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South China Sea Forum

The distance from Subi to Thitu Island is 27 km.

Lets say for example...If Saudi Arabia were to extend their land in the Suez canal and combines both Egypt to SA...Then you do understand that you are technically saying that it is absolutely fine...No

Suez canal is owned by Egypt. If Saudi and Egypt merged into 1 country yet they are willing to fill up the canal forever, it is up to them. Others can make noise but no rights to forbid the owner. But filling up the canal would kill off their port and canal passage toll business.
That's why the only way to overcome the problem of double-standard is not whining or back-stepping, but more aggressively building an inherently peaceful but potentially destructive national power.

When supported by enough fire power, all the moral concerns will be secondary. In almost all cases, morality is a reflection of absolute physical power.

That's basically why China's build up and construction programs shall continue NO MATTER WHAT until the desired national outcomes are achieved.

Yes, China does not pursue its version of Monroe Doctrine, otherwise Vietnam will face political and economy destruction until they have a pro-China government.
It is dream of China.

Xi did not show any interests in doing so. US successfully weakened Mexico and South America, and fought off any European power. I think China's current government is more interested in Middle Asia. South/South East Asia is still too small.
Three pictures purportedly taken by South Korean satellite but unfortunately they are not so clear. Anyway, here they are .....


Yongxing (Woody) Island.


Meiji (Mischief) Island.


Nanxun (Gaven) Island.
MANILA: US President Barack Obama on Wednesday demanded China end artificial island building in the hotly contested South China Sea, upping the pressure on Beijing at a regional leaders' summit. The annual Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) gathering is meant to forge unity on trade among 21 Pacific rim economies that group three billion people.

But the territorial row over the strategically vital South China Sea, as well as terrorism concerns following last week's deadly Paris rampage, have dominated the build-up to this year's meeting in the Philippines.
China has repeatedly insisted its disputes with its Asian neighbours over the sea, home to some of the world's most important shipping routes, should not be on the APEC agenda.

But just hours before the two-day summit started, Obama voiced concerns over giant land reclamation works by China that have created new islands close to the Philippines.

"We discussed the impact of China's land reclamation and construction activities on regional stability," Obama told reporters after meeting Philippine President Benigno Aquino.

"We agree on the need for bold steps to lower tensions, including pledging to halt further reclamation, new construction, and militarisation of disputed areas in the South China Sea."

On Tuesday, Obama also announced more than $250 million in maritime aid to its Southeast Asian allies -- including a warship for the Philippines.

China claims nearly all of the South China Sea, even waters approaching the coasts of its Asian neighbors.

APEC members the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan have rival claims to parts of the sea, which is believed to sit atop vast oil and gas resources.

Chinese state media hit out Wednesday at what it described as US meddling over the sea.
"Washington's recent provocative moves have infringed upon Beijing's maritime sovereignty and security in the South China Sea," the China Daily wrote in a commentary.

"But China is not one to give in when it comes to its territorial, maritime and security interests, and the US is unlikely to succeed in its designs by instigating ASEAN countries to challenge China's maritime rights in the South China Sea."

In a speech at a business forum ahead of the summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping did not directly mention of the South China Sea.

But he did call on Pacific nations to "resolve our differences through dialogue and consultation".
"We must focus on development and spare no effort to foster an environment of peace conducive to development and never allow anything to disrupt the development process," he said.

Obama's speech to the business forum focused mostly on the need for the world to tackle global warming, insisting fighting climate change would not hurt the economy.

"We have to break out of the mindset that when we are doing something about climate change, we slow growth," Obama said.

While in Manila, Obama is also trying to promote a giant free trade pact signed last month that groups 12 Pacific nations but excludes China.

Obama was due to meet with the leaders of the other Trade-Pacific Partnership nations on the sidelines of APEC on Wednesday. But in his speech, Xi urged Asian economies to sign up to its own free trade agreement, warning rival pacts risked hurting the regional economies.

"With various new regional free trade arrangements cropping up there have been worries about the potential of fragmentation," Xi said.

"We therefore need to accelerate the realisation of FTAAP and take regional economic integration forward."
The FTAAP is the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific, which China launched as APEC host last year. However it is only in the preliminary planning stage. Obama's trip to Asia is the ninth of his presidency so far, and he had hoped it would showcase US focus on the region and not just on the Middle East or Europe.
But once again his pivot has been blunted by events elsewhere, with Paris mourning the loss of at least 129 people in a rampage claimed by the Islamic State (IS) group.

A draft of the APEC declaration due to be released on Thursday and seen by AFP condemned the Paris attacks, describing them as "atrocities that demand a united voice from the global community".

Philippine authorities, which had already deployed more than 20,000 security forces for the summit, said security had been ratcheted up even higher because of the Paris attacks.

Source: Obama demands halt to South China Sea island building
Picture of Meiji (Mischief) Island, the close-up of the airstrip.

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What a beautiful demonstration of development and inclusive growth of China.

In the final analysis, it is to ensure national security, scientific development, and regional/global safety.

Island genesis and development continues at China speed.

Obama is not to be taken seriously until they vacate Hawaii.
That's why the only way to overcome the problem of double-standard is not whining or back-stepping, but more aggressively building an inherently peaceful but potentially destructive national power.

When supported by enough fire power, all the moral concerns will be secondary. In almost all cases, morality is a reflection of absolute physical power.

