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Spain passes law of return for Sephardic Jews that were expelled in 1492! LOL!

I dont know why anyone would want Spanish citizenship when Israel is developing on free funds from around the world including EU :unsure: and Spain well....is 1 of the countries of EU
Of course Jews bought all science and high-tech like Arab oil sheikhs for free. Also they bought so many free nobel prizes :D
Science and technology in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of Nobel laureates by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yea I dont support the Arabs they are nutjobs with nothing better to do but waste money on anything and everything BUT to develop their PEOPLE!
Of course they kill stone-throwing children. Hamas, PLO, Hezbollah terrorists would kill every Jewish child if they had the means to do so :D
They already did, the last war between Israel and Hamas/Hezbollah started because they captured an Israeli teen and executed him.
Keep waiting another thousand years if you wish. You Islamists are not getting Palestine back :D
1stly, the word Islamists is very ignorant....

2ndly, I dont want it for myself but the rightful people of the land....Not sure why people think that is bad...Imagine someone try to shove English people off their lands then maybe they will grow some grey mass!

Yeah, blame the british as usual and never take self-responsibility for the tragedy :D
If you read my responses you will notice I also blamed the bloody Egyptians but of course you are single channel :enjoy:

Of course that old greedy Zionists BS again. How about greedy Arabs that make up 99 percent of the Middle East? :D
Honestly speaking Arabs make up 99% of Middle East is a myth! Then again they always were Arabs since the time of Abraham....
2ndly, I dont want it for myself but the rightful people of the land....Not sure why people think that is bad...Imagine someone try to shove English people off their lands then maybe they will grow some grey mass!
Jews are rightful people on that land. As well as Palestinians when they stop their terror activities and recognize Israel as a Jewish and democratic nation :D

Honestly speaking Arabs make up 99% of Middle East is a myth! Then again they always were Arabs since the time of Abraham....
But they do make up a majority. Before Islam, Arabs were largely confined to Arabian peninsula. So why are Arabs everywhere in the Middle East today? Hint: Invasions :D
Hamas, PLO, Hezbollah terrorists would kill every Jewish child if they had the means to do so :D
You cant assume everyone is of the same mentality as you...If you endorse killing you will always think others have a similar brain like yours and hence fear others will kill you

Numbers change all the time. Aren't the numbers inflated for other tragedies as well? Like mass genocide during 1971 war?
Are they? Jews estimate the number based on number of jews beforee and after the war...Which is ridiculous as soo many prob converted to Christianity, died of diseases, migrated and lived in hiding without telling their kids their origin ....so yes inflated!
You cant assume everyone is of the same mentality as you...If you endorse killing you will always think others have a similar brain like yours and hence fear others will kill you
LOL :D Jews don't endorse mass killings of non-Jews. You probably didn't know but 20 % of all Israelis are non-Jews:
Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unlike other Muslim majorities, their numbers have actually grown despite being a minority for decades :D

Are they? Jews estimate the number based on number of jews beforee and after the war...Which is ridiculous as soo many prob converted to Christianity, died of diseases, migrated and lived in hiding without telling their kids their origin ....so yes inflated!
Its all documented here to the letter: Holocaust Educational Resource
Go ahead and read :D
Jews are rightful people on that land. As well as Palestinians when they stop their terror activities and recognize Israel as a Jewish and democratic nation :D
Might I remind you it is the right wing zionists who dont recognize Palestine....Do you need some RECENT articles of how openly and shamelessly they have said so?

No one can argue that some Jews do make up the locals of that land HOWEVER, those Jews on rent, who converted and are not direct descended of the Jews during the time of the prophet do not form Natives of the land!

But they do make up a majority. Before Islam, Arabs were largely confined to Arabian peninsula. So why are Arabs everywhere in the Middle East today? Hint: Invasions :D
Hmmm...Hint: trade, spread of Islam.....Migration, invasion just like Gora invaded America and Australia....Arabs didnt wipe out the locals now did they? They instead married into the locals....

Of course Jews bought all science and high-tech like Arab oil sheikhs for free. Also they bought so many free nobel prizes :D
Science and technology in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of Nobel laureates by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yet they failed to civilize themselves to live fairly and equally with neighbours :tsk: what a waste!

Jews don't endorse mass killings of non-Jews. You probably didn't know but 20 % of all Israelis are non-Jews:
Who do you think I have been calling rent a jew? My question still stands:

Why on earth did zionists (I dont blame Jews for what assholes did) call other people to come to a land they recently got which already had some people called Palestinians - who mind you are older than the Jews getting the land from god (no where did god tell them to go kill and throw out those who live on the land!)

