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South China Sea Forum


See what i mean? :lol:

The closer to vietnam the better.
Yeah, I only "fool" myself Chinese are strong and smart, can't face the "reality" that Vietnams is stronger and smarter, hehe!

Keep using the small or smaller marine police counter China, China is building bigger ships, I feel very "ashamed" of "bullying"
small vietnamese ship! BTW, keep begging Japan and USA.

Ur general never forget this tragedy in 1990 :pop:

Who killed 11 Chinese troops in Gaven Reefs in 1990 ?

Army since January 1988, has troops stationed seven Spratly reefs. The seven reefs are mostly suitable flooded reef, reef exposed at low tide, low tide vast expanse of water. Dizhan large reefs around everywhere, so the army only a few small reefs on the distribution and strength of comparative stagnation was at a disadvantage. Early garrison, because the defense is not perfect facilities, personnel stationed in South Reef smoked an accident occurs.

November 7, 1990, I found the Southern Command Nansha reefs lost radio contact.After the situation was reported to the South China Sea Fleet deployed immediately went to see the ship. Under the notification, the reef is a unit of Marines stationed in the preparation of 12 people, then should be 11 people (one reason temporarily off the reef). Inspectors found that the bodies of six soldiers on the reef, and another five people missing. Missing persons including reef Chang allegiance, vice reef long and correspondents. In addition to the personnel on the reef, the reef warrior Xu Huiping Yong Department reef due to the treatment of burns and survived. Inspectors found multiple bullet holes in the room, indicating where the fighting occurred. Then they picked up and from the underwater reef a few rifles, these guns are all our military garrison personnel standard rifle.

This event was caused no small vibration in the army, immediately set up by the South China Sea Fleet of the senior leadership responsible for the investigation team, in-depth and comprehensive investigation, and make rehabilitation work. Findings are confidential at the time, unable to understand the outside.

This strange incident, even if insiders are also controversial. Is encountered enemy special forces raid, fighting or other emergency occurs, the truth has not yet been fully understood.This incident, I analyzed are the following possibilities:

1, most likely by the army special forces is. Vietnamese troops in 1988, "3.14" Red Reef of Nansha sea battle at a disadvantage, must look for an opportunity to retaliate. But then I Nansha garrison high vigilance and patrolling troops, combat readiness, they are hard to find opportunities. I combined the naval prisoners of war captured in Zhanjiang Nansha trial, our government has not yet handed over to Vietnam. Since 1990, our military posture in Nansha is clear, I observe activity patterns reef and the ship's officers that they have already mastered their "revenge about" conditions ripe. According to common sense traces of science, this action does not leave any suspicious items, indicating that other means quite clever. Does not exclude the other is the master shooting, fighting, diving techniques, and even combat may wear body armor. If this action as a planned and premeditated military action, should be considered very successful. But not arbitrary conclusion is that after the successful implementation of this action the enemy, meritorious officers must reward, JiaGuanJinJue, will follow along with the media reports, trumpeted the so-called "heroic deeds", but did not. Things over the past 20 years, information and networks so advanced, Vietnam had not been seen in any public media reported. They do a job well done is confidential?

In addition to the newspaper, the Philippines, Malaysia, accounting for part of my Nansha Islands and, in theory, its military personnel have started to attack me in the reef may be. But the two countries have maintained friendly relations with China over the they dare decorum skin, desperate to take such a big political and military risks? Media in both countries are more open, we were not given any clues, so many years, it is no reflection.

Who killed 11 Chinese troops in Gaven Reefs in 1990 ?
This just feels so good, only the US and allies gets protests, in other words world players. Nobody ever protest against, say most of the world.
keep it coming brothers, keep it coming. What's a rock star without a fan base.

your rig ran away, ha ha

.It is enough. :D

By Nga Pham
BBC News


Sailors and journalists onboard the Vietnamese coast guard ship 8003 relaxed on deck as China towed away its oil rig

China's decision to move its oil rig from waters claimed by both Beijing and Hanoi near the disputed Paracel archipelago followed more than two months of intense maritime activity.

