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So What About SU-30s, Mirage-2000s, Mr Dhanoa !!!!

He is right.
On Feb 27, Su-30s & M2Ks were outnumbered 6:1 whereas they can take on odds of upto 2:1 against 4th gen jets (8:1 against 3rd gen).

On the other hand, Rafales with Meteors can easily take on odds of 8:1 against 4th gen jets (12:1 against 3rd gen).
This is the proof that we have downed SU-30, slowly slowly they are accepting the truth.....Many PDFers bashed me when I told them second pilot landed right on top of our post and died at CMH.....

One SU-30 shot down and their believe on it shattered....Wait when we shoot down Rafale and then they will beg USA or Russia for stealth aircraft.
On your post ?
We have deterrence for full scale war, but not for small scale attacks and militant actions.

But now we are using our strengths to make the cost very high for Pakistan. This is the reason for the very high activity across LOC recently.

also in small skirmishes, the outcome can go anyway but in a major war India will triumph as always.

territorial integrity of India and other territories gotten after independence is not negotiable or debatable with anyone anymore.
No they are , actually . Kashmir is , it was forcefully captured . Pakistan didn't forcefully capture any territory .
We have deterrence for full scale war, but not for small scale attacks and militant actions.

But now we are using our strengths to make the cost very high for Pakistan. This is the reason for the very high activity across LOC recently.

also in small skirmishes, the outcome can go anyway but in a major war India will triumph as always.

territorial integrity of India and other territories gotten after independence is not negotiable or debatable with anyone anymore.

Good luck with this idiotic mentality.

the whole world is talking and discussing Kashmir ...... Sikhs are about to have their independence referendum, minorities are about to be put in mass prisons, economy is falling like rain drops , Muslims are demanding independence and Dalits are demanding to mass convert to Islam ....

And yet yes you are making the cost high for us!!!!!

Modi back sniffing can make you think like you do.
We have deterrence for full scale war, but not for small scale attacks and militant actions.

But now we are using our strengths to make the cost very high for Pakistan. This is the reason for the very high activity across LOC recently.

also in small skirmishes, the outcome can go anyway but in a major war India will triumph as always.

territorial integrity of India and other territories gotten after independence is not negotiable or debatable with anyone anymore.
Are you saying the 20 squardons of mig29, su30 and mirage2000 couldnt handle 3 squardons of f16s?.it should take a single sortie to take out all pakistani jets. And than force pakistan into submission.
Why didnt it happen?

We know pakistan has no long range sams. So why couldnt mirage drop a spice 2000 from 50+ km?

We know that jf17 is 3rd gen junk and f7 and mirages are 60 years old and most cant fly.

I guess india cant handle any odds greater than 1:20 as we saw in 1971

I was to be honest surpirsed how not only india paniked when pakistan came but also chickened out.
It was embrassing to be honest
On your post ?
Yes...on our post....

That is why no pictures or videos...he got injuries since he hard landed just top of our post and died at CMH.

He is right.
On Feb 27, Su-30s & M2Ks were outnumbered 6:1 whereas they can take on odds of upto 2:1 against 4th gen jets (8:1 against 3rd gen).

On the other hand, Rafales with Meteors can easily take on odds of 8:1 against 4th gen jets (12:1 against 3rd gen).
Only at your wet dreams.....Rafale is inferior to Su-30 and you know the result.....

It is not the machine but the person sitting behind it who makes the difference.
He is right.
On Feb 27, Su-30s & M2Ks were outnumbered 6:1 whereas they can take on odds of upto 2:1 against 4th gen jets (8:1 against 3rd gen).

On the other hand, Rafales with Meteors can easily take on odds of 8:1 against 4th gen jets (12:1 against 3rd gen).
Yea they were outnumbered because after seeing one getting blown to smithereens the other SU-30 left the area at supersonic speed while the Mirages suddenly developed radar issues and also went home....basically the IAF had no stomach to fight.
Yea they were outnumbered because after seeing one getting blown to smithereens the other SU-30 left the area at supersonic speed while the Mirages suddenly developed radar issues and also went home....basically the IAF had no stomach to fight.
All made up info.
No Sukhois got even a scratch and no radar problem with Mirages.
Both were told to go to a safe zone ASAP as they were outnumbered 6:1 and wait till reinforcement arrive from Punjab and Haryana.
All made up info.
No Sukhois got even a scratch and no radar problem with Mirages.
Both were told to go to a safe zone ASAP as they were outnumbered 6:1 and wait till reinforcement arrive from Punjab and Haryana.
Yea all made up and i suppose you were present in the COC to come up with this nonsense.
Why are your warlords making all the claims , why not let Abhi face the media and answer some questions.
All made up info.
No Sukhois got even a scratch and no radar problem with Mirages.
Both were told to go to a safe zone ASAP as they were outnumbered 6:1 and wait till reinforcement arrive from Punjab and Haryana.
Than why not f@cking reinforcements come?

Source? of your wet dream?
All made up info.
No Sukhois got even a scratch and no radar problem with Mirages.
Both were told to go to a safe zone ASAP as they were outnumbered 6:1 and wait till reinforcement arrive from Punjab and Haryana.
So the SU-30s and Mirages were told to bug out until help arrives.
And Abhinandan thought he was flying a space ship so he went ahead to challenge the PAF. :lol:
If you had a brain you would be dangerous.
Than why not f@cking reinforcements come?

Source? of your wet dream?

They did arrive but in Super Vedic stealth mode so no effing radar was able to track.

So the SU-30s and Mirages were told to bug out until help arrives.
And Abhinandan thought he was flying a space ship so he went ahead to challenge the PAF. :lol:
If you had a brain you would be dangerous.

Bottom line is that even if you got the best jets, you need balls of steel to employ them, which Safrons ain't got any.
All it took two super neat shots of AMRAAMs for the entire flock to bug out and crash land to the hangars and to not come out again. It's one thing to live the dream of a fighter pilot and another to act like one when it comes to that.
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