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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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I'm not one for conspiracy theories, so I'll avoid the fact that Erdogan could have orchestrated this in order to take full power.

But as things stand, Turkey is going head first into the Islamic mire. Your country is already starting to stagnate economically and I predict a brain drain will follow as secularists begin to emigrate.

Erdogan will have an iron grip, now that he has a great excuse to crack down.

I'll be surprised if there are any non-AKP journalists left by this time next week.

No it will not happen. We are already Islamic. I mean we Turks are Muslims which means Islam is our part. But the state will remain as secular. Even Erdogan himself declared many times.

Let's leave Erdogan and Akp aside. Most of Turks won't change secular system even most of all voters. So this prediction is false.

Yeah our economy having issues. In fact we have been having crisis since 2009 but don't miss that this is a risk for erdogans existent. Erdogan will be in power as long as our economic conditions.

About journalists, don't worry about 'em coz they are-were not real journalists. Wearing journalist cloak will not make you real journalist. For sure we will have journalists but they will be little different that you wanna see. More likely journalist in your country.
Surprised The Army unable to kill the President -poor planning
Recep Tayyip Erdogan's AK Party (abbreviation of Turkish initials of Justice and Development Party) came to power in 2002, a year after the formation of the AK Party. Under the leadership of the AKP, the country has bent towards Islamism. Several laws were passed to enforce Islamic values instead of secular Turkish values.
He is also known for making sometimes bizarre statements, such as declaring Muslims discovered the Americas before Columbus, that women are not equal to men and even boasting "We will wipe out Twitter".
Do not forget -The President recalled Turkish Ambassador of Bangladesh home because a Muslim leader =a butcher of humans in the 1971 war of liberation was facing criminal proceedings in Dhaka.
Virtual reality. Can seem very real. LOL

First you say you'll never forget flotilla, now you're denying you got your *** whooped LOL. Okay, if it makes you feel better.

No it will not happen. We are already Islamic. I mean we Turks are Muslims which means Islam is our part. But the state will remain as secular. Even Erdogan himself declared many times.

Let's leave Erdogan and Akp aside. Most of Turks won't change secular system even most of all voters. So this prediction is false.

Yeah our economy having issues. In fact we have been having crisis since 2009 but don't miss that this is a risk for erdogans existent. Erdogan will be in power as long as our economic conditions.

About journalists, don't worry about 'em coz they are-were not real journalists. Wearing journalist cloak will not make you real journalist. For sure we will have journalists but they will be little different that you wanna see. More likely journalist in your country.

If only you could realise that you're sounding like an Islamist yourself.
The difference with the Egyptian uprising (second one) is that they rose to remove Islamists.

Turks basically have just become Islamist.

Egypt progressing, Turkey regressing.

I suspect that in the future the western part of Turkey will split from East. This is what will happen across the middle east as civilisation cannot exist with political Islam.

Look who has the become judge of lecturing nations whether they are regressing or progressing.

So a country under a dictator has now become a beacon of hope, but a nation where the people democratically chose its leaders has become regressive. Go figure.

First you say you'll never forget flotilla, now you're denying you got your *** whooped LOL. Okay, if it makes you feel better.

If only you could realise that you're sounding like an Islamist yourself.

You are confused, but that is alright. I understand the defeat yesterday is a bitter pill to swallow.

Your country violates the human rights of another people. You shouldn't hand out certificates to others whether they are regressive or progressive. You are no authority.
You never condemned Sisi's dictatorship.
Who said that we never condemned it?




Moreover even when we get involved you people cry foul of 'Western interference ' and when we don't you cry that we are the ones who planned it. So it's a Damned if you do damned if you don't situation we are facing. Lool. Carry on.:)
My reading of this coup is it was a very well planned attempt and as the details are emerging rebels command was willing to do any extent of bloodshed to extend the agenda of their foreign masters but the only thing which they had no control on and which backfired how rebel soldier would react on ground when confronted by masses.

Though I am sure they were instructed to kill masses and instigate fear inorder for coup to be successful Allah put some mercy in their hearts and they did not shoot masses otherwise things would have been much cruel and a civil war was inevitable .

Those people calling it a plot of Erdogan are hypocrites of filthiest level as they know well that the way Gunship helis and jets were moved it was a full fledged coup supported by foreign players but only a weak link as I explained above sabotaged the coup. Thanks to Almighty

No wonder we see now so much investment in robotic soldiers so that that Globalists elite can do whatever they want to and kill who so ever they want to when they want without any such weak links as those robots would be devoid of any human emotions .
More traitor terorists arrested!
Who said that we never condemned it?




Moreover even when we get involved you pool cry foul of 'Western interference ' and when we don't you cry that we are the ones who planned it. So it's a Damned if you do damned if you don't situation we are facing. Lool. Carry on.:)

Condemning in meaningless words, but cooperating behind the scenes are two different things. After all, actions speak louder than words.

LOL you are the one trying to justify that the army holds more power than the people. Not me.

More traitor terorists arrested!

Keep them coming. I want to see the faces. We got to know them. Traitor coward.
Turkey Military Coup Facts

Deaths: 250 people (according to The Guardian) Injuries: 1440+ people

According to Turkeys primary Chief of Staff, the coup was against President Erdogans government. Mainly launched by troops from the Turkish Air Force and Gendarmerie.

The coup is now over according to Erdogan.

The Turkish Government have removed 2745 judges from their profession.

Now the sultan installs his dictatorship.
Condemning in meaningless words, but cooperating behind the scenes are two different things.

LOL you are the one trying to justify that the army holds more power than the people. Not me.

Keep them coming. I want to see the faces. We got to know them.

Lol ok, I know nothing can change your mind that the west is behind everything that happens everywhere around the world. :lol:
Look who has the become judge of lecturing nations whether they are regressing or progressing.

So a country under a dictator has now become a beacon of hope, but a nation where the people democratically chose its leaders has become regressive. Go figure.

Yes. Of course Egypt has a better future than you. Look at where Turkey is heading and see where Egypt has just come from. Soon Egyptians will pass you and wave, as you slide back into Islamism. Mark my words Turkey is heading for stagnation and conflict.

You are confused, but that is alright. I understand the defeat yesterday is a bitter pill to swallow.

Your country violates the human rights of another people. You shouldn't hand out certificates to others whether they are regressive or progressive. You are no authority.

You've killed more Kurds than 'palestinains' have been killed. Please don't throw stones in glass houses.
Now the sultan installs his dictatorship.

Cut your hypocrisy too. What turkish wants they will get. What british people want they will get. Will of People is what democracy is. Either you accept that willingly or unwillingly
One other thing I will say is that a secular putsch would have surely involved more of the top brass rather than rogue elements. Isn't that how coups in the past worked?
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