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Southwestern Iran Scorched As Temperature Hits Over 52°C

52.2 degrees Celsius. :crazy:

Talk about being fried alive. Climate change is real. Which makes regional cooperation even more important rather than silly infighting.

High temperatures in the desert is not climate change :enjoy:.

Climate change is a lie build by elites to keep countries under-developed and dominate them. Dont spread that fake propaganda here, thanks!.

Iranian Qanats is a ancient thing, to get water and cool air through water. So it's nothing new heat in Iran.

Evaporative air coolers are cheap and very suitable for that climate.

(just a fan that send the air to a wet cloth and increase relative humidity)

I hope every Iranian in that zone got one.
Highest average temperature in Europe , Madrid Spain 31 degree Celsius.

Average temperature in Pakistan 38 degree celcius. 8 degree more. You know the difference of eight degree ? Life will be almost impossible if world average temperature rise by 2-3 degree celcius.

Highest temperature recorded in Pakistan , turbat 53.7 degree. 2017.

Are you kidding?

Highest temperature in Spain last week 40º.

Madrid in summer is a true hell, nobody lives in Madrid in Summer, everybody goes to holidays to another cities in the coast, because it's hot as hell, and the streets in the capital are empty in summer.

But always was that way.

There's no climate change.

Think that burn coal can modify world weather is like think that piss the beach can modify world oceans.
You can thank Putin for that.
why thank Putin ? some other people decided to not buy Russians gas and dismantle their nuclear reactor and failed to invest on alternate green energy sources

High temperatures in the desert is not climate change :enjoy:.

Climate change is a lie build by elites to keep countries under-developed and dominate them. Dont spread that fake propaganda here, thanks!.

Iranian Qanats is a ancient thing, to get water and cool air through water. So it's nothing new heat in Iran.

Evaporative air coolers are cheap and very suitable for that climate.

(just a fan that send the air to a wet cloth and increase relative humidity)

I hope every Iranian in that zone got one.
well if you are intrested , khuzestan is not desert
BS. Go ask your grandparents about the weather and listen to their stories about how everything has changed to the worst since their childhood.

I understand that if we don't try to protect our nature now in future it will surely have very bad effects but global warming is a hype being made by certain groups as if entire Earth is going to die in next decade itself.....
I have discussed such things with my grand parents also..... Believe me 1913 hottest day is the last century record but world has seen such hottest days even in 16th century when no coal at all was being burnt and no car used to run on the road.....
Global warming is dangerous and have to be avoided at all costs but as if world is going to end within this century because of this is a pure hype.....
well if you are intrested , khuzestan is not desert
Yeah, that looks like a Amazonic Jungle :enjoy::


Maybe it's not a desert with dunes, but it's pretty normal high temperatures in that environment.

You skipped an "average" there. Read again.

And what means that? the average of all day including night? the arythmetic average of every hour? the average of high temperatures? I think the way of say is some place is hot or not is say higher temperature day time.

Well, Madrid's summers are very hot and dry, and it's not climate change, always was that way.

it's sad read fake propaganda about climate change here.

Climate change is a ideology of rich elites to keep developing countries in a eternal porverty.
Yeah, that looks like a Amazonic Jungle :enjoy::


Maybe it's not a desert with dunes, but it's pretty normal high temperatures in that environment.
just several kilometer away from that above picture




and if you go farther still in khuzestan



I'm from the province so please don't educate me on its terrain the only desert place in khuzestan is near Iraq border , the province have two of the biggest river in Iran

do you knew at the time of war with iraq , we could not build any sort of shelter against bombs in city of Ahvaz as if we dig 2-3m we would have reached water
just several kilometer away from that above picture




and if you go farther still in khuzestan



I'm from the province so please don't educate me on its terrain the only desert place in khuzestan is near Iraq border , the province have two of the biggest river in Iran

do you knew at the time of war with iraq , we could not build any sort of shelter against bombs in city of Ahvaz as if we dig 2-3m we would have reached water

But the topic is, ¿are high temperatures something unusual in that place in June?
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