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Son in law of Ayman Al Zawahiri arrested from Karachi

The Problem with this is the talent and investors from the diaspora need fertile ground to plant their ideas, and investments into. There are many who want to see the status quo continue, because their livelihoods, their financial empires are built on the continuation of the snails pace of development. This is while we only have this demographic dividend for the next 20-30 years, after which where we land will be really hard to grow out of. India has changed the rules and made places their expats can return to and contribute back into.

A solution would be the government creates R&D incubators inside its top universities. The top talent inside the country do the vetting process of proposals by Overseas Pakistanis. Sort of like the TV Show Shark Tank. Then those that look feasible get adopted in partnership between the Local top talent Professors and researchers and the Overseas Pakistanis. A small Government grant with 3-6 months window, to test out ideas, should be given to a select number of ideas, while other ideas can be picked up by private investors. At the end of 3-6 months, at monthly meetings of each universities seminars forum, results can be shared. If they show merit, the results can be validated by another team, and then applied at the district level for field testing for another 3-6 months.

The government will have to fend off the status qou people at the district level, and if positive results are achieved, the government can declare it on a national level, and impose change by their writ of the state and force change.

In terms of status quo who is at fault you would say preventing such actions
In terms of status quo who is at fault you would say preventing such actions

Pick any Industry; Lets pick agriculture

1. Think of all the bureaucrats that would get in the way of approving any change
2. Think of any big land owners (any one holding large market share in any of our industries currently) that will see a decrease in their relative share of the yield; decreasing their profits
3. Any current supplier or manufacturer of products currently used in that industry will go out of business.
4. any current skilled person who up on the current best techniques (this person is the least culpable as they can be trained on new techniques but may not want to do the hard work of learning)
5. and last but not least; people who know the system and have bribed their way over the years to the best stakes in the industry; such as people who get more water to their fields or water before others, or cheaper fertilizer from the government, etc.

This is the face of the Status Quo; Tens of Millions of Pakistanis. You need long term government backing to overcome these kinds of hurdles.
Just wondering why these terrorist do not go to Iran which is another neighour of Afganistan and also an enemey of US....I know many Pakistan posters may not like my question....Technically all these anti US terrorist should feel assured in anti US Iran rather than roaming around in Pakistan...
Iran is shia homeland so all shua terrorists like hizbullah etx go there and train there

Afghanis are not monolithic and only afghani pashtuns are taliban. Pashtuns live around border areas of Pakistan mostly and they migrated to Pakistan in large numbers. Farsi speakers migrated to Iran. Afghani taliban can easily blend in for that reason just in case you was wondering why.

Not to forget Iran have strict border policy and they don't let them outside camps.

Imran Khan claim is right. Pakistan even now doesn't have proper control on afghani border, case in point recent murder of Dawar in Afghanistan. Its not a easy border to control and neither cheap for Pakistan. Even if Pakistan stayed neutral from 80's, chances are terrorists would have moved to Pakistan if everything else happened as it happened.
USA canr Cantrol mexico boarder with bigger for boarder security being 3 times higher than Pakistan all military budget
The ummah again biting Pakistan. This goes on, on and on ....

where exactly does the Ummah come in here now?
Or you lack the brains to comprehend the difference between CIA/Mossad trained operatives out there to earn blame for the Ummah, and a person called "Muslim"?
And then IK claims no Pakistani was involved with 9/11. How does that work, again, when so many right up to OBL were found there and yet no Pakistani is involved?

They find many more Al Qaeda hiding in europe... So you can ask the same question... How come no European country involved???
where exactly does the Ummah come in here now?
Or you lack the brains to comprehend the difference between CIA/Mossad trained operatives out there to earn blame for the Ummah, and a person called "Muslim"?
You sound like the type of guy who will even blame CIA/Mossad conspiracy if you have premature ejaculation. And you being in UAE I hear the Zionists are cozying up with UAE?
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Pakistan COULD play a better game, but.....

Operation Gibraltar which led to the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965, was ill-planned adventure. Ayub Khan saw China humiliating India in a conflict in 1962 and thought that Pakistan could do the same in Kashmir. How it all turned out in the end? Neither US and nor China were there to help us take Kashmir by force.

India became ANGRY, and took full advantage of Pakistani political crisis in 1971. Even if East Pakistan was destined to separate, this could happen organically - not by the hands of India.

Kargil War was another mistake; not sure what Pervez Musharraf was thinking.

"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

Apparently no lessons were drawn from Operation Gibraltar earlier.

Hardly any Pakistani realize the fact that both Operation Gibraltar (1965) and Kargil War (1999) affected PAK - US relations on the sidelines, because Pakistan was the aggressor in each case, and US was never comfortable with Indo-Pakistan clashes to begin with.

