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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Twin brothers, and both are police officers. And, both have become Shehit fighting the Gulen terrorists yesterday.
It does not matter,EU rules forbid deporting people who face the death penalty.
Yes it was obvious the EU cares not for the lives of Turkish citizens, so protecting the bandits that caused the death and destruction yesterday is befitting of the EU. Enjoy Europe while there is still some measure of peace, it will not last permanently, mark my words
The sheer number of people that went to the streets were mind boggling. Its wasn't just AKP voters, it was also MHP and CHP voters. From the moment i saw the uproar i already knew it was gonna fail. By the way if you think by upholding "democracy" is done by attempting to take down a democratically elected government, you are pretty stupid. I don't like Erdogan or AKP, but this was the wrong to go. In the end you only empowered him.
Exactly. :tup:
Turkey cut power & sealed NATO Incirlik air base.

Rumors are that two NATO (US) air tankers KC135R were refueling rebellion F-16 jets.
Turkey cut power & sealed NATO Incirlik air base.

Rumors are that two NATO (US) air tankers KC135R were refueling rebellion F-16 jets.
I hope they are just rumours, otherwise there will be a pretty big shit storm
And who determines that balance?

In our case it was knowledgeable representatives of the citizenry who drafted the laws. Changing those laws would require far more than a simple 50.1 majority vote.

The definition of democracy has never changed, it always has been rule by the majority. That has always been understood to be both bad and good though, and that depends both on how involved the citizenry are in the process, how knowledgeable the citizenry are on what they are voting on, and on whether there are limits to what can be changed by a simple vote.

Unchecked democracy though is like a fire run rampant, it consumes and eventually burns out.
I hope they are just rumours, otherwise there will be a pretty big shit storm

Yep, although cutting power & sealing air base is pointing out that something ugly is going one behind the scene.
My deepest salutes to our Turkish members.

I felt to write all these down here because what we have stressed years ago is now becoming a reality.

My mates, Turks here and all other friends here have known me with my pro-Atatürk stance towards any issue related to our national security and domestic matters. I can clearly tell you that THE PERPETRATORS ARE NOT SECULAR OFFICERS LOYAL TO ATATURK'S REFORMS.

I started writing because, the unit I am attached to right now is a subordinate FOB of Gendarmerie's ********** Commando Brigade deployed in the Southeast Turkey to fight PKK terrorism. We are informed that the commander of the brigade along with his staff officers have been arrested by police with charges of alleged links to US-based islamic terror group known as FETÖ which AKP has a long history of cooperation with them to purge the real patriots of this country. But do not worry. We are on duty 7/24 and no unusual activity occured related with PKK yesterday.

Now it's time for a flash back into the history, but not that far.

Year is late 2008. I was a newbee at the Naval Cadet school at that time. White dreams with white dresses.

I think everyone of you is aware of the BS cases such as "Balyoz, İnternet Andıcı, Poyrazköy, Yakamoz, İzmir Askeri Casusluk Davası...etc." Let alone here the entire World was aware that it was a joint push by AKP (Erdoğan) and Cemaat (FETÖ/Gülen) to eliminate and vanish the the last stronghold of our freedom and our way of life, the vanguard of secular law state. But only a small group of the public could raise their concern as what they got was pepper spray and water cannons at that time. People supported these frauds for what? Because for their stupid belief they needed %100 civilian control of the military and have their man raising in the ranks of the Armed Forces as they had been unable to do that for over decades. They did that with AKP and Cemaat holding hands together. We screamed it was an actual coup to Turkish military. But public didnt listen. on long terms, Yesterday's coup attempt was expectable.

The cost of 2009 operations?

- The deadliest warfighting machine in the Mediterranean was collapsed.

- Hundreds of officers loyal to their oaths and Atatürk was imprisoned.

- Naval Intelligence (the most forward intelligence unit responsible for foreign intel gathering) has been purged and be made incapable of exercising it's duties.