Why did zionists call other people to that land and give them israeli citizenship? THOSE OTHER people are not those whom god promised the land too :whistle:

Unlike other Muslim majorities, their numbers have actually grown despite being a minority for decades :D
Yea, by hiring a jew :pop:

Its all documented here to the letter: Holocaust Educational Resource
Go ahead and read :D
wow what a link ;)

There is a documentary how these expelled homeless wanderers were settled in Turkey and were accepted without question!

Shame on these ungrateful lot!
Might I remind you it is the right wing zionists who dont recognize Palestine....Do you need some RECENT articles of how openly and shamelessly they have said so?
Actually they do. They call it Jordan :D

No one can argue that some Jews do make up the locals of that land HOWEVER, those Jews on rent, who converted and are not direct descended of the Jews during the time of the prophet do not form Natives of the land!
Converted Jews do count, just like converted Muslims all over the world who claim their religious connection to Mecca and Medina even to this day :D

Hmmm...Hint: trade, spread of Islam.....Migration, invasion just like Gora invaded America and Australia....Arabs didnt wipe out the locals now did they? They instead married into the locals....
Of course they did. Before Arab invasions, Egyptian Copts, Syrian Assyrians and other Middle Eastern people used to be a majority in their respective regions. Now only Arabs are a majority. Its called slow ethnic cleansing that take centuries :D

Yet they failed to civilize themselves to live fairly and equally with neighbours :tsk: what a waste!
Hahaha. Its actually the failed Arab barbaric states that need to be civilised, not Jews or Israelis. LOL :D Jews do not produce suicide bombers and ISIS. Its the work of Arabs alone :D

Why on earth did zionists (I dont blame Jews for what assholes did) call other people to come to a land they recently got which already had some people called Palestinians - who mind you are older than the Jews getting the land from god (no where did god tell them to go kill and throw out those who live on the land!)
Palestinians are migrants as well. Just like Jews :D

Why did zionists call other people to that land and give them israeli citizenship? THOSE OTHER people are not those whom god promised the land too :whistle:
Because they are Jews, lol :D

Yea, by hiring a jew :pop:
Of course because Muslims have no brains :D

wow what a link ;)
Thanks :D
Keep waiting another thousand years if you wish. You Islamists are not getting Palestine back :D

Yeah, blame the british as usual and never take self-responsibility for the tragedy :D

Of course that old greedy Zionists BS again. How about greedy Arabs that make up 99 percent of the Middle East? :D

Maybe that's why they need Jewish brains to jumpstart their economy and not herd-following Muslim sheeple? :D
Actually they do. They call it Jordan :D

Converted Jews do count, just like converted Muslims all over the world who claim their religious connection to Mecca and Medina even to this day :D

Of course they did. Before Arab invasions, Egyptian Copts, Syrian Assyrians and other Middle Eastern people used to be a majority in their respective regions. Now only Arabs are a majority. Its called slow ethnic cleansing that take centuries :D

Hahaha. Its actually the failed Arab barbaric states that need to be civilised, not Jews or Israelis. LOL :D Jews do not produce suicide bombers and ISIS. Its the work of Arabs alone :D

Palestinians are migrants as well. Just like Jews :D

Because they are Jews, lol :D

Of course because Muslims have no brains :D

Thanks :D

Not everything is funny, especially not when we're talking about the Holocaust and occupation of Palestine. All the smileys are a little in bad taste.

And what's with all the self-hate? Or did you recently convert out of Islam?

Actually they do. They call it Jordan :D
Jordan is Jordan and Palestine is Palestine. Don't believe everything you read on the Times of Israel.
Actually they do. They call it Jordan :D

So? Why didn't they accept European Jews then in Palestine? :D
They did...Son read the history...There is a reason why Europe started kicking them out ....It didnt start from Nazi.....Heck even some Queen (was it Austrian) who had it imprinted in her law that no Jew was to set foot on her soil - Mind you, this was before WW2 ...And she wasnt the only Queen sure many letters disappeared after WW2...but some written accounts still remain WHY THE JEWS were prosecuted...

Same way, when they were chased away, they moved to Ottoman empire...they easily integrated in fact many of the Turks found no problem with them...But when the WW2 Jews came in ....they were mentally tortured and had a different thing in mind...they started creating chaos...the same thing that got them kicked out of Europe...You would think a clever nation would have understood and not repeated their mistake....

