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Solution to Pakistan's Energy Problems by Me

I cannot digest this 1400 MW from a single windmill. Can somebody put some light on it.
India is going to build a 5GW(5000 MW) solar thermal power station in Gujarat.
renewable energy can be utilized to supplement growing demands not to move away from the hydrocarbon consumption. germany is utilizing more wind energy than any other nation yet more of the energy comes from conventional sources. Windmills don't always spin, which leads to voltage fluctuation thus making any centralized grid unreliable. Ultimately in acquiring renewable energy more hydrocarbon is burn then we currently consume.
I cannot digest this 1400 MW from a single windmill. Can somebody put some light on it.

1400MW is the per year figure, not per day or at one single time.

Wind Mills keep rotating, so if there is good wind and it rotates at its max and generates its maximum power, in 365 days it would have produced 1400MW of electricity.
1400 MW/year::rofl: for 200-300 homes with free energy

Why China is making big dams and India doing civil nuclear agreement with US, UK and Korea. :cheesy:

Wind farms and solar energy is for local area use only in rich nations.

Then why can every panchayat or village take initiation and start something like this??every village will become self sufficent in energy and it will lessen the burden of oil import..Its just my 2 cents :) ..even if they take loan for making windwills ..they can repay it with the income from supplying energy ..

PS: Dont laugh if its foolish :frown:
here is a good example of how to utilize wind turbine. First of its kind.

Bahrain World Trade Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have lot of hydel, solar and wind power generation capacity, which can help us save billions, rather i would say trillions in the long run, if someone in the govt becomes serious enough to implement these projects.

We have a long coast where there is excellent wind all the times, we have hot enough deserts and other places where we can have plenty of sun all the time, and we have vast untapped hydel power generation capacity, which can give us thousands of MW electricity for years to come.

As per one WAPDA report that i had read, there is around 100,000MW hydel power generation capacity alone in the NWFP province. Even if we use half of it, would be fulfilling our requirements for generations to come.

But unfortunately, we can't utilize due to the money hungry cartels running the show.
I think part of the beauti of the plan is Solar Energy is something we individuals can take action

If 3-4 Million homes covert to 1500 Watt Solar systems - it will take of cosiderable load off the Grid system

30% of the extra load is due to illegal theft of lectricity and secondly due to mismanagement of resources..

But if Lets say a local drive kicks in to covert our individual homes it can happe -

If every one of us gets one 1500 watts system and then insures that 1 other person in our family has that system as well so it will spread like Facebook invites -

All it takes is a push - which starts by individually DOING it and then bragging about it to 10 people
Then why can every panchayat or village take initiation and start something like this??every village will become self sufficent in energy and it will lessen the burden of oil import..Its just my 2 cents :) ..even if they take loan for making windwills ..they can repay it with the income from supplying energy ..

PS: Dont laugh if its foolish :frown:

So Panchayat will go to world bank :lol: for ten million $$$ wind mill, second Karachi has need of 1400 MW for which it needs a big project, some big fans won't do.

Pakistan has big cities too which are growing in size like India.
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Hydel power is one option but is also not reliable as water resources also do fluctuate seasonally and especially if your water source is originating from a neighboring country that is not super friendly to us can cause disruption at will by building dams or diverting course.

Hydel power also comes with environmental impact too, but for the most part is definitely cleaner than CO2 emitting options but does come with some risk too especially in Pakistan's case.

There are several reliable wind corridors within Pakistan that can be harnessed fully. These "big fans" can deifintely light up Karachi and all the cities on the coast reliably.

By the way power from windmills is first sent to battery bank and then inverted to supply the grid, so to say that there will be a "voltage fluctuation" is actually no accurate - its regulated by the system and is reliable as long as there is enough storage available.

In my opinion such matters and technology should be left to experts to figure out the feasibility and production. Bottomline is such alternative means should be added to the mix for environmental and economical reasons.
I dont know much about this subject but I do know Pakistan has 12 days of oil in reserves, so if anything goes wrong, we're all screwed.

And solar power would be the best thing ever for Pakistan since their is an infinite amount of sunshine and barely any rain, especially if we make the panels ourselves. [do we have the capability?]
I do differ with the figures quoted by the thread starter. In 2007 I had the same idea of using solar energy. However when I contacted different sources online and a government department in Pakistan I got different figures from every one. The Pakistani source quoted around 1 million rupees to convert one typical house on solar energy excluding heating. Even bigger problem is maintenance of the batteries.

So at present it is not feasible for a household to convert to this energy.

If some one has some links to suggest a low cost solution please share.
I do differ with the figures quoted by the thread starter. In 2007 I had the same idea of using solar energy. However when I contacted different sources online and a government department in Pakistan I got different figures from every one. The Pakistani source quoted around 1 million rupees to convert one typical house on solar energy excluding heating. Even bigger problem is maintenance of the batteries.

So at present it is not feasible for a household to convert to this energy.

If some one has some links to suggest a low cost solution please share.

Gas Pipe line from Iran
1. It will break monopoly of Sui Gas
2. Should come under water for security to Karachi
1400 MW/year:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: for 200-300 homes with free energy

Why China is making big dams and India doing civil nuclear agreement with US, UK and Korea. :cheesy:

Wind farms and solar energy is for local area use only in rich nations.

Building dams is just one means.

Nuclear is another

Solar & Wind is completely doable - with the advancement in solar panel capacity.

Infact it highly being used in US ... where ppl are covering up their home roofs with pannels , which saves them 60% of their energy bills to 80%.

The only difference is innovation.

Dams result in huge amount of land being flooded , and also it destroys natural ecosystems

Most people in Pakistan/Middle east are acustomed to the low grade pannels , or tiny solar cells in calculators so they don't really grasp the advacement

Why wait for WAPDA , just be free - or give gift of freedom to your home in Pakistan - someone you know or your relative
Solar is the future . Go solar or perish. Oil will dry up soon. Wind and hydel cannot provide enough energy to power the world. Only solar can do it. Big solar plants by the size of GW should be made. Oil economy will be replaced by solar-hydrogen economy. In such an economy the Indian subcontinent will become the focus of the world(If PAkis and Indis do not destroy each other). Most of the energy will come from Thar desert. For Pakistan it should be Baluchistan.
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