The decision will come as a relief to Vietnamese fishermen who claim they have been harassed by Chinese coast guard ships operating in the area.

But the new calm is an uneasy one in the choppy waters of the South China Sea.

"I have news for you," Captain Nguyen Van Hung told a group of sleepy journalists on board the Vietnamese Coastguard ship 8003 on the morning on 16 July.

"The Chinese seem to have moved their rig away so we may head back sooner than planned."

The 8003 had brought a handful of foreign and local journalists to the site near the Paracels where the Chinese state oil corporation CNOOC had placed its largest deep water rig - the Haiyang Shiyou 981 - in early May so that they could see it "with their own eyes".

Intimidating shadow

The previous afternoon, we had huddled together on the left side of the 8003's lower deck, trying to record on camera a cat-and-mouse chase between a dozen Chinese ships and a couple of Vietnamese vessels.

A small but agile Vietnamese fisheries boat with red and yellow stripes was flanked by two white Chinese maritime surveillance ships. Next to them, a huge Chinese vessel, the 3,000-tonne Haixun 22, cast an intimidating shadow over the chase.

The Vietnamese boat accelerated towards the coastguard ship just as two more Chinese ships appeared from behind. As the Vietnamese ships retreated, their loudspeakers blasted warnings to the Chinese ships in both Vietnamese and Chinese languages.

The chase lasted about 15 minutes, with the Chinese vessels only turning away once they were sure that the Vietnamese ships had been blocked from the rig.


Lieutenant-Colonel Ngo Minh Tung (right) was among several officials who briefed journalists


A Vietnamese fisheries boat (R) squared off with Chinese ships (L and C)


The 3,000-tonne Chinese ship Haixun 22 cast an intimidating shadow over the chase.

Similar scenes have taken place many times during the last two months. Sometimes they have turned more aggressive - each side has accused the other of ramming and using water cannon.

We were told there were at least 70 Chinese ships around the oil rig this week, while the number of Vietnamese boats was about 40.

All of them seemed to have disappeared during the night. The next morning, we woke up to an empty sea with only a couple of Vietnamese fisheries boats quietly sailing alongside our ship.

The captain said the oil rig began moving at 21:00 and by 08:00 the following morning was already some 30 nautical miles from its original location.

The Vietnamese quickly claimed victory.

"We were fighting [against the Chinese oil rig] with peaceful means… We have made them aware of their wrongful violation of Vietnamese sovereignty and so they have stopped," said Lieutenant-Colonel Ngo Minh Tung, a commander of the Vietnamese Coast Guard Zone 1.

Uncertain future

Vietnam's Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung hailed the "efforts by the Vietnamese people and law executing forces" and urged China "not to repeat its illegal actions".

China, meanwhile, emphasised that it was drilling in "indisputable" waters and accused Vietnam of "unjustified disruptions" to operations. State media outlets have stressed the removal of the rig had nothing to do with external pressures.

For our last dinner on board the 8003, celebratory beer and a bottle of champagne were served.

Young sailors pleased to return to shore so soon after leaving shared a few drinks and jokes, and took photos. We exchanged phone numbers and befriended each other on Facebook.

Only a couple of older officers did not seem so sure.

A veteran, who had served a long time in the Vietnamese navy before joining the coast guard, said the move of the rig was "good news".

"But we never know what will happen next, do we?" he asked.

Vietnam and China have had a long and turbulent history littered with conflict and mistrust.

Both countries claim sovereignty over the Paracels and adjacent waters. The Vietnamese say it is their traditional fishing grounds while the Chinese claim it lies within the so-called nine-dash line - which it uses to claim much of the South China Sea.

Nobody is prepared to give up sovereignty and so the waters of the South China Sea will remain a potential flashpoint, perhaps for a very long time.

As we were leaving the recently vacated oil rig site, Typhoon Rammasun was lashing the Philippines on its way north to the South China Sea.

With the storm looming, the sea was dark and unsettled - like the choppy relationship between Beijing and Hanoi.

BBC News - Vietnamese pop champagne as Chinese oil rig leaves
Can't say we are victorious yet. China will come back, with more rigs, ships and airplanes. We must be ready to face them when the time comes.
I guess the faces of delusional chinese posters here will turn from green to red because of anger.