That's basically why China's build up and construction programs shall continue NO MATTER WHAT until the desired national outcomes are achieved.
Hmmmm ...it's weird, why suddenly do I have the feeling Chinese clown like you and other cheerleaders have begun to run amok?
Hmmmm ...it's weird, why suddenly do I have the feeling Chinese clown like you and other cheerleaders have begun to run amok?

In fact we are pretty much busy with the planned constructions. Lots of things to accomplish, bro.

For the feeling you are now discovering inside, refer to a psychologist, please. Could be chronic.
Stop Opposing China's Monroe Doctrine and Roosevelt Corollary
Posted: 11/04/2015 2:17 pm EST Updated: 11/04/2015 2:59 pm EST

The United States should cease opposing China's version of the Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary.

All we have to fear is fear itself.

Years ago, I attended a meeting with a high level Chinese official in the offices of the then Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The official explained that for more than a century the United States had grown bigger while China had become smaller. Now it was China's turn to grow bigger.

There was no pretense that China's expansion would further "Manifest Destiny,' offshore balancing, regional stability, or any other strategic model. It would represent the adolescent gratification of power for its own sake. China would redraw maps to correspond to its territorial ambitions.

Thus, China is now projecting maritime power over the South and East China seas in disputes with Vietnam Japan, the Philippines, and other Asian nations. It is building a Blue Water Navy and strengthening its armed forces to establish a sphere of influence in the Pacific and East Asia.

The United States is alarmed. We recently sailed a United States navy guided missile destroyer within the 12-nautical-mile territorial limits of Subi and Mischief Reefs in the South China Sea claimed by China.

President Barack Obama has announced a United States pivot from the Middle East to East Asia.
But is China doing anything more reckless than imitating our venerated Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary?

On December 2, 1823, President James Monroe's seventh annual message to Congress proclaimed "that the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers...With the Governments who have declared their independence and maintain it, and whose independence we have, on great consideration and on just principles, acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing them, or controlling in any other manner their destiny, by any European power in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States...It is impossible that the allied powers should extend their political system to any portion of either continent without endangering our peace and happiness...."

President Monroe, however, had no writ to speak for the entire North and South American continents. He imply asserted in the manner of a papal encyclical that the United States would not tolerate within the Western Hemisphere any political dispensation in any country encouraged by a European power that conflicted with the principles of the United States Constitution.

President Theodore Roosevelt's 1905 Monroe Doctrine Corollary declared that the United States was deputed by the heavens to exercise an international police power to intervene anywhere in the Western Hemisphere to prevent any blemish on our conception of civilized society:

"Chronic wrongdoing, or an impotence which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society, may in America, as elsewhere, ultimately require intervention by some civilized nation, and in the Western Hemisphere the adherence of the United States to the Monroe Doctrine may force the United States, however reluctantly, in flagrant cases of such wrongdoing or impotence to exercise an international police power."

The Corollary coincided with President Roosevelt's scored earth campaign against Filipinos fighting for independence. His tactics in the Philippines included the burnings of entire villages, torture and concentration camps. He sermonized that "by war alone can we acquire the virile qualities necessary to win in the stern strife of national life," i.e., savagery is better than civilization.

Invoking the Monroe Doctrine, the United States initiated the Mexican-American War ostensibly to prevent Great Britain or France from imposing a monarchy on Mexico. Summoning the Roosevelt Corollary, the United States dispatched troops into Caribbean and Central American countries on approximately 20 occasions in the first three decades of the twentieth century, most frequently in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Mexico to install or insure friendly or obedient governments and to preempt European interventions. In 1961, the United States attempted the overthrow of Communist Cuba's Fidel Castro by force and violence in the Bay of Pigs fiasco. And in 1965, the United States sent troops to the Dominican Republic to insure a government friendly to our interests.

In none of these cases, was the United States responding to an actual or imminent attack in legitimate self-defense under the Constitution or international law.

What is China doing in the South China and East China Seas that the United States has not already done and more in the Western Hemisphere?

Double standards at all times and in all places evoke strife or bitterness. Exemplary is Animal Farm's creed: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

Moreover, China's military adventurism towards Vietnam, Japan, and the Philippines is no threat to United States sovereignty. The three Asian nations are more than capable of self-defense. Vietnam smartly rebuffed China's 1979 invasion. China has never defeated Japan in war. And a Chinese occupation of the Philippines would spawn endless Filipino uprisings at huge expense to China.

To repeat, we have nothing to fear from China's Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary than fear itself. All the money and forces we are wasting on President Obama's pivot to Asia should be redirected to protecting the United States from an actual or imminent attack at home.

Stop Opposing China's Monroe Doctrine and Roosevelt Corollary | Bruce Fein
How much money has the author received from CCP? I hope Xi Jinping listens to him and soon starts the war.
How much money has the author received from CCP? I hope Xi Jinping listens to him and soon starts the war.

Tons of money, bro. Directly from President Xi's account.

China won't start war, bro. It is not strategically viable at the point. Monroe is long dead and Latin America is pretty much up for grabs for China.

We are doing lots of business there. We are the greatest trade partner. Canada included.
TaiShang, Do what you have to do, while we do what is necessary. But pls stop spewing insults toward us and telling bullshit as China and Chinese people are peaceloving angels. Because you have never been.

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