As far as PAK - US engagements are concerned, Pakistan had no ENDGAME in relation to Operation Cyclone under Zia regime and the War On Terror under Musharraf-led administration. Pakistan just went with the flow in each case, and have paid a terrible price. End result is that PAK - US relations are fractured then ever. And India is increasingly hostile on top.

GAME is about thinking long-term - having an EXIT STRATEGY for a conflict in which you are a willing partner, and not to pick fights with a BIG NEIGHBOR unnecessarily. GAME is about letting the events unfold in an organic way, and when the time is right to push somebody off the cliff, give a minor push. GAME is about building an international image which serve you better in the long-term.

Unfortunately, Pakistani are too infatuated with MUSCLES, and have no GAME. We think that we can handle India on our own, but we fail to account for external elements in the game.

I am not sure what would be the outcome of China + Pakistan versus US + India + Israel SAGA (BIG DESIRE of some) but this won't end well for Pakistan in the end - I do not give a shit about what happens to India but I do care about the fate of Pakistan and my family. Infatuation with MUSCLES does not end well, period. Much of the country is conditioned to think on the lines of establishment, and not ask questions. Those who do - are declared traitors and silenced.

I cannot disagree with most of the above, which is well put indeed.

However, I also understand that it is up to Pakistan to determine its national policies, misguided or not, as they may be. If they now wish to become a client state of China instead of USA because of perceived national interests, then they do have the right to become so.

and whose fault is that, if you squeeze Afghanistan where are they going to end? in Nigeria? ..how can you stop them passing over to Pakistan in an uncontrolled afghan boarder, any attempt to control has been impossible by afghan with support of US..
who left them flourish in Afghanistan and didnt care....

if only USA would have supported boarder control/fencing, and return of refugees then Pakistan wouldn't have had any excuse..

fact is al qeda is now more active in IRaq, syria and yemen, thanks to pakistan squeezing them here and USA allowing unstability in these regions

You are correct in saying that there is much more that USA itself could have done, and better.

Imran Khan claim is right. Pakistan even now doesn't have proper control on afghani border, case in point recent murder of Dawar in Afghanistan. Its not a easy border to control and neither cheap for Pakistan. Even if Pakistan stayed neutral from 80's, chances are terrorists would have moved to Pakistan if everything else happened as it happened.

Please do not forget that there are influential smuggling cartels for drugs and goods in whose interest it is to maintain a porous border.

They find many more Al Qaeda hiding in europe... So you can ask the same question... How come no European country involved???

Good question. Now what is the answer given that no EU country has been found to harbor or support the hiding of AlQaida operatives, or of deceit and duplicity in this matter?
Good question. Now what is the answer given that no EU country has been found to harbor or support the hiding of AlQaida operatives, or of deceit and duplicity in this matter?

Same thing for Pakistan. There is no evidence of supporting Alqaida either.
Same thing for Pakistan. There is no evidence of supporting Alqaida either.

You are correct, there is no proof of Pakistan's official complicity. However, the propaganda value of where OBL was found continues to be devastating in its impact.
You are correct, there is no proof of Pakistan's official complicity. However, the propaganda value of where OBL was found continues to be devastating in its impact.

Correct. The propaganda value is undoubtedly hurting Pakistan's image. This is largely due to the incompetence of the civilian governments and lack of transparency and coordination from the military establishment.
Correct. The propaganda value is undoubtedly hurting Pakistan's image. This is largely due to the incompetence of the civilian governments and lack of transparency and coordination from the military establishment.

And if and until the civilians are competent and the military is less secretive, this is likely to continue to the detriment of the country.
One of the best intelligence agencies in the world cannot be called idiots. They know what they are doing, clearly.

Pakistan was the client, I can agree with that. Pakistan got what it wanted, clearly, and now it must deal with the aftermath too.
Pakistan is dealing with it.

I hope ur uncle sam does too... but damn bastards never do.

Not even after their “holy warrior” friends fk em right in the p....

I mean pentagon..:lol:
Pakistan is dealing with it.

I hope ur uncle sam does too... but damn bastards never do.

Not even after their “holy warrior” friends fk em right in the p....

I mean pentagon..:lol:

Yes, the world can see how both Pakistan and USA are dealing with the situation. :D
. .
And if and until the civilians are competent and the military is less secretive, this is likely to continue to the detriment of the country.

Militaries are always supposed to be secretive and powerful that is their core mandate.

Although powerful and secritive, military establishment still has to be accountable to a civilian government and within Constitution. However, it is when the civilian government is compromised and corrupt to the core do you see that accountability breakdown due to a trust deficit.

Thankfully that is reversing due to the more competent Imran Khan government.
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