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South China Sea Forum

NO, we expect Russia to support our stance. that is very important. If Russia supports our stance, we will win the game. very simple. If not, that is very serious problem for us. If Russia stays neutral, everything is not lost.

I am sure, the next hours and days will decide the future of the SC Sea. that is a very high stakes game. But one is sure, Vietnam will never back down.
Just need Russians sent us good toys and do together with us oil drilling in Vietnam's EEZ as usual, that is enough...
So, when I was there, why couldn't I access google?
I just did the google search and it says that not only google cn but all other languages like google com. google co uk... are all banned.
Googe's market in china is due to android stuffs.
C'mon dude,why don't you just search“google" in baidu?you know what,I find this website in Google.hk.
C'mon dude,why don't you just search“google" in baidu?you know what,I find this website in Google.hk.

Because I can't search about stuffs like Tiananmen square massacre, Vietnam's evidence and proof for the sovereignty over Paracels or UN's English version of the UNCLOS 1982... in baidu.
Because I can't search about stuffs like Tiananmen square massacre, Vietnam's evidence and proof for the sovereignty over Paracels or UN's English version of the UNCLOS 1982... in baidu.
Oh,friend.trust me, there was no a massacre in tiananmen. I know what you mean., but that was a rumor. Many participants can prove that there was no gunfire at tiananmen square.
Oh,friend.trust me, there was no a massacre in tiananmen. I know what you mean., but that was a rumor. Many participants can prove that there was no gunfire at tiananmen square.

Points taken. That's why I can't search for Tiananmen square massacre in China. China are hiding something that doesn't exist. Seems legit.
Points taken. That's why I can't search for Tiananmen square massacre in China. China are hiding something that doesn't exist. Seems legit.
You are wrong. You misunderstand me. Chinese government did not conceal what happened that day at the beginning, instead, there are many official newspapers reported this event. But soon things became different, this event became a weapon of the western countries to blame china. Many western medias spreaded rumors(just like tiananmen massacre)about that event. So finally the authority decided to forbid all stuffs about 64event.
1) So, stick with the topic, CHINA VIOLATES INTERNATIONAL LAWS and that's all
2) There are many other names for Hoang Sa; Bai Cat Vang, Con Vang.
You have to compare them to other evidences.
The islands that are located in the central coast of Vietnam actually have civilian who live there. Our Authorities created Paracel Naval Team and North Sea Naval Team from men who live in those islands. These teams were ordered to administrate the Paracels (because there were no civilian there), exploit resources, taking remains from sunk ships... It takes 3 days 3 nights to go to Paracels from their islands if they go continuously (without resting).
See 'Phu Bien Tap Luc' from Le Quy Don. You should do the google search yourself since I'm not allowed to post links yet.

The Paracel is seemly located near the shore is due to our old and bad techniques. See how things go when we use our new technique:


I'm not yet mentioning about evidences that say 'The distance from Vietnam Coast to Vietnam's Paracel is approximately equal to the distance from China's Hainan to Vietnam's Paracel'

Besides, scholars, navigators, officers and soliders are just at the fishermen level, not the authorities level. Even the fishermen still have no action that are related to claiming sovereignty. Are the any words from your kings or their representatives about claiming sovereignty? Don't tell me fishermen and stuffs were also kings' representatives, it's not gonna work at all.

3+4) It's yours. Ask Filipino here do they think like that?

That's actually one of the points I was talking about. For some reason Hoang Sa has another name of Cat Vang and Cat Vang became 黃沙. Besides the "range" of Paracel wasn't as same as nowadays.
This is actually similar that some people consider those islands found in Song and Han Dynasty in SCS are 西沙 and 南沙 yet they seems different.

I never take "fishermen" as an emphasis.
Those scholars, navigators, officers and soldiers did represent and sent by their emperors to protect and measure the water, especially in Yuan and Qing dynasty.
But I think we should make a stop here otherwise we will probably get banned, we can continue this topic if there is a new relevant thread opened here. Nice to talk with you anyway, you are kind of reasonable unlike some of the other guys here.
That's actually one of the points I was talking about. For some reason Hoang Sa has another name of Cat Vang and Cat Vang became 黃沙. Besides the "range" of Paracel wasn't as same as nowadays.
This is actually similar that some people consider those islands found in Song and Han Dynasty in SCS are 西沙 and 南沙 yet they seems different.

I never take "fishermen" as an emphasis.
Those scholars, navigators, officers and soldiers did represent and sent by their emperors to protect and measure the water, especially in Yuan and Qing dynasty.
But I think we should make a stop here otherwise we will probably get banned, we can continue this topic if there is a new relevant thread opened here. Nice to talk with you anyway, you are kind of reasonable unlike some of the other guys here.

Yes, it means that the name cannot stand alone. There must be other description to accompany that name. For us, we have information about the work of authorized Paracel Naval Team and North Sea Naval Team to support our argument, as long as there are many other geological description which clearly show that our Paracel is far from the shore (eg. 3 days 3 nights continuously going or the distance from there to Vietnam and China are approximately the same...)

I believe that 'measuring' is one of the geological stuffs and have no use here, unless the authorities did claim the sovereignty. After all the International Court will be able to tell us who is right, who is wrong.

I admit that some Vietnamese don't know clearly their own evidences. It can lead into some misunderstanding. But I do know.
I know that Hongkonger are always reasonable, because they are much more better educated than the mainland chinese. We can speak to Hongkonger, unlike some mainland chinese here who don't give a hell about proof, evidence and international laws.