Here is a piece of one of the many documentaries:

Converted Jews do count, just like converted Muslims all over the world who claim their religious connection to Mecca and Medina even to this day :D
Why Is Conversion to Judaism So Hard? - Questions & Answers

Of course they did. Before Arab invasions, Egyptian Copts, Syrian Assyrians and other Middle Eastern people used to be a majority in their respective regions. Now only Arabs are a majority. Its called slow ethnic cleansing that take centuries :D
Arabs a majority in Syria? You try calling a Syrian an Arab he will say no I am a Suri not an Arab...Try it....and a handful of them are from Lebanon...Most of my Lebanon friends are CHRISTIAN but they happily call themselves Christian Arabs...so whats your problem?

Do you know they are also Arab Jews? Many call themselves ARAB based on the region not ancestry....So many are fair which if strictly talking are not ARAB coz Arabs are "technically" supposed to be bronze or brown...based on ancestry and climate/ weather...

I am not sure why you worry about those who are proud to call themselves ARABS (irrespective of the religion they follow) Arab Christian, Arab Jews and so on....

But you have no problem whatsoever with zionists killing children shows your biasedness! :tup:

Hahaha. Its actually the failed Arab barbaric states that need to be civilised, not Jews or Israelis. LOL :D Jews do not produce suicide bombers and ISIS. Its the work of Arabs alone :D
Baby killers are to be applaud for ...Yea, sickening mentality :sick:

Again biased nature ever shining :tsk:

Kindly explain this: Israel’s War Crimes Record: Killing and Maiming Children in Armed Conflicts | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Palestinians are migrants as well. Just like Jews :D
The word exists in the bible long before Christianity so if they did migrate....they did so before Christianity and also before Judaism coz both religions use the same old testament :enjoy:

Because they are Jews, lol :D

A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages
Some are not even Semitic: A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages : Nature Communications : Nature Publishing Group

The term “Bukharan Jews” refers to the Central Asian Jews of the khanate of Bukhara, those of Samarkand, and the Ferghana Valley. Today, the region is divided between the former Soviet republics of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. The majority of Bukharan Jews live in the Uzbek cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, Tashkent, and Kokand, in Tajikistan's capital, Dushanbe, and in Kyrgyzstan's capital, Bishkek. Also, a large number of Bukharan Jews have made aliyah and have congregated in Jerusalem.

Bukharan Jews | Jewish Virtual Library

These are not even Semitic they are Asians just occupying space to show Jews need more land...

Of course because Muslims have no brains :D

So? Why didn't they accept European Jews then in Palestine? :D
They did....Where do you think the European Jews went off? MOST went off to America....many integrated with Ottoman - some converted to Christianity as forced on them, others to Islam (forced or not never mentioned as they lived in peace during Muslim rule in Spain never forced to convert back then....but as soon as crusaders came they were executed or forced to convert)

And what's with all the self-hate? Or did you recently convert out of Islam?
It is astonishing the level of self hate....is more like the level of crap we get from our neighbours :unsure:

Jordan is Jordan and Palestine is Palestine. Don't believe everything you read on the Times of Israel.
I guess that is his new bible :(
Not everything is funny, especially not when we're talking about the Holocaust and occupation of Palestine. All the smileys are a little in bad taste.
Its not meant to be funny but sarcastic. Yes, there was a Holocaust and Occupation. But both are gone now. What remains is a blockade of Gaza (Because of Hamas terrorism) and Israeli control of Area A and C in the West Bank, which was btw agreed upon by PLO's own leadership during Oslo Accords. Yes, I am a Norwegian so I know that stuff from our own history books as well, apart from evil Zionist sources of course :D
Oslo Accords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
West Bank Areas in the Oslo II Accord - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And what's with all the self-hate? Or did you recently convert out of Islam?
Its not self-hate but the evident truth. Muslims at large refuse to recognize even the very existence of Israel when Israel's own neighboring countries such as Jordan and Egypt have signed peace treaties with that "evil" nation decades ago:
Israel–Jordan peace treaty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jordan is Jordan and Palestine is Palestine. Don't believe everything you read on the Times of Israel.
Palestine region used to encompass both current day Jordan, Palestinian Areas and Israel when British captured it from the Ottomans during WW1:

British then partitioned it into two states: Transjordan (For Arab majority) and Jewish Palestine (For Jewish Majority):

