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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Turkish authorities have sealed off, cut power to Incirlik Air Base
Local authorities are preventing movement onto and off of the Incirlik Air Base in Adana, according to the U.S. Consulate in Turkey.

Power to the air base has been cut and the Consulate warns U.S. citizens to avoid the air base until normal operations are restored.


Yes. Of course Egypt has a better future than you. Look at where Turkey is heading and see where Egypt has just come from. Soon Egyptians will pass you and wave, as you slide back into Islamism. Mark my words Turkey is heading for stagnation and conflict.

You've killed more Kurds than 'palestinains' have been killed. Please don't throw stones in glass houses.

LOL an apartheid Zionist who supports the killing of innocent Palestinians is lecturing others about progress and stagnation. Just spare us your irrelevant lectures. They are laughable. Lately, you have been sidelined by your own allies. I understand the frustration.

Kurds are our brothers. Those that seek to divide us will be punished. Deal with it.
Yeah of course I am Islamist. Dude I am a Muslim and Islam is my religion. What do you expect from me.

Ha if you think that I am an extremist, nahh no not. At least as much as you are.

I expect you to keep your religion to yourself and let others do the same. Instead, you vote for Muslim Brotherhood who you know will further Islam in Turkey and will Islamise the nation.

Because like all Islamists, you want to dominate everywhere and everyone.

Do you really believe this dude? I ask that coz I am a Kurdish.

I don't need to believe it, I just have to google casualty figures.
LOL an apartheid Zionist who supports the killing of innocent Palestinians is lecturing others about progress and stagnation. Just spare us your irrelevant lectures. They are laughable. Lately, you have been sidelined by your own allies. I understand the frustration.

Kurds are our brothers. Those that seek to divide us will be punished. Deal with it.

LOL, Fascist ISIS trying to give lessons to Israel, the only democratic country in the region that is light years ahead of all countries in innovation and social freedoms.

While you Turks chop heads off your own soldiers and carry out carpet bombing of Kurdish towns, Israel has had its most successful technology year in history with billions in venture capitalists invested and record start-up sales.

You morons keep dragging your knuckles on the ground for Islam.
Cut your hypocrisy too. What turkish wants they will get. What british people want they will get. Will of People is what democracy is. Either you accept that willingly or unwillingly

What do 2700 judges have to do with the coup ? He's using this to put his hands entirely on the Justice system.He's a dictator talking about democracy.
Coups don't happen in nations like Egypt, Turkey, etc without covert external agenda.
Those who tried the coup were amateur.
If they had arrested Erdogan first, the coup had been successful
More traitor terorists arrested!
Tipini siktigim. Hemen o bayragi alsinlar uniformasindan da, bayraga yazik oluyor daha fazla pislenmesin
The sheer number of people that went to the streets were mind boggling. Its wasn't just AKP voters, it was also MHP and CHP voters. From the moment i saw the uproar i already knew it was gonna fail. By the way if you think by upholding "democracy" is done by attempting to take down a democratically elected government, you are pretty stupid. I don't like Erdogan or AKP, but this was the wrong to go. In the end you only empowered him.

A sane comment from a Turk himself.
In your guts all Turks should know that nothing good was going to come out of this coup. Nothing! And I am glad the coup failed but very sorry and sad for the lost lives and injured.
I don't need to believe it, I just have to google casualty figures.

Hmm I see. And I am sure you count pkk militants as Kurdish. Otherwise you can't come that conclusion.

Let me tell you something. Stop acting like genius coz you are not.

What do 2700 judges have to do with the coup ? He's using this to put his hands entirely on the Justice system.He's a dictator talking about democracy.

Good point my friend but believe me same story is going for justice system there in Turkiye.

Unfortunately, he fck up everything there in Turkiye and he is gonna fck it up more.
Hmm I see. And I am sure you count pkk militants as Kurdish. Otherwise you can't come that conclusion.

Let me tell you something. Stop acting like genius coz you are not.

Umm, I'm counting civilian casualties. Many more Kurds killed by Turkey than 'palestinians' killed by Israel.

And I'm not a genius, I just know that political Islam is a disaster and Turkey is heading for disaster. It's not been a secret that Turkey is sliding into Islamism. It's been widely reported for years.

Let's hope the next coup is successful, for Turkey's sake.
Surprised The Army unable to kill the President -poor planning
Recep Tayyip Erdogan's AK Party (abbreviation of Turkish initials of Justice and Development Party) came to power in 2002, a year after the formation of the AK Party. Under the leadership of the AKP, the country has bent towards Islamism. Several laws were passed to enforce Islamic values instead of secular Turkish values.
He is also known for making sometimes bizarre statements, such as declaring Muslims discovered the Americas before Columbus, that women are not equal to men and even boasting "We will wipe out Twitter".
Do not forget -The President recalled Turkish Ambassador of Bangladesh home because a Muslim leader =a butcher of humans in the 1971 war of liberation was facing criminal proceedings in Dhaka.

Nope it was not the army that was behind this, if it was the whole Turkish army erdogan will be long gone or even killed easily. It was just a very tiny portion of the military , less than 3000 people out of an army hundreds of thousands strong. They didn't have much support in the army either. I don't even see how they thought they could prevail with such a small force lol. They can barely takeover a country the size of Bahrain or kuwait with such a force, much Less a big country the size of Turkey or Iran/KSA etc. It was an amateurish coup and a terribly badly on one, it's really difficult to believe they really thought they could take over the country with less than 3000 people lol Something is not right here.
LOL, Fascist ISIS trying to give lessons to Israel, the only democratic country in the region that is light years ahead of all countries in innovation and social freedoms.

While you Turks chop heads off your own soldiers and carry out carpet bombing of Kurdish towns, Israel has had its most successful technology year in history with billions in venture capitalists invested and record start-up sales.

You morons keep dragging your knuckles on the ground for Islam.
technology of the jews is bs, Hamas has proven so, just build ur walls, make them hight n tick bc when time comes n the evil states around u fall then my friend u will be needing those walls n no amount of technology or diaper soldiers will help u out
Umm, I'm counting civilian casualties. Many more Kurds killed by Turkey than 'palestinians' killed by Israel.

Nope this is a lie and you are just trying to justify your states crime.

Yeah political Islam is disaster coz Islam has nothing with politics you are right. But you still don't get that or maybe won't get that, Turkiye is not sliding or going anywhere. I said you Islam is our religion we are Islamist already.

I think you better hope for an election to better and sane leader for Turkiye coz we Turks never let it happen again.
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