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South Africa's Wayne Parnell converts to Islam

The essence of all religions is the same to provide a framework for people to live peacefully,satisfy aspirations and progress in a manner that they can discern right from wrong. Manzil sab ki ek hai, raste alag hain. All books essentially say the same - be good, do good, help those in need, live a regulated life.

We may feel that just coz I or my religious leader is X number of years old or had read all the right books he knows more and threrfore his word is law and cannot be questioned or reasoned . We leave the interpretation to someone else. The granthis, Pandits, Mullahs or Priests are as human as you & me and suceptable to biases & prejudices. Add a political angle to this & you have a molotov cocktail on your hands. Only a spark is now needed.

What is expected from a good Muslim, Hindu, Jain, Sikh , christian , Jew and so on ? Does any religion tell you to hate another ? At a time when new lands were being explored it was natural for religions to spread clashes were natural. Now when we cannot consolidate what we have we squabble.

Religion to me is a very personal thing. Quite like the clothes I wear, the food I eat, the education , upbringing and values I give to my children. I do all these according to my values but in conformity with the needs of society, health & nutrition as applicable . Similarly, you too would do the same. Why should I question what you wear, whom you pray to,or what you eat so long as you are decently dressed for the occasion,are kind and helpful to the poor and needy and are healthy ? I also have no reason to impose my life style on others. Two sons living in the same house do not have similar traits yet love & respect their parents showing this in different ways. Would it mean one is better than another ?

Its quite like sub soil water we draw from our tube wells. The water and the air we breathe like God is the same, when drawn from Rahims tube well it becomes Muslim and so on.
Well said mate!

* I am an atheist though*
Assalam alaikum

Allah o Akbar, may Allah make his life easier and yes surely he has won dunia and akhira alhumdulillah. And we feel happy for anyone when we know he has chosen paradise over hell.

i dont know bout the afteraffects of parnell conversion...
But generally new converts are more religious than generation muslims....
i hope he s not doing that for publicity sake like how hollywood celeb will do for the sake of the films and then revert back to thier own religion....
But i am generally MUCH IMPRESSED BY HASHIM AMLA for his principles on liquor......
And the best convert till now i have seen is JULIA ROBERTS who is more religious(hindu) than normal hindus...
I am verifying here ....
And Yes as a Muslim I do believe in the supremacy of Islam over other faiths ...... and I acknowledge your right to view your faith in a similar light

Yes people can start believing in Hinduism if they want to. Conversion may not be appropriate word in that aspect but belief/practicing word is there. Julia Roberts and Russell brand are few e.g.

Well I dont care what others belief are for religions but for me religion is something very personal one want to believe and Mine are having a book for myself which may or may not fit to my parent's belief or neighbour's belief. Hence i dont bother if some one start believing like me.
Yes people can start believing in Hinduism if they want to. Conversion may not be appropriate word in that aspect but belief/practicing word is there. Julia Roberts and Russell brand are few e.g.

Well I dont care what others belief are for religions but for me religion is something very personal one want to believe and Mine are having a book for myself which may or may not fit to my parent's belief or neighbour's belief. Hence i dont bother if some one start believing like me.

thats selfish- you only want the heaven for your self- rest can go to hell- i am really sure even the God you believe in would not like such selfish people in his heaven-
thats selfish- you only want the heaven for your self- rest can go to hell- i am really sure even the God you believe in would not like such selfish people in his heaven-

Ha ha Good one.. it is not the matter of Heaven or hell or not of even religion (including mine). My belief are what I think, a bit Agnostic, bit Atheist and bit of everything good in all religions ,which in my opinion my parents cant do so my beliefs are different.
That's called Muslim by choice, and he certainly pissed many people on this forum. Losers they are...
Religion, religion and religion! :P

Pakistanis are so interested in such news! Even recent Pakistan-WI series thread did not had wide replies and welcomes. :rolleyes:

If a South African converts what is there for anyone outside South Africa?
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