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‘Soft border approach can bring India into CPEC’

If Pakistan-India forum has not worked for last 70 years it will not work with CPEC , becasue we can see from Iran-Pakistan pipeline project that due to India , the project remained shelved for 14 to 15 years and in end India backed out convinently.

The failure to close the project in due time resulted in Extreme gas shortages in Pakistan between 2009-2013

Indian PM has openly stated his government was involved in Baluchistan raw operations

And also it is no suprise that we captured Raw agent from Baluchistan and picked up agents and Terrorist from Karachi

There is growing suspicion that many of the Operations done Bombing , Robbery and other criminal cricles are sponsored by India

If 4-5% Of Indians feel there should be Business with Pakistan , and then the other group of Extremist Hindu in India, feel it is ok to enhance Terrorism in Pakistan by support of RAW. Then I am afraid negotiation with such Extremist groups in India is not ideal

  • No free trade with India
  • No CPEC
  • No busienss

Specially after involvement of RAW in Karachi , which derailed economy in Karachi , it is absolutely a unimaginable idea to involve Hindu Extremist into CPEC

If Rangers and Security Services have worked hard to capture or close down RAW's operations in Pakistan , this hard work would be undermined by allowing India open border with Pakistan to send in few thousand more Terrorist / Spies into Pakistan to establish new criminal rings and operational capacity for espionage

We need to speak or adapt a Language that Extremist elements in Indian government understand

Such ideas should only be entertained if

  • Pakistan's Secret Services will issue certificate of safety of allowing such actions (Step1)
  • Military Heads will issue a certificate of safety of allowing such actions (Step 2)
  • Pakistan's Senate will get enough Agreement 80% majority (Step 3)

Unless that happens the best strategy is secure the border , prepare a stern response team and enable the Secret service team
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Will Pakistan,in the future,have the luxury to decide that who's in and who's out for CPEC ?
That's the question.
Right now,we all proudly proclaim 'our land,our decisions' but I see this luxury slipping away from Pakistan as the project progresses ahead.If in the future,Chinese policy makers start thinking that India's inclusion in CPEC is a very good prospect for Chinese economy,then I think Pakistan wouldn't be in a position to say no.
Well presently there is no near term possiblity of any CPEC involvement of India , untill the project is completed.

Sure the goods can be shipped out internationally any where in world however there won't be any Indian company in Pakistan nor its citizens operating in Pakistan as Kalbushan Yadev

These personel would be hunted down and brought to justice

The Hindu Extremist party presently in power in India is not at a Idealogical level to negotiate anything with Pakistan, negotiations are done with people who want to have peaceful ties.

Not run covert RAW operations in Karachi and Baluchistan while attending Nawaz sharif's private family relative's wedding party

Involvement in CPEC is not possible unless Kashmir issue is resolved
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Lets see what Pakistan have to say about CPEC now. While India has the right to get in or not, Pakistan is relying heavily on this $47B investment from China, will they be able to say no to India's involvement or will they have to budge and get along with whatever China suggests? After all Pakistan has done over the years to rake up Kashmir issue, it'll be interesting to see if they can show China its a non negotiable issue.

Kashmir or CPEC, whats it going to be?

If Pakistan could not be forced to do things against her interest by US what makes you think China can...friendship is friendship to a limit, 46 billion buys you only so much...every country in the world knows Pakistan has a limit and its called Kashmir and India. India using Pakistani road means Pakistan having more leverage over India not the other way around
Open border ? How did you even thought that india will agree to have such open borders ?
We are the ones spending our money to close the borders completely. Not you.
How you wish it was open and we wont close it.

Its nothing but a day dreaming of your people that india will allow soft borders, let alone open borders.

Abay dhakan there is no need to wet your chaddi, try to understand the post before hitting reply button in excitement.
But what advantage will India get from joining CPEC. If I understand correctly, China and Central Asian Nations may benefit from a warm water port in the Arabian Sea, but India already has ports in Gujarat and Maharastra.

India certainly won't have any infrastructure funding from China for joining CPEC.

If We (or China) builds a Cheap Manufacturing Hub in Pakistan that can export Goods to India, then that is a probable scenario for them to do business with us.

Keep in mind, notwithstanding the hype in the news, goods are still exported to and imported from India daily (sometimes by rerouting shipments via U.A.E, something which Indian importers know we do). For businesses, profit comes before politics.
China is giving India all reconciliation opportunities before adopting hardline on some regional issues.............
Only project India Might join in CPEC is if it involves a 50 feet high wall all along the border with Pakistan.other than road access to Afghanistan for trade there is nothing CPEC offers India..already the sub contracters are sourcing someone of the matterial required for cpec is being sourced from Indian companies registered in 3rd countries...

China is giving India all reconciliation opportunities before adopting hardline on some regional issues.............
Could be true ,if china will deside Pakistans policy for Pakistanies.
There is growing suspicion that many of the Operations done Bombing , Robbery and other criminal cricles are sponsored by India
Apart from Robbery and other criminal circles sponsored by India, what about mobile snatching, PICK POCKETING, load shedding, target killing, MQM political violence, ethnic clashes
Pakistan should allow India in CPEC, just charge them. Pure business.
That's what it should be...offer them ground route at costing less than air route to Afghanistan /Iran but keep track of their activities through extensive surveillance and intelligence network..
This is a great idea in theory, but that region is full of violent people. People who think more local(cultural mindset) than global(trade).
Maybe 20-25 years down the line, the borders will be blurred.
I dont know whether this is a great idea but i believe if you give access to one road going to europe through Pakistan from India and charge for the accessibility that will be a step forward without loosing anything to both the parties and both the nation will start people to people contact which neither government can deny. This idea can generate more employment through Pak than CPEC
In case of Indian involvement, there will be RAW agents exporting terrorists in disguise of truck drivers :buba_phone:
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