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you can consider me naive. Because Vietnam communists were too naive that in 1958 and 1974, our Chinese comrades backstabbed us when we were busy fighting with Imperialism to promote international communism movement.

You said in your early post that you are not member of VCP, why do you call them as "comrades" ?
you can consider me naive. Because Vietnam communists were too naive that in 1958 and 1974, our Chinese comrades backstabbed us when we were busy fighting with Imperialism to promote international communism movement.

U r too naive coz u called yourself as a communist when u dont know what communist is and how communist society look like ? Why dont u call yourself as GOD instead, u dont know how GOD look like too , bro :laughcry:
You said in your early post that you are not member of VCP, why do you call them as "comrades" ?

Ok, many of our soldiers in Vietnam war are not members of VCP, but they call each other comrades.
Actually, joining a communist party does not guarantee of being a communist.
Lenin said that "one who read all of communism books but doesn't live one's life among labourers, is not a communist"
So you only need to understand communism spirit and implement it in your laboring life among labourers to be a true communist.
Anyway, young people in Vietnam, who joined Ho Chi Minh Youth Communist Community, should be a young communist.
Các anh chọc mem mới ghê quá, để người ta quen sân đã chứ .... :D
U r too naive coz u called yourself as a communist when u dont know what communist is and how communist society look like ? Why dont u call yourself as GOD instead, u dont know how GOD look like too , bro :laughcry:

Lenin said that "one who read all of communism books but doesn't live one's life among labourers, is not a communist"
So you only need to understand communism spirit and implement it in your laboring life among labourers to be a true communist.
Anyway, young people in Vietnam, who joined Ho Chi Minh Youth Communist Community, should be a young communist.
Shut your mouth Pinoy. Getting tired of your anti-China rants. We are a peace loving nation with peace loving people. We are the good guys fighting against the bad guys (Japan, US, Philippines, Vietnam, India). Good guys always end up winning. We stand for peace and never seek hegemony.

Oh please action speak louder than words and please you have no right to call me pinoy! its like the N word for black people to us only we have the right to call each other that and your not in any position to demand anything from me you arrogant fool! stand for peace my @$$ while building military post in some other country's water how stupid do you think we are? its pretty obvious who the bad guy here troll deal with it. Arrogant piece of $h^t!

You Pinoy are an annoying brat. China as an adult was trying to make a living (ie, our fishermen fishing there) and you Navy, out of nowhere, trying to arrest an adult doing his jobs. So we **** you on the head. You fall down and going around crying like a baby. No amount of our attempt to cool you down works.. "Oh big bad China is cocking my head!"... Well you deserve it considered you instigated and annoyed an adult trying to make a living.

Just like yelling like crazy at someone and that's some is president talking to other president oh please cry your own @$$ off Jerk! If you want peace do good to others china is so far from our Islands why go there that's called Invading genus don't give me that like if you know what you talking about stupid troll!
Ok, many of our soldiers in Vietnam war are not members of VCP, but they call each other comrades.
Actually, joining a communist party does not guarantee of being a communist.
Lenin said that "one who read all of communism books but doesn't live one's life among labourers, is not a communist"
So you only need to understand communism spirit and implement it in your laboring life among labourers to be a true communist.
Anyway, young people in Vietnam, who joined Ho Chi Minh Youth Communist Community, should be a young communist.

what do you think about concept "laborers" in speaks of Lenin mean, in beginning of last century ? muscle workers ? :coffee:
MSA 0611 launched:



I read this news yesterday, i was expecting Philippines to be bombarded out of existence by megatons upon megatons of nuclear missiles?:laughcry:

What happened chinese friends, the missiles failed to fly
what do you think about concept "laborers" in speaks of Lenin mean, in beginning of last century ? muscle workers ? :coffee:

"labourers" in speaks of Lenin does contain "professional technical workers", and various kinds of workers. Lenin also suggested that every people can elect the chief country leader as the way Americans elect their president. Actually, I follow communism of Marx-Lenin, not exact the same kind with Vietnam communism or Maoism. There are hundreds of books about the Marx-Leninism but I only can understand a few of them. If you want to know more about that, you should read some books, I can not explain here as it goes far from the topic.
Just like yelling like crazy at someone and that's some is president talking to other president oh please cry your own @$$ off Jerk! If you want peace do good to others china is so far from our Islands why go there that's called Invading genus don't give me that like if you know what you talking about stupid troll!
Are you an incomprehensible idiot? I cannot understand what you are trying to say. You are from an insignificant country that want publicly. You ain't going to have it.
Are you an incomprehensible idiot? I cannot understand what you are trying to say. You are from an insignificant country that want publicly. You ain't going to have it.

Ha in your F up dreams you stupid imperialist, It because your trying to make sense of a stupid concept that is long dead if you want imperialism 19th century make a time machine and go there! As if you have brains your just fool who knows how to type but with no brains on the subject just what he is told.

In scale on 1 to f how f are you?
Listen compatriots, you can't beat China if you kept following behind them. For the entire Vietnamese history never once invade China because simply Vietnamese have been influenced by the Chinese and keep following them. The Chinese knew that therefore they keep forcing Vietnam to be like them, a mini China so they can easily control Vietnam. You need to come up with different strategies of economic and politic reforms if ever think of beat China.

See how Japan, Manchu, Mongol and Westerns were able to beat Chinese because these countries have different structure of government and economic systems.

The current Vietnam political system is an copy of China,therefore Vietnam economic and military will never surpass China, let not think about beat them in war, what I meant beat them in war is not the same as repel their invasions but to invade them like Mongol, Manchu, Japan and Westerns did in the past. You need to be like Japan or France, Germany which have different model of governmental system if you ever think of counter China.

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