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South China Sea Forum

TaiShang, Do what you have to do, while we do what is necessary. But pls stop spewing insults toward us and telling bullshit as China and Chinese people are peaceloving angels. Because you have never been.

Where is the insult toward you? Do you feel insulted when I argued that China is the largest trading partner in Latin America? But that's hard data.

China is definitely the most benign developing great power. That's historically proven from a close analysis of China's foreign policy conceptualization.

And you hit the nail, we will do what we have to do. No body is immune from historical constraints, bro. We humankind make history through material development. And history in turn shapes us in some way.

China is the best student of historical materialism and dialectic.





TaiShang, Do what you have to do, while we do what is necessary. But pls stop spewing insults toward us and telling bullshit as China and Chinese people are peaceloving angels. Because you have never been.
Don't worry, brother.

Truong Sa Lon island (Big Spratly )



Đá Tây island ( West London reef )


Sinh Ton island ( Sincowe island )

Where is the insult toward you? Do you feel insulted when I argued that China is the largest trading partner in Latin America? But that's hard data.

China is definitely the most benign developing great power. That's historically proven from a close analysis of China's foreign policy conceptualization.

And you hit the nail, we will do what we have to do. No body is immune from historical constraints, bro. We humankind make history through material development. And history in turn shapes us in some way.

China is the best student of historical materialism and dialectic.
It's not the single post you mention, but rather your general expression: China is great, while others are inferior. China can this can that, and that's good for everyone and for the world. But I told you previously, you can do what you want to do, while we do what we have to do. And now with our domestic built dredgers.
China to continue island building

Xinhua, November 23, 2015

China will continue to build military and civilian facilities on its artificial islands in the South China Sea, it said yesterday, as it warned other countries not to "deliberately stir up trouble" there.

"Building and maintaining necessary military facilities, this is what is required for China's national defense and for the protection of those islands and reefs," Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin told a news conference in Kuala Lumpur.

China planned to "expand and upgrade" civilian facilities on the islands "to better serve commercial ships, fishermen, to help distressed vessels and provide more public services," Liu said, adding that China rejects the notion it is militarizing the South China Sea. He said China had mostly built civilian facilities there.

Liu was speaking at a press briefing on the sidelines of the 27th ASEAN Summit and Related Summits in Malaysia.

The briefing was held hours after Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, who attended the summits, raised a five-pronged proposal to uphold and promote peace and stability in the South China Sea and called on countries outside the region to refrain from taking actions that may cause tension in the area.

Liu said the construction of facilities, mainly civilian ones, on seven of its islands and reefs is essential to improve the quality of life and work for personnel on the islands and to provide high-quality public services that will also benefit surrounding countries.

He said 42 of China's islands and reefs in the region are being illegally occupied by its three neighboring countries.

"To build necessary military defense facilities on islands far away from our mainland is both required by the national defense need and the need to safeguard our islands and reefs," Liu said. "They should not be mistaken for the militarization of the South China Sea.

"Some major countries outside the region are exercising their so-called freedom of navigation by sending airplanes and warships while strengthening military cooperation with countries in the region. Is that a trend of militarization?" he said, urging heightened alert against it. "Don't make troubles on purpose," he warned.

China voiced "strong discontent" over the recent intrusion of a US warship in waters near China's Nansha Islands. Calling such an act "political provocation," Liu said that when exercising freedom of navigation in and above the South China Sea, countries concerned need to respect the sovereignty and security of countries along the coast.

More than 100,000 ships from many countries around the world sail safely and freely through the South China Sea each year. China has held that disputes should be addressed by the countries directly concerned through friendly consultation and peaceful negotiation, with peace and stability in the South China Sea being jointly maintained by China and ASEAN countries.

China to continue island building- China.org.cn
Vietnam to continue reclaim Spratly island.:sniper:
Truong Sa Lon island ( Big Spratly island)




Sibir’ or Xībólìyà? The future of Siberia between Russia and China

Are we therefore approaching a new Cold War between the Sino-Russian bloc and the West? Not necessarily, since the Amur issue remains unsolved, and its importance is even increasing as a consequence of Russia’s demographic crisis. In a 2007 report from the Hudson Institute entitled “The Great Siberian War of 2030,” the Senior Fellow Laurent Murawiec outlined the risk of a military conflict between a depopulated Russia and an overpopulated China for control of the enormous land mass east of the Urals. By that time, with a population of just 5 million inhabitants always more isolated from Moscow, Siberia would have already been included into China’s policy of development for the “Great West” (Xībù Dàkāifā).

The eventuality of a war between Russia and China for control of Siberia and its natural resources is not at all unlikely. The Sleeping Land, which covers three-quarters of Russia’s territory, is currently home to only a quarter of the country’s population: 38 million people. Around 6 million Siberians live on the Russian side of the border with China, an insignificant figure compared to the 90 million Chinese living on the other side. The demographic imbalance between the two sides of the border is so marked that even Russia’s President Vladimir Putin once had to admit: “Unless we make a serious effort, the Russians in the border regions will have to speak Chinese, Japanese and Korean in a few decades.”

WINDOW ON HEARTLAND: Sibir’ or Xībólìyà? The future of Siberia between Russia and China

China can't tauch a foots of Russian.
Don't worry, brother.

Truong Sa Lon island (Big Spratly )



Đá Tây island ( West London reef )


Sinh Ton island ( Sincowe island )


Looks like Vietnam continues island build up while it accuses China of one.

It's not the single post you mention, but rather your general expression: China is great, while others are inferior. China can this can that, and that's good for everyone and for the world. But I told you previously, you can do what you want to do, while we do what we have to do. And now with our domestic built dredgers.

China believes in inclusive development. Just as we studied and learned from other East Asian experience in termsa of economic governance. Nothing is wrong with that.

Our newly build islands are just as great as your newly built islands. There might be differences in scale and spped, but, if you look impartially, national power and capability cannot be equal.

I still argue that China's development is good not only for the region, but also for the entire world. Especially from the 2008 financial crisis, China has contributed to the world economy than any other country.

China's islands are for defense, safety, development, and scientific purposes.
This is fabrication of Chinese. Historically China of Han Chinese is in North China.

No. That was 2,200 years ago.

China was the first nation to claim the South China Sea starting about 2,000 years ago.

China's Han Dynasty possessed the world's best naval technology and conducted a lot of exploration (and territorial claims) in 200 years.
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