- General Staff Signals Intelligence Command purged and handed over to MIT (National Intelligence Undersecretary), this action resulted with loss of lives at terrorist attacks at 2015-2016

- As a retired admiral once said, they stole the decades of our Naval Forces which by the future will be Turkey's strategically most important service branch. You can build a destroyer in 5 years and an aircraft carrier in 8. But having the officers to command these ships take at least 25 years. We are talking about 50 years lost.

- Naval Cadet School, Naval Academy, All military training institutions and National Police Academy had been compromised and breached. They trained personnel loyal to AKP/Cemaat's agenda. (which is the reason I had to drop the Naval Academy by force).

Now, I dont remember at any of these events anyone giving a crap about democrasy and the rule of law despite the fact that their make-up evidences were declared fake by TUBITAK (Turkey's scientifical R&D agency) and foreign and domestic independent resarch agencies.

The Turkish public, by allowing her guardians of freedom to be frauded and purged, have deserved all of that. Once again it showed it still deserves it. That was the real coup.

From what I know yet;

- Commander of the Naval Fleet ADM Kösele was taken hostage aboard a frigate which had sailef towards Aegean, is now rescued.

- Chief of Staf of the Armed Forces GEN Akar was taken hostage at TSK Headquartes. When PÖH (Police Spec Ops) stormed into the headquarties he was transported to Akıncı AB which is located near TAI who is also involved, by a Blackhawk chopper which was fired upon by police later. Akıncı AB was laterly stormed by an unknown unit of Special Forces. GEN Akar is secure and on his duty.

- Over three hundred officer cadets have been taken into custody after a police raid. (NOT CONFIRMED)

- The plotters had at least 3 F-16 fighter jets which provided air support to ground forces. But what's worse is that they also had IFR (Air refueling) capability by a KC-135R under their control that took off from Incirlik AFB (Joint US Air Force/TURAF installition- 39th ABW/10th TBW)

- Commander of NAS Cengiz Topel (Main Naval Air Base), a rear admiral was behind the order of striking the Hotel the President used to stay just an hour after his leave. Which raises the question; along with Army Aviation, Air Force did they also had Hellfire/Penguin armed Seahawk choppers at their disposal?

- AH-1 Cobra gunships and armed S-70 Blackhawks opened fire on civilians, EGM Headquarters (National Police).

- Their F-16s have also bombed the ÖKK HQ (Armed Forces SF), PÖH HQ (National Police SOF) and the MIT HQ and it's base housing (National Intelligence) where the families of intelligence officers are staying.

We the former true warfighters of this nation of ours were abondoned, declared as the enemy of religion, alcoholic lunatics loyal to Atatürk whom by for you was also another alcoholic lunatic were declared as your enemies 8 years ago. And none of the people have raised a voice whom we have truly taken our oath to defend at all costs.

After dropping Naval Academy by force from the heavy pressure of AKP-Cemaat alligned officers at that time when they still were besties and their threathenings, I have been an unemployed man until 2015 Summer. I joined the Army to do my military service know at a commando post in the east for what? Not that I didnt lose my hope or the PKK uprising, but only because we loved our country. And the only reason I am dealing with this PKK sh.it right now is for the true fact that Good People still exist in Turkey. Their numbers are pretty low.. But everyone of them is worth rushing over mountains at any place, any time.

But we will never forget the betrayal we the actual secular pro-Atatürk service members recieved from our people. Hence if they didnt let them breach, I'd be a commissioned 2nd Lieutenant today. Turkey is a long gone dream for true patriots. The question is are others still willing to pay the price?


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Source: https://defence.pk/threads/the-real...s-of-a-war-already-lost.439656/#ixzz4EZyVgbfn
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I am shocked by all videos and photos I saw on Facebook and Twitter.... Last night was a bloodbath and whoever ordered this did a "great job". God help us...
Yes it was obvious the EU cares not for the lives of Turkish citizens, so protecting the bandits that caused the death and destruction yesterday is befitting of the EU. Enjoy Europe while there is still some measure of peace, it will not last permanently, mark my words

EU countries won't deport a mass murder to the US if he faces the death penalty there.These are the rules,nothing against Turkey,sry.
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