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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Looks like some guys are out of control, why the police is letting them doing this...Its not right, its not the right way...

I don't get why all those soldiers get trashed and humiliated like this. After all,they were just following the orders from their superiors..... If anything,it should be their chiefs that should be humiliated like this. A soldier always follow the orders. When I was in the army what already we were telling me... Oh I remember. 'Thinking (Or questionning the orders) is starting to disobey'. (Sorry for the poor translation.) @flamer84
We may learn when you take western, particularly American dick out of your miserable a*s.

I forget who your military is supplied by? LOL USA

And you have NATO bases.

You are a trying to be both Islamist AND western.

The Islamists are winning.

Mark my words, Turkey is sliding into Islamic fascism.
I don't get why all those soldiers get trashed and humiliated like this. After all,they were just following the orders from their superiors..... If anything,it should be their chiefs that should be humiliated like this. A soldier always follow the orders. When I was in the army what already we were telling me... Oh I remember. 'Thinking (Or questionning the orders) is starting to disobey'. (Sorry for the poor translation.) @flamer84

They will shutter the trust in the Army with this.Erdogan needs to humiliate this institution.Saw some videos,beating soldiers while shouting religious slogans.The caliphate is here.
Looks like some guys are out of control, why the police is letting them doing this...Its not right, its not the right way...
Ohh man the pic is disturbing... Should treat prisoners with some degree of respect...
Looks like some guys are out of control, why the police is letting them doing this...Its not right, its not the right way...
Pretty bad situation to be in! You are in trouble if you don't follow your commander's order...& you are in trouble even if you do! Poor foot soldiers... State & people needs to be lenient with these guys!
Ohh man the pic is disturbing... Should treat prisoners with some degree of respect...

This is Islamism. Revenge is a central tenet.

Many Turks have been in denial for a decade about what is happening to their country. But we have all seen it from the outside. The banning of protests, the jailing of journalists, the support for terrorist groups in Syria, the re-opening of hostility with Kurds, the bombastic statements from the Sultan, shooting down Russian jets.

It's sliding into fascism.

All sitting in Tel-Aviv progressing, whilst your people regress. Look at the state of Muslim countries around the world. There are probably maybe 1 or 2 which aren't a total failure - but they will also hit the skids.
When imperial powers create countries like a child doodles on a map, leave potential conflicts in place, give power to minorities, stooges that bent over backwards to please them, take out popular democratic govs on pretext of Islamist regime (a big no no), destroy dictator regimes on pretext of civil liberties and imaginery WMDs, create power voids to be filled by nutters, take out energy sources one by one and then you say look you muslim morons how regressive you are and how much we have progressed?

Bravo! Well played!
I woke for fajr today when my messengers were full of these messages! Twitter was trending. Luckily, the westerners hurriedly show their intentions about Erdogan. They were looking for a regime change in Turkey. From Russia to Iran to Saudis to Europe to American CIA, everyone was wishing the demise of Erdogan but the sons of Ottoman grandfathers saved this engineered revolt (i rather call it a revolt).

First step taken by President by seizing US airbase. Now he have a list of "to do things" in his pocket. He is furious now. Pure Islam is in Turkey alhamdulilah which will be implemented.
They will shutter the trust in the Army with this.Erdogan needs to humiliate this institution.Saw some videos,beating soldiers while shouting religious slogans.The caliphate is here.
So true... And am afraid such humiliation of soldiers is not gonna go down well with fellow soldiers even if they didn't participate... Soldiers have some kinda of bro code and gang mentality ...
So true... And am afraid such humiliation of soldiers is not gonna go down well with fellow soldiers even if they didn't participate... Soldiers have some kinda of bro code and gang mentality ...

Yeah,I also don't think it's over yet.Erdogan is over reacting and gunning everyone,some may choose to fight even if they had no part in the coup.I see he's even threathening the US .
And again, to the Zionists and peasants of Europe ie Romanians etc, just read what world leaders are saying the US and European leaders (significant ones that actually matter) are saying. All supporting Erdogan and democracy.

It's funny to see you getting all hot and bothered in your bedrooms though!
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