Jews wanted peaceful transfer of populations just like British partition of India into Dominion of Pakistan and Dominion of India. Sadly, Arabs refused to recognize any sovereign Jewish State as their neighbor and war erupted right before British Mandate's expiry. Conclusion: Jews fought for their independence and defeated 5 Arab armies that were armed to their teeth. And they have been defeating Arabs ever since :D
1947–48 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1948 Arab–Israeli War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They call Jordan Arab Palestine. See the maps above :D

They did...Son read the history...There is a reason why Europe started kicking them out ....It didnt start from Nazi.....Heck even some Queen (was it Austrian) who had it imprinted in her law that no Jew was to set foot on her soil - Mind you, this was before WW2 ...And she wasnt the only Queen sure many letters disappeared after WW2...but some written accounts still remain WHY THE JEWS were prosecuted...
So just because Jews were kicked around in Europe before WW2 or even before, it was automatically their fault? :D That's rich coming from someone who still despise Muslim expulsion from Spain :D What did those innocent Muslims do in Spain for 700 years that lead those new Christian rulers to show no mercy but to expel them from their own lands in 1492 along with Jews? :D

Same way, when they were chased away, they moved to Ottoman empire...they easily integrated in fact many of the Turks found no problem with them...But when the WW2 Jews came in ....they were mentally tortured and had a different thing in mind...they started creating chaos...the same thing that got them kicked out of Europe...You would think a clever nation would have understood and not repeated their mistake....
BS. Zionist Movement came into existence long before even WW1:
First Zionist Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sure tragic events of the Holocaust had its toll, but in reality Israel was going to be established anyway, Holocaust or not!!!

Arabs a majority in Syria? You try calling a Syrian an Arab he will say no I am a Suri not an Arab...Try it....and a handful of them are from Lebanon...Most of my Lebanon friends are CHRISTIAN but they happily call themselves Christian Arabs...so whats your problem?
Problem is that these ethnic people of the Middle East have lost their ancestral roots and have been ARABIZED after living under Arab domination for centuries:
Arabization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Syrian should not be speaking Arabic but Assyrian. Copts should not be speaking Arabic but languages that were inherited from much older Egyptian Kingdoms. Same goes for people of Iraq and other Middle Eastern people. Its impressive how Iranians still get to keep their language heritage, although they lost their own special writing system in the process!
Why didn't Arabic become the dominant language of Iran? - Historum - History Forums

Do you know they are also Arab Jews? Many call themselves ARAB based on the region not ancestry....So many are fair which if strictly talking are not ARAB coz Arabs are "technically" supposed to be bronze or brown...based on ancestry and climate/ weather...
Yes, all Jews who once used to live in Arab majority states were called Arab Jews:
Arab Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mizrahi Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How they looked racially is of no importance :D

I am not sure why you worry about those who are proud to call themselves ARABS (irrespective of the religion they follow) Arab Christian, Arab Jews and so on....
I don't worry of course. I pity them because they have lost their civilisation roots and replaced with Arabs :(

But you have no problem whatsoever with zionists killing children shows your biasedness! :tup:
Of course I do. Rule of the thumb is: If you do not want to get killed by advanced Israeli weaponry, don't shoot indiscriminate home-made rockets at its people!!!

Baby killers are to be applaud for ...Yea, sickening mentality :sick:
So you say Hamas, Hezbollah, PLO never killed Jewish babies? This young fellow (Daniel Tragerman) was killed by Hamas indiscriminate rocket fire in Israel last year:

Daniel Tragerman's war | The Times of Israel

Surely he is a big ugly evil Zionist in your view, right? :(

Again biased nature ever shining :tsk:
I am being biased? You only care about Palestinians, what about innocent Israeli citizens killed by Hamas terrorists?

Kindly explain this first: A Jewish family along with children were murdered in cold blood by Palestinian terrorists in their own home:

Arab Palestinians support slaughter of Jewish family | News that matters

There are always two sides of the story so stop blaming evil Zionists for everything!

The word exists in the bible long before Christianity so if they did migrate....they did so before Christianity and also before Judaism coz both religions use the same old testament :enjoy:
Of course. Human migrations happen all the time :D

So? You don't need to be semitic for migrating to Israel. All you need is to be a Jew or have Jewish heritage. See who is a Jew for more info:
Judaism 101: Who Is a Jew?

