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South China Sea Forum

Our semi-submerged mother ship for Zubr hovercraft can cover the distance. Of course, we will start by crushing our geographically closer enemies including brutal occupation and labor camps. West Coast USA comes later.

Lol, who are your geographically closer enemies, pray may I ask.

Wow, more fun in SCS (east Vn sea)....Mr. Xi just promise 5 year support plan to VN and hope VN will help CN to brake US's containment, and what Mr.Obama will offer Vn next ??

A cookie and a banh mi with extra dichon.
Our US partner just shift their bussiness from CN to VN, I should request an 1 month trip to US if they want me to watch out our Cnese partner for them :devil:

Clever clever and sly you are my Vietnamese friend. Dangerous !!

You are like Ninja.....
We don't care about the islands, but the water around them. We are proving that the water is open to everyone, and we will continue proving it.

Don't like it? Attack us. Go ahead, we are sailing around what you view, against all law, as your national territory. So come on! Do something! We are waiting and sailing still in your inviolate national territory! Where is your resolve!

lol your country had its chance and it did nothing. Put up or shut up.
what chance? of course we put up, otherwise how could your carpy boat runing off with tails between like a headless fly in the sea? what a humiliation to America!!! yet you people still have the brazen to brag there? On the contray, US dared to do nothing when our warship sailed 12 miles within the coast off Alaska. This is really a shame. where is your mighty navy when we contructed those islands and we will contiune to do so. do something to stop us if you really got guts or just shut up.

we are doer and you just a big talker, see the diffirence? sending your junk ships to pass by our unfinished island then get chased off like a dog is the best you delusional big talker can do, what a pity.
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yes we have, and we know what China believes, hence my statement. Just because China (and no one else)doesn't recognize it doesn't mean military warships aren't ships, and maritime law regarding ships applies to ALL ships.

The whole point is these Artificial islands built on top of LTE's are not entitled to 12 nm territorial zones, but 500m safety zones. This is in agreement with maritime law, which is supported the world over.

If US does follow protocols of innocent passage when within 12nm of Chinese island as the new report suggest, then it is in fact recognizing Chinese territorial sovereignty there. Its funny how inconsistent the reports have been.
11.02 China 052C & 054A task fleet within 12 sea miles of U.S territory :azn:

MAYPORT, Fla. (Nov. 3, 2015) The Chinese Luyang II-class destroyer Jinan (DDG 152),Jiangkai II-class frigate Yiyang (FFG 548) and Fuchi-class oiler Qiandaohu (AOR 886) arrives into Naval Station Mayport as part of a routine goodwill port visit. Foreign navy ships routinely conduct port visits to Mayport. Engagements like this demonstrate a continuous navy-to-navy bilateral relationship between our two countries.





MAYPORT, Fla. (Nov. 3, 2015) Senior Captain Wang, commanding officer of the Chinese Luyang II-class destroyer Jinan (DDG 152) shakes hands with Cmdr. Thomas Ulmer, commanding officer of the amphibious dock landing ship USS Fort McHenry (LSD 43) at the conclusion of the ship tour as part of a routine goodwill port visit. Foreign navy ships routinely conduct port visits to Mayport. Engagements like this demonstrate a continuous navy-to-navy bilateral relationship between our two countries.


MAYPORT, Fla. (Nov. 3, 2015) Rear Adm. Mary Jackson, commander, Navy Region Southeast, and Senior Captain Wang, commanding officer of the Chinese Luyang II-class destroyer Jinan (DDG 152) listen during a ceremony during a routine goodwill port visit. Foreign navy ships routinely conduct port visits to Mayport. Engagements like this demonstrate a continuous navy-to-navy bilateral relationship between our two countries.
Our semi-submerged mother ship for Zubr hovercraft can cover the distance. Of course, we will start by crushing our geographically closer enemies including brutal occupation and labor camps. West Coast USA comes later.

You sound more like the Chinese version of @Risingshinningsuperpower guy who likes making fun of India by claiming such childish stuffs. lol You seem to be making fun of the Chinese sarcastically.:sick: lol

11.02 China 052C & 054A task fleet within 12 sea miles of U.S territory :azn:

MAYPORT, Fla. (Nov. 3, 2015) The Chinese Luyang II-class destroyer Jinan (DDG 152),Jiangkai II-class frigate Yiyang (FFG 548) and Fuchi-class oiler Qiandaohu (AOR 886) arrives into Naval Station Mayport as part of a routine goodwill port visit. Foreign navy ships routinely conduct port visits to Mayport. Engagements like this demonstrate a continuous navy-to-navy bilateral relationship between our two countries.





MAYPORT, Fla. (Nov. 3, 2015) Senior Captain Wang, commanding officer of the Chinese Luyang II-class destroyer Jinan (DDG 152) shakes hands with Cmdr. Thomas Ulmer, commanding officer of the amphibious dock landing ship USS Fort McHenry (LSD 43) at the conclusion of the ship tour as part of a routine goodwill port visit. Foreign navy ships routinely conduct port visits to Mayport. Engagements like this demonstrate a continuous navy-to-navy bilateral relationship between our two countries.


MAYPORT, Fla. (Nov. 3, 2015) Rear Adm. Mary Jackson, commander, Navy Region Southeast, and Senior Captain Wang, commanding officer of the Chinese Luyang II-class destroyer Jinan (DDG 152) listen during a ceremony during a routine goodwill port visit. Foreign navy ships routinely conduct port visits to Mayport. Engagements like this demonstrate a continuous navy-to-navy bilateral relationship between our two countries.

