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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Pathetic treatment of great soldiers .... they were not traitors or terrorist ... they were asked by their higher authorities to do and they did as commanded .. poor chaps

We know you're hurt over this failed attempt, and trying to find every way to discredit the democracy in Turkey, meanwhile in your country I'm sure these troops would be burnt alive.... So spare us crocodile tears, humiliation is very common thing of coup soldiers, much worse in other nations.
There is no death penalty in Turkey. So, under current, circumstances Greece is obliged to give the bandits back. 1 month later when they are hanged I will share the video and tag you in it
The same kind of justice you'd expect from isis on their own soldiers.
The same kind of justice you'd expect from isis on their own soldiers.
I'd love to see what China or the US would do if their soldiers rebelled and fired upon civilians from choppers and bombed government buildings using F16. Stop trying to make it look as if the bandits that caused death and destruction yesterday were in the right, we will never buy that argument.Now take your superficial and borderline retarded argument back with you to your asylum.
The same kind of justice you'd expect from isis on their own soldiers.

Not really, ISIS don't have proper courts or trials.

Turkey don't have death penalty? maybe they should take note and learn from biggest promoter and protector of Democracy, the US and adopt death penalty.

Maybe US can lend them some spare electric chairs/lethal injections and poison gas chambers if hanging is too barbaric.
Pathetic treatment of great soldiers .... they were not traitors or terrorist ... they were asked by their higher authorities to do and they did as commanded .. poor chaps

People in your country get killed for eating beef. Imagine what could happen if they killed human beings. There's a limit to hypocrisy and stupidity.
Umm, I'm counting civilian casualties. Many more Kurds killed by Turkey than 'palestinians' killed by Israel.

And I'm not a genius, I just know that political Islam is a disaster and Turkey is heading for disaster. It's not been a secret that Turkey is sliding into Islamism. It's been widely reported for years.

Let's hope the next coup is successful, for Turkey's sake.
I agree with ur idea, that as same as information about turkey i get in China. future there reglious >> laws, it's just the time lead by current government, but there won't be next coup ... no more chance in turkey, just see around the bad time will come.

No caption is needed . one picture tells everything
Keep your sense of humor away from us....in Egypt we supported our army against That dectator and his gang MB.
In Egypt we called the Army to support us...in Egypt it was after more than 20 million Egyptians signed TAMAROD papers calling Morsy to step down or early presidential elections as there is no constitutional solution for that thing.
In Egypt our soldiers are united...one God, one commander, one instructions,one heart....discipline Army with an intact of chain of command.
Very annoying for Erdogan haters. They will once again see the public kauding Erdogan
Keep your sense of humor away from us....in Egypt we supported our army against That dectator and his gang MB.
In Egypt we called the Army to support us...in Egypt it was after more than 20 million Egyptians signed TAMAROD papers calling Morsy to step down or early presidential elections as there is no constitutional solution for that thing.
In Egypt our soldiers are united...one God, one commander, one instructions,one heart....discipline Army with an intact of chain of command.

Well the army murdered 1000 protesters to prevail though
Very annoying for Erdogan haters. They will once again see the public kauding Erdogan

Well the army murdered 1000 protesters to prevail though
Thats a lie.....the army protected its camps.....and about 1000 soldiers killed from Army and police against MB,DAESH AND ANSAR BAYT ELMAKDIS.

from what happened in Turkey yesterday..... any one with a brain must know that the army cannot take over the power except if there is a public support....during Mubarak the people(majority I mean) was against him so the army could not do any thing to support him.
Thats a lie.....the army protected its camps.....and about 1000 soldiers killed from Army and police against MB,DAESH AND ANSAR BAYT ELMAKDIS.

from what happened in Turkey yesterday..... any one with a brain must know that the army cannot take over the power except if there is a public support....during Mubarak the people(majority I mean) was against him so the army could not do any thing to support him.

BS. Army couldn't take power because majority of the Army in Turkey believes in democracy. Don't compare it with Egypt please. Turkey is far ahead politically.
Thats a lie.....the army protected its camps.....and about 1000 soldiers killed from Army and police against MB,DAESH AND ANSAR BAYT ELMAKDIS.

from what happened in Turkey yesterday..... any one with a brain must know that the army cannot take over the power except if there is a public support....during Mubarak the people(majority I mean) was against him so the army could not do any thing to support him.

LOL. The majority of the Egyptian people voted for MB and Morsi who won 3 or 4 consecutive elections. When the army saw that MB is very popular they overthrew him. When the people who voted for MB started demonstrating the army shot dead at least 1000 unarmed protesters. There are videos that prove it.
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