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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Coups are never the solution, even to over throw megalomanic dictators like Erdogan.. Change has to come though people not the military

Having said that those brave Turkish people that stood in the way of this coup did it to save their democracy and to prevent Turkey being turned in to another basket case in the Middle East, Not to save the skin of Erdogan, Especially those progressive people in Ankara and Istanbul.. Who has little affiliation to Erdogan

But it is also a reminder to tin pot dictator's that there are elements within the society that will not hesitate react against that dictatorship

Sums it up for me!
As I keep saying, nothing good was going to come out of this coup. And whether we like Erdogan or not--and I have very serious reservations about him--toppling him via this coup was going to be even worse for Turkey and for the region.
What do 2700 judges have to do with the coup ? He's using this to put his hands entirely on the Justice system.He's a dictator talking about democracy.

Might have ties with Gulleinst movement.
This fucking terrorist is a Sikorsky pilot!
LOL, ... Israel, the only democratic country in the region that is light years ahead of all countries in innovation and social freedoms.

While you Turks chop heads off your own soldiers and carry out carpet bombing of Kurdish towns, Israel has had its most successful technology year in history with billions in venture capitalists invested and record start-up sales.

You morons keep dragging your knuckles on the ground for Islam.

True ... but how much of those social freedoms trickled down to Palestinians exactly?
Treating your own peeps properly is no cause for congratulations, man!
It's how you treat those opposed to or feebler than yourself that define moral conduct.

And this thread is about Turkey BTW. How Israel's supposed benevolence or Canada's
treatment of baby seals relates to a coup attempt in Istanbul and Ankara is beyond me!

Just sayin', Tay.
This event is an eye opener for everyone involved. How everything in this world revolves around interests and nothing more. The higher qualities of justice, democracy and human rights are illusions and vanish into thin air when push comes to shove.
EU which is fond of preaching high morals to rest of the world refused asylum to a democratically elected President but feels a moral obligation to host anti state elements from muslim countries. Where any thing remotely Islamic is judged automatically evil and demonic and must be stopped.
The battle of civilization unfortunately is happening under wraps, no matter how much we try to close our eyes to it. I am afraid for the day when this raises its ugly head out in open. History of blood, death and pain always repeats itself.
Greece will apparently return the chopper "as soon as possible" but will look into the asylum requests made by the bandits. I hope for their sake they hand them over along with the chopper
No....We are supporting the one who is elected by people, we are supporting democracy, we are supporting Turks....It is not us who will decide who should come in government in Turkey...If Turkish people welcomes coup, Pakistanis welcome coup. If Turks stand for Mr. Erdogan, we will support Erdogan....

Our loyalty is with country and its people not with government or military.....

Most of the us are opposing Martial law because we have faced so many of it....and saw what they bring to country. Turks can definitely disagree with us and choose whatever they like, all power to them......But you're giving different color to our support of Turkish Government as we belong to fan club of Mr. Erdogan.....what we are not....

We stand with Turks. We stand with Turkey and Turks know it.....We don't want Turkey to get pass through difficulties, we went through which....We don't Turks to repeat our mistakes....

As of now....Media over here telling that rebel army guys have surrendered....Mr. Erdogan is in country. Coup has been failed...

Sums it up for me too. Thanks.
It's sad that this Iranian member painted Pakistanis and Bangladeshis on this forum as essentially religious extremists for supporting Erdogan at this point. I would have gladly supported MHP party if that party was in power and a coup was staged against it. Similarly, people like Gibbs--who, I think is an Aussie, are also against this coup.

Speaking of all this..we are all bringing our own countries' 'interests' in this thread and very few are truly 'neutral', except, perhaps Pakistanis, who would support any govt in Turkey against the coup, secular or Islamists. I mean the Chinese and the Russians and the Westerners and the Iranians and the Arabs and even the Indians... Some are pro and some are against Erdogan, with views shaped by their perceived national 'interests'. All except Pakistanis.
Cut your hypocrisy too. What turkish wants they will get. What british people want they will get. Will of People is what democracy is. Either you accept that willingly or unwillingly

Disagree to an extent, the will of the people must be constrained by a set of laws, else it just becomes mob rule and eventually dictatorship.

The key to a sustainable democracy is figuring out that balance to the extent that people have a voice, but experts still having a say on sound policy and protection of the rights of everyone from fickle public sentiment.

We will see how Erdogan plays this, I hope we are not witnessing the end of Ataturk's dream. He has about 8 years left, we will see if he tries to change term limits for the 'protection of the nation'.
EU which is fond of preaching high morals to rest of the world refused asylum to a democratically elected President but feels a moral obligation to host anti state elements from muslim countries.
Democratically Elected Politician != Not Dictator
Those who tried the coup were amateur.
If they had arrested Erdogan first, the coup had been successful

No It was never meant to be successful. Even in a scenario where Erdogan is killed early it is very likely that a counter coup would have followed to bring democracy back. The entire army needs to mobilize for a successful coupp. The moment I heard a part of the Army breaking chain of command I was sure that it will only end in failure.
Greece will apparently return the chopper "as soon as possible" but will look into the asylum requests made by the bandits. I hope for their sake they hand them over along with the chopper

I hope they won't.Turkey said it could reinstate the death penalty and that's a big no no for EU countries.
I hope they won't.Turkey said it could reinstate the death penalty and that's a big no no for EU countries.
Traitors that bomb their own parliament and do strafing runs on civilians deserve to be hanged. Regardless of what hypocrite Europeans like you think
Disagree to an extent, the will of the people must be constrained by a set of laws, else it just becomes mob rule and eventually dictatorship.

The key to a sustainable democracy is figuring out that balance to the extent that people have a voice, but experts still having a say on sound policy and protection of the rights of everyone from fickle public sentiment.

We will see how Erdogan plays this, I hope we are not witnessing the end of Ataturk's dream. He has about 8 years left, we will see if he tries to change term limits for the 'protection of the nation'.
And who determines that balance? Who does not like a bit of more power? I am surprised when suddenly the definition of democracy seem to change out of nowhere. When there are bad dictators and good dictators. When there are good terrorists and bad terrorist which may not hold true for anyone but you. What do we call it? Hypocrisy, reality or pragmatism?
Traitors that bomb their own parliament and do strafing runs on civilians deserve to be hanged. Regardless of what hypocrite Europeans like you think

It does not matter,EU rules forbid deporting people who face the death penalty.
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