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Sorry. Error 404: Page Not Found


Apr 24, 2007
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I am getting a lot of this when i post???

Sorry. Error 404: Page Not Found

I'm sorry, but the post or page you're looking for could not be found. It could be because of our recent re-design. Here are a couple of options that might help you.

Use the search box in the upper right-hand corner. Try scrolling through the monthly archives to the right. Try scrolling through the categories at the top of the page. As a last resort, you can focus all your mental energy on what it is you're looking for, and it might magically appear on your screen (not likely though).
Ya similar problem with me too,i sent a massage to webby regarding this,dont know he got it or not..
Yes, i too have encountered this particularly on one thread...initially i was getting it on all posts but now it is just limited to a few threads.
Very frustrating though.
Post all the links that lead you to that page.

I am trying to examine this problem.

It only happens to some people.
Guys this means the traffic on the website is massive and it is choking the site.

Webby its happening with me too.

It is clear sign that traffic is massive on the website. Besides if someone wants to choke the site, he would try to bring more traffic to the site to burn it to a jamming point.
No, this is something else. Because we are on a better server now.

Ohhh but i had been having same error in the past and now a days it again happening.

I thought due to too much people browsing the site thats why
Webby, yesterday after the talk we had, i did another thing, i started the thread with one para of the article and the thread opened, but when i pasted the next para in another post in the same thread, the same error came up. So i skipped that para and copied the rest of the full article and no problems faced.

Even if i now edit the thread and paste that one para in it, the error again comes up.

Something really strange, deleting this one para made the thread start up, but can't paste this one para in the article again as whenever i do, error 404 page not found gives.

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