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South Korea: Dependence in the Age of OPCON

@Contrarian , @DESERT FIGHTER ,

You know what I also find rather interesting? That Guru Nanak is revered even by Tibetan Buddhists. One thing that I find unique about Sikhism is that it tries to find truth in all religions. Its almost similar to the Bahai Faith. Just my view.
Instead of acting like an idiot (which you are) an posting Wikipedia which by the way can be edited by any other idiot go through reliable sources .. I know you are a bigot but try to put it aside.
Calling someone else a bigot does not make him so. You are free to do your research and look up the references on the page instead of ranting.
Calling someone else a bigot does not make him so. You are free to do your research and look up the references on the page instead of ranting.

Your bigotry is evident from all of your posts.. Take a look at your postings... As for rants .. Yes sure why don't you bombard us with Wikipedia .. I'm sure unesco n encyclopedia Brit as other reliable sources are bs according to you guys .. And lothal port was the most important IVC sites right ? Entire world is an idiot for believing the opposites ..:)
how did baba Nanak reached to South Korea ???
The solution to the Korean dilemma:
Geopolitics of ASEAN+ region | Page 21

For both South Korea and Japan, if together they can build up ASEAN+, that will reduce their security dependence on the US.

ASEAN+ region has around a billion people and is also around 40% Muslim and will be majority Muslim by 2050. If this regions Muslims can lead the rest of the Muslim world, then that will provide additional means of security:
Muslim Population Worldwide Data

But for that to happen Japan and South Korea need to choose between Hindu's and the Muslim world. Eventually all countries of the world will slowly become developed, some more quickly than others. Decades from now, once Muslim majority countries slowly reach developed and semi developed status, then they will learn to use their brains more and as a result have more solidarity than before as it is the numbers game, the bigger, more cohesive and united team most always wins. Question is who will help Muslims to reach that goal and who will earn their gratitude and friendship?

The West or China will not, for obvious reasons, but Japan and South Korea has that opportunity, if they are willing to take it. That is an elegant and pretty much permanent solution for the security dilemma of these two nations. But then Zionist controlled media brainwashing may be difficult to overcome.

Increasing engagement with ASEAN+ and Muslim world should not mean end of alliance with the West, rather it will be to reduce level of dependence on the West and to produce indigenous technology with the help of greater economies of scale and selected talents from a vast population.

Once Turks and Mongols from Siberia led the Muslim world, perhaps their Eastern Altaic cousins will take the lead now, but there should be no worries about conversion, both nations are far enough away and their historical continuity will be respected and protected, because sacrificing that may affect the efficiency, vitality and creativity of these nations. Since they are tremendous assets as they are, one should not "kill the goose that lays golden egg".

Imperial Japan's history with the Muslim world:
Imperial Japan's Islamic Policies and Anti-Westernism :: JapanFocus
Ph.D. Dissertation Chapter on Imperial Japan's Scholarship on Islam | Cemil Aydin - Academia.edu
Portland State Portland State University Syndication | Japan’s Global Claim to Islam: Transnational Nationalism & World Power 1900-1945

Here is some good old fashioned fear mongering :enjoy::

A rejoinder to above video:


To be quite honest, the development of South Korea into an industrial power is linked with Its relations with the Muslim World. The development of Hyundai, Daewoo are linked to Korea's oil investiture in Saudi Arabia. South Korea, as an export-oriented market, and with strategic needs in oil and natural gas, depends on OPEC states, which are predominantly muslim. So, South Korea has to understand to see through the veil of religious differences, but through venture capitalism's optic lens. At the same time, it should also foster relations with South Asia.

As for Japan, we see things not through the lens of religion or theological sensitivities, but through a collective interest. A joint development platform has always been our criteria for interaction. And Japan is invested in the Middle East, South Asia and other parts of the developing world.
Mohenjodaro (City) the largest,most important IVC site in Larkana-Sindh PK:


On our currency:

We like to create our own region Sub-Mekong region where Buddhism is the main religious here. Thats make us strong enough to counter all threat.

Buddhism is very friendly and VNese also get used to with this religious

Total population 237 million. Not enough weight to counter China, even if you create a EU type union and integrate all military into one.
Total population 237 million. Not enough weight to counter China, even if you create a EU type union and integrate all military into one.

This is correct. Combined, these nations in continental south east asia barely equal the size of Indonesia.
Respect must be mutual. Don't try to spread Islam or other beliefs except Buddhism in Southeast asian mainland.

I would like to see Buddhism flourish in Greater Mekong Sub region. I personally do not believe in spreading Islam anywhere, Muslims need to get their house in order and develop their population first before they can think about inviting others to their faith. As it is, Islam looks more like failed ideology and way of life, may be in the future it may change, who knows, depends on if when and how Muslims can start using their brains for a change.
Is that how Japanese call Guan Yu?
Kwan Ti , some romanize spelling (關帝, ). Chinese just call him 關公. He was deified one hundred years after his death if I'm not mistaken.

