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Son in law of Ayman Al Zawahiri arrested from Karachi

Why blame the CIA alone? After all ISI did work very hard to help out CIA in the field in this endeavor, did they not?
True but you know and I know the driver, the primary driver was USA. If you took out USA from the equation it would not have happened. Pakistan was the client state that fleshed out Brzezinski's Bear trap .....
thanks to ANP a lot of TTP run away comes to Karachi and hide among the Pashtoon areas .. Tribal's are still sympathetic towards TTP and AQ , because of Islam and Pashtoon Pashtoon birathar .

Pretty sure talies in Karachi are completly decimated by rangers and police. Look at number of attacks in Karachi by taliban for last few years, 0. Karachi no longer have “no go” areas.

Though this peace shouldn’t be taken for granted.
ISI were useful idiots who had no idea about the shitstorm they were about to help create.

One of the best intelligence agencies in the world cannot be called idiots. They know what they are doing, clearly.

True but you know and I know the driver, the primary driver was USA. If you took out USA from the equation it would not have happened. Pakistan was the client state that fleshed out Brzezinski's Bear trap .....

Pakistan was the client, I can agree with that. Pakistan got what it wanted, clearly, and now it must deal with the aftermath too.
. . .
Brilliant mind, deeply evil. Its Pakistans fault for letting themselves become a proxy.

There are no faults or evil in international geopolitics. Pakistan, just like every other sovereign nation, is playing for its own national interests as best as it can, as is USA.

Which it is. Close up and post dated. USA as well. From afar. So no pointing fingers please ..

Not at all. All sides and parties must be treated fairly and equally, as above.
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Why blame the CIA alone? After all ISI did work very hard to help out CIA in the field in this endeavor, did they not?

Zia didn’t use Islam card till CIA money. For 2 years between 1977-79, Islam didn’t even come to picture when he toke over.

ISI were just hired prostitutes.
. .
Zia didn’t use Islam card till CIA money. For 2 years between 1977-79, Islam didn’t even come to picture when he toke over.

ISI were just hired prostitutes.

May I remind you that ISI is one of the best intelligence agencies in the world.

It's not. All the blames seems to be dumped on Pakistan.

Not by me, and not by many others. But we need to keep in mind that rules of international geopolitics are somewhat different compared to the personal or social domains.
thanks to ANP a lot of TTP run away comes to Karachi and hide among the Pashtoon areas .. Tribal's are still sympathetic towards TTP and AQ , because of Islam and Pashtoon Pashtoon birathar .

Nothing to do with islam... is ethnic insurgency... ethnicity has no place in islam
there should be no room for any terrorists(good or bad) as good can become bad once the enemy buys them. secondly their extremist ideology and mind set is the worst thing they bring along in a society.
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Brilliant mind

deeply evil
Depends on your perspective. He hated Russians. I think his family were Polish aristocrats that lost everytrhing thanks to Russians and migratyed to USA. This was his payback. And I respect him for being brutally honest.

You don’t regret anything today?

Brzezinski: Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter: We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war. Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war unsupportable by the government, a conflict that brought about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire.

Q: And neither do you regret having supported the Islamic [integrisme], having given arms and advice to future terrorists?

Brzezinski: What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?

Q: Some stirred-up Moslems? But it has been said and repeated: Islamic fundamentalism represents a world menace today.


When the Jihadis were good guys !

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