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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Another Zionist showing solidarity with the bandits that massacred civilians yesterday. As for Greece, they will hand them over or they will suffer. Pretty simple choice

Greece has nothing to fear.Your Army is demoralised and in the middle of a stalinist purge.
lol....if it gives you pleasure seeing your servicemen hanged......just like some of you fap on the pictures of Turkish soldiers paraded in their underwear or lynched by the mob.
You daft, hypocritical trash.The assholes that committed the crimes yesterday ( including the bombing of the parliament) are not servicemen, they are traitorous terrorists. And they will be punished.

Greece has nothing to fear.Your Army is demoralised and in the middle of a stalinist purge.
We will see.:butcher:
I think your failing to see the situation in Turkey with sufficient clarity. It all depends on how you interpret "secularism" and "Islamism". The Turkish version of Islamism is closer to UK version of secularism. The Turkish version of secularism is equivalent to totalitarianism.

Therefore what you see in Turkey as Islamist forces are in fact similar to Christian Conservatives in UK. A form of liberalism informed by private religious beliefs but no dogma or imposing of religion on others. This is exactly what we have in UK. On the same street you will have drunk woman with miniskirt and another covered head to toe in burqa. This is where the Turkish version of Islamism will lead to and already has after over decade of AKP being in power.

This is entirely at variance to the Mullah driven dogmatic Islamists that want to force sharia on everybody.

You have to understand that Turkey has been under kamalist rule for a very long time. A change has to be gradual otherwise people will simply rebel out of stubbornness not knowing what is right or wrong for them. From ban on scarf to present day when Turkish women are seen wearing it openly , change is visible. It will take time, give it time. What happened last night was an attempt to derail all the good work of last decade or so. No one expecting Turkey to qualify according to our definition of Islamist rule in Pakistan. They have their own evolution. What must not happen, Turkey going back to secular non sense.
You daft, hypocritical trash.The assholes that committed the crimes yesterday ( including the bombing of the parliament) are not servicemen, they are traitorous terrorists. And they will be punished.

Some of them were recruits who thought that they were in a drill but hey ! don't let me stay in the way of a good old fashion islamist mob justice.It's all the same to me.
Another Zionist showing solidarity with the bandits that massacred civilians yesterday. As for Greece, they will hand them over or they will suffer. Pretty simple choice

What is it with Turks who bark so loudly with bravado?

That's what got your boys on the flotilla in trouble.

You won't threaten Greece. The whole world will be against you :)
Looks like some guys are out of control, why the police is letting them doing this...Its not right, its not the right way...
Some of them were recruits who thought that they were in a drill but hey ! don't let me stay in the way of a good old fashion islamist mob justice.It's all the same to me.
I have nothing against the conscripts, I actually feel sorry for them, but as for the officers and the masterminds...justice will be done
I see all the Israelites crying their eyes out in Erdogans triumph.

Makes absolutely no difference to Israel. In fact, Turkey will now be a split country with internal strife. Not to mention at war with Islamists and the Kurds they oppress.

Turkey is in a mess and Israel is having its most successful technology innovation year. :)
What is it with Turks who bark so loudly with bravado?

That's what got your boys on the flotilla in trouble.

You won't threaten Greece. The whole world will be against you :)
We will see. Now slither back under the rock from which you came from.:wave:
Until you thickos understand that you cannot reconcile political Islam with democracy, freedom, dynamism & innovation - you will always be in Israel's shadow.

I don't know why you people refuse to learn from a people who live in the same region as you, and who have made a better success of it in a much shorter period of time.
Opposition parties reject the military coup attempt

All three opposition parties in parliament have announced their stance against the military coup attempt starting from late July 15.

“This country had suffered a lot from the coups. We do not these difficulties be repeated,” Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) said in a written statement. He stressed that the CHP will protect the Republic and democracy, saying “It should be known that the CHP fully depends on the free will of the people as indispensable of our parliamentary democracy.”

Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli phoned to Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım after news broke, expressing his party’s support to the democracy and free will of the people.

The co-leaders of Turkey’s Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) have declared their dissidence to “any kind of coup,” citing “democratic politics” as “the only solution.”

“The only solution is democratic politics. In these challenging and critical days which Turkey goes through, whatever its reason might be, no one should put himself in the place of the people’s will,” said Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yüksekdağ, the co-chairs of the Kurdish problem-focused party July 16.

“The HDP is opposed to any kind of coup under any circumstances and as a principle,” said the leaders.

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