I do agree with you that medium powers, or developing powers need to stick together and to help each other with similar developmental goals. As it stands, these small countries in ASEAN really need each other especially to address security goals. Nations in ASEAN would do well to integrate geographical partners. As it stands, ASEAN should also start to integrate proximal neighbors that, too, are developing. Ergo, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka (possibly?), and possibly Timore Leste.

@UKBengali ,@kalu_miah , @JayMandan , @Zero_wing , @Cossack25A1 , @Indos , @Reashot Xigwin , @madokafc , @nufix , @Battle of Bach Dang River , @xesy , @NiceGuy , @somsak . Your input? View?
@Nihonjin1051 :

This would be ideal but the problem would be there would be no absolute leader to keep the group united. I am not saying it is impossible to have a group where initially the likes of Japan, Korea and Indonesia are dominant but it would be difficult.

BD also has the unique problem of being an almost puppet state of India. India will not allow this state of things to change easily. An economically prosperous and militarily strong BD becomes a real threat to Indian strategic interests in the South Asia region as the BD population is naturally anti-Indian. I cannot see Japan breaking with India to help BD eliminate Indian influence.

In the end, us middle-sized countries may have no choice but to try to work out an accommodation with China that recognises Chinese primacy in Asia but also allows other countries to retain their independence to a high degree.

Remember the West will still be strong and so it would be in the Chinese interest to play nice.
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Estimated population in regional countries by 2050:
List of countries by past and future population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ASEAN-10 million
-------------- --------
Indonesia 313
Philippines 172
Vietnam 111
Thailand 70
Myanmar 71
Malaysia 43
Cambodia 22
Laos 10
Singapore 9
Brunei 1
subtotal 822

Japan 107
South Korea 43
North Korea 27
Bangladesh 250
Sri Lanka 25
Timor Leste 2
Papua NG 10
subtotal 464

Total 1286
Muslim regional 540

China 1304
India 1657
Muslim(global) 2300-2800

@Nihonjin1051 :

This would be ideal but the problem would be there would be no absolute leader to keep the group united. I am not saying it is impossible to have a group where initially the likes of Japan, Korea and Indonesia are dominant but it would be difficult.

BD also has the unique problem of being an almost puppet state of India. India will not allow this state of things to change easily. An economically prosperous and militarily strong BD becomes a real threat to Indian strategic interests in the South Asia region as the BD population is naturally anti-Indian. I cannot see Japan breaking with India to help BD eliminate Indian influence.

In the end, us middle-sized countries may have no choice but to try to work out an accommodation with China that recognises Chinese primacy Asia but also allows other countries to retain their independence to a high degree.

Remember the West will still be strong and so it would be in the Chinese interest to play nice.

How long can India keep Bangladesh population hostage under gun point? It is not sustainable. Its only a matter of time that Indian agents are defeated, question is how long.

What you mentioned about China, they are too paranoid to look at any regional alliance not as a threat, but if regional countries depend on each other, it reduces their dependence on outside offshore balancer, such as the US. That is the key point to understand for China, if they want to see reduced outside interference in the region.

But considering real politik, China will be opposed to these kind of ideas and the US will be for it and it can only grow under US/NATO/West umbrella.

When and if Japan makes a move, with US backing, India will have no choice but to step aside and let a sovereign Muslim country of 250 million (2050) people decide their own future and national destiny.
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@Nihonjin1051 :

While ASEAN is expanding by allowing other countries to join, the problem would be politics; some countries would block or delay any attempts for new countries to ascend into as ASEAN, the other problem is the economic situation of the country which is evaluated by the ASEAN members - is the country developed enough to join ASEAN or not. I think this was the case back then (before 2013) when Timor Leste proposed to join the ASEAN although it can't still ascend as it has no embassies on the countries that belong to ASEAN. (I can't post the link as I still have limitations on the links about Timor Leste ascension issue)

At present, only Papua New Guinea and Timor Leste are seeking ascension while Bangladesh is supported by Laos as an observer and Indonesia supports Fiji as an observer to the ASEAN.
@Nihonjin1051 :
An economically prosperous and militarily strong BD becomes a real threat to Indian strategic interests in the South Asia region as the BD population is naturally anti-Indian. I cannot see Japan breaking with India to help BD eliminate Indian influence.

Lying seems to be a hallmark of jamaati's. Run out of their country and persecuted for being traitors have to resort to spreading lies naturally.

70% of Bangladeshis views India favourably.
How Asians View Each Other | Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project

This also dovetails with our own assessments when PM Singh said that 20-25% of Bangladeshi's with the failed jamaati ideology are against India.
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