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South China Sea Forum

Ships came from China and Vietnam, playing water war around drilling rig.
Members in PDF, playing words war here.

we should sink all viet ships there
Vietnam informs the word press of Chinese provocation.

80 Chinese vessels including patrol boats and warships, with Chinese aircrafts flying over the zone.
Chinese vessels intentionally collided Vietnamese vessels, injuring many Vietnamese crew members.


People should understand why PRC chose this time to make a move. The US, EU and Russia are in locked position over Ukraine. So while the US has pledged to protect the Philippines and Japan, it is not likely to get involve in a non-allied country like Vietnam.

PRC is also in a strong position to bully Malaysia over MH370. Thailand is in turmoil. Thus, ASEAN countries are weaken and fractured thanks to China's hold on Cambodia. Russia, a long time partner of Vietnam is also unlikely to help due to being busy fighting with the US while having to get closer with China.

Vietnam has always been a stronger military in the region and is in direct confrontation with PRC in the SCS. Thus, PRC's effort in the past has been to bully the Philippines. But after Ukraine, PRC determined that it's worth changing direction to attack Vietnam now. This time, we have to rely on our own strength and sacrifice to repel the aggressors. Ironically enough, it happened when we are celebrating 60 year Victory at Dien Bien Phu. It's a painful reminder that Vietnam has always been a target of big nations so we must be vigilant.
Vietnam shall just back off and say i am sorry. You are egg. China is a stone. Never fight with a stone if you are a egg.

we should sink all viet ships there
For Vietnam, this's game is hard to play coz few Vietnam ships vs 80x China ships, and most r 1000-3000ton bigger than their fishing boat. Vietnam ship won't get any benefit to hit China ships.

80x ships like this size, how to play game ?

already told you don't alert with your comment on this topic.
None of your business.It is my FREEDOM and my RIGHT.You American guys should shut up.This is a problem between China and Vietnam.
it seems that the Chinese had probably planned this action months ago.
dispatching of warships and fighter jets into Vietnam water is really provocative and risks a war.
29 vs 80 today, interesting! let's wait for tomorrow, it's our backyard, more ship will come
Than you should be training, why are you here?
my father served in the navy. I would be glad if I could join.

Vietnam shall just back off and say i am sorry. You are egg. China is a stone. Never fight with a stone if you are a egg.
history shows we never gave up, even facing superior enemies.
why should we do this time?

the vice commander of Vietnam's coast guard says:

"Our maritime police and fishing protection forces have practiced extreme restraint, we will continue to hold on there,"
"But if (the Chinese ships) continue to ram into us, we will respond with similar self-defense."
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it seems that the Chinese had probably planned this action months ago.
dispatching of warships and fighter jets into Vietnam water is really provocative and risks a war.
@Viet Do u remember, that HD981 drilling rig i ever discussed with u in 2012, about a thread to introduce the biggest drilling rig made in China. In that time i thought it would deploy in SCS but u corrected me 2012 HD981 was deployed near HongKong waters. 2014 May it really moved to SCS.

Do u remember it ?
29 vs 80 today, interesting! let's wait for tomorrow, it's our backyard, more ship will come

China plans to commit 500 ships to the “game”。:coffee:

That does not include thousands of 500-700 tonne steel fishing vessels that are on standby to join the melee。:azn:
Latest news is Vietnam has deployed 69 ships to this area and the military is on high alert for possible war
Latest news is Vietnam has deployed 69 ships to this area and the military is on high alert for possible war

China can't wait for Vietnam to fire the first shot。

60 Type 022 missile vessels are all that PLAN needs to send the entire VNS to the bottom of the SCS。:D
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