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South China Sea Forum

it is similar if Vietnam negotiates with Brunei.

Don´t expect the Chinese ever understand it. they live in their own world.
The only thing they will understand is the barrel of the revolver.

As you said, they will never learn it. I think within 10 years China is going to make a very dumb move.

I will enjoy every second of it.
Even if the possibility of starvation from your bigger kid if he doesn't eat enough? Size and appetite is important in the real world. The bigger you are, you deserve to eat more because you need it more.
This statement is perfect insight into han thinking I could not sum it up better. In your chinese mind you think just because some one is bigger they deserve more. No body deserves more than others because of size. This is why all your neighbours dislike hans. This very thinking of the hans needs to be corrected.
It is not your cake. You are a guest at this table. you will take what is offered to you. It is not your house. China claims resources at the shores of other peoples countries. It is your decision but I remind you the revolver of the house lord is on the table.
Neither them. The resources are located near UNINHABITED ISLANDs in the middle of no where so everyone at the table is a guest to this god given gift. LOL

how many times do I need to drill it into your head?

we never recognise your accupation of Paracels.

the government of Vietnam silently tolerates your administration of the islands, until a final solution has been worked out.
nothing else. neither drilling nor expanding your activities into our EEZ.

Get it?
We never recognized Diaoyu as Japan, why can they nationalizing it. Where were you? I don't see you cry of justice for us.

This statement is perfect insight into han thinking I could not sum it up better. In your chinese mind you think just because some one is bigger they deserve more. No body deserves more than others because of size. This is why all your neighbours dislike hans. This very thinking of the hans needs to be corrected.
Ask our friend the USA why they eat more than others at any international arena.
You should know that, your government had nothing to show :)

Yi Xianliang said: "However, the Vietnamese side sent additional ships to the scene and continued to ram into Chinese vessels at the scene, said Yi, noting that from May 3 to 7, in a short period of 5 days, Vietnam had dispatched 36 vessels of various kinds which rammed Chinese vessels for as much as 171 times".
Ha ha ha, 171 times without evidence, and more than 1.3 billions chinese poeple believed him!!!

Yi: "In the course of collision, the Chinese side also found frogmen sent by the Vietnamese side 5 meters away from the Chinese government vessels, Yi said, adding that the Vietnamese side also placed many fishing nets and large obstacles in the waters, not only posing security threats to Chinese vessels and facilities, but also jeopardizing normal navigation security". Frogmen, 5 meters away from chinese government vessels? Only chinese baby have such nice imagination.

There are warships, I think, deployed to the area, at the moment, and the article I posted above says it clearly.

Why should China share images and videos with others? China does not recognize Vietnamese action, so, is not obliged to provide any proof.

China is not in the defensive. Wordiness best describes the Vietnamese. No Chinese officials other than spokespersons addressed the issue as yet.
how many times do I need to drill it into your head?

we never recognise your accupation of Paracels.

the government of Vietnam silently tolerates your administration of the islands, until a final solution has been worked out.
nothing else. neither drilling nor expanding your activities into our EEZ.

Get it?

Simple solution: since these chinese love their cake so much (see xunzi's post) and they believe larger people deserve more cake because they will starve without, all you need to is stop the delivery man, and the fatboy will fall. The strait of Malacca is very vulnerable to a naval blockade. Close it, and big boy will go hungry. You are very lucky to have china by their stomach.
The oil rig is within China's 200nm EEZ in reference to Zhongjian Island. Why should we remove our oil rig from our EEZ? :lol:

Come on, someone taught China how to read the convention please! EEZ extends from the BASELINE of the shore, not from a disputed island! If you don't read a contract, why do you sign it? I'm really confused!

Btw you have no legal right on Paracels. We, Vietnamese, were owning and administrating Paracel Islands from 18th Century, we pitched the flag in 1816, we have a lot of documents about setting our sovereignty and administrating those islands, a lot of documents from the Westerners that recognize and affirm our right. Leave your email and we will send you our proofs. What do you have? Some chinese fishermen visited it? The chinese never cared about Paracels until the 20th Century when it finally had a little power, and in 1974 you bring your navy there to invade our sovereign islands.
Simple solution: since these chinese love their cake so much (see xunzi's post) and they believe larger people deserve more cake because they will starve without, all you need to is stop the delivery man, and the fatboy will fall. The strait of Malacca is very vulnerable to a naval blockade. Close it, and big boy will go hungry. You are very lucky to have china by their stomach.
We don't need to be the one that will come knocking on your head if you block our business, instead our American friend will come knocking because we did a lot of trading with the USA! LOL
We keep it real just as our pragmatic policy have shown unlike the US who keep a two-face approach. LOL

