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Solution to Pakistan's Energy Problems by Me

I do differ with the figures quoted by the thread starter. In 2007 I had the same idea of using solar energy. However when I contacted different sources online and a government department in Pakistan I got different figures from every one. The Pakistani source quoted around 1 million rupees to convert one typical house on solar energy excluding heating. Even bigger problem is maintenance of the batteries.

So at present it is not feasible for a household to convert to this energy.

If some one has some links to suggest a low cost solution please share.

I don't know about Pakistan but 1000's of households in the US have already installed solar panels and systems successfully and some are already making more energy to sell it back to the grid (also known as net Metering).

There is enough information and pricing available all over the Internet, I am surprised no one has used their friend Google yet? :hitwall:

http://planetgreen.com is full of this information.

Check out videos on green homes:

Check out these shows:
"Living Roof and Waterfall A/C" there for sure.

DESERTEC, a European company has some great info too: www.desertec.org

Have fun!

AZADPAKISTAN2009: Man, you gotta do more study, either you are naiive or a rookie...

Gas Pipe line from Iran
1. It will break monopoly of Sui Gas
2. Should come under water for security to Karachi

Are you serious? You rather have foreign oil/gas than your own. Whats wrong with Sui monopoly? It's a national asset, which is running out fast by the way. Sometimes we should think about what we are saying!?

I am not sure why it has to come under water? Its doesn't provide much security, someone can just torpedo it from a ship or submarine 100's of mile away without us knowing anyway. If you go that route might as well have it over land as it is better protected.
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Solar is the future . Go solar or perish. Oil will dry up soon. Wind and hydel cannot provide enough energy to power the world. Only solar can do it. Big solar plants by the size of GW should be made. Oil economy will be replaced by solar-hydrogen economy. In such an economy the Indian subcontinent will become the focus of the world(If PAkis and Indis do not destroy each other). Most of the energy will come from Thar desert. For Pakistan it should be Baluchistan.

First Gas pile line is not Oil Pile line, both are different.

So if its so good then Why India is not making it high priority for its energy source, Be an example first.:coffee:
What's good for India for major power generation is good for Pakistan too.
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Are you serious? You rather have foreign oil/gas than your own. Whats wrong with Sui monopoly? It's a national asset said:
Question: Whats wrong with Sui monopoly
1. Black mailing of Sardars for new exploration
2. they blow Sui gas pipe line every second day
Then why can every panchayat or village take initiation and start something like this??every village will become self sufficent in energy and it will lessen the burden of oil import..Its just my 2 cents ..even if they take loan for making windwills ..they can repay it with the income from supplying energy ..

PS: Dont laugh if its foolish
You are absolutely right; this is not only desirable, but one hundred percent doable. Shortfall is not only the result of the less electricity production or enhanced demand, it also happens because of the line losses. Pakistan is facing severe kind of line losses due to the very aged grid system, which is not been upgraded for decades now. The grid stations, lines, and transformers designed to distribute electricity for 10,000 homes are now responsible for 50,000 homes. There capacity has not been increase over time and no wonder we see line trips and transformer blowups on regular basis. No matter how much more electricity is produced with whichever the method, until and unless the distribution network is improved radically, we are not going to see any substantial improvement.

Now what Seiko is suggesting makes perfect sense for situations such as the current one where there is very little money to improve the distribution network. It may not be easy for the older residential areas, but all the new residential societies or mega projects can be forced to have some kind of local energy production units. For instance in Israel, all the households are required to have solar units for water heating at least. The same is also doable in Pakistan or in any other country.

Another notable point is that most energy is not consumed by the lower or lower middle class; it is consumed by the upper middle and upper class, the folk who live in the gated communities and could easily afford to install Rs 50,000-500,000 solar units on the roof of their villas. Similarly most private institutions, Banks, Factories can also be forced to install their own power generation units as all of them have plenty of extra money to spend.
I don't know about Pakistan but 1000's of households in the US have already installed solar panels and systems successfully and some are already making more energy to sell it back to the grid (also known as net Metering).
US govt. not only exempt tax but also subsidise the solar panels cost.
Pakistan govt. tax it heavily on dictation from IMF.
Well the solution I proposed was simple it focused on the Unit , that is a Home in Pakistan

160,000,000 Million is the estimated Population of Pakistan , each home has 8 people at least
that means we have 20 Million Homes that need Electricity

The second thing I wanted to show was that instead of buying Oil or electric generators , the cost is approximately equal to price of
paying for the Petrol and price of that electric generator.

Finally what I showed was that if Pakistani government gives 4 Solar Panels per home if a home buys 1 panel, it would cost Pakistan roughly 1.6 Billion Dollars , but this would actually create 2.5 Billion revenue (Money saved from paying for Petrol) it showed that the system would pay for itself in 11 years.

Finally I proved that for $800 dollars you can buy 1 panel and a gov finances 4 pannels for you
Will generate 1400 Watts

Below is list of items and their Usage of Watts , you can see you can do alot !!!!

