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South China Sea Forum

Well I don't see the problem over this action, Vietnam is also digging tons of oil from the SCS yearly without "China's permission".

We drill inside our Exclusive Economic Zone. Go to dig inside your EEZ and there will be no problem. Why do you have to drill in other's EEZ when you already have yours?
Being neutral was already considered as a help, since Putin thanked China (and India).

Well I don't see the problem over this action, Vietnam is also digging tons of oil from the SCS yearly without "China's permission".
Russia just wants to share the pain with you, while keeping the booty. Many countries remained neutral in Crimea case. just check the votes on the UN summit.

we are digging oil in our EEZ, like you in yours.
we got problem when you begin digging a hole in our seabed. can we do the same in the East China Sea?

Russia does care more about money than they do care about Vietnam.

Russia-China: When one door closes, another opens — RT Op-Edge
we haven´t seen any reactions from Russia yet.
what you say is just speculation.
Aquino to Press Asean Leaders on China
Philippine President to Address China's Growing Assertiveness
The Wall Street Journal May 9, 2014


MANILA—Philippine President Benigno Aquino III will try to focus Southeast Asian leaders’ discussions on China’s growing assertiveness in the South China Sea when they gather this weekend.

“The South China Sea issue will definitely feature prominently in the discussion at the Asean summit,” Charles Jose, spokesman for the Philippines’ Department of Foreign Affairs, told the Wall Street Journal, adding that Mr. Aquino would address the issue at the plenary on Sunday.

Leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations will meet in Myanmar just days after a tense maritime exchange between Vietnam and China over a Chinese oil rig off the contested Paracel Islands. Territorial friction between China and the Philippines also flared up this week after Philippine maritime police apprehended Chinese fishermen for allegedly poaching protected sea turtles near the Spratly Islands.

Asean has for years grappled with how to handle its members’ territorial disputes with China, a major economic partner for the region. While clashes have occurred from time to time, analysts say this past week’s events marked a significant escalation.

Territorial disputes aren’t part of the agenda for this weekend’s summit, which is aimed at regional integration and participation in the Group of 20 summit in November.

Mr. Aquino has been an outspoken critic of China’s claim to nearly all of the South China Sea, a body of water that contains important international shipping lanes, large deposits of oil and natural gas and some of the world’s richest fishing grounds. The Philippines last year launched a legal challenge to China’s claim at a U.N. tribunal in The Hague. China hasn’t submitted to the arbitration and prefers that disputes be settled with individual countries.

Mr. Jose said Mr. Aquino will seek to accelerate talks on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, a long-pending proposal that would promote cooperative activities in the region and a peaceful and lasting solution to the many territorial disputes within it.

Mr. Aquino has raised the issue of South China Sea tensions at the Asean summit previously. In 2012, he disputed a statement issued by Cambodia, then the summit’s chairman, that Asean members had agreed not to “internationalize” the issue.

US will say but do nothing. Georgia and Ukraine are best example. But anyway, the area 7 is not under dispute. No issue with China. As for area 3 , no company will dare to go and drill there. CMS ship will make sure the company go bust. :lol:

Don't ever dare step on the Big Dog's tail. Japan did it at Pearl Harbor and the rest is history.
Vietnam also claims "Philippines" water and islands based on Vietnamese 'historical proofs' from Vietnamese fishermen, you both even have conflicted with each other over this issue and I remember that you even took at least one of "their" island and killed some of their men.

1) We signed the UNCLOS so we don't claim waters. We have our 200-mile EEZ that extends from our baseline near our shore.
2) We have real history proofs from the authorities level (claiming, setting sovereignty, pitching flag, administrating..), not from fishermen level like china (not visiting, naming or dying there like china). After all we use it to beat chinese 'invisible historical proofs'.
3) Philippines can drill whatsoever inside their EEZ. Vietnam can drill whatsoever inside our EEZ. It's just simple like that. We don't drill in the other's EEZ like China, so there will be no problem.
4) Since both Vietnam and Philippines are not aggressive invaders, Vietnam respect Philippines' proofs and PoVs, we can solve this peacefully.
Russia just wants to share the pain with you, while keeping the booty. Many countries remained neutral in Crimea case. just check the votes on the UN summit.

we are digging oil in our EEZ, like you in yours.
we got problem when you begin digging a hole in our seabed. can we do the same in the East China Sea?

