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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Hang him for wanting to overthrow what is essentially a dictator? The coupe was a large scale operation, with dozens of high ranking people involved. Clearly there is a lot of distain and distrust in the military towards Erdogan.

Many Turkish citizens also hate Erdogan. The coupe failed because some elements of the military attacked police which probably angered many citizens, apart from that the soldiers gave up too easily and were not very organized.

It's a pitty that soldiers were killed, same for the police but both sides were taking orders from other people. The military wanted to oust an authoritarian Islamist leader that is increasingly imposing his will on everyday life and arresting anyone that dare speak bad about him, communists would rarely go that far.
I think its awesome this Russian is talking about dictators when they support a bloody brutal one right in Syria and have one of their own. You atleast could have tried to hide your hypocricy.
Rich coming from a nation that had nicolea ceausescu as head of state!

Yeah....in 1989

It's 2016 buddy,and a nation who wanted to be part of the EU has coups and mob lynching soldiers...

I have nothing against the conscripts, I actually feel sorry for them, but as for the officers and the masterminds...justice will be done

Most of those paraded in underwear aren't the conscripts ?
In our case it was knowledgeable representatives of the citizenry who drafted the laws. Changing those laws would require far more than a simple 50.1 majority vote.

The definition of democracy has never changed, it always has been rule by the majority. That has always been understood to be both bad and good though, and that depends both on how involved the citizenry are in the process, how knowledgeable the citizenry are on what they are voting on, and on whether there are limits to what can be changed by a simple vote.

Unchecked democracy though is like a fire run rampant, it consumes and eventually burns out.
So when in a country with an elected gov fails to deliver engages whole heartedly in corruption, nepotism , elitism and indulges in paradoxical dictatorship. Families run political parties and buy votes from illterate, destitute and politically naive masses. Uses the mandate as an excuse to run modern world monarchies and create changes in constitution to further themselves, effectively destroying any opposition.
Is It acceptable for the establishment either civil or military that understand 'real democratic way' and fickle nature of naive majority to nudge and direct this abomination of democracy to its right course?
Some where it may be called as self righteousness and unconstitutional attack on majority. Some may call it sense prevailing at the end. Some place may attract all prevailing sanctions and rebuke from world powers and some where, the necessity and needful.
You daft, hypocritical trash.The assholes that committed the crimes yesterday ( including the bombing of the parliament) are not servicemen, they are traitorous terrorists. And they will be punished.

We will see.:butcher:
That miserable SOB, Turk's centuries old slave, is a pro-PKK a*shole. Don't give that SOB a chance. Let the dog bark around.
I think its awesome this Russian is talking about dictators when they support a bloody brutal one right in Syria and have one of their own.

Soon enough Erdogan will support Assad to.
Interesting...I was waiting for Zionists to come and cry and show their pain here and you didn't disappoint.

Simple rule of thumb, You know who is in the right...it is the people who the Zionists and their insignificant nut huggers are spewing hate against.
friends is that true ? İncirlik base(NATO) İs closed news says that
Yeah....in 1989

It's 2016 buddy,and a nation who wanted to be part of the EU has coups and mob lynching soldiers...

Most of those paraded in underwear aren't the conscripts ?
No most of those assholes stormed the Armed Forces HQ and were involved in the kidnapping of the Chief of Staff.
This coup-lover, Jews faced, ugly bitch (so-called Sinop governer) and her pro-coup husband also arrested!
Interesting...I was waiting for Zionists to come and cry and show their pain here and you didn't disappoint.

Simple rule of thumb, You know who is in the right...it is the people who the Zionists and their insignificant nut huggers are spewing hate against.


All sitting in Tel-Aviv progressing, whilst your people regress. Look at the state of Muslim countries around the world. There are probably maybe 1 or 2 which aren't a total failure - but they will also hit the skids.
I have learned many things since yesterday evening. One of the interesting is that the current GB secretary of state have turkish roots.
I don't know why you people refuse to learn from a people who live in the same region as you, and who have made a better success of it in a much shorter period of time.
We may learn and pay attention when you take western, particularly American dick out of your miserable a*s.
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