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South China Sea region property of the world: India

what u mean by backup? send Indian Navy to SCS and say to China dont attack Vietnam, Phillipines. :lol: is that ur chinese mind really? is that how it works?

we said it is world property and as per that we will drill oil in SCS. this is a terse repy to ur million chinese warnings that stay away from SCS. :lol: is it enough backup or did it make chinese nervous.


Yes backup your statement..show how serious India's statement...sen Indian Navy to prove it...LMAO...don't just make empty talk.
Last time we warned Vietnam...few of their warships were sunk in SCS abyss...

India not listening to u. We say it is world property. WE dont care what u say. do what u want to do. we will drill oil in SCS. we will do what we have to do. u stop us from drilling oil or attack our warships then we will see what to do to support our view that it is world property

LMAO..someone is on panick mode....:rofl:
Keep on warning. Indian stand is clear SCS is WORLD PROPERTY

u warn 1000 times, we coolly reply one short line, SCS is world property and the whole chinese warning department and the chinsese go mad and go into overdrive mode.

i think by now every chinese may be using this line: "SCS in World property"

some people is going nut, it's like a program running in close loop, alway repeat the same sentence "SCS in World property"
Yes backup your statement..show how serious India's statement...sen Indian Navy to prove it...LMAO...don't just make empty talk.
Last time we warned Vietnam...few of their warships were sunk in SCS abyss...

LMAO..someone is on panick mode....:rofl:

we will backup when u dare to touch Indian warships in SCS. :lol: we dont need to do anything coz Indian warships are going openly in SCS and have faced no danger coz it is World Property. So far so true and anyone challenging our warships will be reminded about the reality that "SCS is world property". backup is required when u attack Indian warships, which chinese dont dare to everfor their own good. Otherwise Indian warships keep visiting SCS as per their wish anytime they want coz "SCS is world Property".
Just as Indian Ocean is the property of the World, China will start oil exploration there, hope that India has not already defeacated in this Ocean.

At the most you can get Coconut oil from Sri lankan or Kerala coast.
So much for your drinking water...think about it before talk

Just a few states in north east buddy.

I think you wont find an Indian here who depends on Brahmaputra ( the river which u are referring) for his needs.

And there are hundred of tribuiteries which joins in from Indian side.. so not much probs, but can affect irrigation needs.
So you stop water of your beloved Bangladeshi ??? :lol:

and seeing that SCS is a lost cause, he turned to water. next what toilets. :lol:

Do you think they can touch any one Indian ship ???

All their trade go throw Indian Ocean and I dnt think they will risk it .....
yup all their ships in Indian Ocean will meet the ground reality very quickly otherwise..
So you stop water of your beloved Bangladeshi ??? :lol:

No how about your sacred Ganges rivers...Tibet is know as third pole...we control all the fresh water, all tributaries river flow into Ganges can be stopped, your 400+ millions that need to purify their souls with that sacred rilver will have their dream somewhere else.

by the way India has rivers-interlink anyway...so or later BD will get less of the water share...they will be happy if we return your compliment with Chinese river-interlink to suck up all Brahmaputra rivers...since they will get nothing anyway.

and seeing that SCS is a lost cause, he turned to water. next what toilets. :lol:

yup all their ships in Indian Ocean will meet the ground reality very quickly otherwise..

Lost cause??? nothing has started yet...LMAO...I use water to show you that you're not the only one to have geographical advantage...we have too.

And indeed toilet...if we flush all toilet junk into Brhmaputra..you're the next one to receive its...than you gorvernment will have pay a forturne for water treatement plan....:rofl:
India sticking to its policy of "SCS is world property". Good going India. it also keeps many govt. departments on chinese side employed. But really China cant do anything except for crying.
@ Kiss......... don't dare put your feet into Vietnam Ocean. Otherwise we will fry your Navy as a Zhinga Fry.

Note: Sometime trolling is the answer.
@ Kiss......... don't dare put your feet into Vietnam Ocean. Otherwise we will fry your Navy as a Zhinga Fry.

Note: Sometime trolling is the answer.

wait...a minutes....I thought that ONLY China can issue the warning to Indian not the other way around :lol: now we're warned ....seems like your Indians found a "warning" job too .:rofl:...good one
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