISIS) against civilians and minorities in Iraq that have affected Christians in Mosul and Yazidis.” [Al Arabiya News, 8/11/14]

Turkey’s Top Cleric: Islamic State’s Threats Are “Hugely Damaging,” “Truly Awful.” Turkey’s highest ranking cleric, Mehmet Gormez, decried the Islamic State’s declaration of a “caliphate” and argued that the statements were damaging to the Muslim community, according to Reuters:

“Such declarations have no legitimacy whatsoever,” Mehmet Gormez, head of the Religious Affairs Directorate, the highest religious authority in Turkey, which, although a majority Muslim country, has been a secular state since the 1920s.

“Since the caliphate was abolished … there have been movements that think they can pull together the Muslim world by re-establishing a caliphate, but they have nothing to do with reality, whether from a political or legal perspective.”

Gormez said death threats against non-Muslims made by the group, formerly known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), were hugely damaging.

“The statement made against Christians is truly awful. Islamic scholars need to focus on this (because) an inability to peacefully sustain other faiths and cultures heralds the collapse of a civilization,” he told Reuters in an interview. [Reuters, 7/22/14]

CAIR Repeatedly Condemned The Islamic State As “Un-Islamic And Morally Repugnant.” In a July 7 statement, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) called the terrorist group “un-Islamic and morally repugnant,” noted that the Islamic State’s “human rights abuses on the ground are well-documented,” and called on other Muslim community leaders to speak out against the violence. CAIR reiterated the condemnation of the Islamic State as “both un-Islamic and morally repugnant” on August 11, and on August 21, CAIR once again condemned the group, calling the killing of American journalist James Foley “gruesome and barbaric”:

We strongly condemn this gruesome and barbaric killing as a violation of Islamic beliefs and of universally-accepted international norms mandating the protection of prisoners and journalists during conflicts.

The Geneva Conventions, the Quran – Islam’s revealed text – and the traditions (hadith) of the Prophet Muhammad all require that prisoners not be harmed in any way. There can be no excuse or justification for such criminal and bloodthirsty actions.

We also call on those holding Steven Sotloff and other prisoners to immediately release them unharmed so they may return to their loved ones. [Council on American-Islamic Relations, 7/7/14; Council on American-Islamic Relations, 8/11/14; Council on American-Islamic Relations, 8/20/14]

The Muslim Council Of Great Britain: “Violence Has No Place In Religion.” The Muslim Council of Great Britain condemned the Islamic State’s actions and expressed that they do not represent Sunni Muslims, according to The Independent. Shuja Shafi, a member of the council also said: “Violence has no place in religion, violence has no religion. It is prohibited for people to present themselves for destruction.” [The Independent, 7/11/14]

The Islamic Society of North America: The Islamic State’s Actions “Are To Be Denounced And Are In No Way Representative Of What Islam Actually Teaches. The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) released a statement denouncing the Islamic State “for its attacks on Iraq’s religious minorities and the destruction of their places of worship.” ISNA President Imam Mohamed Magid said, “ISIS actions against religious minorities in Iraq violate the Quranic teaching, ‘Let there be no compulsion in religion’ (Surat al-Baqara 2:256),” adding, “Their actions are to be denounced and are in no way representative of what Islam actually teaches.” [The Islamic Society of North America, 8/9/14]

100 Sunni And Shiite U.K. Imams: The Islamic State Is An “Illegitimate, Vicious Group.” As the Huffington Post reported, 100 Sunni and Shiite Imams from the U.K. came together to produce a video denouncing the Islamic State, releasing a statement that they wanted to “come together to emphasise the importance of unity in the UK and to decree ISIS as an illegitimate, vicious group who do not represent Islam in any way.” (Please see below)

Saudi Arabia’s Highest Religious Authority: Terrorists Like The Islamic State Is The “Number One Enemy Of Islam.” On August 19, Al Jazeera reported that Saudi Arabia’s grand mufti, Abdulaziz al-Sheikh, the country’s top religious authority, said that terrorism is anti-Islamic and said that groups like the Islamic State which practice violence are the “number one enemy of Islam”:

Extremist and militant ideas and terrorism which spread decay on Earth, destroying human civilisation, are not in any way part of Islam, but are enemy number one of Islam, and Muslims are their first victims. [Al Jazeera, 8/19/14]

Muslim Public Affairs Council: Condemned The Islamic State And Called For “Stand Against Extremism.” On August 20, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) released a statement condemning “the barbaric execution of American Journalist James Foley by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).” MPAC urged “all people of conscience to take a stand against extremism” and offered condolences to Foley’s family. MPAC also noted the importance of countering ISIS and other extremist groups by working “to empower the mainstream and relegate extremists to the irrelevance they deserve.” [Muslim Public Affairs Council, 8/20/14]

Read more: Think Muslims Haven’t Condemned ISIS? Think Again - Common Word, Common Lord

Heck even Al-Qaedah condemned the mrder of the Jordanian pilot...Compare that to JUSTICE MINSTER spewing shit on ALL PALESTINIAN ....wow! Incredibly new low

Do we see ANYTHING similar for the JUSTICE MINISTER of Israel?
A large number of Jews also disagree with the minister.

Whereas Islamic leaders so many times have asked annihilation of Israel.

Again, while you try to highlight that some Jewish minister asked for genocide, I am similarly pointing out Muslim leaders asking for it.

You might try to think we are fools and will get taken in and won't notice an exponentially more number of Muslims baying for jewish blood, but you're wrong - we see them, we hear them.
A large number of Jews also disagree with the minister.
Dont really see them around...

Whereas Islamic leaders so many times have asked annihilation of Israel.
Thread aint about quoting illiterate dumbos...We are not talking about ministers/ clerics without a degree but a country boasting to have VERY HIGHLY EDUCATED ministers...

Again, while you try to highlight that some Jewish minister asked for genocide, I am similarly pointing out Muslim leaders asking for it.
I am not highlighting...it is a thread about Jews so where else should such news go to? Indian defense forum?

You might try to think we are fools and will get taken in and won't notice an exponentially more number of Muslims baying for jewish blood, but you're wrong - we see them, we hear them.
Well, you are a fool no doubt...Selective listening and seeing is after all what the thread is about...Not it is about Jews either stick to the topic or bugger off :enjoy:
Dont really see them around...

Thread aint about quoting illiterate dumbos...We are not talking about ministers/ clerics without a degree but a country boasting to have VERY HIGHLY EDUCATED ministers...

I am not highlighting...it is a thread about Jews so where else should such news go to? Indian defense forum?

Well, you are a fool no doubt...Selective listening and seeing is after all what the thread is about...Not it is about Jews either stick to the topic or bugger off :enjoy:
Selective listening and seeing is what you are all about.

When Ergodan, a Muslim PRESIDENT talks about conquering Jerusalem, it doesn't bother Islamists like you.
When Ahmadinejad, a Muslim PRESIDENT talks about nuking Israel, it doesn't bother Islamists like you.

However, when a small time minister (compared to the ranks of the people like above), Islamists like you try to paint the jews as a murderous bunch, when the most number of jews in fact just want peace.

If they wanted to do a genocide, they have the power to conduct one, the fact that they don't, tells us and the world that they want to live in peace.

On the other hand, we see Islamists, who don't have the power to go a genocide on the jews ask for genocide and conquering Israel, we see what they would do if they in fact had the power to do so.

And I am not even talking about the millions of Islamic scholars and religious leaders who call for genocide on Jews every friday.

As I said, you might think we don't see, but we do see who is the barbarian bunch here.
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