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Son of Kashmir Maharaja speaks about accession to India

Ah, that way. Silly me. You are right and I am wrong.

Your sarcastic dig in your second statement is actually more weighty than might appear. Yes, the whole issue should be discussed threadbare, but once there is an atmosphere of mutual trust: once the subvention stops, once the infiltration stops.

Before answering, please familiarise yourself with my views on the subject.

Sorry Joe, I am not a regular visitor on this forum so it is very hard for me to familiarize myself about your views. Besides, my standpoint will remain the same regardless of your point of view. Lets raise the issue of Kashmir on international forums. And when I say Kashmir, it includes AJK (for Indians: Pakistan Occupied Kashmir), GB and IOK.

Don't know about infiltration etc, but for the past several years, Pakistan has played a very peaceful role on this issue but in return we didn't get the same response from other side.


If and when you do take time out for a break, read Karan Singh's statement.

In one fell stroke, he makes a mess of our sly friend's whines about the Instrument of Accession, and confirms that the subjects to which the Union of India was given sovereign jurisdiction were limited to three; he goes on to underline the importance of Article 370. Finally, he makes the telling point that calling Kashmir India's internal issue is wrong, because that is an abdication of India's rights over the areas in the grip of Pakistan (and China).

A slap in the face of those very few Pakisatani members who quote the law endlessly without seeing where it is leading them.

Relax Joe, I never said that I agreed with what this traitor ibne traitor was saying ... I just provided an Indian Source for those who were not able to understand Urdu :coffee:

Try Again
in some sense cows are indeed holy to some ppl. It will be milked till the last drop of its blood.
as far as i understood by reading karan singh statement he is referring to ajk and gb by using the word "kashmir"

so for the UN and for the other countries he is bringing the whole "kashmir" into the context >>towards pleblicite i.e cok+Azad Kashmir+iok=kashmir

point number two ; we are already very much reluctant to invite UN into azad kashmir to "check" as india is not willing to do the same , in contrast ban ki moon is referring the atrocities of only ihk so is the IOC and that is a big diplomatic achievement for pakistan .

point number three; if we put light into the history "when pakistan liberated half of kashmir (occupied says by indians) the indians did not go to the UN same is the case with aksai chin " even nehru stated "what we gonna do with aksai chin even grass doesnt grows there" thus legitimating pakistan and china's kashmir stance vis a vis and shadowing the so called "the instrument of accession" signing by hari singh in favour of india:

point number four ; i am waiting for the time to come when UN amend its constitution regarding kashmir and says "indian army need to withdraw first" in order to get the plebiscite in all over "indian held kashmir" as well due to there heinous acts on unarmed civilians and encroachments there as nothing literally is happening in azad kashmir and aksai chin .

final point ; "now finally kashmir isnt internal matter of india" as said by karan ..now bring it on ..everybody knows whats happening on your side my fellow indians and you cant says every mother and sister you raped and every innocent adult and child you injured through pellets and killed through guns were armed terrorists(freedom fighters) supported by pakistan.

literally by seeing those (star+crescent) flags raised and by seeing recent developments diplomatically geopolitically in context to the indian occupied kashmir . i am totally confident that we will be having more of kashmir more than five districts that you claims to be in turmoil ...bring it on .
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