And yes, I believe we should stick with the topic, about international laws first.
LOL Chinese fishermen entering the Philippines territorial waters illegally, catching endangered turtle species, and China calling the arrest of these fishermen "provocative act". Who's being provocative here?
Do you understand that you cannot use your 200 miles to claim island/reef/rock that are occupied by a foreign force before your independent and especially prior to the formation of UNCLOS? You are very lucky that most westerners are stupid and not really paying detail attention to your historic claim and evidence in this whole dispute.
Are you naive? Do you have $30 billion to give Russian? :lol: Why Russian wants to support Vietnam to go against China?
Bcz Russia has border conflict with China, not with VN, and VN is a good partner to contain China from the South. Russia need China now just bcz US-NATO push Russia too hard.

Btw: Chinese must prepare for higher Oil and raw material price coz our navy seem wanna use all forces to the conflict. The sea lane in SCS(east sea) will be narrowed, China merchant ships will not pass through easily any more :pop:
Ông cũng lưu ý, hành động này của TQ đã ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến tuyến đường an ninh hàng hải. Trong quá trình xảy ra vụ việc có rất nhiều tàu container, tàu vận tải đi qua khu vực này. “VN rất lo ngại sự ảnh hưởng an toàn, an ninh cho các phương tiện này. Nếu hành động vi phạm của TQ tiếp tục diễn ra chắc chắn tuyến đường hàng hải qua khu vực sẽ bị thu hẹp lại. Đây là điều VN không mong muốn”, tướng Đạm nói.

Thiếu tướng Nguyen Quang Dam
Trung Quốc đe dọa quân sự | Chính trị - Xã hội | Thanh Niên Online

If China continue violating VN EEZ, the shipping lanes through the area will be narrowed. This is not what we want to, "said Major General Nguyen Quang Dam
1) No one whoever signed this Convention can extend the EEZ from a disputed island! Are you an archipelago country? Definitely not. So the EEZ must extend from you BASELINE. If you can read a little bit, read this, not the 'Chinese verion' of this. Oh, is the UN website banned in China? If no, just google 'UNCLOS 1982' to check the source, since I don't have 29 posts yet to post a link. Oh wait, I forget, you don't have google there, right? China is just afraid of the facts, your authorities are scared that chinese people will find out the facts they are hiding :argh: Can you read this

2) OK. Paracels are not legal your islands, since you invaded it in the modern age (1974).
We, Vietnamese, were owning and administrating Paracel Islands from 18th Century, we pitched the flag in 1816, we have a lot of documents about setting our sovereignty and administrating those islands, a lot of documents from the Westerners that recognize and affirm our right. Leave your email and we will send you our proofs. What do you have? Some chinese fishermen visited it? You named it? Well, nothing you have done is relating to claming sovereignty. The chinese never cared about Paracels until the 20th Century when it finally had a little power, and in 1974 you bring your navy there to invade our sovereign islands.

From my points and your countrymen points, I think other people can decide who is right and who is reasonable.
1. There is no dispute in Paracel. We own it 100% when UNCLOS was sign in 1982. There is no dispute, do you understand? Just because your Northern VN regime changed tactic and decided to call it a dispute does not mean it is a dispute. In order to be a dispute, you need to occupy and control at least one or two islands in Paracel Archipelago. Spratly is a dispute because multiple parties occupy and are in control of various islands, reefs, and rocks. At Paracel, there is none. We control and administer all. You want to talk fact, let do it but you better answer and reason with me here.

2. Paracel is a contest territory. In international term, it is open to relevant state to impose their jurisdiction and administrative rights in according with legitimate ownership. Since no one owns Paracel completely. Your Southern VN regime at the time owned the Southern part while we owned the Northern part. But it is not important as I have said Paracel is a contest territory, claimed by both at the time. It is open to anyone to take before any maritime international agreements are signed, such as UNCLOS. In international law, it is fait accompli because we control 100% by the time UNCLOS was sign in 1982. Nobody gives a shit if you own it in 18th century. We can also say we have Ming general outpost in one of the Paracel's island back in 1500s (believe it was the Woody island). It was established to be an extension of Hainan at the time. But you see, nobody gives a shit whatever happen prior to international law taken place which is pre-UNCLOS. The solution is clear, who control what when UNCLOS was sign should be given full consideration for EEZ.

I want to see a westerner reason with me over this. You, on the other hand, is not at my level when it comes to international law dispute, justice.
I fully agree. :tup:

And Vietnam is closer to Chinese mainland in map to demonstration that Vietnam is part of China.

And you are closer to moron in deed to demonstration that you are part of morons, too? :lol:

You are stupid and idiot . There is part of full Vietnam's map, its stated clearly in Chinese character that Hoang Sa (Paracel in English, 黃沙 translated in to Chinese ) and Van Ly Truong Sa ( Spratly in English, 萬里 長沙 translated in to Chinese) is part of Vietnam territory in old map of Vietnam..

When you can't understand Chinese, shut up !

Here is is full map of Vietnam
I'm afraid your friend, in his state of utter desperation, is simply not as lucid as you. His solution is for Vietnam to throw its dignity out the window like the Philippines and court anyone with a gun, something the cheapest escort on the street would do. The relationship between Russia and China is like two seasoned business parters. A business partner would never through away a business relationship with a longtime partner for the sake of an escort, even a very pretty escort.
bla bla bla...as usual you use bullshit language. escort and so on. what is your solution for Vietnam now?
I assume we shall surrender?

pls send more oil rigs and more warships to Vietnam. we enjoy it.

one thing I can see in your bahavior is you like to lick the boots of the Russians despite they raped you and took a big chunk of your country. Do you have any dignity at all?

Are you naive? Do you have $30 billion to give Russian? :lol: Why Russian wants to support Vietnam to go against China?
money is just a part of the equation.

answer yourself this question: why do America and Japan support Vietnam in this conflict?

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