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Soap Operas and Schools Bring Turkish Culture to Pakistan

next time don't sneak in things like fair skinned or 'dark complexioned' when it has nothing to do with this topic. even if you want to talk about culture, that has nothing to do with pigmentation of skin or eyes which varies with geographic latitude. and saying sindhis/punjabis have gotten an identity in last 65 years versus your '1000s years'. you and your monkey afghan friend obviously love to indirectly express your complexes, then when anybody calls you out on it you cry foul.

most pashtuns i've met are amongst the nicest, humble and least arrogant people i know, and don't take your sewer mentality as having any impact on my impression of them. afterall i'm concerned for you as fellow countrymen to drop this weird divide in your minds. we live together now, we are one and part of each other for the past 65 years. have your 'separate identity', be proud of it, but understand it within the context of Islam, and not by belittling or looking down on other Pakistanis.

dont want to get into a religious debate here. if you don't know about sufiism then dont speak on it like you do. better to be perceived a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt. there is no barelvi deobandi or other garbage on day of judgement. a muslim is muslim, and you will be judged on your actions. simple as that.

If some one says that he is tall or he has green/blue eyes or he is mascular or he is fair, then you dont need to over-react and call him racist, it would simply reveal your inner complexes. You not only over-reacted but crossed the line and said offensive and racist stuff against all pashtun people...if you are really pegham of mohabat then apologize for your racist and derogatory remarks against pashtun community..they are your countrymen, come on
If some one says that he is tall or he has green/blue eyes or he is mascular or he is fair, then you dont need to over-react and call him racist, it would simply reveal your inner complexes. You not only over-reacted but crossed the line and said offensive and racist stuff against all pashtun people...if you are really pegham of mohabat then apologize for your racist and derogatory remarks against pashtun community..they are your countrymen, come on

dear monkey, open a metrosexual gay fashion thread if you want to talk about your physical appearance. don't bring it into topics that have nothing to do with it. no one cares. and i always pointed out that some so-called pashtuns on this forum display this attitude. i've never met one in real life doing so.
Here's a Time Magazine article on Hollywood bending to get Chinese business:

We already knew some filming of Iron Man 3 took place in China, and that the movie has a Chinese co-distributor and that Chinese actor Wang Xueqi has a role — but, as of late last week, Chinese Iron Man fans have another reason to feel special: they’re getting their very own version of the movie.

(MORE: Licence to Cut as Skyfall Censored in China)

After the May 3 release of the Marvel tentpole, another edition will be released in China and will be marketed and distributed by Chinese distribution company DMG Entertainment. (DMG is listed as a co-producer for the film on IMDB, but this latest press release clarifies that, in China at least, the movie is a Marvel production distributed by DMG.) The announcement, available on Deadline, told fans that the Chinese version would include bonus footage:

The Chinese version of the film will also feature a special appearance of China’s top actress, Fan Bingbing, and will offer specially prepared bonus footage made exclusively for the Chinese audience. Marvel Studios’ experience working on this film with Fan Bingbing and Wang Xueqi and in shooting in China has been very positive and has created a springboard for future collaboration with China’s talented stars and its growing film and television industry.

DMG has experience with this kind of situation, as the Los Angeles Times points out: Looper also received financing from the company and had a Chinese version that showed more of Shanghai than U.S. audiences saw.

These little nods to the appetites of Chinese fans — or, in some cases, the potential future decisions of Chinese censors, as other movies have learned the hard way — may not seem like much. But studios must be betting that a few extra Chinese location shots or scenes with Chinese actors could pay off in a big way, and they’ve got reason to think it’s possible: analysts predict that China, currently the No. 2 box-office market in the world, will surpass the U.S. within the next decade.

'Iron Man 3' China Cut Will Be Different | TIME.com
^great actress. loved her work in 'Shaolin' and 'Lost in Beijing'. really encourage people to see some of her films. for those unfamiliar, fan bingbing is the one below

dear monkey, open a metrosexual gay fashion thread if you want to talk about your physical appearance. don't bring it into topics that have nothing to do with it. no one cares. and i always pointed out that some so-called pashtuns on this forum display this attitude. i've never met one in real life doing so.

