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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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I understand the coup attempt was tactically wrong (and morally wrong, if done by the theocrat in exile), but, why do the Turkish people let these kind of religious fanatics humiliate and revenge the Army because they lost their madrassas, khalifa and religious titles under Ataturk's reforms/revolution?
And you decided on that with 15 second selfie ?
What if turkish members start calling Modi a genocidal Hindu Extremist ? and start advising indians to bring back Secular indian congress into the government for the sake of Indian secular values ? I guess you will be the first one to defend the honor of Modi Ji despite you being the faithful servant and loyal subject of Her Majesty's country. So cut the hypocrisy.

Man, there's a lot to be learnt from these discussions. The hypocrisy is mindboggling. How quickly and shamelessly people flip flop to promote their agenda.
Turkey Military Coup Facts

Deaths: 250 people (according to The Guardian) Injuries: 1440+ people

According to Turkeys primary Chief of Staff, the coup was against President Erdogans government. Mainly launched by troops from the Turkish Air Force and Gendarmerie.

The coup is now over according to Erdogan.

The Turkish Government have removed 2745 judges from their profession.
The ranks of the 8 soldiers have been confirmed. 3 Majors, 3 Captains and 2 First Sergeants.

So all high officials. They left the soldiers to get beaten up or killed, while they boarded the helicopter and run away?
On the contrary, I am supporting the secular forces of Turkey who had tried to protect Ataturk's vison of a liberal and secular Turkey.

It is interesting to see a large number of Pakistanis openly celebrating an Islamist tyrant who is dragging Turkey into the dark ages.

But please do continue your tirade against India, your fixation on Kashmir goes to the very heart of the reason Pakistan is in the state it is. It would just be my preferance that Turkey was saved from a similar fate.

HaHaHa Hollowness in your argument is evident like the failure of So called secular forces in Turkey.
Is it the same kind of secularim you guys have in India which kills muslims for eating beef and makes terrorists like Modi PM who butchered thousands of Muslims in 2002 and is now doing the same in Kashmir.

Who are you and your likes to decide what was the vision of Ataturk and whats best for Turkey they have given their verdict with their blood and they support Turkey and Erdogans vision for a Turkey as he can see if he will not steer his country away from SO CALLED INHUAMNE SECULRISM adopted and advertised by west Turkey will also see the same filth as we see in EU and US where gay and lesbian rights are more important than human rights and you will not see much news on media if a person dies of hunger but everybody start shedding tears when some things goes against so called gay rights.

This fake secularism allow people/cartoonists to make fun of Muslims but speaking about holocaust is a crime.

India is right on the same path and social fabric,values and morals have gone down the gutter like so many other things this fake secularism is an eye wash and deception to make humans worst than animals and anyone who tries to put some sanity into these maniacs he is labelled as Islamist and outclassed .

But fortunately not everybody is as blind as you and your kind and masses in Turkey has just proven that and we all Pakistani's are with our Turk brothers and Erdogan in this fight against injustice and inhumane system.

Pakistan state and economy is lot better than India we just got the emerging economy status/our stock exchanged has doubled in one year time and we have effectively killed India backed terrorism in our country whereas India is just mulling where from to get money to built of million of toilets for the masses .
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Notice the US view. From the very beginning they refused to condemn the coup. Issuing vague statements like 'both parties must show restraint' and 'avoid bloodshed' , rather than an immediate condemnation of the attempt to remove a democratically elected government.

The US media constantly spread rumors about Erdogan fleeing abroad, or seeking asylum in Germany.

Also, the BBC still giving reports of the coup still continuing, while showing pictures of disarmed soldiers being held by the police.

They did that in Egypt too during Morsi's ransacking. No surprise. They have found a new method to install puppets. Elected regimes that don't adhere to their dictation are ideally replaced by dictatorial regimes by turning a blind eye, but by providing blatant moral support. Yesterday was very choreographed into the details.

John Kerry's response will go in the history books. Boy, what a terrible and blatant statement to make. A dead give away.
You are wrong and you know it. The people of Turkey proved it yesterday. If the people rise up the military doesn't matter. In Egypt the people didn't rise up. Hence no problems for Sisi.

Who told you the people in Egypt didn't protest against SISI taking over power? There pro morsi supporters who are out were brutally suppressed and killed lol. While pro coup backers calmly supported the coup. the same would have happened in Turkey, as pro choice pup plotters supporters and anti coup supporters would have come out , then after a wile both would have come to terms with the new reality i.e a successful coup fait accompli. Just like morsi supporters had to accept the new reality. lol

If the few coup plotters were backed by the entire Turkish military you really believe ERDOGAN will still be in power?lol
More and more info is revealing.

Erdoğan was staying in a hotel in Marmaris. But when he heared the news, he left the hotel with a helicopter....After from some time of his departure, commandos arrived at the hotel via transport helicopters and raided the hotel. Gunfire broke between police and commandos. 2 police officers got killed and 8 wounded. Commandos then left.

You might wanna ask why in the first place they didn't raid the hotel....but that is a very long story, how coup evolved.


Not a long story. If an army moves out of its base, it is only normal that the Man in power will know it immediately. Turkish intelligence may have failed to stop the coup but they are not that amateur that they wouldn't be able to inform the President.
They planned to use these missiles (t-300) against the people! This place is a gas station in Ankara!
Regarding the judges,
"About judge removals: There were 7604 judges in Turkey, 2745 (~36%) of whom are removed from duty."

This action was taken extremely fast, meaning there was a list somewhere with all their names on it, and looking to put this action into place.

Could this action be one of the major consequences coming out of this attempted coup?
Stop over acting dude.

I'm not one for conspiracy theories, so I'll avoid the fact that Erdogan could have orchestrated this in order to take full power.

But as things stand, Turkey is going head first into the Islamic mire. Your country is already starting to stagnate economically and I predict a brain drain will follow as secularists begin to emigrate.

Erdogan will have an iron grip, now that he has a great excuse to crack down.

I'll be surprised if there are any non-AKP journalists left by this time next week.
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