US is double face, good and bad face

and China has single face. you copied what US imperialist did in the past, the bad face. Good choice of China man. So people in the world looks down at you.
We never recognized Diaoyu as Japan, why can they nationalizing it. Where were you? I don't see you cry of justice for us.
do the Japanese put an oil rig and send warships into your EEZ?
The UN law does not apply in this case if you read it. To be frank, international laws don't mean shit because treaties have been broken thousands of time throughout history. Laws are written and made by strong countries in power to make the rest believe they are relevant.
In this case China is drilling 18 miles off their Paracel islands, which is 120 miles from. Vietnam coast. Vietnamese ultra nationalist causing shit and lying for world support, or rather USA support. US will support them with more lip service and encouragement, nothing more.

Oh sh*t Sherlock the Nazi was reborn. :cheesy:
And china is wondering how the heck they have so may problems with other countries :cheesy:

Check the UNCLOS word by word which we signed

After that , you tell me we obey it or not .

Checked. 3 times. Word by word. No overlapping with your legal 12-mile territorial water and 200-mile extends from your BASELINE.
So the answer is NO. You didn't obey anything.
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do the Japanese put an oil rig and send warships into your EEZ?
Are you serious? LOL The Japanese and our American friends have a history of sending warships to spy on us in our 200 nautical miles.
Very clever tactic to round up, my friend.

1. Your EEZ is overlapping with our controlled territorial water. The equidistant principle of UNCLOS applied here because of overlapping. The international law regarding overlapping water is to settle diplomatically between two parties. The trouble is you have been reluctant to do it bilaterally. We are forcing your hand, that all, my friend.
2.. It is not illegal. Go look up UNCLOS in reference to our declaration before ratifying. We never accept any country EEZ if it overlaps with our territorial base.
3. We did obey. It's true who misleading fact. Do I need to bring up our declaration before signing off on UNCLOS?

1. According to what you have signed for (UNCLOS 1982), your territorial water extends 12 miles from the baseline of your shore. Your 200 nm EEZ even doesn't extend to that location. So, no overlapping with your legal.
2. Again. No overlapping with your legal right.
3. Ok. You did obey, like the pig can fly. Problem solved.
Two newest Chinese warships are monitored and taken picture by US Navy on international water close to the conflict area. These two are ready to "jump" in when situation is not in Chinese favor.


Two Vietnam Coast Guard vessels are under emergency repair after being rammed by Chinese ships



Extended clip on Chinese ship ramming Vietnamese vessels on 05/06/2014

Yesterday, PRC ordered seven warships into the area, inside Vietnam EEZ to intimidate Vietnamese Coast Guard ships protecting its territorial water. This video captured two Chinese warships, the first one is the fast missile attack craft 753, and the second one is the Type 053H1 frigate 金华 534.

Attack craft 753


金华 534

US is double face, good and bad face

and China has single face. you copied what US imperialist did in the past, the bad face. Good choice of China man. So people in the world looks down at you.
It is not even long ago, like 30 years ago, that the US supported their friend, British, fought a battle over Falkland. Imperialism still exist with double-face West. We did not increase our territorial gain since the formation of UNCLOS. Not even one inch.

It is issue between Vietnam and Japan IMHO. You invited yourself to the table. You should be lucky you are allowed to sit at the table IMHO. Japan has proven to be a rational and sane country. They should the stewardship in this case because they know how to solve issues peacefully. Also Japan could have influence to solve east-Turkistan issue. They are good mediators.
Do I need to remind you of the history of this fair face, called Japan? LOL When Japan dominated Asia, they brought chaotic and unequal treaty, blood, murder everywhere. When we were the most powerful in Asia, everyone was in the golden age. Just look at Asia growth today. We rise, all Asian states are getting richer. That, my friend, is the difference and why we continue to receive support from our neighbors despite what look like a bully tactic when it is not. If Japan is such a sane country, everyone in Asia will support them. Just ask Korea if they want Japan as leader. LOL
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