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Some Indian Wet Dreams.

I get your point. You have a problem with a Hindu army in Afghanistan.

But what if India sends a Muslim Army?

What if India sends a division of only Pathan soldiers?

In all seriousness, India is not going to fight America's war. There will be no Indian soldiers in Afghanistan, except maybe in advisory role to the government of Afghanistan.
Well, in that case that Muslim div would be treated and greeted like the ANA.
I get your point. You have a problem with a Hindu army in Afghanistan.

But what if India sends a Muslim Army?

What if India sends a division of only Pathan soldiers?

In all seriousness, India is not going to fight America's war. There will be no Indian soldiers in Afghanistan, except maybe in advisory role to the government of Afghanistan.
I doubt India has enough Pathans ,other than in Bollywood that would like to join the army.
Someone share this tweet with the Pakistani thinktank. This is just brilliant ! Hindu soldiers on the ground in Afg would be a GodSend for Pakistan ! Its exactly what we need, after the gangoos are roasted, the Taliban would be marching towards Kashmir, all we'd need to do is to provide them a safe passage way. You don't mess with the Taliban, they are as tough as they come. I remember a story regarding the Haqqani group leader, Haqqani himself, who was shot in the leg and refused to take any anesthesia because he was fasting. These guys have dedicated themselves to Allah, they're not savages as the main stream media makes them out to be. My father back in the days, went to Afg to train with them and used to be a hardcore islamist like them. He has different views now but looking at my father who is the most fiercest man that i have EVER seen in my life, these guys are just not to be messed with.
Since you are a Pushtun, you should know better than me.
You see, we do have very small Hindu minority in my hometown, deeply situated, besides north waziristan. I have friends from a local Hindu family, taking care of a Mandir there, they're Sharma's. Then we have a few thousand other low caste Hindus, the lowest cast.

They live here happily and all, speak better Pashto than me. Things and sentiments change entirely if a foreign army lands in our place.
You see, we do have very small Hindu minority in my hometown, deeply situated, besides north waziristan. I have friends from a local Hindu family, taking care of a Mandir there, they're Sharma's. Then we have a few thousand other low caste Hindus, the lowest cast.

They live here happily and all, speak better Pashto than me. Things and sentiments change entirely if a foreign army lands in our place.

Good to know but as a Christian and I am more interested in Christians in Pakistan than Hindus.
I am starting this thread just to elaborate how delusional Indians are from top to bottom. The assault by Taliban today in Kunduz have really unnerved the Indian establishment and their proxies. They have been working overtime to figure out ways to counter our moves and to destabilise the region further. I would request my countrymen to counter their propaganda on the social media with full might.
Subramanian Swamy is a former BJP minister and member of the upper house. His views are heard and acted upon by the BJP think tank. I consider him next to Ajit Doval in policy making viz a viz Pakistan. Today he sent out a message on the social media ,though silly but must be taken seriously.

Another one of his muppet disciples had this to say.

I strongly feel its time to stop internal bickering and focus on the true enemy.I hope we will agree to this.

Oh how i wish india would reppace US and NATO forces in Afghanistan.
Good to know but as a Christian and I am more interested in Christians in Pakistan than Hindus.
Christians in Pakistan are well integrated in the society and enjoy more democratic rights along with other minority communities ,than their fellow Muslim compatriots.
With the weapons Pakistan have, its impossible to blockade sea routes by india. Plus there are chinese interests as gawadar is run by china. Its just their dumb fanboy dreams.
Well, in that case that Muslim div would be treated and greeted like the ANA.
It was you who were harping on the "Hindu" army, just like the RSS communalizes everything and sees everything through a religious lens. Don't be like the RSS.

Indian Army does not have a religion.

Let the Taliban and ANA and ISIS fight. Indian Army will not send a single soldier in that hellhole for USA.
O boy we would love to see india get into this sink hole! Indians are peanuts for taliban.. First thing india looses to taliban will be kashmir if this is what these people are planing bravo!.

Even usa couldn't defeat taliban india would be eaten alive

indians are the new toys for Zionists. America has been used and abused and American willingness to play to the tunes of Tel Aviv is slowly dying out. Hence, they found india now and indians, being dumb through their hate and cunningness will just get themsleves involved in everything.
I say let them come to Afghanistan and destroy their economy and unity in a single go. Trust me, Pakistani establishment will even facilitate their movement to Afghanistan if they are so willing. Just send a few lakh of troops because 100'swill die on a daily basis...
It was you who were harping on the "Hindu" army, just like the RSS communalizes everything and sees everything through a religious lens. Don't be like the RSS.

Indian Army does not have a religion.

Let the Taliban and ANA and ISIS fight. Indian Army will not send a single soldier in that hellhole for USA.
I'm not sure you understand the ground realities of a Hindu army vs a Muslim div of Indian army.

Yes there's a religious aspect to it, that too pretty strong. I think what rss is doing is natural, it was bound to happen, with the Indian Hindus seeing their dominance in all walks of life after hundreds of years of subversion.

I'm not complaining against rss, I would complain if Indian Muslims won't wisen up and understand what's happening/ cooking there, and won't take measures.

indians are the new toys for Zionists. America has been used and abused and American willingness to play to the tunes of Tel Aviv is slowly dying out. Hence, they found india now and indians, being dumb through their hate and cunningness will just get themsleves involved in everything.
I say let them come to Afghanistan and destroy their economy and unity in a single go. Trust me, Pakistani establishment will even facilitate their movement to Afghanistan if they are so willing. Just send a few lakh of troops because 100'swill die on a daily basis...
Yes they are the new tools.

See the cover of the Economist 2019, as to how the world would look like in 2019. It depicts Gandhi with his right hand missing. Of course Kashmir or khalistan won't come to fruition this year, but the seeds have been sown.
Let the Taliban and ANA and ISIS fight. Indian Army will not send a single soldier in that hellhole for USA.

You are right that India would not do it. That is why the title of the thread is "Some Indian Wet Dreams".:p::p::p:
I am starting this thread just to elaborate how delusional Indians are from top to bottom. The assault by Taliban today in Kunduz have really unnerved the Indian establishment and their proxies. They have been working overtime to figure out ways to counter our moves and to destabilise the region further. I would request my countrymen to counter their propaganda on the social media with full might.
Subramanian Swamy is a former BJP minister and member of the upper house. His views are heard and acted upon by the BJP think tank. I consider him next to Ajit Doval in policy making viz a viz Pakistan. Today he sent out a message on the social media ,though silly but must be taken seriously.

Another one of his muppet disciples had this to say.

I strongly feel its time to stop internal bickering and focus on the true enemy.I hope we will agree to this.

These indian are incredibily stupid. If NATO the world's "best" trained force in the world could not beat the afgan taliban what makes him think that a 2nd rate army india can defeat them....

what a joke
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