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Sophistication of Indian tech is now sufficient to build a Rafale

Remember old golden egg story ...
man killed hen for golden egg at once...but lost it for long term
china gained in short term by killing hen / copying -stealing tech but lost for long term

This is what you said, but it is in fact the opposite.

Unlike India, China has been working for the long-term. Not just in military affairs, but economic affairs as well.

Deng Xiaoping cut millions of troops from the PLA, during the Cold War when both the USA and the USSR were openly enemies with us. Now that was a huge gamble.

But you're seeing the fruits of that gamble paying off now. Not only has our economy gone far ahead of India's, our indigenous defence industries have as well. We have inducted the world's very first ASBM platform (the DF-21D), and we have built two 5th generation fighters. Whereas India is still struggling to build a light combat aircraft.

As you can see, we bet on the long-term. Instead of spending our money on short-term imports and subsidies, we spent it on long-term indigenous manufacturing and investment.
Our fighter jet industry? LOL.
If anything the TOT from rafale deal , no matter how small or irrelevant it is, will act as an impetus to our FUTURE fighter get industry.
Seem you guy are desperate to buy rafale? China should buy 400 Rafale to cut the deal immediately.
This is what you said, but it is in fact the opposite.

Unlike India, China has been working for the long-term. Not just in military affairs, but economic affairs as well.

Deng Xiaoping cut millions of troops from the PLA, during the Cold War when both the USA and the USSR were openly enemies with us. Now that was a huge gamble.

But you're seeing the fruits of that gamble paying off now. Not only has our economy gone far ahead of India's, our indigenous defence industries have as well. We have inducted the world's very first ASBM platform, and we have built two 5th generation fighters. Whereas India is still struggling to build a light combat aircraft.

As you can see, we bet on the long-term. Instead of spending our money on short-term imports and subsidies, we spent it on long-term indigenous manufacturing and investment.
China started eralry than india is fact .. no one denied..
will China keep that advantage in changing warfare scenario wrt india yes for few deacded .. wrt no russia .. probale NO
wrt USA... defenelty No
your govt systm ..let work on certain system which india cant..
for good or bad .. reason its benefecial for china to stand today... and save money... build some know how..
but will china able to capitablise and become independent from russia let alone usa is MAIN question ..
you devlioing WS engine .. it may be succeful you become indepednt from russia
if not
then you are big problem if cant able to pull up russian depsite IPR issue
This is what you said, but it is in fact the opposite.

Unlike India, China has been working for the long-term. Not just in military affairs, but economic affairs as well.

Deng Xiaoping cut millions of troops from the PLA, during the Cold War when both the USA and the USSR were openly enemies with us. Now that was a huge gamble.

But you're seeing the fruits of that gamble paying off now. Not only has our economy gone far ahead of India's, our indigenous defence industries have as well. We have inducted the world's very first ASBM platform (the DF-21D), and we have built two 5th generation fighters. Whereas India is still struggling to build a light combat aircraft.

As you can see, we bet on the long-term. Instead of spending our money on short-term imports and subsidies, we spent it on long-term indigenous manufacturing and investment.

I don't think Rafale fan boys get this.

Seem you guy are desperate to buy rafale? China should buy 400 Rafale to cut the deal immediately.

There is arms sale embargo on China. Even if you wanted to buy it, it cannot be sold to you.
Seem you guy are desperate to buy rafale? China should buy 400 Rafale to cut the deal immediately.
You won't get it lol :p
But why embark on silly adventures you guys are well on your own atm.
Finally...... someone who can think independently and not be blinded by nationalist fervor........

Btw, indigenous engines will take at least three more decades..... rest of the systems/sub systems you are sort of on mark, two decades.......

The technology infrastructure just doesn't exist. From major subsytems like Engines, Radar, CNC Texture weavers, FLIR, to smaller systems like actuators, load cells, US transducers, Opto-electronics, metallurgy, ... It will take years to develop the technological environment to support multiple tech projects efficiently in India. ToT is a rather recent (last 3 decades) phenomenon and will set up the indigenous industry to take up technological challenges, the PIII implementation of AL alloy stampings, Air fame structure, in house designed servos and Actuators, and mission electronics for MKi is a prime example.

IAF cannot wait for another 15 years to get decent jets, and Rafale was evalauted as the best option for the IAF... Making strides in aeronautics is uphill task for any developing country, In another 10-20 years, we will see better results, just like we are seeing the achivements of ISRO today, due to the investments made throught the last two decades in the organisation.
You won't get it lol :p
But why embark on silly adventures you guys are well on your own atm.
Rafale is still way ahead of J10B in some aspects. We have 4 trillions dollar USd reserve and we can't buy shit except Russian weapons. We will rent you 20 billions to buy 126 Rafale if you agree to sign the border treaty to turn back AP.
China started ralry than india is fact .. no one denied..
will China keep that advantage in changing warfare scenario wrt india yes for few deacded .. wrt no russia .. probale NO
wrt USA... defenelty No
your govt systm ..let work on certain system which india cant..
for good or bad .. reason its benefecial for china to stand today... and save money... build some know how..
but will china able to capitablise and become independent from russia let alone usa is MAIN question ..
you devlioing WS engine .. it may be succeful you become indepednt from russia
if not
then you are big problem if cant able to pull up russian depsite IPR issue

Show me how India has done better for the long-term compared to China? Whether in indigenous defence industries or in economic matters?

You know we have the largest manufacturing base in the world, which has allowed us to amass currency reserves of around $4 trillion? Our currency reserves alone are more than double the entire Indian GDP.

Whereas India has only started to build a national manufacturing base, a process that took us 40 years to complete!

After 40 years into the future, will you come and say India has beat China in the long-term because India now has a national manufacturing base?

Even today China is already the largest market for industrial robots, after you are done in 40 years then industrial robots will be far more efficient and you'll be decades too late.

Your government is obsessed with short-termism, things like votebank subsidies, and imports. We are the opposite, we have always encouraged long-termism, and our own domestic industries, companies like Lenovo which are now the number one in the world PC market. We work for the long-term, you guys are the ones who work for the short-term, and it shows in your lagged development.
Rafale is still way ahead of J10B in some aspects. We have 4 trillions dollar USd reserve and we can't buy shit except Russian weapons. We will rent you 20 billions to buy 126 Rafale if you agree to sign the border treaty to turn back AP.

LOL. Then there is that. You really should be looking at giving cheap loans to neighbours and building an alliance like US with you 4 trillion $ reserves.

Unfortunately due to the political structure in China, you lack political maturity to handle relationships.
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