To be honest many Navies visit other countries/make port calls in foriegn countries. Its normal nowadays, even Iran,Egypt,Algeria, India, Brazil,and many others all indulge in such visits. Its totally different from a country having a permamnent naval presence/military bases/constantly patrolling a region. You can't compare the two.
Our military superiority in South China Sea is absolute. Submarines have already surrounded the USN fleet. Let them strut and boast a bit just like MacArthur before the trap door shuts!

As people should remember MacArthur was stop by Truman so shut your trap high fin second your so called military superiority if that what you call it is because people don't wanna fight unlike you people wanna live so dont mistaken peoples love for peace for cowardness but since you and you fellow arrogant dbags are pushing maybe you get your wish

That is why BuddhaPalm is not fit to lead a nation - he would make Kim Jong-Un look like sissy and an amateur, as he (BuddhaPalm) WOULD immediately attack without any regards to possible consequences if his comments are used as basis for such scenario.

Because his high just like the rest of the imperial armchair warriors in the forum they think we war is like call of duty or battlefield they can respond after being shot or something but i am curious on what drugs palm is using :woot:

Our semi-submerged mother ship for Zubr hovercraft can cover the distance. Of course, we will start by crushing our geographically closer enemies including brutal occupation and labor camps. West Coast USA comes later.

Wow i think you forgot about America 7th fleet you have destroy them first but if you manage you still have to kill off the US Air Forces in the Pacific which is very unlikely to happen because they crush you guys before you can fire face it you're playing to much of those poorly made patriotic games man but its funny how your sick mind works
As people should remember MacArthur was stop by Truman so shut your trap high fin second your so called military superiority if that what you call it is because people don't wanna fight unlike you people wanna live so dont mistaken peoples love for peace for cowardness but since you and you fellow arrogant dbags are pushing maybe you get your wish

Because his high just like the rest of the imperial armchair warriors in the forum they think we war is like call of duty or battlefield they can respond after being shot or something but i am curious on what drugs palm is using :woot:

Wow i think you forgot about America 7th fleet you have destroy them first but if you manage you still have to kill off the US Air Forces in the Pacific which is very unlikely to happen because they crush you guys before you can fire face it you're playing to much of those poorly made patriotic games man but its funny how your sick mind works

pinoy please.
what chance? of course we put up, otherwise how could your carpy boat runing off with tails between like a headless fly in the sea? what a humiliation to America!!! yet you people still have the brazen to brag there? On the contray, US dared to do nothing when our warship sailed 12 miles within the coast off Alaska. This is really a shame. where is your mighty navy when we contructed those islands and we will contiune to do so. do something to stop us if you really got guts or just shut up.

we are doer and you just a big talker, see the diffirence? sending your junk ships to pass by our unfinished island then get chased off like a dog is the best you delusional big talker can do, what a pity.

Hahaha global maritime laws are different from yours, we don't have an issue with your warships sailing quickly through our territorial waters, that's fine with us, that's innocent passage, and its fine with UNCLOS. But under mighty Chinese law it is a great offense! and yet your ships weren't even conducting innocent passage! :woot: they were collecting sensor data while passing through, and yet your ships just stood by buzzing like flies as we leisurely sailed collecting data, and will continue to do so!

US Navy to Conduct Patrols of China’s Artificial Islands Twice Per Quarter

Again we are waiting! Back up your mouth with action and fire ze missiles!:woot:
If US does follow protocols of innocent passage when within 12nm of Chinese island as the new report suggest, then it is in fact recognizing Chinese territorial sovereignty there. Its funny how inconsistent the reports have been.

True and that is the speaker's fault that they don't know the difference between innocent passage and FoNOPS, or failed to articulate it.

it wasn't innocent passage in anycase, sensors were on collecting recon data
Perhaps y'all can calm down and be a little more 'professional' in your tone of 'voice' or simply more cordial?
Let's take an example:

'Hope to see you again': China warship to U.S. destroyer after South China Sea patrol
the Lassen had had about 50 "interactions" with Chinese military ships and aircraft since May while on patrol in the South and East China Seas, something he described as routine.

The Chinese destroyer shadowed the Lassen for 10 days before and after its Oct. 27 patrol near the artificial islands, said Francis. The Lassen got to within six to seven nautical miles from the nearest Chinese land formation, he added.
But not all U.S.-Chinese naval interactions are tense, especially when things are slow on the high seas.
"A few weeks ago we were talking to one of the ships that was accompanying us, a Chinese vessel ... (We) picked up the phone and just talked to him like, 'Hey, what are you guys doing this Saturday? Oh, we got pizza and wings. What are you guys eating? Oh, we're doing this. Hey, we're planning for Halloween as well'." The intent, Francis said, is "to show them ... that we're normal sailors, just like them, have families, just like them."
The Chinese sailors, speaking in English, responded by talking about where they were from, their families and places they have visited, Francis said.
Eventually, the Chinese destroyer that had followed the Lassen on its mission past the artificial islands peeled away.
"They were very cordial the entire time ... even before and after the Spratly islands transit," Francis said.
"When they left us they said, 'Hey, we're not going to be with you anymore. Wish you a pleasant voyage. Hope to see you again'." As for Francis and his crew of 300 sailors, they were unfazed by the intense media coverage of one of the most highly anticipated U.S. naval patrols in years, although Francis said his mother, having seen the news, did call to ask whether he was actually in China.
"It's another day in the South China Sea. All of it is professional," he said.
'Hope to see you again': China warship to U.S. destroyer after South China Sea patrol - Yahoo News
U.S. armchair warriors and their lapdog fanmaids are really getting all flustered up about their 'undefeatable' army watching incapable like ducks while China is reinforcing its territory ignoring all their rambling and political cries :D

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