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South China Sea Forum

Funny, China started it by invading the Paracel in 1974, and did it again this year by sending the rig into our territorial water.

China did the same thing, harrassing the US ship in its claimed territorial water, several years ago: Navy Sends Destroyer to Protect Surveillance Ship After Incident in South China Sea
Good try, but the article states it "alleges". Do not think Vietnam is US.

Our ancestors had a way to deal with Han chinese, that is to decoy them into a trap, then kill haft of them.
Please study our great victories before the chinese invasion, you will see that.

Perhaps VN now is a province of china, just like East Tukistan or Tibet ... if our ancestors just sit and wait for international justice.

Yes, your ancestors were wiser. They dealt with China by:
1. Not causing trouble
2. Be good little boy
3. Pay yearly tribute
4. Adopt Chinese culture

It worked for 1000 years, why break something if isn't broke?
Yes, your ancestors were wiser. They dealt with China by:
1. Not causing trouble
2. Be good little boy
3. Pay yearly tribute
4. Adopt Chinese culture

It worked for 1000 years, why break something if isn't broke?

Everything our ancestors had to do that is wait for the opportunity.
We'll kill any our enemies when we have a chance.

You do not think I'm joking? I'm sure not.
I think nothing change. Kill at least half of their troops, That's the only way.

As you know, after killing 4, most of the illegal chinese labors fled Vietnam. Earlier, many Vietnam papers has repeatedly condemned the illegal chinese labors flooding of VN, but nothing changed.
I think you should refrain from using "killing." We are against the Chinese government, not the people.

Some Chinese workers left but their undercover forces are still in Vietnam, occupying strategic areas from the Central Highland to the Coastal region. It will be a long time to correctly expel the Chinese intelligent elements from Vietnam.

Good try, but the article states it "alleges". Do not think Vietnam is US.
How does "alleged" change the equation? China also "allegedly" claim that Vietnam harasses their ships while all the video evidences we see are Vietnamese ship being rammed, watered, sunk by Chinese boat. Who is harassing whom again?

Am I comparing Vietnam to the US? No, I am comparing Vietnam to China back then and China to the US back then. China is acting the same way the US does. If the US is a big bully then China is a small bully. That's the analogy here.
I think you should refrain from using "killing." We are against the Chinese government, not the people.

Some Chinese workers left but their undercover forces are still in Vietnam, occupying strategic areas from the Central Highland to the Coastal region. It will be a long time to correctly expel the Chinese intelligent elements from Vietnam.


Maybe you don't agree with me, but that's the only way to deal with chinese.

We have a Dien Bien Phu victory in land against over French invaders, a Dien Bien Phu victory in air against US bombing of Hanoi sky, so why do not we create a Dien Bien Phu victory on the sea?
In my opinion, the China's coast guard was brutal. That's it. I'm off..

Maybe you don't agree with me, but that's the only way to deal with chinese.

We have a Dien Bien Phu victory in land against over French invaders, a Dien Bien Phu victory in air against US bombing of Hanoi sky, so why do not we create a Dien Bien Phu victory on the sea?
It's not good to be cynical. Words have always been a better solution than guns. Our people fought hard against invaders only when war was inevitable. Viet Minh had restrained until the last minutes when the French was in Hanoi to fight back. We may have to fight foreign aggressors again, but there is room to talk right now.
As I always say Chinese are nothing but bullies. The video clearly shows that bully nature of chinese coast guard.

They should also try to bully american warship..... but they will not... because a bully will target only weaker fishing boats........
"Video proof that Chinese ship chased and sank Vietnamese boat"

If this is what it takes to protect the rig and the civilians on it from Vietnamese aggressions after they breach the no-go zone, then so be it.

China is not going to let Vietnamese ships damage the rig and harm their citizens.
Contrary to the lies from Chinese media and leaders that Vietnamese boat "rammed the Chinese ship and sunk," this video clearly shown what happened in 05/26 when Chinese ships chased this Vietnamese boat with the intention to kill like a "wild animal." This is indeed a barbaric action rarely seen from a state in the 21st century.

Western nations are not stupid. They obviously know who does what and it's no rocket science that metal vs wood in this video. We are well aware of China's action and are taking everything into considerations. There's a plan of action in the making and will take time to implement it. Patient is key here.
xisha islands are controlled and administered by China, so yeah, we own it.
If that is the rule of your game, then stop talking about taking back the Senkaku islands from Japan. PRC doesn't play by any international rule, just what fits at the moment. Such a big nation with a small minded leadership.
But the world has changed and certain international rules are accepted and abide by all civilized nations. If it were the old days, China would have attacked Vietnam already, not lying and having the shills to defend them all over the internet.

Never act like the victim.
It's a video proof alright. It proves the so called anti-China alliance is a piece of sh!t. The Americans, Japanese, Indians and Philipinnos are watching while China is kicking the Vietnamese butt like in 1979. Nobody is helping your *** ;)
Dont try to attack Chinese civilian vessels with your "innocent civilian fishing boats" around Chinese territorial waters.
Then you dont need to cry about "aggressive" Chinese chasing you away.
Dont try to attack Chinese civilian vessels with your "innocent civilian fishing boats" around Chinese territorial waters.
Then you dont need to cry about "aggressive" Chinese chasing you away.

Are you Chinese ?
I could say, no civilian vessels have the right to legally ram to sink other civilian vessel. That's murder.
And everyone could point out that the site is not belong to any country territorial water.

Or Chinese consider The Oil Rig has it own territorial water and EEZ ? Is it a new tool for Chinese neo-imperialism ?
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