It is too funny.

Yes, I know its just the beginning.
I guess the faces of delusional chinese posters here will turn from green to red because of anger.

It is too funny.

Yes, I know its just the beginning.
You idiot have dropped in deeply with your "patriotism" so called. Or please leave Germany and stay in that area no metter the storm "Rammasun" is coming. And can you represent Vietnam government? If not, so shut up. Or you'd better encourage Vietnam government and keep annoying China, and everybody can see what Vietnam can get at last. Some of you guys are totelly mad.
I suggest Vietnam member should take care the typhoon first, the Chinese oil rig will not suffer the storm since it has moved back, but houses cannot move. Storms come every year, people should prepare for that.
You idiot have dropped in deeply with your "patriotism" so called. Or please leave Germany and stay in that area no metter the storm "Rammasun" is coming. And can you represent Vietnam government? If not, so shut up. Or you'd better encourage Vietnam government and keep annoying China, and everybody can see what Vietnam can get at last. Some of you guys are totelly mad.
Stupid boy, our Govt. is not a dictatorship Govt. It is the present and work for the benefit of all VNese including over sea VNese (OV). The foreign money from OV help the country a lot in building a stable economy that dont depend too much on any super power nations.

When we can unite the sub-Mekong region to get stronger, u guys never can imagine what we will revenge on ur China and other nations that dare to attack, invade and killed VNese in history. Small countries that helped big countries to attack VN should learn the lesson from Champa- Khmer-Pol Pot and the last riots against China. The revenge will not be easy for them :coffee:
Stupid boy, our Govt. is not a dictatorship Govt. It is the present and work for the benefit of all VNese including over sea VNese (OV). The foreign money from OV help the country a lot in building a stable economy that dont depend too much on any super power nations.

When we can unite the sub-Mekong region to get stronger, u guys never can imagine what we will revenge on ur China and other nations dare to attack and invade VN in history. Small countries that helped big countries to attack VN should learn the lesson from Champa and Khmer and the last riots against China. The revenge will not be easy for them :coffee:
Dont want to argue with you such silly. At least, I have bought the ticket and take my parents in law leave Vietnam couples of days ago. Dont care what you said democracy or dictatorship or United Mekong.
I suggest Vietnam member should take care the typhoon first, the Chinese oil rig will not suffer the storm since it has moved back, but houses cannot move. Storms come every year, people should prepare for that.
Typhoon come and go every years, we wont have big problem with it.

Dont want to argue with you such silly. At least, I have bought the ticket and take my parents in law leave Vietnam couples of days ago. Dont care what you said democracy or dictatorship or United Mekong.
Yeah, u dont need to care bcz half of ur family is VNese. Im talking to let other idiot guys from the countries that attack and killed VNese in history to know what will happen to their countries when VN become stronger.

Even China with huge forces still can not have a chance to win VN. So, if they did bad things to VN in history, then its time for them to say sorry before too late. We r timid people in peace time, but we r very crazy at war time :smokin:
Typhoon come and go every years, we wont have big problem with it.

Yeah, u dont need to care bcz half of ur family is VNese. Im talking to let other idiot guys from the countries that attack and killed VNese in history to know what will happen to their countries when VN become stronger.

Even China with huge forces still can not have a chance to win VN. So, if they did bad things to VN in history, then its time for them to say sorry before too late. We r timid people in peace time, but we r very crazy at war time :smokin:
Make 90 million people Vietnam's GDP per captal over 1.4 billion China first, or what you said is nothing but make Vietnam 's imagine as a joke.
You idiot have dropped in deeply with your "patriotism" so called. Or please leave Germany and stay in that area no metter the storm "Rammasun" is coming. And can you represent Vietnam government? If not, so shut up. Or you'd better encourage Vietnam government and keep annoying China, and everybody can see what Vietnam can get at last. Some of you guys are totelly mad.
Are you angry now? :(
It's so funny as I said :D

By the way, what does your wife think of the oil rig, as she is vietnamese? Just curious.
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