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So What About SU-30s, Mirage-2000s, Mr Dhanoa !!!!

He is right.
On Feb 27, Su-30s & M2Ks were outnumbered 6:1 whereas they can take on odds of upto 2:1 against 4th gen jets (8:1 against 3rd gen).

On the other hand, Rafales with Meteors can easily take on odds of 8:1 against 4th gen jets (12:1 against 3rd gen).
Wait what..
I never knew we had 1800 f16s when did that happeno_O
is that an admission that Abhinandan did not shoot down any F-16?

After Balakot if India had Rafale, things would have been different: Retd Air chief BS Dhanoa
He said that the attacks on Pathankot, Uri and Pulwama were clear signs that conventional deterrence was inadequate to withhold the enemy from executing terrorism on Indian soil.


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Jan 04, 2020, 17:16 PM IST

New Delhi: Retired Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa claimed that had India procured Rafale jets after Balakot attacks "things would have been different". He also lamented about the politicization of the procurement of defence equipment.

"After Balakot if you had Rafale, things would have been different. If Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman had been flying a Rafale and not a MIG21, things would have definitely been different I feel. Why was he not flying a Rafale? Because it took 10 years to decide which aircraft you want to buy. The entire process is delayed if defensive procurements are politicised. So it affects you," he said, adding, "If you politicise a defence acquisition system, the whole system goes behind and the entire process delays and you start moving ahead in a slow pace because people start becoming very conscious."

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Dhanoa also gave the example of Bofors and the controversy around it comparing it to the Rafale jet deal. He said "See for example in the Bofors - it’s a very good gun but the whole thing got mired in controversy. Rafale also the same questions were asked and it’s a good thing for us that the controversy has somewhat died and the Supreme Court has given a very good judgement on the issue. You have many agencies that do audit in the deal."

The former Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee further revealed that the Indian Air Force had proposed punitive action through airstrikes in response to both the 2001 Parliament attack as well as the 2006 Mumbai attack but it was rejected by the then ruling government as not a "viable option".

The retired Chief of Air Staff opined that since India never took any punitive action the terrorists got confident that India will not retaliate in case of another terrorist attack. Attacks on Pathankot, Uri and Pulwama were clear signs that conventional deterrence was inadequate to withhold the enemy from executing terrorism on Indian soil.

While it's to be seen in IAF hands what miracles can or will the Rafale pull, however, if IAF is relying on the French fighter to be it's saving grace, one wonders what's the use of having over 300 SU-30s and Mirage-2000s which were once claimed to be an overkill of PAF.
But since we know the obvious, better come clean Mr Dhanoa

This incompetent excuse of an air warrior, he is trying to hide his incompetence behind a platform he never had.
Did he not knew it before he agreed to take part in Modi's political drama? if he did not then it confirms his incompetency, if he did that confirms his criminal participation in a politically motivated misadventure that caused 7 Indian lives. This moron should be court martialed and shot for his criminal incompetence.
All made up info.
No Sukhois got even a scratch and no radar problem with Mirages.
Both were told to go to a safe zone ASAP as they were outnumbered 6:1 and wait till reinforcement arrive from Punjab and Haryana.

That's odd, Kashmir where 700,000 Indian Army Troops are based. One of the most militarized of parts of the Asian Continent, second only go to the North Korea - South Korea. And you're saying that Indian Air Force was out numbered by Pakistan Air Force? Sounds to me, that India really doesn't have it's priorities in order, the Vale of Kashmir you have a hot border with Pakistan. Whereas Ladakh it has a hot border with China. Means that India was suffering from either the availability is of operational combat aircraft in Kashmir, or better yet, India chickened out.
Once Rafaels are shot down he would be like only if we had F35..... and the list goes on and on.....
How about if we had skills, professionalism, dedication, love for the country and ofcourse balls

I'd want them to procure some FGFJ from US. Once deployed, it's going to be good for military strategical gaining for both sino-pak. As a result of that, we'll keep our keen eyes on 'em & doing all the stuff one requires to get the knowledge of know-how-to detect/track FGFJ with bit of a help of Iron brothers since we know some naive Indians pilots won't be able to resist their longing of flying it (if not across) at-least close to the borders. Well, all these are speculation & US know this damn well. They're not gonna sell them soon.

Jesus Christ that mustache alone can deter every Tom, Dick and Harry all over the world and they cant deter "Terrorists"!??!

o_O:woot::cheesy::blink: Sorry guys cant help it really hahahahahaha!!!
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Yea all made up and i suppose you were present in the COC to come up with this nonsense.
Why are your warlords making all the claims , why not let Abhi face the media and answer some questions.
I have all info.

Abhi has no relations with what Su-30 & M2K were told to do

Than why not f@cking reinforcements come?

Source? of your wet dream?
They came around 24 of them.
But it took 35 minutesed for them to come by which time PAF returned deep into Pak airspace

Wait what..
I never knew we had 1800 f16s when did that happeno_O
You had 12 F16 & 12 JF17, we had only 2 Su 30 & 2 M2K.
You had 12 F16 & 12 JF17, we had only 2 Su 30 & 2 M2K.
According to Indian version but in Pakistani version only 12 jet used in strike package 6 JF-17/6 Mirages-5, F-16 were doing combat air patrol well inside Pakistani airspace according to DG ISPR
I have all info.
Yea, just like you had info on Alan Warnes but then Christian Fair burst your bubble.
Abhi has no relations with what Su-30 & M2K were told to do
So everyone in the IAF operates with their own method....just like the India media.
They came around 24 of them.
But it took 35 minutesed for them to come by which time PAF returned deep into Pak airspace

You had 12 F16 & 12 JF17, we had only 2 Su 30 & 2 M2K.
So you admit that 24 PAF aircraft intruded into Indian airspace and all the Indians could shoot down was their own helicopter after losing two aircraft....lol only happens in India.
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AMRAAM's are not known to just scratch

All made up info.
No Sukhois got even a scratch and no radar problem with Mirages.
Both were told to go to a safe zone ASAP as they were outnumbered 6:1 and wait till reinforcement arrive from Punjab and Haryana.
They came around 24 of them.
But it took 35 minutesed for them to come by which time PAF returned deep into Pak airspace

It took them 35 minutes?! That sounds too slow.. where did you read this?
They came around 24 of them.
But it took 35 minutesed for them to come by which time PAF returned deep into Pak airspace

So in the high tension time, when u were expecting a response from Pakistan, Your fighters needed 35 mins to reinforce ???
i mean what would be timeline in situations where the response would be totally unexpected. 2 years ?

You had 12 F16 & 12 JF17, we had only 2 Su 30 & 2 M2K.
And what were u doing with 2 SU30s and 2 M2K ??? I mean what were the rest of the Airforce doing ?
We have deterrence for full scale war, but not for small scale attacks and militant actions.

But now we are using our strengths to make the cost very high for Pakistan. This is the reason for the very high activity across LOC recently.

also in small skirmishes, the outcome can go anyway but in a major war India will triumph as always.

territorial integrity of India and other territories gotten after independence is not negotiable or debatable with anyone anymore.

Kashmir is a disputed territory as agree by India in UN. Rest we have no such claims.
We should have taken 9 down, this is the biggest mistake we did

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