The term “Bukharan Jews” refers to the Central Asian Jews of the khanate of Bukhara, those of Samarkand, and the Ferghana Valley. Today, the region is divided between the former Soviet republics of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. The majority of Bukharan Jews live in the Uzbek cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, Tashkent, and Kokand, in Tajikistan's capital, Dushanbe, and in Kyrgyzstan's capital, Bishkek. Also, a large number of Bukharan Jews have made aliyah and have congregated in Jerusalem.
Sure. They all had some Jewish ancestory. That's exactly why they migrated to Israel and congregated (or reborn per se).

These are not even Semitic they are Asians just occupying space to show Jews need more land...
Muslims have 57 independent countries. Arabs have 22 independent states. Jews have only one independent nation called Israel. And even this has 20 % strong non-Jewish Arab minority. So, who is more hungry for land? :D :D :D Your trollish attitude is backfiring :D :D :D

If Arabs had any brains, they should have accepted Israel's existence already in 1947 and not as late as 2002 :D
Arab Peace Initiative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They did....Where do you think the European Jews went off? MOST went off to America....many integrated with Ottoman - some converted to Christianity as forced on them, others to Islam (forced or not never mentioned as they lived in peace during Muslim rule in Spain never forced to convert back then....but as soon as crusaders came they were executed or forced to convert)
And what has this to do with the discussion on hand? There were still millions of Jews living in Europe before the tragic events of the Holocaust:

Jewish Population of Europe Before the Holocaust Map

It is astonishing the level of self hate....is more like the level of crap we get from our neighbours :unsure:
Self-hate? Its not even close. I love Israel as well as Jordan and Palestine equally. If it is self-hate, be my guest :D

I guess that is his new bible :(
LOL :D I don't need BiBle to prove or disprove anything :D
Last edited:
Its not meant to be funny but sarcastic
I felt the sarcasm was in bad taste. But that's just my opinion.
Yes, there was a Holocaust and Occupation. But both are gone now. What remains is a blockade of Gaza (Because of Hamas terrorism) and Israeli control of Area A and C in the West Bank,
The latter isn't gone yet. Palestine still hasn't been given its right to statehood and Israel is not reverting back to pre-1967 borders. Settlements are widespread and extend beyond areas A and C of the West Bank. The Partition plan was unfair to begin with, but is still acceptable due to today's ground realities. However, until those borders are restored, the occupation hasn't ended.
Its not self-hate but the evident truth. Muslims at large refuse to recognize even the very existence of Israel...
By self-hate, I did not mean your political disagreements with the policies of some Muslim countries. I meant things like ''Islamists'', ''Muslim sheep'', ''Muslims have no brains'' and so on.
Palestine region used to encompass both current day Jordan, Palestinian Areas and Israel when British captured it from the Ottomans during WW1:

British then partitioned it into two states: Transjordan (For Arab majority) and Jewish Palestine (For Jewish Majority):

Jews wanted peaceful transfer of populations just like British partition of India into Dominion of Pakistan and Dominion of India. Sadly, Arabs refused to recognize any sovereign Jewish State as their neighbor and war erupted right before British Mandate's expiry
I know of the history. Palestine today and Palestine a hundred years ago are different things. Calling today's Jordan ''Palestine'' is incorrect.
Jews fought for their independence and defeated 5 Arab armies that were armed to their teeth.
Jews fought for their independence? From whom? That's not the most accurate way to put it. The Jews fought to take over a land from natives because it was supposedly their ancient ancestors' land. The natives resisted and were defeated.

The five Arab armies were hardly armed at all. Poorly armed, poorly trained soldiers from damaged and unstable countries. What the Jews achieved is remarkable, but taking over a land from natives is not a very nice thing to do no matter how you slice it.
Problem is that these ethnic people of the Middle East have lost their ancestral roots and have been ARABIZED after living under Arab domination for centuries:
Arabization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Syrian should not be speaking Arabic but Assyrian. Copts should not be speaking Arabic but languages that were inherited from much older Egyptian Kingdoms. Same goes for people of Iraq and other Middle Eastern people. Its impressive how Iranians still get to keep their language heritage, although they lost their own special writing system in the process!
Extremely flawed arguments. By that logic, (South and North) Americans should be speaking Aztec, Incan and Mayan, British people should be speaking Celtic and Saxon, and so on.

This ''return to your roots'' is a nonsensical approach and the very opposite of pragmatism.

And enough with the euphemisms, it's blatantly obvious that by ''Arabization'' you mean the spread of Islam. Might as well start using the word.
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