Fair points, but they all seemed like good ideas at the time. With the benefit of hindsight, it is easy to judge more harshly.
And besides, what is the option other than playing in the game? Sit it out on the sidelines? Pakistan cannot remain insulated to what is going on all around it, and within it.
Pakistan COULD play a better game, but.....
Operation Gibraltar which led to the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965, was ill-planned adventure. Ayub Khan saw China humiliating India in a conflict in 1962 and thought that Pakistan could do the same in Kashmir. How it all turned out in the end? Neither US and nor China were there to help us take Kashmir by force.
India became ANGRY, and took full advantage of Pakistani political crisis in 1971. Even if East Pakistan was destined to separate, this could happen organically - not by the hands of India.
Kargil War was another mistake; not sure what Pervez Musharraf was thinking.
"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
Apparently no lessons were drawn from Operation Gibraltar earlier.
Hardly any Pakistani realize the fact that both Operation Gibraltar (1965) and Kargil War (1999) affected PAK - US relations on the sidelines, because Pakistan was the aggressor in each case, and US was never comfortable with Indo-Pakistan clashes to begin with.
As far as PAK - US engagements are concerned, Pakistan had no ENDGAME in relation to Operation Cyclone under Zia regime and the War On Terror under Musharraf-led administration. Pakistan just went with the flow in each case, and have paid a terrible price. End result is that PAK - US relations are fractured then ever. And India is increasingly hostile on top.
GAME is about thinking long-term - having an EXIT STRATEGY for a conflict in which you are a willing partner, and not to pick fights with a BIG NEIGHBOR unnecessarily. GAME is about letting the events unfold in an organic way, and when the time is right to push somebody off the cliff, give a minor push. GAME is about building an international image which serve you better in the long-term.
Unfortunately, Pakistani are too infatuated with MUSCLES, and have no GAME. We think that we can handle India on our own, but we fail to account for external elements in the game.
I am not sure what would be the outcome of China + Pakistan versus US + India + Israel SAGA (BIG DESIRE of some) but this won't end well for Pakistan in the end - I do not give a shit about what happens to India but I do care about the fate of Pakistan and my family. Infatuation with MUSCLES does not end well, period. Much of the country is conditioned to think on the lines of establishment, and not ask questions. Those who do - are declared traitors and silenced.