Light a Bulb - 60 Watts
Light a Bulb - 60 Watts
Light a Bulb - 60 Watts
Light a Bulb - 60 Watts
TV 32 Inch - 125 Watts
Fridge - 194 Watts (Ones made after 2001)
Computer/Monitor - 200 Watts

So far we have only used 759 Watts of Energy

So lets turn on some fans in home ...we have extra energy for free
Ceiling Fan 1 - 55 Watts (Bedroom)
Ceiling Fan 2 - 55 Watts (Living Room)
Ceiling Fan 3 - 55 Watts (Study Room)
Floor Fan - 100Watts

As you can see with 1400 Watt Systems installed on each home in Pakistan , you don't really need the POWER GRID (a electric company to provide you with electricity)

TO GET OFF THE POWER GRID YOU NEED TO SPEND $800 USD per home , and country pays you $800 x 4 USD per home
so you can install that 1400 watt system

COST TO COUNTRY 1.8 Billion Dollar our whole defence budget is what 5 billion USD so goes to show its possible cut one expense and solve a problem in 1 year

Electric Generators

@ Critics may say well Pakistanis can't spend 800-2000 USD from their own pockets

Answer : No they can , they already proven by buying Japanese made Electric generators
which cost 900 USD to 1500 USD that Middle class Pakistani families can certainly afford it

@ How does this plan saves Money for Pakistan

Number one , each pakistani home does not pays 100 USD per month to Petrol purchase which comes from outside Pakistan ... that means end of the month ever Pakistani home has
100 USD extra to use in Pakistani Economy

Three problems solved

Money not going out of Pakistan to Middle east or Japan etc

20,000,000 Million homes in Pakistan x 100 USD = 2.0 Billion dollars SAVED

This 2 Billion dollar will not go out of PAKISTANI ECONOMY will stay in Pakistan so people will buy food , fruits or purchase which will boost economy

Solar is free

This plan does not involve HUGE power plant creation
This plan does not involves years of approval wait to get land to build power plant
This plan does not involves parliment to get their CUT or share
This plan does not even involves you going to WAPDA to beg for lines or activation

The ENERGY Produced by WAPDA , or Hydral Energy can be 85% used to run factories and even power Pakistan Railways if we implement the route to move towards Solar Energy Independence


1.8 Billion is a very very small amount from National Perspective and the consumer is only using the ROOF top of their own homes

There are various ways this 1.8 billion can be financed

a) Cutting Defense Budget by 2 billion for only 1 year
b) Approaching China for 2 billion cooperation
c) Taking it from National Reserves (We have 18 Billion Dollar National Reserve in 2011)
d) Approaching friendly countries for cooperation
I cannot digest this 1400 MW from a single windmill. Can somebody put some light on it.

This reference link was posted in origional post read untill the end andyou will see the end there the figure of 1400 MW generation in year free energy , and you can also see the comparitive SIZE of the windmill its size of a large sky scraper not your normal windmill

Toronto Wind Energy Co-op Windmill

Light a Bulb - 60 Watts
Light a Bulb - 60 Watts
Light a Bulb - 60 Watts
Light a Bulb - 60 Watts
Another suggestion I may like to add. The above 4 light bulbs consume 240 Watts. Now in India, CFL bulbs are being used in a big way. Let's see how they save energy and costs.....

1x10 watt CFL bulb = 60 Watts illumination of normal bulb.
Therefore 4x10 Watt CFL bulbs will give you the same illumination as 4x60 Watt normal bulbs. Meaning you save 200 Watts per hour!!

Let's take 100 million Pakistanis consuming this energy. They would be saving 100 million x 200 Watts per hour!! :woot: Figure that out!!

And CFL bulbs last 10 times longer than your normal bulbs!

Great Solution,
There is plenty of renewable energy within pakistan. However the stupid people who are incharge dont have clue what renewable energy is, All they care about is how they going to stay in power and how to make money through dodgy contracts.

Also as a nation the people of pakistan need to understand that there is other methods of getting electricity other then from the national grid.

We need to have innovation which i believe is lacking within pakistan

Best Regards
Excuse me!
We Pakistanis developed Mist Energy, Offshore Mist Energy, we lead the world in high altitude wind energy, ocean current energy, CSP, (tower) wind energy, and most of all Ocean current energy -- and you are going to complain of innovation in pakistan?!
Excuse me!
We Pakistanis developed Mist Energy, Offshore Mist Energy, we lead the world in high altitude wind energy, ocean current energy, CSP, (tower) wind energy, and most of all Ocean current energy -- and you are going to complain of innovation in pakistan?!
Thanks to Pakistan..there is do doubt about your innovations!!!!!!!!...because of you only there is abundance of power everywhere.... kon sala cheda aapko Sir!
@AZADPAKISTAN2009 I still believe Gov won't do it not under nawaz-zardari regimes and their Allies it is simply impossible if there is no commissions involved and future profits for their pockets are eliminated it means no profitability for them Gov/Allies thus such program rejected you think Gov would not have thought about it?. But lets discuss if there were a fair Gov in place we would have started from Northern Areas/AZD Kashmir/Gwadar/Pishin-parts of Bulochistan/Sindh.

In my opinion poor Areas/backward Areas needs to be upgraded with such program before making it mainstream just like israel that every home or % of Homes need to have solar panels Installed, ambitious program but indeed it would be a slow program. Than there are other costs associated with it sometimes those solar panels get damaged it would need repairs Gov would need to keep money for that too.
All these are very good ideas of course, and their implementations should be regional based, on type of regional climate to be more precise.
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