So you are not sorry for your anti-pakhtun remarks...you could simply have told ghilzai that not to mention his iris colour and skine tone (as it makes you uncomfortable for some reason), but you crossed the lines. Instead of dealing with ghilzai one to one, you vent your racism on all pashtuns. You didnt just attacked ghilzai, you passed racist attacks against all pakistani pakhtuns...you insulted @Hyperion, @taimi khan, @ Spring onion, @Abu Zolfiqar every one...you call us names and then edited your post...you are pegham-e-nafrat and racism...if you have some character, if you think of yourself as proper pakistani, then apologize to pashtun community of pakistan.
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So you are not sorry for your anti-pakhtun remarks...you could simply have told ghilzai that not to mention his iris colour and skine tone (as it makes you uncomfortable for some reason), but you crossed the lines. Instead of dealing with ghilzai one to one, you vent your racism on all pashtuns. You didnt just attacked ghilzai, you passed racist attacks against all pakistani pakhtuns...you insulted @Hyperion, @taimi khan, @ Spring onion, @Abu Zolfiqar every one...you call us names and then edited your post...you are pegham-e-nafrat and racism...if you have some character, if you think of yourself as proper pakistani, then apologize to pashtun community of pakistan.
@Monkey D Luffy

i hav tons of Pushtun frends in Pindi/Isl n they r not da way som of u pushtuns here:undecided:

thy r not like me me me,pushtun pushtun pushtun,we we we we r da best,our community, our race blah blah blah....

thy consider them first Pakistani thn anythin else!
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So you are not sorry for your anti-pakhtun remarks...you could simply have told ghilzai that not to mention his iris colour and skine tone (as it makes you uncomfortable for some reason), but you crossed the lines. Instead of dealing with ghilzai one to one, you vent your racism on all pashtuns. You didnt just attacked ghilzai, you passed racist attacks against all pakistani pakhtuns...you insulted @Hyperion, @taimi khan, @ Spring onion, @Abu Zolfiqar every one...you call us names and then edited your post...you are pegham-e-nafrat and racism...if you have some character, if you think of yourself as proper pakistani, then apologize to pashtun community of pakistan.

oye bas karr. show me where i said anything against all pashtuns. i wouldnt have replied if he didn't say that punjabis have identity for 65 years but ghilzais have had an identity for thousands of years. so i reminded him historically what punjabis were and what his tribe was. none of it is wrong, though truth may seem harsh. go research, come back and tell me that ghilzais don't have heavy turkic and mongol genetics, theyre even proud of it. tell me that they did not migrate from further northwest in afghanistan before settling near the indus only centuries back. you cant refute any of these things because its fact. but dont take that fact and try to mock punjabis for having no history, etc. we're proud of our history, and you be proud of yours. fine? talk about ghilzais farsis hazaras all you want, but don't run your mouth about non pashtuns like we owe you something.
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p.s. in Saudi Arabia - a lot of labourers including those from Pakistan have their passports taken away and they are not treated with the respect they deserve; whereas in Turkiye if you say you are from Pakistan (regardless of how rich you are) the people smile and recognize Pakistan as one of the earliest allies of their Republic (and Muslims of the sub-continent as those who supported the erstwhile Khilafat even in its dying dies)

9 times out of 10 when a Turk realized I was not Turkish they say "nerelisiniz" (where ARE you from) and when you say Pakistan they say "Pakistan....dost ve kardesh ulke" (friendly brother country)

I can confirm this as true.
A lot of the Turkish and Chinese I've met had a positive attitude towards Pakistan. And what you said about KSA is also true, despite them being our allies and "brotherly nation".

Entertainment works in subtle ways to change people's thinking.

Here's a excerpt of a recent Bloomberg story on Turkish soaps in Pakistan:

Anila Shaikh, 43, and her teenage daughter Mariam watched each of the 165 episodes of “Forbidden Love” at home in Rawalpindi, just outside the capital, Islamabad.

They were so taken by the show that Shaikh promised her daughter a bridal dress to match the one Nihal picked for her wedding, nuptials that never happened after the spurned and brokenhearted stepmother Bihter shot herself dead.

“I don’t really care who will object to that strapless wedding gown in my family,” Shaikh said at her home in a middle-class neighborhood last month. “I want to see my daughter as beautiful as Nihal looked that day.”

Forbidden Love Wins Pakistani Hearts as TV Tackles Social Taboos - Bloomberg

There have been studies of the influence of Cable TV among women in India by American researchers Robert Jensen and Emily Oster who found that the effect of TV in 2700 households empowered women to be more autonomous. Cable TV households had lower birthrates, less domestic abuse and kept daughters in schools.

