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South Koreans react online to Japanese character traits demonstrated in hostage crisis

Japanese are extremely calm in their composure but inside, they are as cunning or as smart as all other tribes, and they are like any of the East Asians in many of their inner thoughts.

Many people wonder why a gentle Japanese can for the next moment turn kamikaze pilots or harakiri man. But in my opinion, there is no contradiction. All East Asian more or less exhibit similar behavior.

The non East Asian will not read us easily until years of immersion in our culture. But its easy for an East Asian to read another East Asian. Japan is the most consummate East Asian.

Think about it this way, friend, no East Asian ever touched the ground of Japan or conquered. Neither Mongol, Chinese, Korean. Tho the opposite can't be said. The reason for this is that the culture of Bushido is still very alive in Japan. Selfless sacrifice for the Nation, and Devotion to the community, Silent appreciation is part of our character. We do not expecting to be praised, we do because we know it is considered right in Bushido.

This is the Japanese Way.
In fairness, Korean people are not 'barbarian'. They have similar qualities.

South Korean has high HDI, as I know. LOL
They are "dangerous" because they are clever as Chinese, and formal as Japanese.

Japanese is adorable to have such a response. We went well with it, because it's similar to our characteristic. That's our difference to how a Chinese would react.
judging by posting messages from across countries in this forum, one country's national quality of the people , japan calls it 民度and china calls it 素質,is indeed very low . what can still you expect about country like that?
Very untrue, we are as emotional as any other. We , however, value the importance of showing austerity outwardly. In fact, it is a sign of great character and command of emotions --- to be able to contain one's own tears and grief. It is not good to allow oneself to surrender to grief too easily. One must be strong, whatever the odds.

I disagree. Japanese are hard to understand. Hiding your emotion is nothing to be proud about. People scream and cry during the Sichuan earthquake. Japanese just emotionless watch as the tsunami wipe out an entire village. Japanese hide their emotion so much that they no longer able to express themselves. That is why I do not see any good Japanese actors. The only good Japanese actors are those that play the emotionless samurai warrior.
"su mi ma sen"... de su ka?
i recall similar Japanese reaction from 2011 Earthquake, which i did admire very much.
but this led to an interesting topic, the 'indirectness' of Japanese. it makes Chinese seem 'direct and individualistic' in comparison.
Few years ago, Korean was beheaded by Islamofascist as well. Below is the differences.

South Korean hostage beheaded in Iraq
Family of Korean beheaded in Iraq



The old Japanese man looks calm


Look at Japanese who face death with serenity. Really ichiban 一级棒

Below is Korean. He is less composed.

Yukawa’s father, Shoichi, 74, told reporters at his home in Chiba Sunday after the Foreign Ministry called him to tell him that his son had been beheaded by the militants, “My mind went totally blank … I cannot find any other words.”

The father also expressed gratitude for the authorities who struggled in vain to resolve the hostage crisis as well as an apology for the public for his son causing massive trouble.
I feel so sorry for him. :(
I'm sure he knew from the beginning that there was no way Yukawa could be brought back home, after all ISIS had demanded $200m in 72 hours.
And hats off to his command of emotions and composure.

Few years ago, Korean was beheaded by Islamofascist as well. Below is the differences.

South Korean hostage beheaded in Iraq
Family of Korean beheaded in Iraq



The old Japanese man looks calm


Look at Japanese who face death with serenity. Really ichiban 一级棒

Below is Korean. He is less composed.
Pls dont mock at somebody's death. God forbid if we were to face this situation then am not sure what would be our "reactions".
Nothing wrong to cry your heart out if you just lost your love one. It is bad to hide your emotion. Japanese are emotionless robots.

Dont think they are Robots per se. They have a good compusure and know how to try and maintain their calm even in face of calamities/disasters. This is something that differentiates Japan from all other East Asian(Asian) countries or the world even. They are still human beings though just like every other person on planet erath. Just that they know better how to handle such situations than others. Just look at the way Japanes reacted/dealt with the Tsunami and the way Chinese reacted to the Sichuan earthquake or the recent Malaysian airlines tragedy. If all Asians where like Japan, then Asia will not only be much more prosperous but also much more peaceful/advanced/hamornious with less riots/rebellions and conflicts/seperatism etc Kudos and Banzai to Japan. @Nihonjin1051 :cheers:
Dont think they are Robots per se. They have a good compusure and know how to try and maintain their calm even in face of calamities/disasters. This is something that differentiates Japan from all other East Asian(Asian) countries or the world even. They are still human beings though just like every other person on planet erath. Just that they know better how to handle such situations than others. Just look at the way Japanes reacted/dealt with the Tsunami and the way Chinese reacted to the Sichuan earthquake or the recent Malaysian airlines tragedy. If all Asians where like Japan, then Asia will not only be much more prosperous but also much more peaceful/advanced/hamornious with less riots/rebellions and conflicts/seperatism etc Kudos and Banzai to Japan. @Nihonjin1051 :cheers:

I disagree. Crying is natural. That is why people cry. Crying releases pen up emotional presure. It help you deal with emotional stress. If not a person will become very withdrawn. Maybe to the point of suicide.
Dont think they are Robots per se. They have a good compusure and know how to try and maintain their calm even in face of calamities/disasters. This is something that differentiates Japan from all other East Asian(Asian) countries or the world even. They are still human beings though just like every other person on planet erath. Just that they know better how to handle such situations than others. Just look at the way Japanes reacted/dealt with the Tsunami and the way Chinese reacted to the Sichuan earthquake or the recent Malaysian airlines tragedy. If all Asians where like Japan, then Asia will not only be much more prosperous but also much more peaceful/advanced/hamornious with less riots/rebellions and conflicts/seperatism etc Kudos and Banzai to Japan. @Nihonjin1051 :cheers:
Think about it this way, friend, no East Asian ever touched the ground of Japan or conquered. Neither Mongol, Chinese, Korean. Tho the opposite can't be said. The reason for this is that the culture of Bushido is still very alive in Japan. Selfless sacrifice for the Nation, and Devotion to the community, Silent appreciation is part of our character. We do not expecting to be praised, we do because we know it is considered right in Bushido.

This is the Japanese Way.

The unique Japanese way has a lot to do with her homogeneous ethnic composition. Unfortunately the Japan Bushido may be destroyed by some race traitors who want to flood the country with aliens.
To @Nan Yang ,

Did I say that we Japanese do not cry? Of course we cry, we show emotions, as any other. We do that in private affairs, but when it comes to outward and public displays, we do not show that. It is hard for you to understand because you are not Japanese, you're a Malaysian. I would say that Northern Chinese and Koreans are most similar to us , to an extent. It is due to our genetic, cultural similarities.
Japanese are true to Buddhism. As Buddha pointed out there is not a single family who has not seen death (When an woman approached him to revive his dead son, he asked her to get a fist full of mustard from a family where no one has been killed). Death is not the end of soul, it is merely changing from one body to another.

But then these(ISIS beheading) are cod blooded murder. The perpetrator will get punished, but when, where, by whom..nobody knows. They are young. If they are not killed in action, they will get old and then many things follow like family problem, long and slow death due to disease and many things and they they will repent as to what have they done. It will come back as flash back and with lot of mental pain.
To @Nan Yang ,

Did I say that we Japanese do not cry? Of course we cry, we show emotions, as any other. We do that in private affairs, but when it comes to outward and public displays, we do not show that. It is hard for you to understand because you are not Japanese, you're a Malaysian. I would say that Northern Chinese and Koreans are most similar to us , to an extent. It is due to our genetic, cultural similarities.
this is more of a japanese cultural thing. people uphold collectivism over individualism. the victims family were under a lot of criticism from the japanese public, blamed for causing trouble for japan. japanese were making psed photoes and cosplays making fun of the poor hostages.
I disagree. Crying is natural. That is why people cry. Crying releases pen up emotional presure. It help you deal with emotional stress. If not a person will become very withdrawn. Maybe to the point of suicide.

Huh.....Whom told you they didnt cry? loool I never said they dont cry.lol They are also human beings afterall. We are all saying Japanese are more mature enough to know how to deal with such situation and recover from it than other country in Asia. Im sure many governments in Asia will kill to have citizens like Japanese who are all law abiding, well mannered, clean, and respect authority. Reason Japan is the most peaceful country in Asia, meanwhile we always see riots/protests/conflicts/seperatism/instability/self immolations/bombings/militray coups(thailand anyone?lol) in many other countries in Asia. etc etc. I can attest this myself having visited many countries in A Japan should be a model for them all. Reason many other other countries who followed the Japanese model of development prospered, from South Korea to Taiwan and now China. Will be good if South Asia can also follow East Asia development path, since South Asia looks like/is still the poorest region in Africa compared to East Asia to be honest. Hoefully Soth Asian countries will learn from their east Asian counterparts, since couldnt believe how backward they were, when i first visited the place compared to east Asia.:tsk:.

The unique Japanese way has a lot to do with her homogeneous ethnic composition. Unfortunately the Japan Bushido may be destroyed by some race traitors who want to flood the country with aliens.
WTH? :o: With Aliens?o_O Since when are other human beings Aliens?:o::frown: ARE you another type of race supremacist alias Nazis?:tongue: .Judging by your comments on here so far, i can see you are an ethnic Chinese in Singapore/Indonesia. Guess you must be Alien as well in this country, since you are not a native there, you are an immigrant .lool Dont judge others and you wont be judged...Jeez, i have seen it all on PDF.:tsk::disagree:
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