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South China Sea Forum


A U.S. Navy ship passed within 12 nautical miles of disputed islands in the South China Sea late Monday in an apparent challenge to China's territorial claims in the region.

A defense official told the Associated Press that the USS Lassen, a guided missile destroyer, moved inside what China claims as a 12-mile territorial limit around Subi Reef in the Spratly Islands archipelago, a disputed group of hundreds of reefs, islets, atolls and islands in the South China. The official said the patrol took place without incident.

"We are conducting routine operations in the South China Sea in accordance with international law," a senior defense official told Fox News. "We will fly, sail, and operate anywhere in the world that international law allows."

The Navy's plan to send a destroyer near the Spratly Islands was first reported by Reuters.
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A U.S. Navy ship passed within 12 nautical miles of disputed islands in the South China Sea late Monday in an apparent challenge to China's territorial claims in the region.

A defense official told the Associated Press that the USS Lassen, a guided missile destroyer, moved inside what China claims as a 12-mile territorial limit around Subi Reef in the Spratly Islands archipelago, a disputed group of hundreds of reefs, islets, atolls and islands in the South China. The official said the patrol took place without incident.

"We are conducting routine operations in the South China Sea in accordance with international law," a senior defense official told Fox News. "We will fly, sail, and operate anywhere in the world that international law allows."

The Navy's plan to send a destroyer near the Spratly Islands was first reported by Reuters.

Freedom of navigation had never been freer.

China already have 7 island structure to ultilize for peace and war time purpose, in 2 yrs China already have the 7 function island in the middle of the SCS. Pivot to Asia not only allow China to build those artificial island in a short period of time and US hopelessly can't demand China stop further build up those island.

The U.S. Pivot to Asia policy gave China the opportunity to unleash a bit of its industrial might.
Artificial islands? :D

That's a non issue. US forgot about that. They used to care about it couple of months ago.

What US cares about is now 12NM.

Guess what will they care about few months from now?

China will keep feeding them.
I believe few days later ... ppl in PDF will see photos of PLAN warship sailing with USS Lesson DDG near the artificial island. According to news, some China warship including type052D from PLAN South Sea Fleet now near USS Lesson.
【美舰驶进南海岛礁范围逗留数小时 中国军舰尾随喊话驱离】美国国防部一名官员证实,美国海军派出的导弹驱逐舰“拉森号”周二早上驶到中国在南海兴建的多个人工岛礁12海里范围,并逗留数小时。期间,有中国军舰尾随“拉森号”及离远监视,“喊话驱离”,双方没有发生冲突。
They can sail all the want. We will monitor them and use that threat to speed up our defense post on the island. LOL

US no longer cares about the islands that get bigger and badder by the day. LOL. They care about this 12NM.

We got the message. We will speed up the progress for even more peace-oriented scientific development across the SCS.
Well this is a major humiliation to the Chinese when they are only bragging their economic achievement. Tell you the truth, without powerful navy or military strength your wealth only make you the milking cow.

I am surprised China has hesitated to build up its nuclear arsenal to match the US to rebalance its weak navy. What a shame, so called Chinese dream.
Sail through or with 12 nm is pointless when China had the physical structure in the middle of the dispute area, now China literally and physically lay claim to those area. Those island still fly Chinese flag and US battleship can't do anything other than watch from the distance.

Do you hold the same standards to Japan and the Senkaku Islands?
I say again, there's no direct relation between the "USS Lassen DDG within 12 nautical miles of artificial islands built by China" and "Chinese stop building artificial islands in SCS" ... it's no matter whether USS passed within 12 nautical miles, (except a Hot War) the artificial islands building won't stop, so one side is USS spending few hours to patrol within 12 nautical miles, another side is Chinese continue building islands ... Trust me after one day USS will leave, after one month ppl including in PDF will forget this case like before. :coffee:
Well this is a major humiliation to the Chinese when they are only bragging their economic achievement. Tell you the truth, without powerful navy or military strength your wealth only make you the milking cow.

I am surprised China has hesitated to build up its nuclear arsenal to match the US to rebalance its weak navy. What a shame, so called Chinese dream.
You know nothing , Kid.
We are not SU.

Don't mock. His little heart is suffering, and must find China HSR updates to cheer up.
Looks like you are very happy to see your master fight China and start to bark now. Good Dog!
I say again, there's no directcor relation between the "USS Lassen DDG within 12 nautical miles of artificial islands built by China" and "Chinese building artificial islands in SCS" ... it's no matter whether USS passed within 12 nautical miles, (except a Hot War) the artificial islands building won't stop, so one side is USS spent few hours to patrol within 12 nautical miles, another side is Chinese continue building islands, trust me after one day USS will leave.
You know nothing , Kid.
We are not SU.

I wish you were. At least SU had the courage to confront the US navy and always has a upper hand. Chinese Navy, it's a shame, at least from this incident. Clearly the USN is bullying, and you kowtow.
I wish you were. At least SU has the courage to confront the US navy and always has a upper hand. Chinese Navy, it's a shame, at least from this incident. Clearly the USN is bullying, and you kowtow.
At least u should know, China is not the USSR, both used different ways to solve the problem so both got different results. :cheers:
Ah interesting to know. How big will the Oyster bay be? Will it be deep-water capable or just DDG max sized?

Also why dont PH and other countries (Vietnam) solve their differences over SCS (where there are overlaps in claims between them)...and then present a united front against China. That way you can coordinate much better. In theory both Subic and Cam Ranh Bay + whatever other ones needed should be integrated together as part of a SCS coalition network...with Naval aviation facilities as well for MPA's from local and foreign deployed assets.

Looking at the geography of Oyster bay, it smaller compared to Subic Bay, unless the entire Ulugan Bay in Palawan is converted into a naval base as Oyster Bay is part of it.

This would have not become an issue had we not kicked out the Americans in 1991 due to short-sighted, misguided politicians that have been influenced by leftist groups. Also, local politics is an issue as as I said earlier, most of our politicians are short-sighted.
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