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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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And again, to the Zionists and peasants of Europe ie Romanians etc, just read what world leaders are saying the US and European leaders (significant ones that actually matter) are saying. All supporting Erdogan and democracy.

It's funny to see you getting all hot and bothered in your bedrooms though!

Yo,dork,we're discussing in here and we're allowed an opinion.Crawl back to your cave if you don't like it.
HAPPENING NOW: President heading to White House situation room to meet with national security advisers about Turkey.

This is Islamism. Revenge is a central tenet.

Many Turks have been in denial for a decade about what is happening to their country. But we have all seen it from the outside. The banning of protests, the jailing of journalists, the support for terrorist groups in Syria, the re-opening of hostility with Kurds, the bombastic statements from the Sultan, shooting down Russian jets.

It's sliding into fascism.
Hmm seems like it.. Only defence pro Erdogan supporters come up with is economic development was good under Erdogan.. Well economic development is good but what good is economic development if the very fabric of society is being torn apart and freedoms curtailed..
I can't believe the cruelty shown to captured soldiers on the streets! These poor souls were just following orders from their superiors.

I had better opinion of ordinary Turks and I want to keep that opinion but these pictures are so brutal that its hard to accept. Why humiliate them? Especially in public? Taking off their clothes on the streets and photographing them?
HAPPENING NOW: President heading to White House situation room to meet with national security advisers about Turkey.

Q. how did we F#ck up?
A. ....................................
I can't believe the cruelty shown to captured soldiers on the streets! These poor souls were just following orders from their superiors.

I had better opinion of ordinary Turks and I want to keep that opinion but these pictures are so brutal that its hard to accept. Why humiliate them? Especially in public? Taking off their clothes on the streets and photographing them?

I'm sorry but after firing from war machines onto unarmed civilians... "I was just following orders" excuse just doesn't cut it.
When imperial powers create countries like a child doodles on a map, leave potential conflicts in place, give power to minorities, stooges that bent over backwards to please them, take out popular democratic govs on pretext of Islamist regime (a big no no), destroy dictator regimes on pretext of civil liberties and imaginery WMDs, create power voids to be filled by nutters, take out energy sources one by one and then you say look you muslim morons how regressive you are and how much we have progressed?

Bravo! Well played!

To be fair the west meddled in a lot of other countries (non-Muslim) and they haven't turned to sh*t

Anyway, that was in the past. TIME TO MOVE ON.
Nusra front (Alqaeda) spiritual leader in Syria slams the coup in Turkey.

Also Ahrar al-Sham (which is practically Alqaeda with different name) also condemned the coup and army troops that were involved.
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Ever wondered why these terrorists wouldn't like to see Erdogan go? I was following their pages last night، they were literally about to cry on the thought that their main supply line of arms and money may be cut forever. Now they are celebrating.

That is where Erdogan started course correction and lot needs to be done in order to survive. But important part to consider here which countries financed these terrorist - Qatar, KSA, UAE etc. Erdogan needs to reset his relation with these terror sponsoring governments and close its border with Syria. Let Russia, Syria, Iran and Hez take care of these terrorists once for all.
I can't believe the cruelty shown to captured soldiers on the streets! These poor souls were just following orders from their superiors.

I had better opinion of ordinary Turks and I want to keep that opinion but these pictures are so brutal that its hard to accept. Why humiliate them? Especially in public? Taking off their clothes on the streets and photographing them?
Turkey should realize that it's not good for the image of its own armed forces..C'mon.. soldiers are manhandled by ordinary civilians.. & this will cause lasting damage to the morale of serving soldiers! Soldiers are meant to follow orders of his immediate commander...that's it..nothing else comes in between! These guys were doing just that..
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