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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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No such a thing.
Coups have no place in the constitution. 3 years ago 35th. governing law related the domestic service of the Turkish Armed Forces has been changed. Army has no right to change the govt. regime etc. TSK is under authority of the Great assembly.

Well, enjoy your Islamic theocracy.
Aren't you a big supporter of palestinian terrorism? how do you square showing such 'humanity' for innocent civilians, but then support those who stab 13 year old girls in their bed?

You didn't answer his question. Your hatered for Islam blinded you?
Turkish air tankers from İncirlik Airbase, not US tankers.

10. Tanker Base, İncirlik Adana.

So there was F-16s that were part of the rebellion? Last I heard an F-16 shot down a Blackhawk that was taking part in the rebellion.

One video showed an F-16 with afterburner flying very low, I am curious which side that F-16 was on.
Aren't you a big supporter of palestinian terrorism? how do you square showing such 'humanity' for innocent civilians, but then support those who stab 13 year old girls in their bed?

Typical Zionist trying to put words into people's mouths.

If a Palestinian attacks an innocent Israeli/Jew then he is no better then the terrorist Zionist government he claims to be rebelling against.

Not what you wanted to hear? Sorry to disappoint you. Difference between me and you is you don't mind your army bombing women and children. Heck, your fighting against people with no army/air force /Navy. The epitome of cowardice.
You didn't answer his question. Your hatered for Islam blinded you?

He wasn't asking me the question.

All I'm doing here is trying to save the Turks from becoming a failed state - which is where they are heading. The Sultan is taking them down a dark road.

I don't want Turkey in 20 years time when its ravaged by civil war, to come cap-in-hand to the west needing to be bailed out and refugees taken in.
I'm sorry but after firing from war machines onto unarmed civilians... "I was just following orders" excuse just doesn't cut it.

No, the foot soldiers on Bosporus bridge were not in F16; I doubt they even were ever inside an F16. And, if rumors are true, then these soldiers were supposed to be in some military 'drill'.
There is no excuse for this kind of show of public cruelty and humiliation. Just shows the divide in the Turkish society. An a disregard for human dignity by a segment of the society.
Heck, your fighting against people with no army/air force /Navy. The epitome of cowardice.

Was it cowardice when the Arabian entity attacked a bunch of Jewish farmers and Holocaust survivors in 1948 with the full might of the British-trained combined Arab armies?

You keep flapping your gums and embarrassing yourself.
I don't get why all those soldiers get trashed and humiliated like this. After all,they were just following the orders from their superiors..... If anything,it should be their chiefs that should be humiliated like this. A soldier always follow the orders. When I was in the army what already we were telling me... Oh I remember. 'Thinking (Or questionning the orders) is starting to disobey'. (Sorry for the poor translation.) @flamer84

I kind of understand you...but if given the order would you fire upon your unarmed citizens ?

Especially these soldiers on the Bosporus bridge fired upon people, caused many civilian deaths.
Was it cowardice when the Arabian entity attacked a bunch of Jewish farmers and Holocaust survivors in 1948 with the full might of the British-trained combined Arab armies?

The Arab armies were and are a joke.

Anyway, So that makes treatment of Palestinians all okay then. Silly me.
These reactions from some nations are priceless ... 'We respect democratic institutions in Turkey .... Kerry: No one saw a coup in Turkey coming .... :rofl: :enjoy:

For those saying don't humiliate some of the soldiers, look at your own country first, they probably would be sent to firing squad or even worse immediately. The Turkish police forces literally took whole world by surprise, and of course the civilians who went to work instantaneously. This encouraged me to visit Turkey, give hugs and sweets to every police I see there. 8-)
Pathetic treatment of great soldiers .... they were not traitors or terrorist ... they were asked by their higher authorities to do and they did as commanded .. poor chaps
So there was F-16s that were part of the rebellion? Last I heard an F-16 shot down a Blackhawk that was taking part in the rebellion.

One video showed an F-16 with afterburner flying very low, I am curious which side that F-16 was on.
Not one but several. They were from 141. Fleet which is based in Ankara Akıncı airbase.

All low flying F-16s were part of the rebels.

As i said earlier because rebels captured all of the top military brass of the airforce, reaction from the other air bases delayed. Later on Jets from Eskişehir air base bombed the runway of Ankara's Akıncı air base which was in the control of rebels.
So there was F-16s that were part of the rebellion? Last I heard an F-16 shot down a Blackhawk that was taking part in the rebellion.

One video showed an F-16 with afterburner flying very low, I am curious which side that F-16 was on.

both sides had jet bases.
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