Ok, but how do you know she meant what she said. Anyone can say anything on TV

It's not a Hadeeth or anything.
- Beloved Zardari
I can confirm this as true.
A lot of the Turkish and Chinese I've met had a positive attitude towards Pakistan. And what you said about KSA is also true, despite them being our allies and "brotherly nation".

i think on an individual level Saudis are nice and fairly friendly people and they can make fun and loyal friends; that's just based on my own interactions

but then again, there's the other side of the story when we are talking about some of the labourers (who work their azzes off) who are mistreated and not treated with dignity; that has to change. Slavery is forbidden in Islam and some of those workers are literally treated as slaves.

Turkey is not a tribalistic or feudalistic type of society; over there even many rich people dont keep house-workers or domestic servants....people dont keep drivers (Except business executives maybe)

you can be dirt poor - but you will still be treated with respect for the most part

out of all Muslim countries, Turks tend to value life the most......even their stray animals on the street are taken care of and given food.

but now ive gone way off subject
oye bas karr. show me where i said anything against all pashtuns. i wouldnt have replied if he didn't say that punjabis have identity for 65 years but ghilzais have had an identity for thousands of years. so i reminded him historically what punjabis were and what his tribe was. none of it is wrong, though truth may seem harsh. go research, come back and tell me that ghilzais don't have heavy turkic and mongol genetics, theyre even proud of it. tell me that they did not migrate from further northwest in afghanistan before settling near the indus only centuries back. you cant refute any of these things because its fact. but dont take that fact and try to mock punjabis for having no history, etc. we're proud of our history, and you be proud of yours. fine? talk about ghilzais farsis hazaras all you want, but don't run your mouth about non pashtuns like we owe you something.

Who cares about history?. You called us bacha baz, charsi, nomadic barbarians, cave monkies and what not and then you edited your post...this is not so cool pa ji, apne user name ka laaj ruk....why you are suffering from so much intense punjabism?...pashtuns are your fellow pakistanis, atleast you should have some guilt for your offensive remarks against atleast 35 million pakistanis...
@Monkey D Luffy

i hav tons of Pushtun frends in Pindi/Isl n they r not da way som of u pushtuns here:undecided:

thy r not like me me me,pushtun pushtun pushtun,we we we we r da best,our community, our race blah blah blah....

thy consider them first Pakistani thn anythin else!

and Pegham-e-nafrat insulted your pashtun friends who consider themeselves first pakistanis and then any thing else
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oye bas karr. show me where i said anything against all pashtuns. i wouldnt have replied if he didn't say that punjabis have identity for 65 years but ghilzais have had an identity for thousands of years. so i reminded him historically what punjabis were and what his tribe was. none of it is wrong, though truth may seem harsh. go research, come back and tell me that ghilzais don't have heavy turkic and mongol genetics, theyre even proud of it. tell me that they did not migrate from further northwest in afghanistan before settling near the indus only centuries back. you cant refute any of these things because its fact. but dont take that fact and try to mock punjabis for having no history, etc. we're proud of our history, and you be proud of yours. fine? talk about ghilzais farsis hazaras all you want, but don't run your mouth about non pashtuns like we owe you something.

Dear you just got offended because i told the gent that we dont share a same culture, and we dont look the same, i gave him a description of looks and difference of culture and explained we are countrymen but we are not culturally same.

He banged on about Pakistani culture, i pointed it out to him that its only 65 years old, no one mentioned the culture of Punjabis or sindhis being 65 year old.

Your jealousy got the better of you because you just can't handle the fact the we are much better looking and have history that is unmatched not that it was implied by me.

We are very proud of our turkic ancestry, just like you are proud of your Hindu and Sikh ancestry, that is clearly visible by your second flag.

@luffy, we always disagree but its good to know that flesh and blood is always stronger then so called countrymen.
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People need to realize this is the internet and not act like 9 year olds.
@Monkey D Luffy

i hav tons of Pushtun frends in Pindi/Isl n they r not da way som of u pushtuns here:undecided:

thy r not like me me me,pushtun pushtun pushtun,we we we we r da best,our community, our race blah blah blah....

thy consider them first Pakistani thn anythin else!

Well dear madam you learnt something, we are all individuals not everyone is like those pashtuns in islamabad and pindi.

I see you have supported your creed even though there was no racism or degrading in my post; i learnt something aswell today that being a patriotic Pakistani only gets you a kick in the teeth, today i have learnt the value of flesh and blood.
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