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South China Sea Forum

Dafuq? Lol! More like mighty US defeated by a backwards China. If China lost, North Korea wouldn't exist you doofus.

do you even know anything about Korean war?

South Korea was nearly defeated until US stepped in , China had 1,3 million troops on its side while US only had a little over 300 thousand that traveled thousands of miles.

US accomplished it's mission in saving South Korea.
do you even know anything about Korean war?

South Korea was nearly defeated until US stepped in , China had 1,3 million troops on its side while US only had a little over 300 thousand that traveled thousands of miles.

US accomplished it's mission in saving South Korea.

Do YOU??

Before China entered the US + NATO army already consumed North Korea and was right at China's border. Then, China with its backwards army and relic tech but lots of balls, pushed the US all the way back to South Korea in one of the biggest retreats in US military. Ever. Being technologically and logistically inferior, China could not hold onto South Korea but the aftermath of the war is that the US is kicked out of China's border and North Korea becomes a buffer zone.

Remember, China didnt start the Korean War, but it ended it. Like a boss.
do you even know anything about Korean war?

South Korea was nearly defeated until US stepped in , China had 1,3 million troops on its side while US only had a little over 300 thousand that traveled thousands of miles.

US accomplished it's mission in saving South Korea.

US is so magnabulous. You win. Hands down.

Obama was not just ranting when he said "US was, is, has been, had been, will be, would be, would have been a triple A nation."
do you even know anything about Korean war?

South Korea was nearly defeated until US stepped in , China had 1,3 million troops on its side while US only had a little over 300 thousand that traveled thousands of miles.

US accomplished it's mission in saving South Korea.
Hahahaha only 300 thousand plus best technologies all together would be like 1billion of a soldiers you moron. What on Chinese and North Korea side has? They used stone and stick old technology, as you may said it can be count as zero tech.
Seems internet Han warriors have full force in this thread, trying to spin the table around by claiming China wins again and U.S is loser for doing point less

They could use some motivation. Boasting will help China defeat the USA. You know. :)
The US has enough bases in Asia to launch something, one under-equipped Philippines base will make no difference. Also check the size and quality of the Chinese coast guard, unless the US wants to move its ENTIRE coast guard and more to Asia, it's not going to be effective.

Its not about launching something, but sending a message, that a coordinated solid alliance exists, so more efficient use of assets can be accomplished. That's how deterrence is established, especially for smaller nations.

You seem like a reasonable poser, all in all, do you agree, a couple of moves or islands won't decide much, it is the size of the economy, and might of the gun that decide things. So the well being of China's economy and the continued pumping of billions into China's military industry that's going to be the difference maker.

In the long run, sure....but Human beings think in terms of few years...at most their lifetime....which is still a puny amount of time compared to human history (which is in itself a minuscule amount of time compared to cosmic timelines). So how much difference anything makes depends on what time frame you are talking about. I mean one of your compatriots in another forum many years back (I recognize his nickname here though I am not 100% certain its him) was saying a Chinese invasion and defeat of Vietnam would happen within a year or two (this was around the anti-China riots I think). That never happened and that's most likely never going to happen because Chinese I know are generally peaceful civilised people...and they have their ultra-nationalists that know not of what war really means just like any other country. Except when you are big nation, their combined voices are even louder....silent majority and all.

All I wish for is that every country's concerns are accommodated, the matter is settled peacefully and another potential flash-point is extinguished early. In the meantime however, each country must take pragmatic decisions and neither create anything that weakens itself or over-extends itself (physically or emotionally).
This is different. Last month post was a will do thing. This month is doing.

After all tought talk from China, the more U.S. pushing, China fall into defense stance. First Chinese said, dont you dare enter near our island, then U.S sail near their islands, Chinese said, dont you dare enter our 12 nm, U.S. enter 12 nm, the Chinese said, dont you dare to enter 2 nm, when U.S enter 2nm, the Chinese will says, Ok you go, U.S. Stays, the Chinese says, ok that is fine as long as you dont touch us.

If U.S. Ship = poor Vietnamese fishermen ship, the Chinese will sink it. That is Chinese, yeh that is right.

OK. If the US gets a free pass and other countries still won‘t dare to step in,then what’s the point of calling it free navigation?

China finds an excuse to militarize the islands,US gets a much needed ego boost. That's all.
Let's sit and watch the carton of Tom and Jerry.

I thought part of China worship to Monkey, pigs, snakes, etc. Why you hating?

You stupid cock even do not have any myth.
In a twist of event the US decided not to send LCS but a destroyer instead. Now we just wait and see how China deals with it. Nonetheless our construction activities have not been halted, lets be clear about this. The US has so far achieved nothing in persuading China to stop developing our islands. By not sending some battle groups the American government is also sending the message that they do not want to escalate the situation either. So do not get worked up, the Americans just wanna show the world we can still sail in international waters with a destroyer :lol:
WASHINGTON—A U.S. Navy destroyer sailed within 12 nautical miles of artificial islands claimed by China, in a direct challenge to Beijing that raises the stakes in an expanding, multination territorial dispute.

An American defense official confirmed Monday that the U.S. Navy ship navigated through the waters around at least one of the land masses to which China lays claim within the Spratly chain of islands in the South China Sea, crossing an area that China maintains is part of its sovereign territory.

International convention allows countries to claim territorial waters within 12 nautical miles of their coastal territory, but the U.S. and many other countries don’t recognize China’s claims to almost all of the South China Sea. Thus U.S. officials labeled Monday’s operation a “freedom of navigation” exercise.

Several U.S. defense officials said the navigation through the islands wasn’t a one-time operation, and that the U.S. Navy would continue to sail through waters claimed by Beijing.

U.S. Navy Ship Sails Near Islands Claimed by China - WSJ
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HEHE ... USS coming make ppl High, well my opinion is Chinese artificial islands building won't stop and speed up.
Unless War, such within 12 miles of island is another ADIZ case after months ppl will forget it, but USS warship won't patrolling months in SCS. :D

BTW according to news, USS also will patrol Vietnam/ Philippines islands in SCS ... so just see.

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They could use some motivation. Boasting will help China defeat the USA. You know. :)

US is the best.

China is only a developing nation.

HEHE ... USS coming make ppl High, well my opinion is Chinese artificial islands building won't stop and speed up.
Unless War, such within 12 miles of island is another ADIZ case after months ppl will forget it, but USS warship won't patrolling months in SCS. :D

BTW according to news, USS also will patrol Vietnam/ Philippines islands in SCS ... just see.

View attachment 267545 View attachment 267546

Artificial islands? :D

That's a non issue. US forgot about that. They used to care about it couple of months ago.

What US cares about is now 12NM.

Guess what will they care about few months from now?

China will keep feeding them.
China already have 7 island structure to ultilize for peace and war time purpose, in 2 yrs China already have the 7 function island in the middle of the SCS. Pivot to Asia not only allow China to build those artificial island in a short period of time and US hopelessly can't demand China stop further build up those island.
In a twist of event the US decided not to send LCS but a destroyer instead. Now we just wait and see how China deals with it. Nonetheless our construction activities have not been halted, lets be clear about this. The US has so far achieved nothing in persuading China to stop developing our islands. By not sending some battle groups the American government is also sending the message that they do not want to escalate the situation either. So do not get worked up, the Americans just wanna show the world we can still sail in international waters with a destroyer :lol:


US has long forgotten they used to care about artificial islands.

Wish all China's enemies had had such short memory.
Sail through or with 12 nm is pointless when China had the physical structure in the middle of the dispute area, now China literally and physically lay claim to those area. Those island still fly Chinese flag and US battleship can't do anything other than watch from the distance.

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