Meh, the West is not that silly to try to fight three of the biggest nations in the world.
If Putin only mentioned China, then that was really a "pain sharing". But in reality Russian also mentioned Indina, which means that they wanted to improve their reputation by proving and showing the world that not the whole world is standing against Rissia and Russia they do have "reasonable buddies".

Not to mention India isn't "commie" and it is traditionally sided with the West.

That EEZ was considered as "Chinese water" by Chinese government, you do know that right?
Yes of course you can as well, I don't see the problem either. You can even dig oil near HK or Macao.
For ME that is no problem at all.
That EEZ was considered as "Chinese water" by Chinese government, you do know that right?
Yes of course you can as well, I don't see the problem either. You can even dig oil near HK or Macao.
For ME that is no problem at all.

So if chinese government want to consider other's EEZ as their 'Chinese water', why the heck do they created and signed the UNCLOS 1982? I'm confussed.
1) We signed the UNCLOS so we don't claim waters. We have our 200-mile EEZ that extends from our baseline near our shore.
2) We have real history proofs from the authorities level (claiming, setting sovereignty, pitching flag, administrating..), not from fishermen level like china (not visiting, naming or dying there like china). After all we use it to beat chinese 'invisible historical proofs'.
3) Philippines can drill whatsoever inside their EEZ. Vietnam can drill whatsoever inside our EEZ. It's just simple like that. We don't drill in the other's EEZ like China, so there will be no problem.
4) Since both Vietnam and Philippines are not aggressive invaders, Vietnam respect Philippines' proofs and PoVs, we can solve this peacefully.

1. You did killed their men and stole "their" island, who knows what will really happened if China isn't involved in this game;
2. Your history proofs even proofed that those islands aren't even yours, you people abandoned Hanji and messed up your own historical record and mistakes "Chinese islands" as "yours";
3,4. Maybe not for Vietnam, but the Philippines.
You claimed that we did stay neutral about Ukraine, so you should expect Russia to be the same about the SCS.
NO, we expect Russia to support our stance. that is very important. If Russia supports our stance, we will win the game. very simple. If not, that is very serious problem for us. If Russia stays neutral, everything is not lost.

I am sure, the next hours and days will decide the future of the SC Sea. that is a very high stakes game. But one is sure, Vietnam will never back down.
NO, we expect Russia to support our stance. that is very important. If Russia supports our stance, we will win the game. very simple. If not, that is very serious problem for us. If Russia stays neutral, everything is not lost.

I am sure, the next hours and days will decide the future of the SC Sea.

Sure, you can bring Russia to your side if you are more important and richer than China.
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It wasnt pointed at vietnam....

I just felt like saying it out.
yes, I think so, now.
Look like I was just overreacting, sorry.
But Chinese was doing bad things, it's truth.
Meh, the West is not that silly to try to fight three of the biggest nations in the world.
If Putin only mentioned China, then that was really a "pain sharing". But in reality Russian also mentioned Indina, which means that they wanted to improve their reputation by proving and showing the world that not the whole world is standing against Rissia and Russia they do have "reasonable buddies".

Not to mention India isn't "commie" and it is traditionally sided with the West.

That EEZ was considered as "Chinese water" by Chinese government, you do know that right?
Yes of course you can as well, I don't see the problem either. You can even dig oil near HK or Macao.
For ME that is no problem at all.
digging oil near your home?

I believe digging money out of mainlanders money pocket is more lucrative. LOL
NO, we expect Russia to support our stance. that is very important. If Russia supports our stance, we will win the game. very simple. If not, that is very serious problem for us. If Russia stays neutral, everything is not lost.

I am sure, the next hours and days will decide the future of the SC Sea. that is a very high stakes game. But one is sure, Vietnam will never back down.

Again. Never rely on Russia. They are arms dealers. They sell guns. Support us? They just don't care. The only thing they care is we buy guns from them, that's all.
So if chinese government want to consider other's EEZ as their 'Chinese water', why the heck do they created and signed the UNCLOS 1982? I'm confussed.
They are not "considering other's EEZ as their 'Chinese water'", they are having "a different size of EEZ". If you know what I mean.

The United Nations asks for respect for all nations' sovereignty yet also tell you that human rights should be over sovereignty. Isn't it a contradiction? Well that's how the game run.

digging oil near your home?

I believe digging money out of mainlanders money pocket is more lucrative. LOL

We have had enough goddamn $$, we are super poor that all we have is only $$.
The water is lonely and we can use some new attractions, so why don't you set up your oil rag here. You can probably even dig out sth more valuable than oil here, such as my lost ID card.
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