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Son of Kashmir Maharaja speaks about accession to India


Jul 11, 2010
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Saudi Arabia
Well even your Chinese friends cannot read this. And they are supposed to be well read.
They are not obsessed. How many Chinese you have seen commenting in Pak-India threads. Even if they stumble upon this thread, all they will do is sing a Pak-China friendship song and second Pakistan without questioning and that's what we call a true friendship and it leaves any many in India needing super dose of burnol...I think you are not one of them hopefully..mate or ma'm
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They are not obsessed. How many Chinese you have seen commenting in Pak-India threads. Even if they stumble upon this threa, all they will sing is a Pak-China friendship song and second Pakistan without even knowing that's what is called true friendship and it leaves any many in India needing super dose of burnol...I think you are not one of them hopefully..mate or ma'm

And this is the best part.. Indian ministers go to China to convey Indian reservations on CPEC and to beg for the Chinese support for NSG membership, and Chinese just sing "Pak Cheen Dosti Zindabad" in response.... lol
They are not obsessed. How many Chinese you have seen commenting in Pak-India threads. Even if they stumble upon this threa, all they will sing is a Pak-China friendship song and second Pakistan without even knowing that's what is called true friendship and it leaves any many in India needing super dose of burnol...I think you are not one of them hopefully..mate or ma'm

Question is still, can they read this? I doubt. When you post some thing and expect someone to respond, atleast it should be in a language that is understood by all the parties.
Question is still, can they read this? I doubt. When you post some thing and expect someone to respond, atleast it should be in a language that is understood by all the parties.

I am confirming to you, even if you translate your concern in Chinese, they will still sing "Pak Cheen Dosti Zindabad"..

By the way, are you one of the four girls in your profile pic?
Does anyone think if Kashmir should get a team in the IPL?
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