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South Africa's Wayne Parnell converts to Islam

How many Muslims are there in the world now? ??? :D

1.5 billion muslims +1 more. :D

Anyways a great news indeed. Welcome to the Islam Waleed or Wayne Dillon Parnell.
1.5 billion muslims +1 more. :D

Anyways a great news indeed. Welcome to the Islam Waleed or Wayne Dillon Parnell.

Hey it's 1.6 billion + one more :angry:

Don't you dare giving wrong data on Muslim population :lol:

P.S Add one more....Barack Obama is also a "secret Muslim" :laugh:

May Allah Bless you and may Allah give us the born Muslims courage and light to adhere to the rules of Islam aimed at reforming the society.

I envy you and all those who convert after study and understanding.
Are you trying to verify or being believer of religious supremacy?

I am verifying here ....
And Yes as a Muslim I do believe in the supremacy of Islam over other faiths ...... and I acknowledge your right to view your faith in a similar light
ALLAHUAKBAR Enjoy the HOLY MONTH OF RAMADHAN .. which will be starting after few days .. i must say wonderful timing ....
Can someone convert ?

Let’s put it this way: Hinduism is not a “membership” kind of religion. In other words, in contrast to other religious organizations, one cannot simply point to a universal initiation ceremony and say that anyone who has gone through that ritual now is a member of the group. Hinduism is a very complex religion, involving world views, many different forms of beliefs and rituals, and multiple levels of social interaction. So, if you are looking for a point of “conversion” into Hinduism, it would be very difficult to put your finger on such a thing.
Let’s make a contrast with Islam, for example. One becomes a Muslim so long as one sincerely affirms the confession, “I give witness that there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” From that point on a person is a Muslim; whether he is a good Muslim or a bad one remains to be determined, but a Muslim he is. By contrast, then, there is no such point of entry into Hinduism. The very nature of the religion demands a self-identification on many different levels, which simply is not possible with a simple declaration.
Those who follow the Hindu way of life are Hindus. In the Mahabharata the great King Yudhishthira was asked, "What makes a brahmin -- birth, learning or conduct?" He replied, "It is conduct that makes a brahmin." Similarly, the modern Hindu may well state that it is conduct, based upon deep, practical understanding of dharma, karma and reincarnation, that makes a Hindu.
I am verifying here ....
And Yes as a Muslim I do believe in the supremacy of Islam over other faiths ...... and I acknowledge your right to view your faith in a similar light

Supremacy is a strong word with implications.

No religion has supremacy over another nor can it ever. One is as good as another. After centuries we should have realised this.
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